Free Hugs?
07-12-2006, 01:12
Okay, so I've been trying to figure out what angle to go at this from, and I've decided to forgo an angle, and just present what this is.
Recently, on college campuses around Boston, there have been growing numbers of students walking around with "Free Hugs" signs. More and more people are joining it and getting into it. It seems that this is not isolated to just Boston, but is an international thing.
Honestly, the first time I saw it, I thought it was weird...who walks around with a sign asking for free hugs? But I figured what the hell, and got my hug. I went on to my class. Day went as usual.
Cut to a few hours later, when I was starting my walk back to my apartment after a very long day of classes, and preparing myself for the cold walk in the rain. I got back to the plaza where I had gotten my hug earlier, and there was one guy standing there with a sign, in the rain, with a pile of signs behind him. Now, I was miserable at this point, but figured he looked even more miserable, so walked up and gave him a hug. Honestly, I felt a hell of a lot better. So I grabbed one of the signs behind him, and joined in. Most people ignored it. Alot came up for hugs. One or two stopped and joined in. I spent about an hour out there just hanging out with the guy and the other people who came up, untill we decided to call it a night.
It is something so simple, so stupid, and so rediculous..."free hugs"...what the fuck? But really, it is brilliant. We're so isolated today, that human contact is looked at with suspicion. Now that the "Free Huggers" have been on campus for a while, many more people will go up or join in. I've even seen some people go up in tears to get their hug.
I'm still not entirely sure where I am going with this, but it seems like something at least someone on here might pick up and start in their area. It makes for a very positive change in people.
So go out, give someone a hug. You'll feel much better.
As for this thread, say your opinion. If you have seen them around, what was your reaction? Would you ever do this? Bascially, whatever you want, say.
Is it can be hugs tiem now?
07-12-2006, 01:14
My friends once went around asking for hugs at a band exhibition once. :)
Sounds like an awesome idea! :)
Beer and college kids can do wonderful things.:D
07-12-2006, 01:31
Is it can be hugs tiem now?
Beer and college kids can do wonderful things.:D
Or vodka in my case...
07-12-2006, 01:31
Once someone randomly came up to me and asked for a hug. It was scary.:(
Liberated New Ireland
07-12-2006, 01:34
A winrar is you. :D
07-12-2006, 01:37
That would never work in this country. Something like acknowledging the people around you as you're walking down the streets or, heaven forbid, smiling at them will have you regarded as a loon. Random hugs?
That's so un-Swedish.
07-12-2006, 01:37
*hugs someone*
Liberated New Ireland
07-12-2006, 01:38
That would never work in this country. Something like acknowledging the people around you as you're walking down the streets or, heaven forbid, smiling at them will have you regarded as a loon. Random hugs?
That's so un-Swedish.
Sounds like Sweden needs a hug.
A hug from a pissed-looking kitten.
07-12-2006, 01:39
I heard on the radio that people tried that in China. Many people ran away screaming.
I dunno, whatever floats your boat. I don't like being touched so I would probably opt not to have a free hug.
07-12-2006, 01:40
Sounds like Sweden needs a hug.
I don't know about Sweden, but I'm always game for hugs.
/No sweaty or smelly people, 'kay. I'm very sensitive when it comes to odours.
07-12-2006, 01:43
Started with a Dude here in Sydney in Pitt street mall.. well at least in its current manifestation.
I think its important that the hug is offered rather than asked for.
A lot of people are missing close nit families and tight communities.. the world can be a bewildering and confusing space and the monkeysphere is a constricting thing to view the world through. Its nice every now and then to be reminded that all the other people you see walking around town everyday have lives too... that they are just as real as the people you know.. and a free hug is a good way to remind you of that.
I think its an awesome idea.
Scarey thing to be doing by yourself though... especially at night.
I think while its a cool idea its also a good idea about being sensible with it.... might not go down so well in a rough neighbourhood....
Liberated New Ireland
07-12-2006, 01:43
I don't know about Sweden, but I'm always game for hugs.
/No sweaty or smelly people, 'kay. I'm very sensitive when it comes to odours.
Do you mind people who smell like pot?
I don't smoke (much), I just smell like I do...
Free hugs? That's it! Baby Ballface Must die! ( I'll have this mushroom do it. *holds up evil mushroom*
07-12-2006, 01:48
Do you mind people who smell like pot?
Only when they have their clothes on.
I don't smoke (much), I just smell like I do...
OK, that's a little euuw, but I'm sure I could wait to inhale for a few moments.
How about European style kissing on the cheeks? Hmm, I'm conflicted when it comes to that. With cute stubbly guys it's a cheap and fun thrill, but with anyone else it's a bit too continental for me.
07-12-2006, 01:48
Might need to try this on campus when the guy who shows up with a sign every semester does. His says "You're all going to hell!"
Mine will say "Free hugs!"
I wonder who will get more hugs?
07-12-2006, 01:50
I heard on the radio that people tried that in China. Many people ran away screaming.
I dunno, whatever floats your boat. I don't like being touched so I would probably opt not to have a free hug.
I would probably run away screaming. People are scary; why would I want to hug someone whom I don't know and who may be bad for all I know?:(
It's interesting, though.
Liberated New Ireland
07-12-2006, 01:50
Might need to try this on campus when the guy who shows up with a sign every semester does. His says "You're all going to hell!"
Mine will say "Free hugs!"
I wonder who will get more hugs?
Well, it's really a "which is worse" thing. His sign or... you.
...I think he wins.
07-12-2006, 02:05
Well, it's really a "which is worse" thing. His sign or... you.
...I think he wins.
But I'm tall and loveable! How could you not want a free hug from me? A free, non-judgmental hug! That's more along the lines of Jesus than standing in the street and calling everyone a sinner.
Pure Metal
07-12-2006, 02:36
Okay, so I've been trying to figure out what angle to go at this from, and I've decided to forgo an angle, and just present what this is.
Recently, on college campuses around Boston, there have been growing numbers of students walking around with "Free Hugs" signs. More and more people are joining it and getting into it. It seems that this is not isolated to just Boston, but is an international thing.
Honestly, the first time I saw it, I thought it was weird...who walks around with a sign asking for free hugs? But I figured what the hell, and got my hug. I went on to my class. Day went as usual.
Cut to a few hours later, when I was starting my walk back to my apartment after a very long day of classes, and preparing myself for the cold walk in the rain. I got back to the plaza where I had gotten my hug earlier, and there was one guy standing there with a sign, in the rain, with a pile of signs behind him. Now, I was miserable at this point, but figured he looked even more miserable, so walked up and gave him a hug. Honestly, I felt a hell of a lot better. So I grabbed one of the signs behind him, and joined in. Most people ignored it. Alot came up for hugs. One or two stopped and joined in. I spent about an hour out there just hanging out with the guy and the other people who came up, untill we decided to call it a night.
It is something so simple, so stupid, and so rediculous..."free hugs"...what the fuck? But really, it is brilliant. We're so isolated today, that human contact is looked at with suspicion. Now that the "Free Huggers" have been on campus for a while, many more people will go up or join in. I've even seen some people go up in tears to get their hug.
I'm still not entirely sure where I am going with this, but it seems like something at least someone on here might pick up and start in their area. It makes for a very positive change in people.
So go out, give someone a hug. You'll feel much better.
As for this thread, say your opinion. If you have seen them around, what was your reaction? Would you ever do this? Bascially, whatever you want, say.
awww :)
i'd be a free hugger.... or a free fluffler :fluffle: :D
not sure about my reaction though. you're right about the suspicion thing - i'd think they were going to pick my pocket or their mate was going to beat me up as soon as my back is turned or something :(
07-12-2006, 03:16
awww :)
i'd be a free hugger.... or a free fluffler :fluffle: :D
not sure about my reaction though. you're right about the suspicion thing - i'd think they were going to pick my pocket or their mate was going to beat me up as soon as my back is turned or something :(
It was comforting that they were other students...but it is strange...which, I think, is part of the point. Why are we so afraid of touching someone else? Why are we instantly suspicious of people who are offering hugs? Sure, some of it is common sense, but part of it is irrational.
But it is tons of fun. I suggest it.
07-12-2006, 03:22
It was comforting that they were other students...but it is strange...which, I think, is part of the point. Why are we so afraid of touching someone else? Why are we instantly suspicious of people who are offering hugs? Sure, some of it is common sense, but part of it is irrational.
But it is tons of fun. I suggest it.
Because people are scary and suspicious.:(
07-12-2006, 03:54
It was comforting that they were other students...but it is strange...which, I think, is part of the point. Why are we so afraid of touching someone else? Why are we instantly suspicious of people who are offering hugs? Sure, some of it is common sense, but part of it is irrational.
But it is tons of fun. I suggest it.I'm curious about how they started - has it taken off ever since that video has been circulating on youtube?
I think it is a nice idea. Though when you get down to it, a hug is more or less as superficial as a handshake. Superficialities make people happy though, so I think it's a fun idea. I wonder how it would go down on my campus.
The Tribes Of Longton
07-12-2006, 04:24
Me and a couple of mates gave out free hugs at a festival once. Hugging someone who's on pills is a looooong experience.
07-12-2006, 05:39
I'm curious about how they started - has it taken off ever since that video has been circulating on youtube?it has definatly exploded since the video, but as far as I know, it was just some guy who started it.
I think it is a nice idea. Though when you get down to it, a hug is more or less as superficial as a handshake. Superficialities make people happy though, so I think it's a fun idea. I wonder how it would go down on my campus.
slightly more personal than a handshake, as it is more intimate (more contact). Still, I agree.
The Brevious
07-12-2006, 07:43
Seeing how hugging around here is a common greeting gesture even emong people who don't know each other all that well, I get my fair share of hugs every day anyway.. that said, I am a very huggy person and would in no way object more hugs - the thing scaring me away from that sign is the fear of atracting all kinds of weirdos and other assorted unhygienic riff-raff only, as the decent people get their hugs already from... other decent people, as demonstrated above.
But yes, the US is one hug-deprived country. I even got suspected of being a lesbian when I stayed there for a while and t first continued with my hugging habits with my (mostly female) friends! *outrage*
In responste to the OP, I find that whole idea fascinating. And awesome. But I am far to shy to actually try it.
Cabra West
07-12-2006, 10:11
Seeing how hugging around here is a common greeting gesture even emong people who don't know each other all that well, I get my fair share of hugs every day anyway.. that said, I am a very huggy person and would in no way object more hugs - the thing scaring me away from that sign is the fear of atracting all kinds of weirdos and other assorted unhygienic riff-raff only, as the decent people get their hugs already from... other decent people, as demonstrated above.
But yes, the US is one hug-deprived country. I even got suspected of being a lesbian when I stayed there for a while and t first continued with my hugging habits with my (mostly female) friends! *outrage*
It's not that common in Ireland, unfortunately. I do hug my German friends, but even that gets strange looks and the occasional question if we're lesbians. I think it would be a great idea to start that here... but I'm not really sure if I'd be the right person to start it.
It's not that common in Ireland, unfortunately. I do hug my German friends, but even that gets strange looks and the occasional question if we're lesbians.
See? Just what I've been talking about.
And, uh, I can only commiserate you. I really have to reconsider my plans for moving to certain countries if I hear that random hugging is as unappreciated there.. to think! The deprivation!
I think it would be a great idea to start that here... but I'm not really sure if I'd be the right person to start it.
Well, somebody has to, so why not you? :]
07-12-2006, 12:37
I wouldn't like it, random stupid fucks wanna grope me? to hell with that!
A good idea. :)
The guy in the video with the blue t-shirt reminds me of myself...I am as likely to flying body tackle you as hug you...but it's all in good fun. :D
Jello Biafra
07-12-2006, 12:52
It seems like a nice idea to me. {{{Hugs for everyone in thread.}}}
I wouldn't like it, random stupid fucks wanna grope me? to hell with that!Er....what kind of hugs do you usually get? :confused:
07-12-2006, 12:57
There was a guy offering free hugs at one of the trampolining competitions i was at. It did make you feel so much better as we were all piss scared about getting up and doing a routine in front of like 300 people, but the poor guy... we had all been trampolining for about 2 hours before then and the smell must have been a little ripe.