Why do so many homosexuals act so "feminine"?
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:38
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality as turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
Why do so many homosexuals not act that way? Who cares if they do?
Why do so many homosexuals not act that way? Who cares if they do?
It's very annoying.
27-12-2006, 22:39
why do you assume that gay men are the only homosexuals? or do you have a problem with women acting "feminine"?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:40
It's very annoying.
In what way? Do you like your men more manly?
Look, if you don't like homosexuals, don't have sex with them. :p
why do you assume that gay men are the only homosexuals? or do you have a problem with women acting "feminine"?
It's obvious I wasn't talking about lezbians. Right from the first post.
That could be another thread, why do some lezbians have to act so masculine (only some, because most don't).
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
1) It's occasionally funny, especially if you're naturally butch.
2) It makes straight guys freak out.
Nothing like making a pass at a homophobe or a closet case for giggles.
In what way? Do you like your men more manly?
Damn, Eve, you just HAD to one-up me on that joke, didn't you? :p
If I was a homosexual, I woud find it even more annoying. As it would be giving me such a bad stereotype and it probably supresses homosexuality in many people, due to the hatred produced by this deliberate stereotype.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:43
Damn, Eve, you just HAD to one-up me on that joke, didn't you? :p
Hey, it was so obvious I had to say it... :D
It's obvious I wasn't talking about lezbians. Right from the first post.
That could be another thread, why do some lezbians have to act so masculine (only some, because most don't).
Again: If you don't like feminine homosexuals, don't have sex with them. :p
They do it because they don't care, and (possibly) they think it's funny to watch you freak out.
27-12-2006, 22:44
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
It's cultural. To a certain extent our culture expects everyone to live up to certain stereotypes, and for Gay men those stereotypes are either "SuperMacho" or "La Femme". Like any stereotype, it's more observed in the breach than the following, but equally so, for some people - especially people who have effectively broken with their previous self-image - it provides a ready made "role" to slip into. Wherupon, as always, it's easier to stay where you are than to forge yourself anew.
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
Wait.So your friend now represents the entire gay community?
They can act whatever bloody way they want,they shouldn't have to listen to opinions like yours.
You're just trolling,go play somewhere else.
If I was a homosexual, I woud find it even more annoying. As it would be giving me such a bad stereotype and it probably supresses homosexuality in many people, due to the hatred produced by this deliberate stereotype.
Oy vey.
I'll explain, then. (No, not a homosexual here).
Many, or most, homosexuals have a problem of modeling themselves after their mother due to an absent or repulsive father, or a too-strong mother figure. The result is that it can include sexual identification to an extent, including, for instance, manner of speaking, clothes, etc.
27-12-2006, 22:46
It's very annoying.
And you answered your own question.
Wait.So your friend now represents the entire gay community?
They can act whatever bloody way they want,they shouldn't have to listen to opinions like yours.
You're just trolling,go play somewhere else.
When did I once talk about the entire gay community?
When did i say they can't act like that?
Whats wrong with posting opinions that some people might not like?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:47
It's cultural. To a certain extent our culture expects everyone to live up to certain stereotypes, and for Gay men those stereotypes are either "SuperMacho" or "La Femme". Like any stereotype, it's more observed in the breach than the following, but equally so, for some people - especially people who have effectively broken with their previous self-image - it provides a ready made "role" to slip into. Wherupon, as always, it's easier to stay where you are than to forge yourself anew.
Something tells me that it's not as easy as all that to suddenly "slip into a role".
I mean, take a guy who has no fashion sense, has a pigsty for an apartment, and can't keep his face shaved from one hour to the next. You can't tell me he just up and changes to someone who knows his chintz, his braised fennel in raspberry reduction, and whose apartment and body are so clean that his mother is impressed.
Oy vey.
I'll explain, then. (No, not a homosexual here).
Many, or most, homosexuals have a problem of modeling themselves after their mother due to an absent or repulsive father, or a too-strong mother figure. The result is that it can include sexual identification to an extent, including, for instance, manner of speaking, clothes, etc.
I don't quite follow, can you rephrase that?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:48
Oy vey.
I'll explain, then. (No, not a homosexual here).
Many, or most, homosexuals have a problem of modeling themselves after their mother due to an absent or repulsive father, or a too-strong mother figure. The result is that it can include sexual identification to an extent, including, for instance, manner of speaking, clothes, etc.
So you're saying that Martha Stewart's son is gay?
Drunk commies deleted
27-12-2006, 22:50
They do it because they're like a fifth column against the US in the war on Islamofascistnazis. By acting all fruity they portray Americans as weak to the terrorists who want to rape our women. It also riles the terrorists up and makes them more likely to attack. Also they do it because it attracts gay illegal aliens to our country to steal our jobs.
Desperate Measures
27-12-2006, 22:50
Why do whites act like blacks?
Why do lawyers suck blood?
Why do old people smell like mothballs?
Everyone is just trying to fit in.
When did I once talk about the entire gay community?
When did i say they can't act like that?
Whats wrong with posting opinions that some people might not like?
1.When you started going on about how gay men have to act so feminine.You mentioned your friend as an anecdotal case,assuming all gay men acted like that.
2.You started a thread about how much you disliked it and how much it annoyed you.Kinda goes without saying.
3.Nothing wrong with that.It's when you start posting threads like this one.
Something tells me that it's not as easy as all that to suddenly "slip into a role".
I mean, take a guy who has no fashion sense, has a pigsty for an apartment, and can't keep his face shaved from one hour to the next. You can't tell me he just up and changes to someone who knows his chintz, his braised fennel in raspberry reduction, and whose apartment and body are so clean that his mother is impressed.
It's not, part of coming to terms with being gay is realizing you don't have to be a walking stereotype. I'm every bit as slovenly as I ever was.
27-12-2006, 22:50
Something tells me that it's not as easy as all that to suddenly "slip into a role".
I mean, take a guy who has no fashion sense, has a pigsty for an apartment, and can't keep his face shaved from one hour to the next. You can't tell me he just up and changes to someone who knows his chintz, his braised fennel in raspberry reduction, and whose apartment and body are so clean that his mother is impressed.
No, at least not at first. But it provides a framework he can wrap his life around, and an anchor to society to keep himself in one place. Everything else comes with time and effort.
27-12-2006, 22:51
They do it because they're like a fifth column against the US in the war on Islamofascistnazis. By acting all fruity they portray Americans as weak to the terrorists who want to rape our women. It also riles the terrorists up and makes them more likely to attack. Also they do it because it attracts gay illegal aliens to our country to steal our jobs.
Why do whites act like blacks?
Why do lawyers suck blood?
Why do old people smell like mothballs?
Everyone is just trying to fit in.
Except maybe in that town in Texas in the other thread ...
Why do whites act like blacks?
Why do lawyers suck blood?
Why do old people smell like mothballs?
Everyone is just trying to fit in.
Or to put it another way, they are just trying to isolate themselves so they can fit into a group of stereotypes.
Drunk commies deleted
27-12-2006, 22:52
<snip> ...
It's true! The gays hate our freedom.
So you're saying that Martha Stewart's son is gay?
Not necessarily. It's just a possible explanation. He might be a closet case though, I don't know him.
Desperate Measures
27-12-2006, 22:53
Or to put it another way, they are just trying to isolate themselves so they can fit into a group of stereotypes.
No, not really that at all.
1.When you started going on about how gay men have to act so feminine.You mentioned your friend as an anecdotal case,assuming all gay men acted like that.
I mentioned a freind yes, how does that assume all men gay men act like my freind. Infact I made it clear I didn't mean all of them by the title "so many" rather then all.
2.You started a thread about how much you disliked it and how much it annoyed you.Kinda goes without saying.
That doesn't mean I want to force them to stop.
3.Nothing wrong with that.It's when you start posting threads like this one.
So there is something wrong with posting opinions some people don't like afterall then.
I don't quite follow, can you rephrase that?
Homosexuality is frequently the result of the son mirroring himself on his mother due to certain factors. The extent of this varies. As a result, some gay men may include identification with being female - speaking, acting, dressing, etc, like a female.
Neo Bretonnia
27-12-2006, 22:55
Dunno what the source of that is. I will say, however, that I have met effeminite guys who were heterosexual. Interpret that however you like, but I'm not convinced there's a connection between the effeminite/macho scale and the person's sexuality.
My brother often winds up with the more "effeminite" type guys. I don't know if that's what he prefers or if it's just how things fall together. In either case, it doesn't bother me. Whenever I go to visit and stay over at his place watching them interact is like watching a male/female couple.
And an anecdote I thought of... A few years ago I went over to visit my brother for the weekend and a couple minutes after I arrived, his boyfriend came out of the back room and gave me a hug. Later, he asked if that was okay and was apologetic about it. I asured him that it hadn't bothered me at all. (Which it didn't... in fact it hadn't even occured to me. In my family, hugging is very normal. I took it as a family type thing, exactly as it was intended.) But I did appreciate that he was trying to be sensitive on the chance that I wasn't completely comfortable with things.
Maybe if there was more of that type of thinking, as opposed to the confrontational in-your-face-deal-with-it attitude, people might get along better.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:55
Or to put it another way, they are just trying to isolate themselves so they can fit into a group of stereotypes.
No, it's just the way things work out sometimes, and you don't like it because it reminds you of the idea of homosexuality - something you are apparently uncomfortable with.
Tell you what. There's a performing group called the Kinsey Sicks. Hilarious, and well worth seeing. Yes, they're gay men, doing a parody of gay men.
You'll sit in an audience mostly composed of gay men - of every possible variation.
My wife and I saw them at the Birchmere - it was a scream, and well worth it.
It would teach you to take it all a little less seriously.
Neo Bretonnia
27-12-2006, 22:55
Homosexuality is frequently the result of the son mirroring himself on his mother due to certain factors. The extent of this varies. As a result, some gay men may include identification with being female - speaking, acting, dressing, etc, like a female.
Most homosexual men are not crossdressers, and most crossdressers aren't homosexual.
Homosexuality is frequently the result of the son mirroring himself on his mother due to certain factors. The extent of this varies. As a result, some gay men may include identification with being female - speaking, acting, dressing, etc, like a female.
I thought people are gay because, you know they fancy men. I guess I was wrong :rolleyes:
Most homosexual men are not crossdressers, and most crossdressers aren't homosexual.
I was just offering a semi-psychological explanation for the behavior Criik "identified" (and I use the word "identified" with liberty here), not saying that it's the same case in all occasions...
No, it's just the way things work out sometimes, and you don't like it because it reminds you of the idea of homosexuality - something you are apparently uncomfortable with.
Tell you what. There's a performing group called the Kinsey Sicks. Hilarious, and well worth seeing. Yes, they're gay men, doing a parody of gay men.
You'll sit in an audience mostly composed of gay men - of every possible variation.
My wife and I saw them at the Birchmere - it was a scream, and well worth it.
It would teach you to take it all a little less seriously.
You are proving my point, it's them deliberately acting like idiots. You aren't suppost to take them seriously, which is a bad problem. You can never see their true character as they hide behind that cliche.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:58
You are proving my point, it's them deliberately acting like idiots. You aren't suppost to take them seriously, which is a bad problem. You can never see their true character as they hide behind that cliche.
Hardly. I think I'm proving that you're bent out of shape at a deeper level over this.
I thought people are gay because, you know they fancy men. I gues I was wrong :rolleyes:
And they fancy men (or, the same sex) BECAUSE of some events that happened to them before. Or you think that, whatever the outbringing you got, you would fancy women? Am I being too hard to understand here?
Hardly. I think I'm proving that you're bent out of shape at a deeper level over this.
Or, you can't debate back so you lower yourself to insults.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 22:59
And they fancy men (or, the same sex) BECAUSE of some events that happened to them before. Am I being too hard to understand here?
Actually, they fancy men because they fancy men.
And they fancy men (or, the same sex) BECAUSE of some events that happened to them before. Or you think that, whatever the outbringing you got, you would fancy women? Am I being too hard to understand here?
You can't blame attraction to opposite sex on childhood experiences, that is just an error.
27-12-2006, 23:01
Actually, they fancy men because they fancy men.
And some of the men they fancy are, well, fancy. If this were a musical, I'm sure there'd be a song right about here.
You can't blame attraction to opposite sex on childhood experiences, that is just an error.
Words like "blame" and "error" certainly help Eve in his point.
You are proving my point, it's them deliberately acting like idiots. You aren't suppost to take them seriously, which is a bad problem. You can never see their true character as they hide behind that cliche.
How do you know that's not their true character?
27-12-2006, 23:01
And they fancy men (or, the same sex) BECAUSE of some events that happened to them before. Am I being too hard to understand here?
Well, I suppose you could call being exposed to abnormal hormone levels as a fetus* an event that happened to them before, but it's kind of misleading.
*This is the latest event in development that can be shown to have any influence on one's sexual orientation.
Well, I suppose you could call being exposed to abnormal hormone levels as a fetus* an event that happened to them before, but it's kind of misleading.
*This is the latest event in development that can be shown to have any influence on one's sexual orientation.
There are some psychological events in early childhood...
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:03
And some of the men they fancy are, well, fancy. If this were a musical, I'm sure there'd be a song right about here.
And a montage! We have to have a montage!
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 23:04
SOME Gay men pick up on the traits of the people they want to emulate (or the people they feel a connection to or have something in common with) and it becomes the natural way to act.
They may want a manly man and so they act feminine to attract them. They may just feel feminine and act in a way that they feel is natural to them.
The fact that you find it annoying is nobodys problem but yours.
Deal with it or become a hermit. Or just keep whining about it online. Whatever
How do you know that's not their true character?
Well I am pretty sure, it can't be a coincedence that so many gay men act so similar. They are obviously slipping in character, to be accepted into another group.
27-12-2006, 23:04
There are some psychological events in early childhood...
The most those can be linked to is gender identity, which has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
27-12-2006, 23:05
And a montage! We have to have a montage!
Or a huge dance number!
SOME Gay men pick up on the traits of the people they want to emulate (or the people they feel a connection to or have something in common with) and it becomes the natural way to act.
They may want a manly man and so they act feminine to attract them. They may just feel feminine and act in a way that they feel is natural to them.
The fact that you find it annoying is nobodys problem but yours.
Deal with it or become a hermit. Or just keep whining about it online. Whatever
The point is, thats not a natural act for them IMO, it's not their true character at all.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:05
Or a huge dance number!
I hate to break it to you at this point, but Bob Fosse wasn't gay, no matter how effeminate his dance style...
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:06
The point is, thats not a natural act for them IMO, it's not their true character at all.
Ummm... what's natural?
Ummm... what's natural?
Being themselves.
27-12-2006, 23:07
I hate to break it to you at this point, but Bob Fosse wasn't gay, no matter how effeminate his dance style...
I wasn't really thinking about Bob Fosse, just about a huge dance number. Something with overhead shots of synchronized dancers making flower patterns, the June Taylor sort of thing.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:07
Being themselves.
News flash, Einstein: A lot of heterosexuals have a problem being themselves.
I hate to break it to you at this point, but Bob Fosse wasn't gay, no matter how effeminate his dance style...
My dreams!My hopes!Shattered!
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:07
I wasn't really thinking about Bob Fosse, just about a huge dance number. Something with overhead shots of synchronized dancers making flower patterns, the June Taylor sort of thing.
And Ethel Merman in the finale....
Ummm... what's natural?
*Strips* This.
News flash, Einstein: A lot of heterosexuals have a problem being themselves.
Is this thread about heterosexuals? Nope.
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:08
*Strips* This.
Well, yes. Not shaving is natural, I guess.
Well, yes. Not shaving is natural, I guess.
Well, yes. Not shaving is natural, I guess.
*Still naked* Feel uncomfortable, Criik? :p
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 23:09
The point is, thats not a natural act for them IMO, it's not their true character at all.
how do you know?
I personally have always had wierd feminine type quirks that I never meant to emulate.
I've caught myself talking with a feminine lisp on a number of occasions.
I've caught myself (and others have caught me and made fun of me for) holding my arm otu in front of me limp wristed as I walk.
So what makes you an expert on why gay people act the way they do and what is a natural human way to act and what is not?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:10
*Still naked* Feel uncomfortable, Criik? :p
You do realize that you have a little tuft of hair at the top of your asscrack?
Sel Appa
27-12-2006, 23:10
Same reason they are gay: fucked-up hormones.
You do realize that you have a little tuft of hair at the top of your asscrack?
Nyagh.I missed a bit.
That's right,I'm an arse barber.
You do realize that you have a little tuft of hair at the top of your asscrack?
Yeah, it's my third eyebrow.
Well I am pretty sure, it can't be a coincedence that so many gay men act so similar. They are obviously slipping in character, to be accepted into another group.
I don't see why it can't be a coincidence, but so what if they are "slipping into character"?
Eve Online
27-12-2006, 23:13
Same reason they are gay: fucked-up hormones.
And maybe, just maybe, we're not all supposed to be the same.
Take ants for example. Not all ants are the same. A female worker is not the same as a female queen.
Maybe there's supposed to be a certain proportion of homosexuals.
Maybe in response to crowding or environmental stress, nature makes some of us come out as homosexuals, to keep down the population.
Maybe it's a survival mechanism.
Maybe it's natural.
And maybe, just maybe, we're not all supposed to be the same.
Take ants for example. Not all ants are the same. A female worker is not the same as a female queen.
Maybe there's supposed to be a certain proportion of homosexuals.
Maybe in response to crowding or environmental stress, nature makes some of us come out as homosexuals, to keep down the population.
Maybe it's a survival mechanism.
Maybe it's natural.
Pfft, nature doesn't respond to things, nature just is.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 23:15
Being themselves.
So you are saying that when a woman takes on a womans role (which I bet to you is to be barefoot and pregnant right?) and acts feminine she is just being herself and when a man is gruff and manly (and talks only about cars, beer, sports and tits) he is being himself but they are just pretending if they dont fit into those molds?
Same reason they are gay: fucked-up hormones.
New Domici
27-12-2006, 23:18
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
There is a demonstrated link between hormones, brain structure, and homosexuality. Very few of us would argue that "butch" lesbians are choosing to act the way they do. It's very clearly the way they are built. It is often less obvious with Femme gay men, but it is exactly the same thing. For them to act masculine would be the pantomime.
I'm not going to say that some of them don't play it up. But that's like saying "why do some women wear too much make-up when they look better with a little eye-liner and a simple knee length skirt?"
To put it briefly. If you're not very worried about having guys shove their penises in your ass, there really isn't any need to plug it up with your head.
So you are saying that when a woman takes on a womans role (which I bet to you is to be barefoot and pregnant right?) and acts feminine she is just being herself and when a man is gruff and manly (and talks only about cars, beer, sports and tits) he is being himself but they are just pretending if they dont fit into those molds?
When did I ever say that. Never, its just the bigotted generalizing people do whenever someone comes and questions this cliche culture.
There is a demonstrated link between hormones, brain structure, and homosexuality. Very few of us would argue that "butch" lesbians are choosing to act the way they do. It's very clearly the way they are built. It is often less obvious with Femme gay men, but it is exactly the same thing. For them to act masculine would be the pantomime.
I'm not going to say that some of them don't play it up. But that's like saying "why do some women wear too much make-up when they look better with a little eye-liner and a simple knee length skirt?"
To put it briefly. If you're not very worried about having guys shove their penises in your ass, there really isn't any need to plug it up with your head.
Got a source for that?
Soviet Haaregrad
27-12-2006, 23:22
Has anyone mentioned bears? Bears aren't very feminine at all...
New Domici
27-12-2006, 23:23
The point is, thats not a natural act for them IMO, it's not their true character at all.
You've got it right there. In YOUR opinion. Problem is, you're not entitled to an opinion on what another person really is in their heart of hearts. You're not a mind reader. However a person acts, that is themselves. If they're acting in ways that they'd rather not, then that's what they really are. If you're gay and pretend to be straight, you're really a closet gay. You're being yourself. Too scared to admit that you're gay and willing to live a miserable life in a marriage that makes two adults and their children miserable living a life that none of them really want.
Doesn't make it any less real.
And being real isn't always that good a deal. They cowardly gay in the above example would do much better in life if he pretended that he was brave enough to come out of the closet and went and did that. You'd probably do better in life if you pretended to be less of an intolerant, ignorant, twit.
When did I ever say that. Never, its just the bigotted generalizing people do whenever someone comes and questions this cliche culture.
It does look like that's what you think though.
New Domici
27-12-2006, 23:26
Got a source for that?
Got a source for all gay men naturally being as masculine as any other and just pretending to be more feminine?
As for mine, try "Why Men Don't Listen and Why Women Can't Read Maps." The title is tounge-in-cheek, the book is actually written by a husband and wife couple of psychological researchers.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 23:27
When did I ever say that. Never, its just the bigotted generalizing people do whenever someone comes and questions this cliche culture.
You said you expect them to be themselves when asked how you expect them to act. What makes you the authority on whether they are acting naturally or not? You aren't. Your 15 years of existence doesn't even make you an authority on your own actions.
New Domici
27-12-2006, 23:28
When did I ever say that. Never, its just the bigotted generalizing people do whenever someone comes and questions this cliche culture.
But you're not questioning. If you were questioning you wouldn't be angered by it. You'd be puzzled. You're damning people for not behaving as they really are, which presupposes that you're in a position to know who they really are better than they do.
You said you expect them to be themselves when asked how you expect them to act. What makes you the authority on whether they are acting naturally or not? You aren't. Your 15 years of existence doesn't even make you an authority on your own actions.
Well it's so plainly obvious that they are not all acting themselves, unless it's true about brain chemistry directly causing them to act that way.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 23:33
Well it's so plainly obvious that they are not all acting themselves, unless it's true about brain chemistry directly causing them to act that way.
Do hormones affect peoples personalities in anyway whatsoever? Do they makes people aggressive or highly sexual or do people just choose to be aggressive or highly sexual?
Are you attracted to women because you were taught to be attracted to women or is it because you chose to be?
27-12-2006, 23:36
If Criik is, indeed, only 15, it sounds like he's still working on his own identity. I know very few teenagers that age who are confident about who they are, and I've met many who are quite threatened by anything they determine might reflect on them.
He'll grow out of it. A little more experience, a little more introspection, and he'll be fine.
27-12-2006, 23:44
Hormone levels that fetuses are exposed to have been demonstrated to have an influence on sexual orientation. I'd find the paper, but I can't right now.
New Domici
27-12-2006, 23:45
Well it's so plainly obvious that they are not all acting themselves, unless it's true about brain chemistry directly causing them to act that way.
How so? When you say "it's so plainly obvious" what's actually obvious is that you don't understand what's going on. Otherwise you'd be able to explain it.
You claim that your opinion is a fact and that your only evidence for this supposition is that you aren't satisfied with the evidence to the contrary. Yet you don't have any at all to support your own.
When you say that it angers you what you're making obvious is that your lack of understanding terrifies you. And so to ease your fear you tell yourself that you know that they are not being themselves when you do in fact have no idea.
Well it's so plainly obvious that they are not all acting themselves, unless it's true about brain chemistry directly causing them to act that way.
How is it obvious? You'd have to know someone pretty well to be able to say they're not being themselves, then it might be obvious, but so far you've only mentioned one gay effeminate guy that you know.
It's very annoying.
Frankly, I believe the phrase to use here is "tough shit". People don't bitch about how you dress/act do they? (If they do, it's probably you personally. Not a whole bunch of people)
28-12-2006, 00:02
Frankly, I believe the phrase to use here is "tough shit". People don't bitch about how you dress/act do they? (If they do, it's probably you personally. Not a whole bunch of people)
But if he dressed in a particularly unusual way that had no apparent source, wouldnt you be curious?
Ive often wondered why gay guys act so feminine, not because it annoys me but its just unusual for poeple to act in such an overly affected way all the time.
28-12-2006, 00:05
But if he dressed in a particularly unusual way that had no apparent source, wouldnt you be curious?
Ive often wondered why gay guys act so feminine, not because it annoys me but its just unusual for poeple to act in such an overly affected way all the time.
One does wonder, about overly "swishy" gay men and overly butch gay women. I think there's a certain amount of cultural feedback going on now, that is, those images are what's expected and so people will live up to them, which then provides a model for the next generation. How large a factor this is, I don't know. I myself consider it impolite to ask about it. If that's how that person wants to act, fine. I do reserve the right to be put off by it, as I might by any other personality quirk.
Why do so many straight males obsess so much about what is and is not "feminine behavior" and about who engages in it?
28-12-2006, 00:20
Why do so many straight males obsess so much about what is and is not "feminine behavior" and about who engages in it?
One does wonder ...
Why do so many straight males obsess so much about what is and is not "feminine behavior" and about who engages in it?
They need to know what gay is so they can do the polar opposite.
28-12-2006, 00:22
They need to know what gay is so they can do the polar opposite.
From now on, breathing is to be considered gay.
They need to know what gay is so they can do the polar opposite.
And then they must label any of us who don't shun our "femine" side as gay. A disturbingly large portion of people I know think I am gay.
From now on, breathing is to be considered gay.
A lot of people are going to be unhappy with this.
And then they must label any of us who don't shun our "femine" side as gay. A disturbingly large portion of people I know think I am gay.
Meh, people are idiots.
28-12-2006, 00:25
From now on, breathing is to be considered gay.
In that case, we must immediate pass legislation to restrict the access gay people have to our precious air. They don't reproduce, so they're just using it up for no good purpose.
28-12-2006, 00:26
One does wonder, about overly "swishy" gay men and overly butch gay women. I think there's a certain amount of cultural feedback going on now, that is, those images are what's expected and so people will live up to them, which then provides a model for the next generation. How large a factor this is, I don't know. I myself consider it impolite to ask about it. If that's how that person wants to act, fine. I do reserve the right to be put off by it, as I might by any other personality quirk.
Just out of curiosity, do you wonder the same thing about straight guys who exhibit exaggerated "straight" behavior? Enthusiasm for cars, macho behavior, lack of concern about the feelings of others? I'm not asking to be argumentative. All these behaviors, I believe, are learned.
I'm a gay man - I spent Christmas watching the Philly/Dallas game on television with other gay men, I own several rifles, I don't know the first thing about clothes or fashion or celebrities, I was a firefighter and EMT, I used to work in construction, and I've frequently been asked by other gay men if I'm straight. Having said that, I'm an accomplished cook, I enjoy art, and I'm fairly well read.
I know a number of straight men who would be regarded as "sensitive" and perhaps even a little effeminate.
We attached significance to these behaviors - in and of themselves they mean nothing. If a gay men likes to sing, and show off, frequently he finds an outlet for that as a drag performer. It's also a great way to strike out at the larger culture. It's not something I do myself, but I admire those guys with the balls to do it.
I'm not picking on your statement Farnhamia; it simply provided an entry into the topic.
Feminism taught us that gender is a cultural construction. I believe that's true.
28-12-2006, 00:29
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
I suppose you prefer your male lovers a bit more butch then?
28-12-2006, 00:30
Just out of curiosity, do you wonder the same thing about straight guys who exhibit exaggerated "straight" behavior? Enthusiasm for cars, macho behavior, lack of concern about the feelings of others? I'm not asking to be argumentative. All these behaviors, I believe, are learned.
I'm a gay man - I spent Christmas watching the Philly/Dallas game on television with other gay men, I own several rifles, I don't know the first thing about clothes or fashion or celebrities, I was a firefighter and EMT, I used to work in construction, and I've frequently been asked by other gay men if I'm straight. Having said that, I'm an accomplished cook, I enjoy art, and I'm fairly well read.
I know a number of straight men who would be regarded as "sensitive" and perhaps even a little effeminate.
We attached significance to these behaviors - in and of themselves they mean nothing. If a gay men likes to sing, and show off, frequently he finds an outlet for that as a drag performer. It's also a great way to strike out at the larger culture. It's not something I do myself, but I admire those guys with the balls to do it.
I'm not picking on your statement Farnhamia; it simply provided an entry into the topic.
Feminism taught us that gender is a cultural construction. I believe that's true.
Sure, absolutely, a lot of the behavior is learned. I merely said "gay" because that was the topic under discussion. Being a gay woman myself, I sometimes think about this, though I have to admit, not often. I try to take people as I find them.
28-12-2006, 00:31
My two cents:
1. If you are 15 then I'm guessing your friend is 15 as well (or roundabouts that). Maybe he's doing what all teenagers are doing, trying to figure out who they are. Coming out is a fairly major event, give him some time to sort things out.
2. I wouldn't call most or even the majority of gay men effeminate (sp). They are the most noticible, and shows like Queer Eye For the Straight Guy do help perpetuate the stereotype.
28-12-2006, 00:39
I try to take people as I find them.
Good advice under any circumstances.
28-12-2006, 00:46
nah they normally don't laugh when your beat, mutilate and then tie them up with barb wire and leave them to starve to death:mp5:
i hope many of you got annoyed by that;)
probly not tho:(
because the two are oh so comparable.
And don't you have about 80 posts too many to be using the gun smilies?
New Domici
28-12-2006, 00:54
I spent Christmas watching the Philly/Dallas game on television with other gay men, I own several rifles, I don't know the first thing about clothes or fashion or celebrities, I was a firefighter and EMT, I used to work in construction, and I've frequently been asked by other gay men if I'm straight. Having said that, I'm an accomplished cook, I enjoy art, and I'm fairly well read.
You gays. Always oggling men in tight pants and playing with hoses. :D
Epic Fusion
28-12-2006, 00:54
because the two are oh so comparable.
And don't you have about 80 posts too many to be using the gun smilies?
erm wat:confused:
the two what?
and why cant i use gun smiles? i like em! am i a noob or summin?
did you get annoyed then? are you prejudice against homophobes:D ooo and did you assume i was one?
New Domici
28-12-2006, 00:57
2. I wouldn't call most or even the majority of gay men effeminate (sp).
Sure they are. Just like all gay women wear mullets or spiked hair, flannel shirts, and slightly baggy jeans. I see them all the time walking around with their straight female friends who dress like normal women. ;)
I suppose you prefer your male lovers a bit more butch then?
I regret to inform you that Eve beat you to it...
28-12-2006, 01:00
You gays. Always oggling men in tight pants and playing with hoses. :D
Neo Kervoskia
28-12-2006, 01:03
Where the fuck is Fass when you need the arsehole?
erm wat:confused:
the two what?
and why cant i use gun smiles? i like em! am i a noob or summin?
did you get annoyed then? are you prejudice against homophobes:D ooo and did you assume i was one?
The gun smilies are for n00bs, so we can better identify and ridicule them.
Where the fuck is Fass when you need the arsehole?
Maybe his arsehole is busy.......
Epic Fusion
28-12-2006, 01:14
The gun smilies are for n00bs, so we can better identify and ridicule them.
damn it! i can't believe im a noob!:headbang:
i better go pwn sum nubz to make up for this!!!!
and why cant i use gun smiles? i like em! am i a noob or summin?
Yes, actually. You are.
damn it! i can't believe im a noob!:headbang:
i better go pwn sum nubz to make up for this!!!!
Nah just post about 1000 more times.
Epic Fusion
28-12-2006, 01:25
Nah just post about 1000 more times.
well heres a start
although, if you cant be pro at somethin then just be a noob
how can u be a pro at forum postin?
well heres a start
although, if you cant be pro at somethin then just be a noob
how can u be a pro at forum postin?
Spell correctly, for a start. Don’t using abbreviations such as "u." Capitalize. Smilies are usually looked down upon in debates as well. Make sense. Other such things.
It's not all that hard once you get used to it.
28-12-2006, 01:29
damn it! i can't believe im a noob!:headbang:
i better go pwn sum nubz to make up for this!!!!
Nah, just stop spamming.
well heres a start
although, if you cant be pro at somethin then just be a noob
how can u be a pro at forum postin?
Proper spelling and grammar would be a start, and a few posts that aren't spam.
28-12-2006, 01:33
well heres a start
although, if you cant be pro at somethin then just be a noob
how can u be a pro at forum postin?
Also, don't make jokes about amazingly violent hate crimes until you've earned the right.
28-12-2006, 01:36
Also, don't make jokes about amazingly violent hate crimes until you've earned the right.
And until you've learned where the line is. Or just don't joke about abhorrent crimes at all. Certain things are just not funny.
28-12-2006, 01:38
and why cant i use gun smiles? i like em! am i a noob or summin?
The presence of the first phrase indicates a positive answer to the second.
did you get annoyed then? are you prejudice against homophobes:D
People may think what they wish, When those thoughts manifest in assault, battery, as well as attempted and/or actual murder, yes I'm pretty prejudiced against those folks.
ooo and did you assume i was one?
Well frankly I couldn't give a shit one way or the other.
I think it has to do something with the brain. A study I saw showed that gay men have a more feminine brain, and lesbians have a more masculine brain. Of course this isn't always the case, because I out of the few gay people I know, male and female, they act like their respective gender.
Then again, acting the way a girl typically does is no big deal, it's just the norm for a girl, so when a guy does it is seen as strange. I myself am gay, and I don't act, dress, or talk like a girl in the slightest. I'm masculine.
One does wonder ...
Was I implying something I'm not aware of?
They need to know what gay is so they can do the polar opposite.
Being gay is all about not trying to have sex with attractive men.
28-12-2006, 02:20
I think it has to do something with the brain. A study I saw showed that gay men have a more feminine brain, and lesbians have a more masculine brain. Of course this isn't always the case, because I out of the few gay people I know, male and female, they act like their respective gender.
Then again, acting the way a girl typically does is no big deal, it's just the norm for a girl, so when a guy does it is seen as strange. I myself am gay, and I don't act, dress, or talk like a girl in the slightest. I'm masculine.
The problem is, what the hell does one mean by "masculine" and "feminine" brain? If you look outside american culture into other societies you will find very straight men acting in decidedly "feminine" ways. Hell, even in latin america, the center of all things macho, a lot of men can dance a tango a lot better than most you'd find here.
The problem is, what the hell does one mean by "masculine" and "feminine" brain? If you look outside american culture into other societies you will find very straight men acting in decidedly "feminine" ways. Hell, even in latin america, the center of all things macho, a lot of men can dance a tango a lot better than most you'd find here.True. The words are really defined by the culture you live in.
I said earlier that I think I'm masculine, but I've constantly been accused of acting like a girl because I don't just jump out of bed and put on the first thing I see. I like to look at it first and make sure it doesn't look weird, and then people get on me because I like to take extra time combing my hair... it's very annoying. It's like men aren't suppose to care about their appearance.
Being gay is all about not trying to have sex with attractive men.
For women this is very true :D
Jello Biafra
28-12-2006, 02:45
You are proving my point, it's them deliberately acting like idiots.Being feminine means to act like an idiot?
It's like men aren't suppose to care about their appearance.Really, nobody is supposed to, but most people do.
My mother raised me to always be presentable and clean, and that your appearance does matter and is something that people are supposed to care about.
My father however, was the complete opposite and constantly wore the same clothes every single day of the year, didn't shower (and I'm serious when I say maybe five times a year, ew), and other things.
That said, I got my mothers feelings towards appearance because I don't just jump into the first thing I see, but I will put on something I've worn without washing it first. So both of them rubbed off me in a way.
28-12-2006, 02:58
True. The words are really defined by the culture you live in.
I said earlier that I think I'm masculine, but I've constantly been accused of acting like a girl because I don't just jump out of bed and put on the first thing I see. I like to look at it first and make sure it doesn't look weird, and then people get on me because I like to take extra time combing my hair... it's very annoying. It's like men aren't suppose to care about their appearance.
I do pretty much wear the first outfit I find (except on special occasions) and only comb my hair when my mother makes me, and I don't really see myself as masculine for that, although I don't really see myself as feminine, either. I'm just trying to save time, and I couldn't care less if people see me as masculine because of it.
Besides, I don't like it that "feminine" traits are often perceived as negative and "masculine" traits are seen as good.
Jello Biafra
28-12-2006, 02:59
My mother raised me to always be presentable and clean, and that your appearance does matter and is something that people are supposed to care about.Why?
Why?I don't know, but she's always been self-conscious and worrisome about how people viewed her, and that's how she raised me and my siblings to be.
Jello Biafra
28-12-2006, 03:06
I don't know, but she's always been self-conscious and worrisome about how people viewed her, and that's how she raised me and my siblings to be.Oh, I see. Well, personally, unless I want to impress somebody (which is rare), I don't care how I look, though I do try to make sure I don't smell.
28-12-2006, 03:09
Besides, I don't like it that "feminine" traits are often perceived as negative and "masculine" traits are seen as good.
Anyhoo, I don't really care why people do it, I'm just thankful that they do. I also think it's sort of funny that the OP complains about gay men who act "feminine" fulfilling some sort of stereotype, and then goes on to say how much better it would be if they fulfilled another stereotype ("manly man") because he'd like that more. It's quite an odd stance.
Personally, I seem to act differently depending on mood and language. When I speak English I'm more "feminine," when I speak Swedish I'm more gender neutral, and when I speak for instance French I'm more masculine. Interesting, but I don't dwell on it too much. Part of having left the closet years ago was not conforming to a certain way "people" wanted me to behave, be that butch or femme. I just don't care. :)
I just don't care. :)
Apathy FTW!
28-12-2006, 03:15
Apathy FTW!
It's the only mood I can keep up without rest. :)
Just out of curiosity, do you wonder the same thing about straight guys who exhibit exaggerated "straight" behavior? Enthusiasm for cars, macho behavior, lack of concern about the feelings of others? I'm not asking to be argumentative. All these behaviors, I believe, are learned.
I'm a gay man - I spent Christmas watching the Philly/Dallas game on television with other gay men, I own several rifles, I don't know the first thing about clothes or fashion or celebrities, I was a firefighter and EMT, I used to work in construction, and I've frequently been asked by other gay men if I'm straight. Having said that, I'm an accomplished cook, I enjoy art, and I'm fairly well read.
I know a number of straight men who would be regarded as "sensitive" and perhaps even a little effeminate.
We attached significance to these behaviors - in and of themselves they mean nothing. If a gay men likes to sing, and show off, frequently he finds an outlet for that as a drag performer. It's also a great way to strike out at the larger culture. It's not something I do myself, but I admire those guys with the balls to do it.
I'm not picking on your statement Farnhamia; it simply provided an entry into the topic.
Feminism taught us that gender is a cultural construction. I believe that's true.
You tell 'em, Kama. :D
(Aren't you supposed to be packing? :P)
28-12-2006, 03:28
Anyhoo, I don't really care why people do it, I'm just thankful that they do. I also think it's sort of funny that the OP complains about gay men who act "feminine" fulfilling some sort of stereotype, and then goes on to say how much better it would be if they fulfilled another stereotype ("manly man") because he'd like that more. It's quite an odd stance.
Personally, I seem to act differently depending on mood and language. When I speak English I'm more "feminine," when I speak Swedish I'm more gender neutral, and when I speak for instance French I'm more masculine. Interesting, but I don't dwell on it too much. Part of having left the closet years ago was not conforming to a certain way "people" wanted me to behave, be that butch or femme. I just don't care. :)
That's pretty much how I feel. I don't care if people think I'm somehow more "masculine" because I like to play football with my brother or if people think I'm more "feminine" for I don't know...not liking violent video games or whatever.
By the way, I found this "Gender Guesser" thing. It's supposed to try to figure out your gender based on a sample of your writing (in English) and also tries to figure out if you're from Europe or America. I put in the most recent chapter of my story and it seems convinced that I'm from Europe (incorrectly) and confused about my gender- it said "weak male" once and then "weak female."
http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html I thought it was interesting.
Johnny B Goode
28-12-2006, 03:30
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
Who gives a shit?
One does wonder, about overly "swishy" gay men and overly butch gay women. I think there's a certain amount of cultural feedback going on now, that is, those images are what's expected and so people will live up to them, which then provides a model for the next generation. How large a factor this is, I don't know. I myself consider it impolite to ask about it. If that's how that person wants to act, fine. I do reserve the right to be put off by it, as I might by any other personality quirk.
What about "butch" straight women or effeminate hetero men? Why should any of us be hung up on cultural stereotypes at all? Or even assume that it says anything at all about our gender?
And, for that matter, what does "overly" mean? Where is the line drawn?
28-12-2006, 03:31
It's very annoying.
LOL. You may get an ulcer like that. If you are annoyed by feminine gays, look the other way. I dont think anyone will force his limp wrist down your throat...
By the way, I found this "Gender Guesser" thing. It's supposed to try to figure out your gender based on a sample of your writing (in English) and also tries to figure out if you're from Europe or America. I put in the most recent chapter of my story and it seems convinced that I'm from Europe (incorrectly) and confused about my gender- it said "weak male" once and then "weak female."
http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html I thought it was interesting.
I've seen this (or something like it) before. I have never found one that correctly guessed my gender, or location. From what I've read, they seem to be based on (IMO) faulty gender concepts. (Women will always use more "emotional" words than men, etc etc)
That's pretty much how I feel. I don't care if people think I'm somehow more "masculine" because I like to play football with my brother or if people think I'm more "feminine" for I don't know...not liking violent video games or whatever.
By the way, I found this "Gender Guesser" thing. It's supposed to try to figure out your gender based on a sample of your writing (in English) and also tries to figure out if you're from Europe or America. I put in the most recent chapter of my story and it seems convinced that I'm from Europe (incorrectly) and confused about my gender- it said "weak male" once and then "weak female."
http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html I thought it was interesting.
I got European weak male too. Though the sample I used was a bit old and rereading some of it now I'm none too fond of it.
28-12-2006, 03:38
By the way, I found this "Gender Guesser" thing. It's supposed to try to figure out your gender based on a sample of your writing (in English) and also tries to figure out if you're from Europe or America. I put in the most recent chapter of my story and it seems convinced that I'm from Europe (incorrectly) and confused about my gender- it said "weak male" once and then "weak female."
http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html I thought it was interesting.
Genre: Informal
Female = 1272
Male = 2158
Difference = 886; 62.91%
Verdict: MALE
Genre: Formal
Female = 1007
Male = 1016
Difference = 9; 50.22%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Notice that it makes a difference between "formal" and "informal" speech. Seems to have nailed me, anyway, even if I did submit mostly informal writing.
NS seems to be completely obsessed with homosexuality. There is at least one topic about 'the gays' on here every day. I'm gay and I'm not particularly feminine. I play football (shock, horror)! I must say I have never found another gay guy who likes football... Are there any out there? Nobody ever knows I'm gay which is very annoying when trying to attract men. And it can be very awkward when I attract women. I guess gay men just act more feminine to fit in more and make life easier for themselves. I think most of us will have adapted their personality slightly at some point in their life to fit in.
28-12-2006, 03:40
By the way, I found this "Gender Guesser" thing. It's supposed to try to figure out your gender based on a sample of your writing (in English) and also tries to figure out if you're from Europe or America. I put in the most recent chapter of my story and it seems convinced that I'm from Europe (incorrectly) and confused about my gender- it said "weak male" once and then "weak female."
http://www.hackerfactor.com/GenderGuesser.html I thought it was interesting.
I put in "I have a penis. I am a man." and it said I was a female.
I put in "I have a penis. I am a man." and it said I was a female.
You're supposed to have at least 300 words. Copy and paste that a whole bunch of times.
28-12-2006, 03:41
NS seems to be completely obsessed with homosexuality. There is at least one topic about 'the gays' on here every day. I'm gay and I'm not particularly feminine. I play football (shock, horror)! I must say I have never found another gay guy who likes football... Are there any out there?
Ugh, I hate football, even if I like to ogle the likes of Ronaldo or Beckham... but, I am into taekwondo and I love the gym. Ball sports are just boring.
28-12-2006, 03:43
You're supposed to have at least 300 words. Copy and paste that a whole bunch of times.
Did so. Female on informal, male on formal.
Jello Biafra
28-12-2006, 03:43
Ball sports are just boring.<giggle>
Did so. Female on informal, male on formal.
It seems women have a tendency to informally write about men and their penises. Interesting.
28-12-2006, 03:44
*hypocrisy* Get your mind out of the gutter for one second, please! */hypocrisy*
Well, maybe not all kinds...
28-12-2006, 03:45
It seems women have a tendency to informally write about men and their penises. Interesting.
And males have a tendency to write formally about women and vaginas, as a cursory glance found.
Johnny B Goode
28-12-2006, 03:46
NS seems to be completely obsessed with homosexuality. There is at least one topic about 'the gays' on here every day. I'm gay and I'm not particularly feminine. I play football (shock, horror)! I must say I have never found another gay guy who likes football... Are there any out there? Nobody ever knows I'm gay which is very annoying when trying to attract men. And it can be very awkward when I attract women. I guess gay men just act more feminine to fit in more and make life easier for themselves. I think most of us will have adapted their personality slightly at some point in their life to fit in.
European or American?
American football could get out of hand very easy. Some homophobic bastards would be very much against a gay guy playing football.
28-12-2006, 03:53
American football could get out of hand very easy. Some homophobic bastards would be very much against a gay guy playing football.
Meh, too much padding. If one were to choose a sport for general perving on guys, rugby would be much better in that genre... when I think about it, all the rugby players I know are gay, so I guess I have it confirmed. Very butch sport, it is...
Let's just omit that most of the guys I know are gay, as we all know analysis and facts are counter-productive to stereotyping.
European or American?
American football could get out of hand very easy. Some homophobic bastards would be very much against a gay guy playing football.
I'm from Ireland so proper football not the American type. One guy on my football team found out I was gay and now he acts so differently around me, especially in the showers! I'm sure if they all found out I'd be forced off the team. I think that the case of Justin Fashanu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Fashanu) shows how hard it is for gay men, who are into the more masculine sports like football find it very hard to be accepted. It really annoys me.
28-12-2006, 03:56
NS seems to be completely obsessed with homosexuality. There is at least one topic about 'the gays' on here every day. I'm gay and I'm not particularly feminine. I play football (shock, horror)! I must say I have never found another gay guy who likes football... Are there any out there? Nobody ever knows I'm gay which is very annoying when trying to attract men. And it can be very awkward when I attract women. I guess gay men just act more feminine to fit in more and make life easier for themselves. I think most of us will have adapted their personality slightly at some point in their life to fit in.
It's more like Americans are obssessed. Anyone can get that after watching couple hours of American TV shows. Oh and most NSers are Americans.
Oh and try to make eye contact while trying not to look as a perv or that you are somehow annoyed at whatever your target is doing. Of course, if you are hot enough, you can always wait for others to make the first move...
28-12-2006, 03:58
(Yawns)Who gives a shit?
This phrase is getting old, JBG. If you have nothing to say, try saying nothing. In the meantime, confine your spamming to the Spam forum.
Meh, too much padding. If one were too choose a sport for general perving on guys, rugby would be much better in that genre... when I think about it, all the rugby players I know are gay, so I guess I have it confirmed. Very butch sport, it is...
Let's just omit that most of the guys I know are gay, as we all know analysis and facts are counter-productive to stereotyping.
Soccer doesn't do too badly on the gay stereotyping front either. Becksie is leading the way to a more stylish, fashion conscious future for soccer.
I'm from Ireland so proper football not the American type. One guy on my football team found out I was gay and now he acts so differently around me, especially in the showers! I'm sure if they all found out I'd be forced off the team. I think that the case of Justin Fashanu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Fashanu) shows how hard it is for gay men, who are into the more masculine sports like football find it very hard to be accepted. It really annoys me.
Rebel and start a gay football league. Rebellion is in your blood, after all.
It's very annoying.
"Girly" people annoy me. Even if they're girls. I don't mind homosexuality though.
Soccer doesn't do too badly on the gay stereotyping front either. Becksie is leading the way to a more stylish, fashion conscious future for soccer.
That's what makes me even more surprised more gay men don't like it. Football is becoming more gay. I mean diving is becoming so art like, almost like ballet. I cross my fingers for Irelands first Gay football club. (I love that 'gay soccer' episode of Will and Grace - my two passions in life; guys and balls.)
28-12-2006, 04:03
Soccer doesn't do too badly on the gay stereotyping front either. Becksie is leading the way to a more stylish, fashion conscious future for soccer.
Unfortunately, Becksie (and the abominable Posh) are complete fashion victims I must almost weekly fight to avert my judgemental gaze from.
That's what makes me even more surprised more gay men don't like it. Football is becoming more gay. I mean diving is becoming so art like, almost like ballet. I cross my fingers for Irelands first Gay football club. (I love that 'gay soccer' episode of Will and Grace - my two passions in life; guys and balls.)
I dare say the showers would be a lot more fun for everyone if they were full of gay men. Sucks to be the cleaners though.
Unfortunately, Becksie (and the abominable Posh) are complete fashion victims I must almost weekly fight to avert my judgemental gaze from.
Well Becks has the IQ of a child and Posh needs to focus all her mental energy on convincing herself she's not hungry.
28-12-2006, 04:08
Well Becks has the IQ of a child
That and the voice of one! Oh, it's so grating.
and Posh needs to focus all her mental energy on convincing herself she's not hungry.
Food is overrated.
28-12-2006, 09:12
NS seems to be completely obsessed with homosexuality. There is at least one topic about 'the gays' on here every day. I'm gay and I'm not particularly feminine. I play football (shock, horror)! I must say I have never found another gay guy who likes football... Are there any out there? Nobody ever knows I'm gay which is very annoying when trying to attract men. And it can be very awkward when I attract women. I guess gay men just act more feminine to fit in more and make life easier for themselves. I think most of us will have adapted their personality slightly at some point in their life to fit in.
I like both types of Football. American Football and Football. I'm not terribly feminine either, although I have certain feminine traits. I honestly never gave them a lot of thought. If I really want to confuse gay and straight men, I simply tell them this. I like sports AND musical theatre. I find it even more hilarious that I am a professional actor who played sports at university.
I just like what I like and try to be myself. I would like to date a man who likes sports and theatre both, call it me being greedy.
To Criik:
Guys act really femme for any number of reasons, Criik. Some gay guys want to attract another gay man and it's the only way they know how, others act that way because it really is their way, some are straight and others are gay. Feminine behavior is not confined to really femme queens. Your question has many answers and I have neither time nor space to give you the full list.
Just accept people as they are.
28-12-2006, 09:16
Eh who the hell cares what anyone act like. They're going to have to pay the consequences (if any) for their behavior, so let them deal with it.
28-12-2006, 09:24
Because theyre not afraid of being called gay for it.
28-12-2006, 09:25
Genre: Informal
Female = 298
Male = 1315
Difference = 1017; 81.52%
Verdict: MALE
Genre: Formal
Female = 688
Male = 723
Difference = 35; 51.24%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
I have to admit this was pretty accurate. I submitted 460 words. Not bad for a gay Yank.
28-12-2006, 15:46
Notice that it makes a difference between "formal" and "informal" speech. Seems to have nailed me, anyway, even if I did submit mostly informal writing.
Hmm...I submitted a sample of more than 70,000 words. It's still wrong for me in both cases. I guess I sound like a European male when I write somehow.:confused: :p
Come to think of it, there was that time that the second grader (he was 8 years old) I tutored told me that I didn't look like a girl. There was also the time several years ago when my brother was asking me about a hypothetical situation and told me to "pretend you're a girl." There was also the time when I was scheduled into the all boy's chorus, despite being a soprano. That was weird, but I got out of it before school started. So I guess people perceive me as more masculine somehow, although I don't consider myself particularly masculine or feminine.
Total words: 70699
Genre: Informal
Female = 90374
Male = 124471
Difference = 34097; 57.93%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
Genre: Formal
Female = 78970
Male = 81842
Difference = 2872; 50.89%
Verdict: Weak MALE
Weak emphasis could indicate European.
29-12-2006, 21:07
I've been percieved, depending on where I am and who I'm with, as both a very feminine guy and a very masculine guy. I've also been told that I'm acting gay by the people who thought I was feminine, and have also been hit on by a strait guy. I think that people think that gay guys act feminine because some (a minority in my experience) act overly feminine. In my experience gay people usually aren't that apparent, the people with the most effective "gay-dar" are usually gay.
My results for the writing test:
Genre: Formal
Female = 299
Male = 1027
Difference = 728; 77.45%
Verdict: MALE
Which is odd, my writing is something I've always percieved as being feminine.
29-12-2006, 21:26
In case someone hasn't mentioned this all ready, there was a scientific research that seems to indicate that gay men have brainwave activities that corresponds to heterosexual females and lesbians have activities corresponding to heterosexual males.
New Genoa
29-12-2006, 21:31
Because it's funny. :fluffle:
Someone made a really funny joke about Roleplaying games and pirate-swashbuckler types.
"My swashbuckler may not take 'dark secret: not gay'"
The Pacifist Womble
29-12-2006, 22:52
I imagine that they do it in order to highlight to other gay men that they too are gay, without having to wear a t-shirt about it.
This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
This strikes me as being quite strange.
I was pretty feminine before I started being attracted to guys....
29-12-2006, 23:43
I have a gay friend who acts very nelly. He says it takes an effort for him to act "straight." It's just not natural for him.
I have a gay friend who acts very nelly. He says it takes an effort for him to act "straight." It's just not natural for him.
Yeah, I can't act "masculine". It just doesn't work for me.
30-12-2006, 01:13
I found another site similar to the last one, except this one tells you how they decide whether the writer is masculine or feminine. I really don't see how the words "the" and "a" are masculine and "and" is feminine. I guess they've found that men use "the" and "a" more and women use "and" more?
I don't know. It's still wrong about me.
The Gender Genie (http://www.bookblog.net/gender/genie.php)
Words: 9641
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)
Female Score: 11429
Male Score: 12191
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!
try again
Feminine Keywords
[with] 52 x 52 = 2704
[if] 19 x 47 = 893
[not] 74 x 27 = 1998
[where] 12 x 18 = 216
[be] 41 x 17 = 697
[when] 35 x 17 = 595
[your] 47 x 17 = 799
[her] 114 x 9 = 1026
[we] 11 x 8 = 88
[should] 10 x 7 = 70
[she] 111 x 6 = 666
[and] 337 x 4 = 1348
[me] 40 x 4 = 160
[myself] 1 x 4 = 4
[hers] 0 x 3 = 0
[was] 165 x 1 = 165
Masculine Keywords
[around] 12 x 42 = 504
[what] 28 x 35 = 980
[more] 12 x 34 = 408
[are] 28 x 28 = 784
[as] 68 x 23 = 1564
[who] 21 x 19 = 399
[below] 1 x 8 = 8
[is] 69 x 8 = 552
[these] 3 x 8 = 24
[the] 567 x 7 = 3969
[a] 218 x 6 = 1308
[at] 37 x 6 = 222
[it] 91 x 6 = 546
[many] 13 x 6 = 78
[said] 69 x 5 = 345
[above] 1 x 4 = 4
[to] 248 x 2 = 496
I found another site similar to the last one, except this one tells you how they decide whether the writer is masculine or feminine. I really don't see how the words "the" and "a" are masculine and "and" is feminine. I guess they've found that men use "the" and "a" more and women use "and" more?
I don't know. It's still wrong about me.
The Gender Genie (http://www.bookblog.net/gender/genie.php)
That's somewhat ridiculous.
There is nothing inherently feminine in homosexuality, and being a feminine male is not inherently gay so why do so many gays choose to act more flamboyant?
It especially angers me when it is so pantomime, where it seems so put on, so fake. It's as if they want to be accepted into another social group so they have to act like that.
The only thing it is doing is isolating homosexuals, what good does it do? This has been brought on because of a fella I knew, who has recently turned gay, and with it is whole personality has turned into an annoying cliche/stereotype. Why do people do this?
some people like women who are feminine, others like women who are more masculine (butch or tomboyish or whatever) the same with homosexuals.
some like their men macho and masculine, while others like a bit of woman in their men.
it's all preference.
30-12-2006, 01:23
That's somewhat ridiculous.
That's what I thought.
Apparently it's based on this paper. (http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~koppel/papers/male-female-text-final.pdf)
Edit: It finally finished loading my entire 70811 word story and got it right this time.