Im a ninja
26-11-2006, 23:44
If you dont want to read my long story, just skip it and look at the bottom
So I just downloaded the 2142 demo, and i install it, and i open it. Naturally, being EA and me being me, it dosent work. It whines about not being able to find some file, and tells me to reinstall it. So I do, but of course it still dosent work. So next, i turn to EAs website for help. After going through thier 15 offical websites for the same game, i stumble upon the correct one. I click support, and it gives me tips on how to play as a sniper. It says if I want support, i have to get it in german or something like that. Screw that. I go to the EA main page, and find the tiny button that says support. I put in 2142, and 4 pages of stuff appear! yea! I find the right page, which is Here ( wdj0yLjIwODcmcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTI*&p_li=&p_topview=1)
I meet all the system requriments, which are also a pain to find, so I go to the next one on the list, and it tells me my drviers are out of date. So i click the ATI one, and i find my card, and now i am here.
If I download the second link here,
will that update my drivers or obliteterate my computer? Or something in between?
I will probably ask more questions later when it still dosent work.
Thank you!
Oh, and is the game worth this much trouble?
So I just downloaded the 2142 demo, and i install it, and i open it. Naturally, being EA and me being me, it dosent work. It whines about not being able to find some file, and tells me to reinstall it. So I do, but of course it still dosent work. So next, i turn to EAs website for help. After going through thier 15 offical websites for the same game, i stumble upon the correct one. I click support, and it gives me tips on how to play as a sniper. It says if I want support, i have to get it in german or something like that. Screw that. I go to the EA main page, and find the tiny button that says support. I put in 2142, and 4 pages of stuff appear! yea! I find the right page, which is Here ( wdj0yLjIwODcmcF9jdj0mcF9wYWdlPTI*&p_li=&p_topview=1)
I meet all the system requriments, which are also a pain to find, so I go to the next one on the list, and it tells me my drviers are out of date. So i click the ATI one, and i find my card, and now i am here.
If I download the second link here,
will that update my drivers or obliteterate my computer? Or something in between?
I will probably ask more questions later when it still dosent work.
Thank you!
Oh, and is the game worth this much trouble?