Jon Cary realy dus Halp the trops in irawk!
Captain pooby
27-12-2006, 20:24
Poor John, doesn't have anyone sit with him. Supposedly the helicopter Kerry rode in was callsigned "Weasel1". The pilot also asked Kerry to sign a picture of the troops holding up the "John kary halp us wer stuk in irawk" picture. Priceless. Don't think he'll be expecting the .mil vote next time! (
[quote][size=4]Troops halp Jon Carry in Irak[/size=4]
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
Unabashed Greed
27-12-2006, 20:28
Poor John, doesn't have anyone sit with him. Supposedly the helicopter Kerry rode in was callsigned "Weasel1". The pilot also asked Kerry to sign a picture of the troops holding up the "John kary halp us wer stuk in irawk" picture. Priceless. Don't think he'll be expecting the .mil vote next time! (
[quote][size=4]Troops halp Jon Carry in Irak[/size=4]
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
Wow, look mom, a jerk AND a Copycat!
Drunk commies deleted
27-12-2006, 20:32
Poor John, doesn't have anyone sit with him. Supposedly the helicopter Kerry rode in was callsigned "Weasel1". The pilot also asked Kerry to sign a picture of the troops holding up the "John kary halp us wer stuk in irawk" picture. Priceless. Don't think he'll be expecting the .mil vote next time! (
[quite][size=4]Troops halp Jon Carry in Irak[/size=4]
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
Bill O'Reiley? Maybe the troops really are dumb. O'Riley isn't a patriot. He falsely accused US troops of commiting war crimes in WWII. Specifically the Malmedy massacre.
Sumamba Buwhan
27-12-2006, 20:35
A large amount of troops respect Bill O'Lielly that much?
That doesn't do much for the troops image.
27-12-2006, 20:41
".mil vote"?
What's that supposed to be, supporters of the Metric system?
Desperate Measures
27-12-2006, 20:43
".mil vote"?
What's that supposed to be, supporters of the Metric system?
Inches and Feet for Kerry!!!!!
Captain pooby
27-12-2006, 20:47
".mil vote"?
What's that supposed to be, supporters of the Metric system?
It's actually a reference to military, as in,, etc.
Clever :D
However, I have duped this topic. The thread Weasel63 already covers this, so I'll ask the mods to close or merge the this topic with that one.
Cannot think of a name
27-12-2006, 20:51
Poor John, doesn't have anyone sit with him. Supposedly the helicopter Kerry rode in was callsigned "Weasel1". The pilot also asked Kerry to sign a picture of the troops holding up the "John kary halp us wer stuk in irawk" picture. Priceless. Don't think he'll be expecting the .mil vote next time! (
Troops halp Jon Carry in Irak
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
I just had to fix that. The topic is masterbaity, that just was bothering me for some reason.
LOL...this is news?
John Kerry is a joke, even amongst those who voted for him. He's the guy who couldn't beat Bush, arguably the most incompetant President in a century.
As for Bill O'Reily...
...that's all that really needs to be said.
Johnny B Goode
28-12-2006, 02:23
Poor John, doesn't have anyone sit with him. Supposedly the helicopter Kerry rode in was callsigned "Weasel1". The pilot also asked Kerry to sign a picture of the troops holding up the "John kary halp us wer stuk in irawk" picture. Priceless. Don't think he'll be expecting the .mil vote next time! (
[quote][size=4]Troops halp Jon Carry in Irak[/size=4]
This is a true story....Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O'Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
Both of them are idiots. If the Reps and Dems keep doing this, the Libertarians will probably win. Or even an Independent candidate.
Call to power
28-12-2006, 02:33
the weird thing is what is really bothering me is how mean those troops where you would think they would have the common decency to say hello and such:mad:
28-12-2006, 02:36
the weird thing is what is really bothering me is how mean those troops where you would think they would have the common decency to say hello and such:mad:
Well, when you're call people idiots, they have a tendency to not want to talk to you.
28-12-2006, 02:36
I can't believe our troops are so stupid that they actually think O'Rlly is worth a shit. That idiot should have his head chopped off and shoved up his ass.
and I don't think it odd that they ignored him. I am glad they did if only because this was a sensing of his presidential appeal in two years. Kerry has lost any opportunity he had to be our president. When he didn't stand up and call fire on those swiftboat jackoffs he lost all of my respect. If he had once stood up to them--I mean a good "fuck you" instead of sounding like a politico, I would vote for him again, I think.
28-12-2006, 02:48
If a soldier/anyone actually think he insulted them intentionally then they really are stupid.