An ironic future
South Lizasauria
15-01-2007, 22:18
Suppose a decade or so from now America became like a second middle east, where republicans and democrats fought each other like the sunni and the shiites. And other subversive groups were constantly killing each other.
From 1-10 how possible would this be?
Greater Trostia
15-01-2007, 22:20
Not likely. Republicans and Democrats just aren't that polarized. A more likely scenario is some kind of civil war emerging from disputes regarding the increased political power of the office of the president, but this would be more like a rebellion or repression of rebellion than the kind of ethnic-based non-geographic war you are discussing.
So I'd give it a 1.
15-01-2007, 22:21
which value do you assign to "1"?
I can see the headlines now... (
Call to power
15-01-2007, 22:22
but there is no oil in the U.S thus it will be more like Chechnya yes horrible but does anyone really care?
15-01-2007, 22:23
It's not Reps' v Dems'. The only thing haappening with those two in the next ten years is probably a merge. It's that combination v everyone else the future's headed for.
South Lizasauria
15-01-2007, 22:24
which value do you assign to "1"?
1=least likely or not going to happen.
Sel Appa
15-01-2007, 22:26
I can see the headlines now... (
Sumamba Buwhan
15-01-2007, 22:26
on a scale of 1 to 10: who has the prettiest eyes?
South Lizasauria
15-01-2007, 22:33
:mp5: <All hail the almighty elephant!!!!) *runs to a limo with a democratic senator then self-destructs*
on a scale of 1 to 10: who has the prettiest eyes?
Sumamba Buwhan
15-01-2007, 22:36
:mp5: <All hail the almighty elephant!!!!) *runs to a limo with a democratic senator then self-destructs*
shouldn't your warcry then be "Allah Babar"? :p
Sumamba Buwhan
15-01-2007, 22:37
15-01-2007, 22:39
Nah. If the US splits up it will be because of regional concerns, not political parties. California getting sick of donating dollars to the middle states, for example.
Call to power
15-01-2007, 22:40
on a scale of 1 to 10: who has the prettiest eyes?
why is 6 afraid of 7? because 7 raped 9
I have no idea where I got that from :confused:
15-01-2007, 22:45
shouldn't your warcry then be "Allah Babar"? :p
It's Allah Ackbar, and please do not insult the most holy one here.
It's Allah Ackbar, and please do not insult the most holy one here.
Allah is here?
Sumamba Buwhan
15-01-2007, 22:51
It's Allah Ackbar, and please do not insult the most holy one here.
Not when we are speaking of elephants it isn't...
And I didn't insult anyone. I was making up a warcry for Republican terrorists silly pantaloons.
democrats and republicans aren't enemies. their greatest ennemy are the third parties.
Sumamba Buwhan
15-01-2007, 22:51
Allah is here?
Yeah he has a puppet that he likes to troll with.
Johnny B Goode
15-01-2007, 23:39
I can see the headlines now... (
Nearly impossible. Most people just don't care enough about politics to even consider fighting over it.
Not to mention that would be bad for pretty much everyone involved...
South Lizasauria
16-01-2007, 01:41
Nearly impossible. Most people just don't care enough about politics to even consider fighting over it.
Not to mention that would be bad for pretty much everyone involved...
C'mon politics is screwing up everyone's lives where I live, oil prices, communists running rampant, smaller goods with lower quality yet exorbitantly high price, and now I have to be careful of what I recycle by law.... brrrrr:(
Jello Biafra
16-01-2007, 01:52
why is 6 afraid of 7? because 7 raped 9
I have no idea where I got that from's "7 8 (ate) 9".
communists running rampant
Where do you live?
Bodies Without Organs
16-01-2007, 01:57
but there is no oil in the U.S...
Texan wealth was built purely on armadillo sales and ZZTop exports then?
South Lizasauria
16-01-2007, 01:58
Where do you live?
A coastal state in the US, all of them are lefty for some bizarre reason, my sister thinks its the water...:(
Sumamba Buwhan
16-01-2007, 02:04's "7 8 (ate) 9".
lol - I was wondering about that!
16-01-2007, 02:07
Texan wealth was built purely on armadillo sales and ZZTop exports then?
Yes. All the black stuff in the ground chocolate. :cool:
communists running rampant
Deny them your essence, and protect your precious bodily fluids. *nod*
I'll err on the side of seven. The extremists on each side are of course in the minority, but they also tend to carry the debate people; if only by yammering for so long that the moderates just leave the debate altogether in disgust. Although IF it happens I think it will start over "cultural" and political matters; economic/regional rivalries like Psychotic Dan pointed out will be what sustains anything.
Accordingly, rather than any "Nine Nations of North America" scenario, I foresee a more solidly political split based on prior territorial/national identities to US statehood. Places like Oregon Country (OR/WA/maybe ID if they conquer it...), the California Republic (including parts of Nevada, but see >), Utah/Colorado under the "Deseret" name (disputing parts of Nevada with California in what could become an "American Crusade" pretty quickly...:( ), and of course Texas (probably splitting New Mexico with Utah/Deseret at that river near Santa Fe that Texas claimed once IIRC), and more all emerging as countries of their own in the aftermath. If the Confederacy returns at all, it would probably be more in a rump form since Florida and Louisiana could probably do well enough on their own, economically and culturally speaking.
That wouldn't really be ironic.
What would be ironic if we discovered an oil reserve so big when we tapped it it drowned the world.
What would be ironic if we discovered an oil reserve so big when we tapped it it drowned the world.
For the initial poll on this forum, I'd definitely say 1. The Republicans and Democrats are moving closer and closer to social conservatism and economic liberalism. Not that it would matter much to me if they did. I am a Libertarian, so I wouldn't be affected. I'm a Libertarian, so neither would I care.
16-01-2007, 02:35
Allah is here?
Following the omnipotence logic, God is in your mothers pants right now. :)
Suppose a decade or so from now America became like a second middle east, where republicans and democrats fought each other like the sunni and the shiites. And other subversive groups were constantly killing each other.
I would gas the Wisconsin Cheese-Kurds.
16-01-2007, 02:41
why is 6 afraid of 7? because 7 raped 9
I have no idea where I got that from :confused:
Colodia, or at least he told me it was original.