The meter of death!
Jan 22 2066 is apparently when I check out. My sympathies for those who would wish it sooner.
27-10-2006, 21:44
Rip off.
27-10-2006, 21:47
Oct 6 2071
27-10-2006, 21:47
I have 12 years and some change on the OP.
I V Stalin
27-10-2006, 21:48
Jan 22 2066 is apparently when I check out. My sympathies for those who would wish it sooner.
Haha! I shall outlive you by 22 days!
27-10-2006, 21:48
April of 2036, that's not bad at all. I get to be 85.
27-10-2006, 21:49
27 April, 2068.
A fine age, I think. :p
27-10-2006, 21:50
Haha! I shall outlive you by 22 days!
And I outlive you by more than 2 years!
Sumamba Buwhan
27-10-2006, 21:50
Your Armageddon's day is Jun 19 2057
November 20th, 2077. Hopefully, life extension will have been perfected by then... :p
NOTE: Ha! I am the master of longevity!
Aug 9 2072
Holy shit, that's 90 years old! Now, if we could just get that Singularity I could live to be hundreds or even thousands of years old...
27-10-2006, 21:55
Apparently I get my comeuppance from the Grim Reaper on 2/21/2053.
Eighty-two-and-a-half. I can live with that.
I can just hear it now, though: "I can see no reason why you won't live to be 83. Of course, you'll be bleeding from both eyes for the last fifteen years...."
Aug 29 2065 apparently.
Also, people need to get on gabbly (, I'm all alone.
27-10-2006, 22:00
September 5, 2084. Wow, 94 years old isn't bad at all.:)
The blessed Chris
27-10-2006, 22:00
Jul 8 2065
dude...... I thought I was immortal....
27-10-2006, 22:00
They only gave me until age 86.5.
I had 3 out of 4 grandparents pass the century mark. I've got no intentions of dying before 110, and that's a fact.
dude...... I thought I was immortal....
Hey, if you build the Immortality Vaccine on Alpha Centauri you can be...damn them with their superadvanced technology!
Heh... when you set all the options to the worst possible, the death date is Sep 26 5985.
Apparently, horribly unhealthy living is the key to long life. Boozing, unsafe sex, drugs, and unhealthy diets, here I come!
The blessed Chris
27-10-2006, 22:03
Haha! I shall outlive you by 22 days!
Man, I can wheeze in laughter at your funeral!!!!!!
Heh... when you set all the options to the worst possible, the death date is Sep 26 5985.
Apparently, horribly unhealthy living is the key to long life. Boozing, unsafe sex, drugs, and unhealthy diets, here I come!
Maybe they assume that since it hasn't killed you yet, that you'd have an insanely long lifespan anyway so in reality it is shortening your lifespan but only from 10,000 to 5,985 years. Either that, or you're Bacchus.
27-10-2006, 22:22
i am immortal.
27-10-2006, 22:38
Oct. 12 2063
27-10-2006, 22:57
Mine is Monday, 03/12/2085.
It amuses me that it has the day of the week - I knew I hated mondays for a reason.
27-10-2006, 22:59
Jan 22 2066 is apparently when I check out. My sympathies for those who would wish it sooner.
Rip off.
Ok, the op gives me until May 5, 2023 and I'll be 80. The second one gives me until April 2, 2028 when I'll be just a little short of 85. Considering dad died at 83 and mom is still alive at 96 or 97 I just might make 85. :p
July 14, 2068 is the day I'm going to go apparently. I'll be 86. Not that bad I guess...
27-10-2006, 23:41
Friday, July 20, 2046 - Due mainly to my pessimism it seems. I'll die at 56. (deathclock)
Sep 30 2071 - A much better estimate from the other site methinks. I'll die at 71.
*edits BMI 25> and everything, too*
Armageddon's day is Mar 29 2039
Theres no way I oughta last that much longer!
Grainne Ni Malley
27-10-2006, 23:55
Nov 9 2057
That would make me 72. I'll get to live that long because I'm pessimistic. The grumpy ones always stick around to make everyone else miserable.
28-10-2006, 00:03
The OP gives me 86.5 years, the old death clock 74 (on a Saturday). The first one is better, therefore the clock in the OP must be right.
:D Nov 9 2057
That would make me 72. I'll get to live that long because I'm pessimistic. The grumpy ones always stick around to make everyone else miserable.
Its not your mode which you chose as pessimistic though, it's the death clock's mode. You'd have seen the high end of the range if you'd picked optimistic and the middle ground for normal mode. For a longer life make yourself as grumpy as you see fit, but make the death clock look on the sunny side of life.
Grainne Ni Malley
28-10-2006, 00:15
Its not your mode which you chose as pessimistic though, it's the death clock's mode. You'd have seen the high end of the range if you'd picked optimistic and the middle ground for normal mode. For a longer life make yourself as grumpy as you see fit, but make the death clock look on the sunny side of life.
I'm satisfied with 72. Any older than that and I would probably look into euthanasia.
I know the death clock isn't really real, but it comforts me. It's lies make me happy. Oh dang, there goes another year!
"Your Armageddon's day is Jun 7 2082"
I find that hard to believe. There was no "do you jump out of air planes?" question, which I imagine brings it down a few years.
I'm satisfied with 72. Any older than that and I would probably look into euthanasia.
I know the death clock isn't really real, but it comforts me. It's lies make me happy. Oh dang, there goes another year!
Sometimes we screw death out of another year, sometimes death screws us out of one. It all evens out in the end.
28-10-2006, 00:42
Your Armageddon's day is Jul 1 2050
Your Personal Day of Death is...
Friday, January 6, 2045
28-10-2006, 01:51
I'm already dead!!!
Texoma Land
28-10-2006, 02:02
Jan 22 2066 is apparently when I check out. My sympathies for those who would wish it sooner.
Sept. 29, 2056 shortly before my 87th birthday according to the test. But in reality, I'll be lucky to make it to 60 with my spine injury and radiation damage. For that matter, I'm lucky to have made it to 36.
28-10-2006, 22:40
Rip off.
Its an improvement.
I V Stalin
28-10-2006, 22:54
Man, I can wheeze in laughter at your funeral!!!!!!
You won't be the only one. My funeral is going to be the funniest goddamn funeral ever.
28-10-2006, 22:58
Sept. 7, 2051. Age 94. Not bad. In keeping with my family, and about what I planned on, though I'm hoping to break 100.
I'm doing better than in the last death quiz I took. Can't find it anymore; it was on okcupid; the Harvard Math Department did it. It said I'd only make it to 87.5, but it also said what I'd die of. Cancer.
Only one way to find out, I guess.
Johnny B Goode
29-10-2006, 00:25
I'm checking out of Hotel California, Feb 16 2080.
Cool. I get to be 87.
Sel Appa
29-10-2006, 01:12
Jan 22 2081..That's a few centuries short of my plans...
Jan 15, 2090...just shy of my 98th birthday.
29-10-2006, 02:06
Eutrusca: Yesterday
29-10-2006, 02:06
July 24, 2047
But I'm a bit older than most of you.
29-10-2006, 02:15
Oct 5 2069
Very close to the 100 year anniversery of the Mets 1st Championship. It's sad that thats the first thing I thought of. Eh, whatever.
29-10-2006, 02:59
Oct 11 2075. Well, I got 25,184 days left, I guess there's nothing to do now but watch my seconds tick away.............
IL Ruffino
29-10-2006, 06:29
Nov 7 2068
Time remaining: 22655 days, 11 hours, 30 minutes, 50 seconds.
29-10-2006, 07:16
I live to be 82, a lot longer then i gave myself,on that note i'm going to bed.:D
Terrorist Cakes
29-10-2006, 07:41
Nov 19 2078. Woohoo, I'm gonna live to be nearly ninty, as long as I don't accidently walk off any cliffs. And as long as my friends stop beating me up as part of their new "Punch the Pacifist" game.
29-10-2006, 08:02
April 6, 2073
85 years not bad
29-10-2006, 08:09
My location isn't represented, so it's not accurate for me.
Terrorist Cakes
29-10-2006, 08:19
My location isn't represented, so it's not accurate for me.
Yeah, mine wasn't either, so I assumed Canada had been annexed for the purposes of the quiz.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
29-10-2006, 09:00
Now 18.
According to the first: "Your Armageddon's day is Mar 3 2071"
... and the second: "Sunday, May 7, 2062"
Your Armageddon's day is Jun 1 2065
:( I won't even see 80
IL Ruffino
29-10-2006, 09:32
Your Armageddon's day is Jun 1 2065
:( I won't even see 80
You fail.
May 16 2068, according to the first site.
On the other hand, the death clock says Tuesday, December 2, 2036. That's probably closer. :p
29-10-2006, 11:17
Feb 8 2079. Seems a little too far off for me.
Edit: That was on pessimistic mode as well
Death clock (normal mode) says Saturday, November 2, 2069
29-10-2006, 11:18
I got nonsense.
Your Armageddon's day is 0 17 2059
I'll be 81 or 82 depending whether "Month 0" falls before or after October. :)
29-10-2006, 15:56
Damn. I'm going to live until June 3, 2067.
That's a loooong time.
Your Armageddon's day is Feb 15 2072
Hey, 80. That ain't bad, I guess.
29-10-2006, 18:05
Friday, January 29, 2055.
That's only 63 years old! :mad:
Edit: Using the OP's deathmeter-thing, I'm going to be around until September 24, 2082. That's 90 for me! :)