Would Ratzi put you in the fires below? (Poll coming-Flame alert!)
19-10-2006, 09:45
Ok people, since religion seems to be a big issue here in NS forums, let's have a poll. Ah, sin, hell, Dante Alighieri's "Divina Commedia", afterlife, damnation... some of the most imaginific issues in "western" culture...
Art thou a sinner?
And which one(s) of the seven deadly sins, according to Roman Catholic Church? Would Ratzinger tell you you're going to hell?
(I'm using the Catholic standards because I'm italian, so, although I'm an atheist, this is the religion I am most familiar with... please use another thread for sins according to other religions.)
Oh, I'm aware this thread can be one of the worst flame-starters ever, so let's keep manners and be light-spoken... please:) ... this is not meant to start crusades, haeresies, or personal attacks on anyone or anything... just talk about OWN sins and let's keep in mind point of views are relative... please:)... don't let the moderators behead me... pretty please:)... I'm aware, CONFITEOR, I've been flaming often, but I won't do that in this thread...:)
The seven deadly sins are
LVXVRIA (lust)
GVLA (gluttony)
AVARITIA (greed, avarice)
ACEDIA (sloth, laziness)
IRA (wrath)
INVIDIA (envy)
SVPERBIA (pride)
19-10-2006, 09:48
I don't think I'm unusual in being guilty of at least half of those.
But I'm a repenting believer. So it's only purgatory for me. :p
19-10-2006, 09:49
I guess like most people I'm a little guilty of all those sins. And being raised Catholic I'm quite well versed in this :p
Better go to that confession box soon :eek:
I had to check all the reponses for the poll...
...is that bad? :confused: :p
19-10-2006, 09:54
I had to check all the reponses for the poll...
...is that bad? :confused: :p
Ask your local Catholic bishop... I know for sure that my 5 are already enough to make him say "repent and believe!";)
19-10-2006, 10:06
I just found in Wikipedia the english names of the opposites of the seven sins, namely the seven virtues.
Here you are:
VIRTVS (chastity, purity, opposed to Lust)
FRENVM (abstinence, moderation, opposed to Gluttony)
LIBERALITAS (liberality, generosity, opposed to Greed)
INDVSTRIA (diligence, work ethics, opposed to Sloth)
PATIENTIA (patience, endurance, opposed to Wrath)
HVMANITAS (kindness, compassion, opposed to Envy)
HVMILITAS (humility, modesty, opposed to Pride)
I think this provides a very interesting insight on Catholic ethics.
19-10-2006, 10:27
How so? What conclusions do you draw from the virtues and sins chosen by the Church?
By the way, anyone interested in Catholic ideology and social teaching should really check out the Cathecism of the Catholic Church. It explains most of the Catholic beliefs on many issues.
a very comprahensive test on where in hell you belong.
3rd level for me unless i repent then i only go to limbo, so repent repent repent!!!!!
19-10-2006, 10:50
How so? What conclusions do you draw from the virtues and sins chosen by the Church?
By the way, anyone interested in Catholic ideology and social teaching should really check out the Cathecism of the Catholic Church. It explains most of the Catholic beliefs on many issues.
You can learn what a Catholic thinks (or should think, according to the Church) as a positive ethical value. Isn't that interesting - given that a lot of people on the forums are neither Catholic, neither were they educated in a mostly Catholic culture?
Of course the best way to learn Catholic ethics is to read the Cathecism, but I'm afraid most people just don't have time for that, and maybe a bit of quick and accurate information would be welcome.:)
a very comprahensive test on where in hell you belong.
3rd level for me unless i repent then i only go to limbo, so repent repent repent!!!!!
Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis
You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.
Yay for heresy! Moderate for pretty much everything else, with a few exceptions.
Free Randomers
19-10-2006, 10:52
I did not vote Sloth... not really a lazy person.
The others... I consider them the better aspects of my personality.
God made me this way. I'll trust he knew what he/she/it/they knew what he/she/it/they were doing.
19-10-2006, 10:57
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Moderate
Level 2 | High
Level 3 | High
Level 4 | Very Low
Level 5 | Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High (Heretics!)
Level 7 | High
Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate
Level 9 - Cocytus | Low
Well, ok. Fits me.
Oho! There is also a link to the Seven Sins quiz on that page!
19-10-2006, 11:03
Your sin has been measured. Happily for you, your sin profile leaves room for forgiveness. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and see the areas that you must improve, to save yourself from an eternity in hell.
Greed: Very Low
Gluttony: Low
Wrath: Low
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Very Low
Lust: Low
Pride: Very Low
Whoa, what a relief ;)
Actually I thought I'd score higher on gluttony and lust...:D
actually it's been a while scince i took it after doing the test again i got 5th level The river Styx.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo | Moderate
Level 2 | Very High
Level 3 | Low
Level 4 | Very Low
Level 5 | Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low
Level 7 | Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge | High
Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate
Second Level of Hell
You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.
...too much oral sex! :p
I was going to vote for sloth, but couldn't be bothered. Also, LVXVRIA should be allowed in scrabble.
19-10-2006, 11:35
I checked all the options in the poll... Well, at least I was honest. :p
As for my level of hell:
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/angelic002.gif
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Low
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | High
Level 7 (Violent) | Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | High
(no idea what made me get the last two results - I'm neither of that)
19-10-2006, 11:40
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!
Also Paolo and Francesca da Rimini are there - what a romantic tale!
Or incomincian le dolenti note
a farmisi sentire; or son venuto
là dove molto pianto mi percuote.
Io venni in loco d'ogne luce muto,
che mugghia come fa mar per tempesta,
se da contrari venti è combattuto.
La bufera infernal, che mai non resta,
mena li spirti con la sua rapina;
voltando e percotendo li molesta.
Quando giungon davanti a la ruina,
quivi le strida, il compianto, il lamento;
bestemmian quivi la virtù divina.
Intesi ch'a così fatto tormento,
enno dannati i peccator carnali,
che la ragion sommettono al talento.
E come li stornei ne portan l'ali
nel freddo tempo, a schiera larga e piena,
così quel fiato li spiriti mali
di qua, di là, di giù, di sù li mena;
nulla speranza li conforta mai,
non che di posa, ma di minor pena.
E come i gru van cantando lor lai,
faccendo in aere di sè lunga riga,
così vid'io venir, traendo guai,
ombre portate da la detta briga;
per ch'i'dissi: "Maestro, chi son quelle
genti che l'aura nera sì gastiga?".
"La prima di color di cui novelle
tu vuo' saper", mi disse quelli allotta,
"fu imperatrice di molte favelle.
A vizio di lussuria fu sì rotta,
che libito fé licito in sua legge,
per torre il biasmo in che era condotta.
Ell'è Semiramìs, di cui si legge
che succedette a Nino e fu sua sposa:
tenne la terra che l' Soldan corregge.
L'altra è colei che s'ancise amorosa,
e ruppe fede al cener di Sicheo;
poi è Cleopatràs lussuriosa.
Elena vedi, per cui tanto reo
tempo si volse, e vedi l'grande Achille,
che con amore al fine combatteo.
Vedi Parìs, Tristano"; e più di mille
ombre mostrommi e nominommi a dito,
ch'amor di nostra vita dipartille.
Poscia ch'io ebbi 'l mio dottore udito
nomar le donne antiche e ' cavalieri,
pietà mi giunse, e fui quasi smarrito.
I' cominciai: "Poeta, volontieri
parlerei a quei due che 'nsieme vanno,
e paion sì al vento esser leggieri".
Ed elli a me:"Vedrai quando saranno
più presso a noi; e tu allor li priega
per quello amor che i mena, ed ei verranno".
Sì tosto come il vento a noi li piega,
mossi la voce: "O anime affannate,
venite a noi parlar, s'altri nol niega!".
Quali colombe dal disio chiamate
con l'ali alzate e ferme al dolce nido
vegnon per l'aere, dal voler portate;
cotali uscir de la schiera ov'è Dido,
a noi venendo per l'aere maligno,
sì forte fu l'affettuoso grido.
"O animal grazioso e benigno
che visitando vai per l'aere perso
noi che tignemmo il mondo di sanguigno,
se fosse amico il re de l'universo,
noi pregheremmo lui de la tua pace,
poi c'hai pietà del nostro mal perverso.
Di quel che udire e che parlar vi piace,
noi udiremo e parleremo a voi,
mentre che 'l vento, come fa, ci tace.
Siede la terra dove nata fui
su la marina dove 'l Po discende
per aver pace co' seguaci sui
Amor, ch'al cor gentil ratto s'apprende,
prese costui de la bella persona
che mi fu tolta; e 'l modo ancor m'offende.
Amor ch'a nullo amato amar perdona,
mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
che, come vedi, ancor non m'abbandona.
Amor condusse noi ad una morte.
Caina attende chi a vita ci spense".
Queste parole da lor ci fuor porte.
Quand' io intesi quell'anime offense,
china' il viso, e tanto il tenni basso,
fin che 'l poeta mi disse:"Che pense?".
Quando rispuosi, cominciai: "Oh lasso,
quanti dolci pensier, quanto disio
menò costoro al doloroso passo!".
Poi mi rivolsi a loro e parla' io,
e cominciai: "Francesca, i tuoi martiri
a lagrimar mi fanno tristo e poi.
Ma dimmi: al tempo d'i dolci sospiri,
a che e come concedette amore
che conosceste i dubbiosi disiri?".
E quella a me: "Nessun maggior dolore
che ricordarsi del tempo felice
ne la miseria, e ciò sa 'l tuo dottore.
Ma s'a conoscer la prima radice
del nostro amor tu hai cotanto affetto,
dirò come lui che piange e dice.
Noi leggiavamo un giorno per diletto
di Lancialotto come amor lo strinse;
soli eravamo e sanza alcun sospetto.
Per più fiate li occhi ci sospinse
quella lettura, e scolorocci il viso;
ma solo un punto fu quel che ci vinse.
Quando leggemmo il disiato riso
esser basciato da cotanto amante,
questi, che mai da me non fia diviso,
la bocca mi basciò tutto tremante.
Galeotto fu 'l libro e chi lo scrisse:
quel giorno più non vi leggemmo avante".
Mentre che l'uno spirto questo disse,
l'altro piangea; sì che di pietade
io venni men così com'io morisse.
E caddi come corpo morto cade.
If the Catholics are right, and they -aren't- (by way of their own logic - 'lo, inquisition in the name of the pope who's supposedly never wrong), then I'm going straight to the deepest circle of hell.
Not because I'm a horrid person or anything, but because I'll dig my way through from whichever level I get to first and kick Satan's ass when I get there. God'll come down and congratulate me on banishing evil and all that bullshit, and I'll kick his ass right there as well.
Both of them have quite a lot of explaining to do, and any good confession starts with an asswhooping, as the LA police department can tell you. =P
Was the "Flame alert" an intentional pun?
19-10-2006, 12:05
All of them for me. Though personally I do not think that a few of them are sins. Like Pride and greed, which both drive people to suceed.
The seven deadly sins are
LVXVRIA (lust)
GVLA (gluttony)
AVARITIA (greed, avarice)
ACEDIA (sloth, laziness)
IRA (wrath)
INVIDIA (envy)
SVPERBIA (pride)
Lust... yes. ;) :D
gluttony... yes.
laziness... well, of course. That's obvious. :p
Of course, I doubt I'm going to Hell.
19-10-2006, 12:34
Yep, I'm going straight to hell by those measures.
19-10-2006, 12:40
Was the "Flame alert" an intentional pun?
No, it was a serious plea to keep low-profile on such a personal issue as religion can be.
I V Stalin
19-10-2006, 12:45
I checked all the options in the poll... Well, at least I was honest. :p
Yep. Anyone who doesn't is lying.
Level 6 - City of Dis. Now there's a surprise, what with it being for heretics. Nearly got away with Limbo. Apparently I'm virtuous. :D
Purgatory Repenting Believers Very Low
Level 1 Virtuous Non-Believers High
Level 2 Lustful High
Level 3 Gluttonous Moderate
Level 4 Prodigal and Avaricious Very Low
Level 5 Wrathful and Gloomy Low
Level 6 Heretics Very High
Level 7 Violent High
Level 8 Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers Moderate
Level 9 Treacherous Low
I'd say Apathy is my only "big" sin. Not one of the 7 deadly ones, though.