NationStates Jolt Archive

Re: Brazil

04-12-2006, 22:15
Someone on here posted a while ago something along the lines of "Brazil is oh-so-lovely". Well I read in a paper today that a gang of Brazilians (with guns) locked a group of English students in the bathroom of the house they were staying in and stole their stuff. And the police? "weren't helpful at all" and apparently it's not surprising in such a poverty-ridden country. Your country sucks just as much as, or more than, or almost as much as, others.
04-12-2006, 22:16
In the post you were referring to did they say Brazil was perfect? Otherwise one incident against Brazil doesnt go against their claim
New Xero Seven
04-12-2006, 22:17
Every nation has its goods, its bads, and its uglies.
The Potato Factory
04-12-2006, 22:19
Might have been in the topic about the rapist UN peacekeepers.
04-12-2006, 22:20
I know about the poverty in Brazil, and drug lords, and political oppresion of the people...but man, Brazilian women have far nicer butts then American/European/Austrailian/You name it that i can forgive a little armed robbery. and in the city I live in the US there is a good chance the people would have just been murdered as opposed to nicely locked in a closet to identify their attackers later.