The Ulitmate Question...
You have to choose. So...
Would you rather go driving with Ted Kennedy, or hunting with Dick Cheney?
You have to choose. So...
Would you rather go driving with Ted Kennedy, or hunting with Dick Cheney?
I would go with Dick.
No family curse to worry about, if your in a car crash your pretty much screwed but all you gotta do is hit the dirt whenever Dick takes aim.
08-11-2006, 03:17
I can duck better than I can swim. Since I'm also not Old Ted's type, I'm sure I won't be in the car next time he needs to dump a girlfriend.
You have to choose. So...
Would you rather go driving with Ted Kennedy, or hunting with Dick Cheney?
I'd do both. Hunting with Dick Cheney and Driving with Ted Kennedy...
after all, I can be behind Dick Cheney when MY gun accidently goes off... and I can be driving while boozed out Ted is in the passenger's seat.
Desperate Measures
08-11-2006, 03:33
I know for a fact Cheney would shoot me. I wouldn't be able to keep from telling him how evil I think he is. Or maybe I'd just keep screaming something as he aimed up a shot. "HALLIBURTON!" "DEAD CIVILIANS!" "KATRINA!"
I'd do both. Hunting with Dick Cheney and Driving with Ted Kennedy...
after all, I can be behind Dick Cheney when MY gun accidently goes off... and I can be driving while boozed out Ted is in the passenger's seat.
08-11-2006, 03:40
I'd go with Cheney, just because I would probably be more likely to get shot in a car with a man that is likely to be the target of a government assasination.
then again, if I do get shot by Cheney, and into an accedent with Kennedy... I can sue them. :D
then again, if I do get shot by Cheney, and into an accedent with Kennedy... I can sue them. :D
Show us more, great one!
Can I be an intern for Bill Clinton?
Can I be an intern for Bill Clinton?
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08-11-2006, 04:15
Kennedy: Drowns woman, hides. She's dead.
Cheney: Accidentally shoots friend, he gets him medical attention and he lives.
I'll hunt with Cheney. Life sounds better than death. ;)
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-11-2006, 05:44
I'd rather hunt with Cheney, but I'm carrying the gun.
08-11-2006, 06:58
Can I be an intern for Bill Clinton?
I hear that job really.......
:p Oh, c'mon, did you really think I was gonna say it?
Either one is fine with me as long as with Cheney, i am standing behind him, and Kennedy, I am doing the driving.
Reconaissance Ilsands
08-11-2006, 07:59
Driving with Kennedy would be a quicker death. :sniper: Sniper bullet to the head hurts way less than shotgun to the chest.
08-11-2006, 08:02
Driving with Kennedy. Bad knee. I can swim better than I can duck.
08-11-2006, 08:03
I'd go with Cheney. At least his shot was unintentional. That is to say, had he wanted a lawyer dead, Im sure he could have been more discreet about it. The Kennedy's have a long history of being involved in unfortunate circumstances and their enemies were a bit more brutal than Cheneys.
Driving with Kennedy would be a quicker death. :sniper: Sniper bullet to the head hurts way less than shotgun to the chest.Ted isn't exactly John F though..
08-11-2006, 11:25
I'll go hunting w/ Cheney if Ted is driving...................I'll sit in the back! :p