NationStates Jolt Archive

I hate Capital One

26-12-2006, 02:25
Ok, so Capital one has just came out with this new commercial. Once again its about blackout dates, yadda yadda yadda. Well, this time they involved General Aviation. In the commercial you see this family get aboard a Cessna 172 (forgot if it's RG or not) and it had the airplane falling apart, filling with smoke, and at the end the yoke comes off. Comon give me a fucking break! God it's bad enough that the general population thinks that general aviation pilots like me are nuts who fly around in little 4 seater "unsafe" aircraft, but now, thanks to Capital One that belief has been reinforced. I have enough trouble convincing my sister-in-law to let me take my niece or nephew up in a small single prop aircraft when they are born and old enough to enjoy the experience, this will not help my case! Of course, this prejudice against General Aviation has been going on for awhile. What with many private airstrips closing because the neighborhood doesn't like the noise, comon you fucking genius, you live right next to a fucking airport. The airport was here before your stupid home! Even regional airports like KJQF (Concord Regional) gets complaints. Then there are politicians, like Chicago Mayor Mr. Daley who use the general population fear of little airplanes to get Meigs field destroyed. I'm going to tell you the truth about General Aviations. Flying in these small airplanes are less dangerous than driving. You have to do ALOT more to get a Private Pilot license than you have to do to get your drivers license! There really is no reason to be afraid of small airplanes.

Also for the record, I will be boycotting Capital One over that commercial.
26-12-2006, 02:28
Don't post completely hammered on brandy, please. Your post wasn't really very... cogent at all...
26-12-2006, 02:29
Don't post completely hammered on brandy, please. Your post wasn't really very... cogent at all...

I'm sober.
26-12-2006, 02:31
I'm sober.
That comes as quite a surprise to say the least.
Greater Valia
26-12-2006, 02:35
Don't post completely hammered on brandy, please. Your post wasn't really very... cogent at all...

It was perfectly cognent. Just needs formatting...
26-12-2006, 02:37
Ok, can someone please post on the subject, on the context rather than the way the context was presented?
26-12-2006, 02:41
Ok, can someone please post on the subject, on the context rather than the way the context was presented?
Sorry, I just saw it as something of a rant, without much basis for an argument.

Fair enough if you feel you're being unfortunately portrayed and want to boycott Capital One.

Since I do not fly planes, I will not boycott them.
26-12-2006, 02:57
Just wondering, what IS Capital One?

Eh, and about the home owner issue, we had people here buying houses near a shooting range. Then they complained about the noise, too... this doesn't really increase my opinion on humans...
26-12-2006, 02:59
Just wondering, what IS Capital One?
A credit card company.
26-12-2006, 03:06
A credit card company.

Ah, I can see the commercial now. The last line would be something like "Not dead enough? Do you need to buy another unsafe airplane? You can do so with a Capital One card" or something like that. *nod*
26-12-2006, 03:21
Ah, I can see the commercial now. The last line would be something like "Not dead enough? Do you need to buy another unsafe airplane? You can do so with a Capital One card" or something like that. *nod*

No it promises no black out dates, etc. etc. So you don't have to fly on an "unsafe" small airplane but rather the airliners.
Knight of Nights
26-12-2006, 03:26
I think you are getting a little over-dramatic about a commericial. The same company has used barbarians to illustrate its points, Im sure they did not intend direct harm over this.

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me about Meigs. I knew I despised Daley, I just couldnt remember why. Its not what he did so much, as how he went about doing arrogantly corrupt.
Texoma Land
26-12-2006, 03:31
It's just a joke for goodness sakes. My god, people are so hyper sensitive now days. "They're picking on me. Boo-hoo." Grow a pair.
26-12-2006, 03:33
I don't find the capitol one commercials too bad, but there is one visa commercial that I absolutely hate.

I'm a cash guy: never owned a credit card, and don't plan on it for a long time. (turn 20 in march)

there is a visa ad that shows a crowd of people in the most efficient restaurant ever: the whole thing is choreographed, with the customers taking little more than seconds to get their food, go through checkout, and leave. of course, the whole thing is accelerated by the use of credit cards: one swipe and they're through.

then comes this guy who, instead of swiping the card like everyone else, he pulls out a wad of greasy, crumpled bills. instantly, everything crashes down: the music stops, and the dance falls flat on its face.

The thing I hate about this commercial is that it makes cash guys look like idiots. The commercial is meant to make me want to get a card, and start thinking that cards are faster and easier, and that this poor fool is still using cash. whenever I see the commercial, I sympathize with the guy. I feel like Visa is calling me the fool, and why would I want to buy something from people who hate me?

The ironic thing is: I'm usually the fastest one through the checkout line.

give them the cash, get my change, get out.

my friends (who use cards) scan their card. then they scan it again. the fourth time, the machine picks it up, and then they wait a few seconds for it to process, and then they sign the little screen (which my paranoid mother thinks records your signature for later nefarious use) and then move on through.

and that doesn't include the constant problems with the card itself.

In short, I really hate visa, because they made a commercial that portrays me as a bumbling moron whose refusal to use their product is now ruining the experience for everybody.
26-12-2006, 03:34
As a former Employee of Capital One, let me just say that I cannot honestly say what I really think of them without getting banned. Here we are, the very first people most people talk to when they call up about their cards. We know a myrad of ways to help our customers, and most of the time, if you just tell us what's going on in your life, we can usually figure out someway to help you. Heck, we caqn even waive most of your fees if you just ask, but that's just it, you have to ask. We cannot tell or suggest anything to help the customer, unless its a product we don't want to sell in the first place, and the customer didn't call up to hear about. The rules of capital one suck in more ways than just their advertising.

What's in your wallet? Sure as hell ain't capital one! :mad:
Intestinal fluids
26-12-2006, 03:59
I stopped doing business with Capitol One. Back in the days when my credit was kind of hit and miss they gave me a card with a $35 annual fee. As my credit improved, Capitol One sent me additional offers with credit cards with no annual fee. When i asked them to just stop charging me the annual fee on the credit card i already had with them, since they were already giving me annual fee free offers anyway, they told me they couldnt do that. Needless to say they lost my business over $35 and a retarded policy.
26-12-2006, 04:06
I stopped doing business with Capitol One. Back in the days when my credit was kind of hit and miss they gave me a card with a $35 annual fee. As my credit improved, Capitol One sent me additional offers with credit cards with no annual fee. When i asked them to just stop charging me the annual fee on the credit card i already had with them, since they were already giving me annual fee free offers anyway, they told me they couldnt do that. Needless to say they lost my business over $35 and a retarded policy.

Yes, I was witness to Capital one's bad policies. I feel bad for you. Calls for annual fees were sent to the retention department, provided the Odyessy system said we were able to do something about them.
26-12-2006, 08:41
Ok, can someone please post on the subject, on the context rather than the way the context was presented?

Ok I think it is a silly over reaction.

We understand you are passionate about air planes.

I am about computers ... but you don't see me staging a personal protest over every single show or advertising that portrays incorrect information about them or portrays them in a dark light (there are plenty of evil computer overlords and such)

I may not watch them but boycotts of this type I find silly
26-12-2006, 08:42
I stopped doing business with Capitol One. Back in the days when my credit was kind of hit and miss they gave me a card with a $35 annual fee. As my credit improved, Capitol One sent me additional offers with credit cards with no annual fee. When i asked them to just stop charging me the annual fee on the credit card i already had with them, since they were already giving me annual fee free offers anyway, they told me they couldnt do that. Needless to say they lost my business over $35 and a retarded policy.

Hmmm never had anything but awsome luck