22-12-2006, 23:09
Hi, living in Sweden I usually get most of the news from our national medias although I sometimes read news from UK and USA. Now I have a question about perception of US media and government by you living in the US (and therefor mostly adress you all americans).
Last night I saw a documentory about war and media, (The swedish title was: "USA, war and television"). Anyway, it raised alot of questions in my mind on how americans perceive their media and their freedom of speech. Do they trust their embedded journalists? Do they think their media is objective and, more importantly, really employ critical journalism?
I can not say im a political or journalistic expert and I certanly do not accept nor embrace everything I saw in the documentory last night. And there sure is alot of voices in the news and on television that critize US forreign politics. Now with that said I can continue with some of the questions I wonder how the americans perveive them themselves:
-Lynch (kind of old story but anyway), the non-rescue-rescue-story. What do the americans think of this? Why are not the american people, the crusaders of freedom of speech and democracy, not demanding heads to roll (maybe they did to some extent but it sure was not the rage that would have become in peaceful little sweden)? Some of the media, military personel and politics knew it was not so serious, at all, as the first picture of the situation presented it as... wierd...
-The fall of Saddam statue, it was a nice event and great tv, but do the american people it was staged, as the dramatic and wonderful scene it was presented as? That hundreds of the liberated Iraqi people, with the help of the US marines, tare down the statue of the dictator in under festive circumstances - also that was not entirely true...
-The fireing of journalists that wanted to publish pictures of civilian casulties (first Iraq-war) both in CBS and NBC - also this in the land of the free and democratic. Just not the picture I got of USA (even though I am a bit suspicious to the autencity (it was only two interviews that supported it). But also in this war the media dont report about the civilian, or american (for that matter), casulties, at least not as true freedom of speech-loving journalists. Burnt child carcasses and bombed out refugees...
-Why does it seem to be a unpatriotic act to critize the war, and the medias representation of the war (maybe wars)? I really dont get that...
-This is probably a (more) stupid question (maybe I can find this answer somewhere else but I really would like the view from some americans): why does usa support israel so blindly in the troublesome palestinian-israel war? Both sides commit crimes against humanity, (it seems that the american people only see the palestinians as evil) (I dont want a lecture in the crimes of either side, just the americans view of the israeli support)...
-Guantanamo, terrorists, human rights, legal system... democracy... it does not really add up, how is it perceived in USA? America is about freedom, mostly, right to carry own guns and freedom of speech and so on, hate towards authoritian governments communism and fascism: but why accept an autoritian rule, cover ups and compromise the legal system with fair trials... its like every distopian authors scenario! Your are proud over your democracy, nation and freedom - why compromise it? The goal justifies the means?
Well i think thats about it... sry for the long post, I hope someone takes the time to at least answer some of the questions and shedd some light over my view of America and the americans :D
Last night I saw a documentory about war and media, (The swedish title was: "USA, war and television"). Anyway, it raised alot of questions in my mind on how americans perceive their media and their freedom of speech. Do they trust their embedded journalists? Do they think their media is objective and, more importantly, really employ critical journalism?
I can not say im a political or journalistic expert and I certanly do not accept nor embrace everything I saw in the documentory last night. And there sure is alot of voices in the news and on television that critize US forreign politics. Now with that said I can continue with some of the questions I wonder how the americans perveive them themselves:
-Lynch (kind of old story but anyway), the non-rescue-rescue-story. What do the americans think of this? Why are not the american people, the crusaders of freedom of speech and democracy, not demanding heads to roll (maybe they did to some extent but it sure was not the rage that would have become in peaceful little sweden)? Some of the media, military personel and politics knew it was not so serious, at all, as the first picture of the situation presented it as... wierd...
-The fall of Saddam statue, it was a nice event and great tv, but do the american people it was staged, as the dramatic and wonderful scene it was presented as? That hundreds of the liberated Iraqi people, with the help of the US marines, tare down the statue of the dictator in under festive circumstances - also that was not entirely true...
-The fireing of journalists that wanted to publish pictures of civilian casulties (first Iraq-war) both in CBS and NBC - also this in the land of the free and democratic. Just not the picture I got of USA (even though I am a bit suspicious to the autencity (it was only two interviews that supported it). But also in this war the media dont report about the civilian, or american (for that matter), casulties, at least not as true freedom of speech-loving journalists. Burnt child carcasses and bombed out refugees...
-Why does it seem to be a unpatriotic act to critize the war, and the medias representation of the war (maybe wars)? I really dont get that...
-This is probably a (more) stupid question (maybe I can find this answer somewhere else but I really would like the view from some americans): why does usa support israel so blindly in the troublesome palestinian-israel war? Both sides commit crimes against humanity, (it seems that the american people only see the palestinians as evil) (I dont want a lecture in the crimes of either side, just the americans view of the israeli support)...
-Guantanamo, terrorists, human rights, legal system... democracy... it does not really add up, how is it perceived in USA? America is about freedom, mostly, right to carry own guns and freedom of speech and so on, hate towards authoritian governments communism and fascism: but why accept an autoritian rule, cover ups and compromise the legal system with fair trials... its like every distopian authors scenario! Your are proud over your democracy, nation and freedom - why compromise it? The goal justifies the means?
Well i think thats about it... sry for the long post, I hope someone takes the time to at least answer some of the questions and shedd some light over my view of America and the americans :D