NationStates Jolt Archive


29-11-2006, 20:05
So, I just had a doozy of a nosebleed. It just suddenly started, and turned into a free flowing waterfall of blood down my face. A significant portion found its way into my mouth. It was quite odd, really. More funny than anything else. I got it all cleaned up, but methinks it made me just a teensy bit giddy. (Mainly because there was blood everywhere, since I spat out some on reflex and sneezed once I got into the bathroom. It was funny, and I was half-tempted to leave some of it there just because it would be funny.)

So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?
Call to power
29-11-2006, 20:09
well never had any bad nosebleeds just wussy 10 second ones is good or getting rid of headaches though…

Worst bleed I’d say is when I cracked my head open (I ran into a brick wall:p )
29-11-2006, 20:09
I get nosebleeds that will last intermittently for a couple days. Not just a little blood, the sort where I just lean over a sink and watch it fill with blood, and splatter everywhere.

Seriously, I lose pints of blood through my nose when I have a sinus infection. It starts to congeal in my sinuses, leading to long ropey strands of gooey blood.
29-11-2006, 20:10
my nose bled pretty bad when it got broken.

I haven't had too many bloody injuries since I quit drinking and doing drugs.....I seem to be less clumsy.

I think head wounds tend to bleed a lot more than anything else though, judging from when my girls get scrapped up outside.
29-11-2006, 20:11
So, I just had a doozy of a nosebleed. It just suddenly started, and turned into a free flowing waterfall of blood down my face. A significant portion found its way into my mouth. It was quite odd, really. More funny than anything else. I got it all cleaned up, but methinks it made me just a teensy bit giddy. (Mainly because there was blood everywhere, since I spat out some on reflex and sneezed once I got into the bathroom. It was funny, and I was half-tempted to leave some of it there just because it would be funny.)

So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?

Too much fun with kittens? :eek:

I can't recall ever having a spontaneous nosebleed, knock on wood. Sounds like yours set up enough circumstantial evidence that you wouldn't want the constabulary dropping by any time soon.

I broke a toe once, bounced a trailer hitch on my foot, but the toes around it splinted it and it healed fine. Never broke a limb or a tooth (beyond a very small chip in front, I for get how). I did fall several Christmases ago at the Cherry Creek Mall, in the parking lot, landed on my left arm, packages flying everywhere, that really sucked, couldn't move that arm worth a damn for a couple weeks and it was sore for much longer. :mad:

Had my tonsils out at five. :p

Oh, and I have cut myself pretty good being inattentive with our really good, really sharp kitchen knives. That's always fun!
29-11-2006, 20:11
So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?
The worse nosebleed for me, and so far my only one, was self-inflicted.

I sleep with no lights on in my room, and I never turn lights on when I look for something in the middle of the night. Lights hurt my blurry eyes. So, anyway, back when my bed was right next to my computer table, I had a pillow fall off my bed and under the table. I started to feel around for it, unaware that my face was right under the edge of my computer table.

I brought my head up (not slowly of course), whacking the bridge of my nose on the table. It hurt so much, I just sat stunned for a couple of minutes. I didn't even know it was bleeding until I moved my upper lip. That's when I cursed.

Worse injury?

I had a dumpster lid slam down on a hand that was already had no feeling in the ring and pink finger. I had massively damaged in nerves in m,y left hand when I fell down stairs, banging my left hand a couple of times on the railing, then on the small posts and on the stairs...

The dumpster slamming down on it didn't help matters at all...

Surprisingly, I didn't break anything in it, and I went for a few months being only to type with six fingers and two thumbs. My hand still tingles if I twist it the wrong way.
29-11-2006, 20:13
Too much fun with kittens? :eek: I was just about to ask that too. :eek:

Seriously though - is it normal to have massive nosebleeds for no discernible reason?

I don't think I ever had a nosebleed. Maybe as a kid.
29-11-2006, 20:17
Too much fun with kittens? :eek:

I can't recall ever having a spontaneous nosebleed, knock on wood. Sounds like yours set up enough circumstantial evidence that you wouldn't want the constabulary dropping by any time soon.

Eh, probably. Sokkwi has been clawing at my face recently.(Though he knows well enough to avoid eyes, he has no problem with everywhere else.) Could also be the cold; it isn't the first time I've had a sudden nosebleed thanks to the weather outside.
Carnivorous Lickers
29-11-2006, 20:19
Never had a nose bleed aside from a little blood after being hit solidly in it.

My injuries could fill a page, but the most I ever bled was from being mauled by a dog. I lost several pints-I was covered from head to toe, as was the dog and the ground all around us-The hospital had no replacement of my type available readily.
One of my closest scrapes.
29-11-2006, 20:22
Worst nosebleed I ever had was when I sneezed really hard. The blood started out like water from a tap for the first minute or so, then slowed down. An hour later it hadn't stopped, I think it got a slightly worse for a bit . After two hours it finally stopped, then 20 minutes later it started again (though this time for only about half an hour). For the next few weeks I would frequently have nosebleeds. At least it wasn't painful but I was very white afterwards.
New Xero Seven
29-11-2006, 20:23
My nosebleeds tend to be nothing, just a trickle of blood outta my nostrils, nothing a pinch at the top of your nose and some kleenex won't fix up.
30-11-2006, 11:24
I used to get quite a lot of spontaneous blood noses when I was a kid, but it's become less & less as I've got older. It still happens occaisionally, but it's now pretty rare (probably a couple of times a year).

The worst one was when I was about 10, it lasted the whole of the morning class at school & just wouldn't stop. I had to go home early.
30-11-2006, 11:27
my nose bled pretty bad when it got broken.

I haven't had too many bloody injuries since I quit drinking and doing drugs.....I seem to be less clumsy.

I think head wounds tend to bleed a lot more than anything else though, judging from when my girls get scrapped up outside.

Head wounds do bleed more, there's a lot of blood vessels in the face and scalp. A fact professional wrestlers use to their advantage. A relatively small cut to the scalp can leave your fave covered in blood.

I've actually never had a nosebleed.
Turquoise Days
30-11-2006, 11:28
I used to get quite a lot of spontaneous blood noses when I was a kid, but it's become less & less as I've got older. It still happens occaisionally, but it's now pretty rare (probably a couple of times a year).

The worst one was when I was about 10, it lasted the whole of the morning class at school & just wouldn't stop. I had to go home early.

Yeah, I used to get them several times a year. Now its just very occasionally. (about due for one now, I think)
30-11-2006, 11:32
Seriously though - is it normal to have massive nosebleeds for no discernible reason?

Humidity has a lot to do with it...if it's really dry (such as indoors in the winter time) then the tissue on the inside of the nose is much more apt to crack open and bleed.

I used to get quite a lot of spontaneous blood noses when I was a kid, but it's become less & less as I've got older. It still happens occaisionally, but it's now pretty rare (probably a couple of times a year).

That blurb fits me as well. :p
30-11-2006, 11:41
The worst I had was one night that I woke up choking on blood, since i'd been sleeping on my back. It didn't stop bleeding for about an hour. I haven't had one for a while, though.
30-11-2006, 11:48
I once burst a blood vessel in my nose. I had to go to the hospital and get it cauterised (correct spelling?)
Nothing scarier than someone (who looked about 14) sticking a hot lance up your nose. There is no way to escape the smell of burning flesh - it stays with you for days
Great Scotia
30-11-2006, 12:37
I have never had a nosebleed! You all fail as human beings!
Drake and Dragon Keeps
30-11-2006, 12:51
So, I just had a doozy of a nosebleed. It just suddenly started, and turned into a free flowing waterfall of blood down my face. A significant portion found its way into my mouth. It was quite odd, really. More funny than anything else. I got it all cleaned up, but methinks it made me just a teensy bit giddy. (Mainly because there was blood everywhere, since I spat out some on reflex and sneezed once I got into the bathroom. It was funny, and I was half-tempted to leave some of it there just because it would be funny.)

So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?

Damn you, I just opened up NSG to see if there were any interesting threads and I see your one and I get a nose bleed :mad: right after I click on it.

Ok, worst beeding for me, hmmm I have two situations:

1st: When I was about 4/5 years old I fell backwards and cracked my head a corner of the wall. Still got a bold patch there :(

2nd: When I was about 15 I cut my thumb open along its length. i was trying to cut a piece of wood in half along its length and the knife slipped and cut right into my thumb, only thing stopping it going further was my thumb nail. That was a lot of blood, still have that scar as well.

Not sure which one is worst for blood though the first one was much more painful.
Drake and Dragon Keeps
30-11-2006, 12:57
Humidity has a lot to do with it...if it's really dry (such as indoors in the winter time) then the tissue on the inside of the nose is much more apt to crack open and bleed.

That is probably the reason for my nose bleeds as I only get them during winter when the central heating is on. Don't get them when the heating if off (my preferred situation though everyone else complains).
Strippers and Blow
30-11-2006, 13:36
Atilla the Hun is laughing at all you puny beings from beyond the grave.
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 13:45
So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?
I usually don't get any nosebleeds - but the worst one I've had occured on Nov. 19th 2000 around 05:10 and it not only included a nose bleeding like hell but also a fractured eye socket.
No, it didn't "just happen", nor was it my fault in any way. :mad:
30-11-2006, 13:50
That is probably the reason for my nose bleeds as I only get them during winter when the central heating is on. Don't get them when the heating if off (my preferred situation though everyone else complains).

I had the same problem when I was younger...nosebleeds all the time in the winter.

Get a humidifier for the bedroom...or failing that just place a pan of water by the heating vent, and you'll be good. :)
I V Stalin
30-11-2006, 15:05
Worst nosebleed I ever had was when I got kicked in the nose by a friend of mine. I think I was about 9 at the time. Didn't really bleed so much, and it stopped after a couple of minutes.

Worst bleed I've actually had, I lost almost a pint. Although that was when I was donating blood. :p

Worst injury just on appearances was when I split my lip on someone's shoulder in a moshpit. There was blood all over my face and shirt, and it seemed nobody noticed (or at least, nobody said anything) until the end of the gig, when it had all dried.
Jello Biafra
30-11-2006, 15:27
I've never had a nosebleed.

When I was three, I managed to cut myself on my eyebrow outside on my porch (long story). Needed 12 stitches.
The funny part of the story is my sister coming home (my parents were with me at the hospital, and she didn't know) and seeing the blood everywhere.
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 15:50
I've never had a nosebleed.

When I was three, I managed to cut myself on my eyebrow outside on my porch (long story). Needed 12 stitches.
The funny part of the story is my sister coming home (my parents were with me at the hospital, and she didn't know) and seeing the blood everywhere.
How nice of your parents not to leave her a note... :rolleyes:
30-11-2006, 15:52
So, what's the worst nosebleed you've ever had? Or any other kind of bleed or bruise or injury for that matter?
I have terrible chronic nosebleeds. They're all sorts of fun, and you learn all sorts of stupid ways of stopping them (like acupressure with the feet. Odd, but it works).
Jello Biafra
30-11-2006, 15:54
How nice of your parents not to leave her a note... :rolleyes:Lol. Well, my dad was the only one home with me at the time, and when it happened his instinct was to rush me to the hospital. We found my mother on the way there, and took her with us.
AB Again
30-11-2006, 16:01
I have never had a nosebleed! You all fail as human beings!

It is normal for Human Beings to bleed from the nose at times, particularly after impacting said part of the anatomy. - I think you fail as a human if you've never had one as you are obviously missing a nose.

That aside, having broken my nose four times - the first being when I was 3 years old, I have had innumerous nosebleeds. They have more or less stopped happening now, but it took 40 odd years for my system to fully repair the damage.
30-11-2006, 16:37
Humidity has a lot to do with it...if it's really dry (such as indoors in the winter time) then the tissue on the inside of the nose is much more apt to crack open and bleed.

I used to get nosebleeds all the time when I moved to Colorado. I think there's at most 3 gallons of water in that entire state.
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 18:41
Lol. Well, my dad was the only one home with me at the time, and when it happened his instinct was to rush me to the hospital. We found my mother on the way there, and took her with us.
Ah, yes - that's the way Dads act. ;)
I used to get nosebleeds all the time when I moved to Colorado. I think there's at most 3 gallons of water in that entire state.
Drink'em all, and quickly! :p
30-11-2006, 18:46
Drink'em all, and quickly! :p

*Gulp* ... too late! It is true that with our refined, rarified atmosphere here in Colorful Colorado, people whose nasal membranes are of an inferior type will develop nasal exsanguination. :p

I never got those, but it did take a while for me to get used to the dryness here.
30-11-2006, 18:49
Drink'em all, and quickly! :p

I've since moved back to Michigan, which is all but surrounded by 22.81 quadrillion litres of fresh water, so there's a tolerable amount of humidity here.
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 19:02
*Gulp* ... too late! It is true that with our refined, rarified atmosphere here in Colorful Colorado, people whose nasal membranes are of an inferior type will develop nasal exsanguination. :p

I never got those, but it did take a while for me to get used to the dryness here.
I've never experienced that really dry heat - but I believe I wouldn't really like it.
On the other hand, I did really enjoy the humid heat in NC.
I've since moved back to Michigan, which is all but surrounded by 22.81 quadrillion litres of fresh water, so there's a tolerable amount of humidity here.
Meeechigan. ;)

Maybe you want to send another 3 gallons of water to your old place? :p
30-11-2006, 19:07
I've never experienced that really dry heat - but I believe I wouldn't really like it.
On the other hand, I did really enjoy the humid heat in NC.

Meeechigan. ;)

Maybe you want to send another 3 gallons of water to your old place? :p

The dry heat in the summer's not so bad. Compare 105F and 40% humidity to 105F and 95% humidity. Still, I grew up on the East Coast and I still do have a fondness for hot and humid. In fact, Fanrhamia's motto, Non Calor Sed Umor, says It's Not The Heat, It's The Humidity. Put it this way, a cold glass of beer does not sweat here in Colorado in the summer. You hardly need coasters except on rare occasions.
30-11-2006, 19:08
I vant to suck your blood...?
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 19:19
The dry heat in the summer's not so bad. Compare 105F and 40% humidity to 105F and 95% humidity. Still, I grew up on the East Coast and I still do have a fondness for hot and humid. In fact, Fanrhamia's motto, Non Calor Sed Umor, says It's Not The Heat, It's The Humidity. Put it this way, a cold glass of beer does not sweat here in Colorado in the summer. You hardly need coasters except on rare occasions.
Mmh. How much would 105°F be in °C?
That's a great motto, BTW!!!
As for the beer - it's bad enough how fast a beer is empty once you've opened it under normal conditions. How fast does it "evaporate" in dry heat? :D
I vant to suck your blood...?

*readies pointy stick*
AB Again
30-11-2006, 19:25
Mmh. How much would 105°F be in °C?

40.555555555555°C - Hotish

We get 41°C + at 95%+ humidity: Hell on earth, but fun for watching the fit women.
30-11-2006, 19:34
Mmh. How much would 105°F be in °C?
That's a great motto, BTW!!!
As for the beer - it's bad enough how fast a beer is empty once you've opened it under normal conditions. How fast does it "evaporate" in dry heat? :D
As AB says, 105 is about 40, 41C. Last July I set my oven thermometer out in the shade in the yard and the needle moved up to about that.

Thanks, I like that motto, too. I got it from Henry Beard's "Latin For All Occasions" book.

Who lets beer evaporate?!?!
German Nightmare
30-11-2006, 20:02
40.555555555555°C - Hotish

We get 41°C + at 95%+ humidity: Hell on earth, but fun for watching the fit women.
Best invention ever: Women in summers' clothing on mountain bikes with a low handle bar. :D
As AB says, 105 is about 40, 41C. Last July I set my oven thermometer out in the shade in the yard and the needle moved up to about that.
Phew, that is hot, hot, hot. Altough I can't really complain about this year's summer, either. During the WC, the temperatures here got very close.
Thanks, I like that motto, too. I got it from Henry Beard's "Latin For All Occasions" book.
Who lets beer evaporate?!?!
Note that I said "evaporate". It's those damn faulty bottles - seems like there's always a hole in'em somewhere - they never last long enough to quench the thirst completely...
30-11-2006, 20:04
well never had any bad nosebleeds just wussy 10 second ones is good or getting rid of headaches though…

Worst bleed I’d say is when I cracked my head open (I ran into a brick wall:p )

:eek: I thought I was the only one dumb enough to run into a brick wall!!!

That was my worst bleed too, except it was my face, right under my eye.
30-11-2006, 20:09
And my broken bone count is right arm (playing goalie in soccer), 3-4 fingers, (doing various things), cheekbone (running into the wall incident), and a toe. My other bad injuries are when I split my head falling from the top of a bunkbed headfirst onto a radiator when I was four. I got stiches on my finger when my mother slammed a car door against it (by mistake (i hope)).
30-11-2006, 20:09
I've only had a couple of little nosebleeds. Was years ago when I partied a lot, was under a lot of stress and basically wasn't really taking care of my health. Still not certain what exactly caused them. But I think it was the partying.
Terrorist Cakes
30-11-2006, 20:50
My longest was probably about an hour and a half. That was one of the few times I actually went to the hospital for one. I've had my nose coterized (spelling?) twice, and packed twice. Usually they're only about ten minutes long, though. I've had one or two on stage, which was absolutely terrifying, and a few in the pool, which disgusts people, one while getting a facial done, one in the middle of a math unit exam, one while the school was under an "orange alert" for a drug search, once at a new year's party, etc, etc.
Drake and Dragon Keeps
30-11-2006, 21:15
I had the same problem when I was younger...nosebleeds all the time in the winter.

Get a humidifier for the bedroom...or failing that just place a pan of water by the heating vent, and you'll be good. :)

That is a good idea but I can't implement it, my room is long and narrow so if put the water by the heating when I get out of bed in the morning you can guarantee wet feet.:(