The...Important Stuff
What do YOU think is important? Let's all talk about it. :D Wow was that ever lame. :p
29-10-2006, 02:49
Ok, here's one: What to do when you fall for a cute Turkish girl?
Do you sharpen your knife & polish your boots, and prepare for the inevitable NN-Style aggro you'll have to face if you bring her to northern europe, or do you just drop everything & move to Turkey?
Are there even jobs to be had for a pale Euro-yob?
Come NSGers, don't be shy
29-10-2006, 03:24
Harry Potter=Poop.
*Hides from Lashie*
Meh, Harry Potter is alright, I don't like it that all the spells are little more than latin descriptions of their effect...
29-10-2006, 03:31
I think refrigeration is important, it's what separates man from the animals.
29-10-2006, 03:33
I think refrigeration is important, it's what separates man from the animals.
Refrigeration and running water. And deodorant.
29-10-2006, 03:38
Refrigeration and running water. And deodorant.
The other two are good, but if you have refrigeration, you have cold beer. :p
29-10-2006, 03:42
Paying attention while driving. That counts!
Refrigeration and running water. And deodorant.
*Writes "FRENCH != PEOPLE" on notepad*
29-10-2006, 07:22
Roast Dinners
Orange Choc Chip Icecream
Terrorist Cakes
29-10-2006, 07:22
Passion, Rage, Love. That's what's important.
Oh, and ice-cream.
29-10-2006, 07:27
29-10-2006, 07:42
Meh, Harry Potter is alright, I don't like it that all the spells are little more than latin descriptions of their effect...
I like the irony of it.
The "killing curse" is just telling some one to die in Latin, it's hilarious.
Terrorist Cakes
29-10-2006, 07:47
I like the irony of it.
The "killing curse" is just telling some one to die in Latin, it's hilarious.
Well, that's boring. Thanks for spoiling my whole world-view!
29-10-2006, 07:48
Why, living your life to the fullest is important!
Kinda Sensible people
29-10-2006, 07:55
Fuck if I know!
All I know is that out of Sex, Drugs, and Rock'n'Roll, Drugs ain't it, Sex probably is, and Rock'N'Roll crowns the lot of them.
Which, basically shows that my youth went to waste*.
* Or, alternatively, to hardcore shows.
The "killing curse" is just telling some one to die in Latin, it's hilarious.
Aramaic, IIRC.
Aramaic, IIRC.
I was wondering about that, but it seems all the rest of them would be latin...
BTW: wtf does IIRC mean?
Kinda Sensible people
29-10-2006, 08:03
I was wondering about that, but it seems all the rest of them would be latin...
BTW: wtf does IIRC mean?
If I remember correctly, IIRC.
I was wondering about that, but it seems all the rest of them would be latin...
Most of them are, but there are some exceptions here and there.
BTW: wtf does IIRC mean?
If I recall correctly.
Officially, I hate Internet slang and abbreviations, but I use something to that effect so often that I use that term on occassion.
The most important thing is to always know where your towel is. :)
29-10-2006, 09:11
Maintaining a steady supply of reefers. And coffee.
IL Ruffino
29-10-2006, 09:15
What Dobby said.
Importantt???? Time.....and family. Time with family is the best :)
Importantt???? Time.....and family. Time with family is the best :)
You, my friend, are an idiot.
29-10-2006, 09:31
Good clean fun. Health.
Johnny B Goode
29-10-2006, 22:32
Rock'n'roll, sex, and having a good time.
That's what it's all about.
Pompous world
29-10-2006, 22:42
reality, thats what I find to be the most important thing, politics is constantly changing and divisible to human subjectivity which is in turn divisible to reality. The question of what the hell THIS thing we call life, existence, whatever you want to call it, is, is important. Ever seen that picture of all the galaxies so far collated? I find it sinister but beautiful as if the universe is looking back at us, unerving, beautiful, but ultimately crazy. Is the universe madness embodied or divine perfection, probably the former for us. Like that final episode of the prisoner, man I wish I had watched that series (only knew about it until 3 years ago) but the clips from that last episode and the story behind it sum up what I think is indirectly the fundamental reality to our reality, its insanity to us as mere mortals buts its sublime perfection at another level way beyond our understanding right now. I think we are the inheritors of the cosmos until some more advanced alien race comes along, so for that reason I think scientists and artists are really important while money grubbing sharks should take the backseat for once.
edit- also having a good time, fuck it you can invest your whole life in working for a company, being "successful" in terms of what society deems to be successful, but yeah, have a good time, sit back on the weekends, do whatever you want to do. Thats important too. Other people are important, things can bring happiness but the company of others way moreso. So yeah, chilling with friends is important.
Dryks Legacy
02-11-2006, 13:15
Meh, Harry Potter is alright, I don't like it that all the spells are little more than latin descriptions of their effect...
...that lead to horrible cringe-worthy parodies *shudders at the memories*
The most important thing is to always know where your towel is. :)
It's on the towel rack... where's yours?
Turquoise Days
02-11-2006, 14:03
It's on the towel rack... where's yours?
And Harry Potter sucks.
And the environment is important.
02-11-2006, 14:13
Physics is important because it describes reality.
Mathematics is important because it allows Physics to be accurate.
Everything else comes as a logical consequence, hence is less important.
And I have a super-foldable towel in the pockets of ALL my shirts, jackets and trousers, of course. :D