NationStates Jolt Archive

If You Had To Plan A New American Revolution, Where Would You Do It?

02-10-2006, 21:37
So, ever since the recent passing of the Torture legislation that essentially allows the President to jail whomever he likes whenever he likes for however long he likes with no rights whatsoever, many people upon this forum have begin seriously considering active rebellion against the government if it is not voted out of power in 2008 and/or starts turning even worse.

So, I figured: Why not find out where people would plan this kind of thing? Where would you have your base? What would be your method of communicating? How would you procure weaponry, supplies, funds?

I can answer a few of those questions for meself: Basewise, I'd stick to the Rockies in Colorado, for the central core, at least. I think it would be endlessly amusing if we stormed NORAD and took that, but barring that hilarious but unlikely scenario, it would probably be spread through several old mines somewhere near Teluride or some such.

For communicating, I'd be using various proxies and other secure methods to access the internet, presuming it's kept alive--and I don't see how it wouldn't be. It's just too useful to stamp out, and besides: even if the U.S. stopped using the internet, I don't think everyone else would, and thus it would still exist, acessible elsewhere. I'd avoid radios and anything else that would be trackable unless absolutely necessary.

For the supplies/weaponry/funds bit...I honestly don't know. I presume certain European powers might be willing to provide some secret aid, and we could always work with the South American drug cartels(not exactly an alliance I'd be fond of by any means, but a necessary one) since they have plenty of resources. Probably the best way would simply be through sympathetic Americans.

One thing any such revolution would have to avoid is anything that is terrorist-like: that is, we do NOT do idiotic, stupid things like blowing up the Statue of Liberty, or attacking civilian populations, or anything of that nature. We focus against government and military targets only, and that, to me anyway, is final. We're fighting to take back the America we know and love, not destroy it. Similarly, we do our damndest to gain as much support from the population as possible. I wouldn't really know how to go about this, but it would be sensible, obviously.

Anyway, those are my ideas on the subject. What are yours?
The Lone Alliance
02-10-2006, 22:55
Not touching this with a 20 foot pole. FYI I would delete this. Patriot act you know, it's okay to complain but these days speaking Treason is a Thoughtcrime.
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:04
Yeah I've got my own plans and everything but I'm not gonna talk about it openly here, shit, I already have a guerrila partisan force of about 25 people, its small but its something in case shit hits the fan. We're training in the country-side and shit, and trying to secure as much arms and equipment possible, But no going anymore into it than that, wan't to make more contact? send me a message on NS and then we'll find something more secure.
Nguyen The Equalizer
02-10-2006, 23:04
You'd lose. I was thinking about making a thread on this.

You'd lose, and it's all down to your transport system and city planning. That, and 1/59 people work for the government. No way.

I state this. America is now revolution-proof against the people. The only citizens the elite need fear is the military. If anyone's going to be revolting, it's going to be them.
Infinite Revolution
02-10-2006, 23:05
02-10-2006, 23:06
Yay mass paranoida! Tin Foil Hats all around!
Call to power
02-10-2006, 23:08
I would have the revolution in England and it would involve lying down and maybe posing on NSG about how its good to be rid of all the Americans…er I mean how I’m so sorry to lose all the clever and well mannered American counterparts

edit: the South shall rise again Yee-Haw!
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:08
You'd lose. I was thinking about making a thread on this.

You'd lose, and it's all down to your transport system and city planning. That, and 1/59 people work for the government. No way.

I state this. America is now revolution-proof against the people. The only citizens the elite need fear is the military. If anyone's going to be revolting, it's going to be them.

wow, are you so wrong. Revolution proof? theres 3 guns to every one American in this country. And I dont know about your odds but if it does come to a 2nd revolution im sure allot of people will back it. 59 people vs. one? and I'm sure the military would split too, kind of like in the civil war. And honestly, as much badass overwhelming fire power the US military has, it still can NOT contain a few ragtag guerrilas with AK's in Iraq, and was pretty well bloodguend by some rice patty workers way back when.
The Neptunian Number
02-10-2006, 23:08
New America.
02-10-2006, 23:11
Yay mass paranoida! Tin Foil Hats all around!

Im definetely not touching this one, i'd rather not go to gitmo.
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:13
Im definetely not touching this one, i'd rather not go to gitmo.

see the sad part is, wether you do or not, it is extremely scary that we actually have to worry about that as american citizens. Just for an Internet post. If its come to that, would not a second revolution be in order?
Nguyen The Equalizer
02-10-2006, 23:15
wow, are you so wrong. Revolution proof? theres 3 guns to every one American in this country. And I dont know about your odds but if it does come to a 2nd revolution im sure allot of people will back it. 59 people vs. one? and I'm sure the military would split too, kind of like in the civil war. And honestly, as much badass overwhelming fire power the US military has, it still can NOT contain a few ragtag guerrilas with AK's in Iraq, and was pretty well bloodguend by some rice patty workers way back when.

3 guns to every one American, eh? Unless everyone's got three guns, I'll guess someone's stockpiling them. And with a budget of 460bn, I'll hazard it's the armed forces.

As I said. If the army leads a revolution, then hooray! Regime change. If they don't, you'd be wiped out if you fought. Rounded up and thrown in those new detention centres.

Lose the dreams of dropping a few agents with well-timed headshots. The American elites have the most to lose in the entire world. Stands to reason that they'd invest in protecting it. Might even be their main concern, eh?
02-10-2006, 23:16
Im definetely not touching this one, i'd rather not go to gitmo.

Yes, because a few incident equals what happens there 24/7. :rolleyes:. I really don't know why the bill Congress passed is called a "torture" bill. I guess anything Bush passes has got to be illegal, because hey, it's Bush!

I got three questions for the "OMG TORTURE BILL!!!11!!" & "OMG GITMO!!11!" side.

1. Have anyone been to Gitmo or other prisoners detainee prison camps?

2. Has anyone actually read the entire "Torture" bill?

3. How many of us are actually relying on the news media (CNN, Fox News, etc.) to do our thinking for us, instead of doing our own reasearch. Remeber, it was the media that took Pope Benedict XVI speech out of context, so I don't doubt that they'll do the same here.
Todays Lucky Number
02-10-2006, 23:19
I doN't want to become affillated with this, Im not american not in america etc. and as a muslim most of you guys or your goverment would just like to shoot me for just breathing...but still I'm a human and I have to tell you: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

Thats treason, the people you are up against are your own neighbors, citizens and of oyur own blood and life. If goverment becomes dictatorial then use passive resistance, gather in masses and get beated by police until entire world is disgusted and decides to stop it. GANDHI RULEZ. Frontier mind is barbaric. You guys are no different than suicide bombers!
Nguyen The Equalizer
02-10-2006, 23:22
I have to tell you: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

He's got a point.
02-10-2006, 23:23
I doN't want to become affillated with this, Im not american not in america etc. and as a muslim most of you guys or your goverment would just like to shoot me for just breathing...but still I'm a human and I have to tell you: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

Thats treason, the people you are up against are your own neighbors, citizens and of oyur own blood and life. If goverment becomes dictatorial then use passive resistance, gather in masses and get beated by police until entire world is disgusted and decides to stop it. GANDHI RULEZ. Frontier mind is barbaric. You guys are no different than suicide bombers!

Eh guns worked in the past, they'll work now. Of course if anyone actually took Revolutions class in college, they would realize that in order for a revolution to be successful the elite would have to be upset too. The elite can crush the middle and lower class.
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:25
3 guns to every one American, eh? Unless everyone's got three guns, I'll guess someone's stockpiling them. And with a budget of 460bn, I'll hazard it's the armed forces.

As I said. If the army leads a revolution, then hooray! Regime change. If they don't, you'd be wiped out if you fought. Rounded up and thrown in those new detention centres.

Lose the dreams of dropping a few agents with well-timed headshots. The American elites have the most to lose in <I>the entire world</I>. Stands to reason that they'd invest in protecting it. Might even be their main concern, eh?

You have good points but threwout history its generally been a bad Idea for a government to try to keep down its own, motivated, angry, and armed public. If the populace united to fight the government, the gov. would lose no matter how much superior firepower they had. Again, as powerful as the US military thinks it is, it still cannot control a few square miles of Iraq for any extended period of time. And if the people that revolted got as good and as organized as vietcong, or a leader of them was able to pull of what Mao did, the gov would lose hands down. Remember, all a guerrila force has to do to win is not lose, as long as they stay intact, they remain a thorn in the side of the enemy. Then theres also the possibiltiy that if thats all they could do, well then a foriegn power could help to liberate america, like the US did to france with the french underground.

And, wether we agree or disagree, it is extremly scary, and discraceful to hear about those detetion centers seriously, for godsake this is getting discusitng. Think about it, it only happened in about a week. We went from a incompotent, (but free) state, to a de-facto authoritarian dictatorship with concentration camps. IN ONLY ONE WEEK.
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:29
I doN't want to become affillated with this, Im not american not in america etc. and as a muslim most of you guys or your goverment would just like to shoot me for just breathing...but still I'm a human and I have to tell you: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

Thats treason, the people you are up against are your own neighbors, citizens and of oyur own blood and life. If goverment becomes dictatorial then use passive resistance, gather in masses and get beated by police until entire world is disgusted and decides to stop it. GANDHI RULEZ. Frontier mind is barbaric. You guys are no different than suicide bombers!

And if the state becomes true authoritarian and simply guns down protesting, and enslaves the populace to concentration camps from which these protests took place? I know many people absolutley love gandhi but i think he was wrong. Infact he mistreated his wife horribly. Think about it. If all those indians rose up at once to crush the British in only about a year it would've taken, as opposed to the decades of opression and tyranny they faced, which would you choose?
Barbaric Tribes
02-10-2006, 23:33
Eh guns worked in the past, they'll work now. Of course if anyone actually took Revolutions class in college, they would realize that in order for a revolution to be successful the elite would have to be upset too. The elite can crush the middle and lower class.

not necessarily, they could also be divided in sentiment, fighting eachother for power.

You also have to remember that the "elite" get they're power from the middle and lower classes. Without them, they have nothing but they're fancy cars and big houses. French revolution? Its allot like that movie, "a bugs life" ever seen it? now stay with me here, the part where the big evil bug is with all his freinds and they have that jar full of seeds and he pours them all over the other big evil bug and says something like, "you see, these are like the ants, they are harmless in small numbers but large an organized they can crush us! We have to keep them in control"
Nguyen The Equalizer
02-10-2006, 23:33
I know many people absolutley love gandhi but i think he was wrong. Infact he mistreated his wife horribly. Think about it. If all those indians rose up at once to crush the British in only about a year it would've taken, as opposed to the decades of opression and tyranny they faced, which would you choose?

Civil Disobedience (
03-10-2006, 00:01
not necessarily, they could also be divided in sentiment, fighting eachother for power.

You also have to remember that the "elite" get they're power from the middle and lower classes. Without them, they have nothing but they're fancy cars and big houses. French revolution? Its allot like that movie, "a bugs life" ever seen it? now stay with me here, the part where the big evil bug is with all his freinds and they have that jar full of seeds and he pours them all over the other big evil bug and says something like, "you see, these are like the ants, they are harmless in small numbers but large an organized they can crush us! We have to keep them in control"

The elites in the US are those in Congress, in the courts, and in the White House. How hard do you think it would take for them the declare Martial Law if they really wanted to? The only way the elites can fall if the militatry starts to revoult against them too. So in a way you're right, and in a way I'm right.
03-10-2006, 01:07
Yay mass paranoida! Tin Foil Hats all around!

Mass paranoia? Nah. This is just speculation, more for fun than anything else, methinks. At least for now, anyway. I will admit to some concern regarding the recent passed legislation, and the three school shootings in one week starts to make me wonder...what precisely I am wondering, I am not certain.
03-10-2006, 01:20
hypothetically speaking, of course:

Pennsylvania and Nevada.

I like them better than the rockies for a few reasons:

1) close to a foriegn country. You can run if you need to, without needing to cross half the nation.

2) close to highly populated centers. You are near NY, Detroit, Columbus, Chicago and San Francisco, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. If you need to make a public scene, that is where you would do it.

3) Places to hide. the desert and the appalachian coal mines are good places to lie undercover

4) Local support. In this instance, the revolt is against the current administration. New York and California are excellent recruiting grounds.
German Nightmare
03-10-2006, 01:28
03-10-2006, 01:30
03-10-2006, 01:31
thinking on it more, I've added another ideal location: the swamps of louisiana or the everglades of florida, both would work equally well, and for the same four reasons listed above (except for the fourth requirement, and even then: partly in florida.)
03-10-2006, 01:42

Assuming that wasn't possible, I suppose I should have mentioned.

Nevered: I'm not so sure about Nevada. Seems perilously close to several military bases, to me. Of course, this would make it optimal for raids onto these military bases, but, as I said, it's a double-edged sword.

The Appalacians, however, would do nicely. I'd also try New Hampshire's mountains as well, to be honest. The point to the Colorado base would probably just be the safehouse of safehouses, perhaps?
03-10-2006, 01:43
I doN't want to become affillated with this, Im not american not in america etc. and as a muslim most of you guys or your goverment would just like to shoot me for just breathing...but still I'm a human and I have to tell you: COME TO YOUR SENSES!

Thats treason, the people you are up against are your own neighbors, citizens and of oyur own blood and life. If goverment becomes dictatorial then use passive resistance, gather in masses and get beated by police until entire world is disgusted and decides to stop it. GANDHI RULEZ. Frontier mind is barbaric. You guys are no different than suicide bombers!

Ghandi methods would be used if I were to resist something (BTW, I do hereby officially claim that I am not involved in any crime syndicate or miscellaneous rebellion force aiming or planning to be aiming to overthrow the United States of America).

However, I'd keep a nice stronghold somewhere just in case...

I'd go with the Rockies, N Alaska, or the desert. Centrality is not essential; safety is.
03-10-2006, 01:45
So, ever since the recent passing of the Torture legislation that essentially allows the President to jail whomever he likes whenever he likes for however long he likes with no rights whatsoever, many people upon this forum have begin seriously considering active rebellion against the government if it is not voted out of power in 2008 and/or starts turning even worse.

So, I figured: Why not find out where people would plan this kind of thing? Where would you have your base? What would be your method of communicating? How would you procure weaponry, supplies, funds?

I can answer a few of those questions for meself: Basewise, I'd stick to the Rockies in Colorado, for the central core, at least. I think it would be endlessly amusing if we stormed NORAD and took that, but barring that hilarious but unlikely scenario, it would probably be spread through several old mines somewhere near Teluride or some such.

For communicating, I'd be using various proxies and other secure methods to access the internet, presuming it's kept alive--and I don't see how it wouldn't be. It's just too useful to stamp out, and besides: even if the U.S. stopped using the internet, I don't think everyone else would, and thus it would still exist, acessible elsewhere. I'd avoid radios and anything else that ................etc....

ok, good idea maybe to think about and have a laugh with your friends. But that is treason, dont mean to rain on your parade...but this could be skewed as a plot against the US government.

and FYI the new terror legislation only gives bush the right to lock up people the military finds to be enemy combatants, they cant very well arrest my 80 year old neighbor because they think she's al qaeda. And its not that they can just arrest any A-rab walking downt the street. they need probable cause to arrest and hold that person.
03-10-2006, 01:50
ok, good idea maybe to think about and have a laugh with your friends. But that is treason, dont mean to rain on your parade...but this could be skewed as a plot against the US government.

and FYI the new terror legislation only gives bush the right to lock up people the military finds to be enemy combatants, they cant very well arrest my 80 year old neighbor because they think she's al qaeda. And its not that they can just arrest any A-rab walking downt the street. they need probable cause to arrest and hold that person.

conversely, you can probably talk about rebellion, its not really illegal, in the arena that your talking about it in. America was founded by an act of treason. The declaration of indpendence (although nothing more than a lawyers brief justifying a revolution...(it is not a law)) does say that people have the right to alter or abolish government. and even thomas jefferson said during Shay's rebellion that a little rebellion is good from time to time.
03-10-2006, 01:50
Nevered: I'm not so sure about Nevada. Seems perilously close to several military bases, to me. Of course, this would make it optimal for raids onto these military bases, but, as I said, it's a double-edged sword.


I guess the desert makes a good military base for the same reason as it makes a good revolutionary base: It's out of the way, and easy to patrol and monitor incoming traffic (with nothing else for miles, anything that comes your way has got to be for you)
03-10-2006, 01:52
Eh guns worked in the past, they'll work now. Of course if anyone actually took Revolutions class in college, they would realize that in order for a revolution to be successful the elite would have to be upset too. The elite can crush the middle and lower class.
In Soviet Russia, oppressed workers overthrow YOU!
03-10-2006, 01:53
ok, good idea maybe to think about and have a laugh with your friends. But that is treason, dont mean to rain on your parade...but this could be skewed as a plot against the US government.

Oh please. The government knows damned well I'm a fat 19-year old just speculating at random because it's fun to do, nothing more.
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 01:54
You’d be wiped out in an instant. Revolution can not work in the modern US. All that will be accomplished is the deaths of countless innocents.
Violent revolution is such a wretched idea in and of itself anyway. Peaceful Civil Disobedience is so much more by-stander friendly.
03-10-2006, 01:58
So, ever since the recent passing of the Torture legislation that essentially allows the President to jail whomever he likes whenever he likes for however long he likes with no rights whatsoever, many people upon this forum have begin seriously considering active rebellion against the government if it is not voted out of power in 2008 and/or starts turning even worse.

So, I figured: Why not find out where people would plan this kind of thing? Where would you have your base? What would be your method of communicating? How would you procure weaponry, supplies, funds?

I can answer a few of those questions for meself: Basewise, I'd stick to the Rockies in Colorado, for the central core, at least. I think it would be endlessly amusing if we stormed NORAD and took that, but barring that hilarious but unlikely scenario, it would probably be spread through several old mines somewhere near Teluride or some such.

For communicating, I'd be using various proxies and other secure methods to access the internet, presuming it's kept alive--and I don't see how it wouldn't be. It's just too useful to stamp out, and besides: even if the U.S. stopped using the internet, I don't think everyone else would, and thus it would still exist, acessible elsewhere. I'd avoid radios and anything else that would be trackable unless absolutely necessary.

For the supplies/weaponry/funds bit...I honestly don't know. I presume certain European powers might be willing to provide some secret aid, and we could always work with the South American drug cartels(not exactly an alliance I'd be fond of by any means, but a necessary one) since they have plenty of resources. Probably the best way would simply be through sympathetic Americans.

One thing any such revolution would have to avoid is anything that is terrorist-like: that is, we do NOT do idiotic, stupid things like blowing up the Statue of Liberty, or attacking civilian populations, or anything of that nature. We focus against government and military targets only, and that, to me anyway, is final. We're fighting to take back the America we know and love, not destroy it. Similarly, we do our damndest to gain as much support from the population as possible. I wouldn't really know how to go about this, but it would be sensible, obviously.

Anyway, those are my ideas on the subject. What are yours?

Of course. We need another revolution! Bush can declare himself king any day now. And there was almost no news coverage of the Torture bill. But hopefully congress will not pass this like the senate did. Also Bush might actualy veto for the second time in his life. But as far as where? Texas of coarse!:p
Any one who is reading this: Meet at Austin,Texas with every fire arm you have! Bush must be overthrown before he declares himself dictator! As a matter of fact hire some one to assisnate the mother fucker! He deserves it! And get Cheney to.
03-10-2006, 02:03
You’d be wiped out in an instant. Revolution can not work in the modern US. All that will be accomplished is the deaths of countless innocents.
Violent revolution is such a wretched idea in and of itself anyway. Peaceful Civil Disobedience is so much more by-stander friendly.

what would you do? hold up a picket sign in front of the capitol? I guarantee that there are half a dozen people out there right now, and you've never even heard of them.

try something more drastic, and you'd get hauled off, with or without a trial, before too long. nobody would know your name, and you'd be rotting in a prison.
03-10-2006, 02:06
what would you do? hold up a picket sign in front of the capitol? I guarantee that there are half a dozen people out there right now, and you've never even heard of them.

try something more drastic, and you'd get hauled off, with or without a trial, before too long. nobody would know your name, and you'd be rotting in a prison.

More specifically, the place with no darkness. :cool:
03-10-2006, 02:08
I'm not a US citizen, resident, or visitor, and have no plans to become one -in fact I'm making a point of not even passing through on my way to Aus- but if I were stuck there and had the backing and resources to contemplate kicking-off a revolution... I'd apply them not to attacking the government but to ignoring it.

That is to say, I'd go for one of the big empty bits, with at least sufficient agricultural potential to support a largely self-sustaining community, establish such a community, and completely ignore the government until they took issue with it and came looking for trouble.

I don't see a revolution aiming only to rebuild what already exists as having much chance of achieving great progress. The American revolution lead to this horrid state of affairs, the French one did nothing to stop racist empire-building, the Russian one just swapped autocratic capitalists. Silly patriotic nonsense will just get you killed/nowhere. Ignore the country, consider the community.

In fact, if I had the necessary resources in any country, I'd do basically the same thing. All the current leaders are wrong, but, equally, 'don't make me a leader, I'll lead you all wrong'.

In a world in which I were born American, it wouldn't be me firing the first shot.
New Mitanni
03-10-2006, 02:15
So, ever since the recent passing of the Torture legislation that essentially allows the President to jail whomever he likes whenever he likes for however long he likes with no rights whatsoever

That is such a ridiculous mischaracterization of the legislation that it isn't even worth refuting.

many people upon this forum have begin seriously considering active rebellion against the government if it is not voted out of power in 2008 and/or starts turning even worse.

So, I figured: Why not find out where people would plan this kind of thing? Where would you have your base? What would be your method of communicating? How would you procure weaponry, supplies, funds?

I can answer a few of those questions for meself: Basewise, I'd stick to the Rockies in Colorado, for the central core, at least. I think it would be endlessly amusing if we stormed NORAD and took that, but barring that hilarious but unlikely scenario, it would probably be spread through several old mines somewhere near Teluride or some such.

For communicating, I'd be using various proxies and other secure methods to access the internet, presuming it's kept alive--and I don't see how it wouldn't be. It's just too useful to stamp out, and besides: even if the U.S. stopped using the internet, I don't think everyone else would, and thus it would still exist, acessible elsewhere. I'd avoid radios and anything else that would be trackable unless absolutely necessary.

For the supplies/weaponry/funds bit...I honestly don't know. I presume certain European powers might be willing to provide some secret aid, and we could always work with the South American drug cartels(not exactly an alliance I'd be fond of by any means, but a necessary one) since they have plenty of resources. Probably the best way would simply be through sympathetic Americans.

One thing any such revolution would have to avoid is anything that is terrorist-like: that is, we do NOT do idiotic, stupid things like blowing up the Statue of Liberty, or attacking civilian populations, or anything of that nature. We focus against government and military targets only, and that, to me anyway, is final. We're fighting to take back the America we know and love, not destroy it. Similarly, we do our damndest to gain as much support from the population as possible. I wouldn't really know how to go about this, but it would be sensible, obviously.

Anyway, those are my ideas on the subject. What are yours?

The day you take up arms against MY country is the day I take up arms against YOU.

Stick to your comic book fantasies, boy, and leave serious matters to the grown-ups.
The Aeson
03-10-2006, 02:19
I sense a conspiracy. He has our IP and is tracking us down as we speak. This way, if any of us are suspected of revolutionary actions in the future, 'Big Brother' will know just where to look.

I'm suprised there's no public poll...
03-10-2006, 02:24
The government is too centralized.

Perhaps a more city-state approach is in order?

If the government knew of our problems, it could fix them.
And maybe if we spent $$$ on Welfare like Europe, we'd be less up-right. ;)
03-10-2006, 02:26
ok, good idea maybe to think about and have a laugh with your friends. But that is treason, dont mean to rain on your parade...but this could be skewed as a plot against the US government.

and FYI the new terror legislation only gives bush the right to lock up people the military finds to be enemy combatants, they cant very well arrest my 80 year old neighbor because they think she's al qaeda. And its not that they can just arrest any A-rab walking downt the street. they need probable cause to arrest and hold that person.

Wow, two examples in history that come immediately to mind, that I infact learned about just within the past week at highschool. The U.S. constitution was an act of treason. Everyone who met there knew it and told all attendees to not take any notes, and even took seperate routes to the meeting hall to throw off any suspicions. Oh, and they did it in the middle of a Philidelphia summer with all the windows and doors closed.

In the original U.S. constitution, the laws referring to runawaya slaves allowed any man to place ownership on a black man with no papers, through just oral confirmation in front of a judge that he actually was his. Probable cause? I think not. Another interesting side note, the cops were given $25 in compensation if they arrested a man who turned out to be a slave, and $15 compensation if he didn't turn out to be a slave, which one do you think he would take if it didn't matter to him about the person, no wait, the piece of property?

Oh, and being a South Floridian, if we did end up with a true totalitarian regime, I would support, and probably be one of the men under the new Swamp Fox.

P.S. Don't you love historical irony?
03-10-2006, 02:30
10) Everglades
9) SW desert
8) Kansas/In the Middle of Nowhere
7) C Rockies
6) N Rockies
5) Hawai'i
4) Underground NY
3) S Cali
2) N appalachians
1) Alaskan Rockies
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 02:36
what would you do? hold up a picket sign in front of the capitol? I guarantee that there are half a dozen people out there right now, and you've never even heard of them.

try something more drastic, and you'd get hauled off, with or without a trial, before too long. nobody would know your name, and you'd be rotting in a prison.
This differs from revolution how?
Maybe the public will know your name, but the moment an innocent person dies because of your movement, that public will turn on you.
03-10-2006, 02:42
Maybe the public will know your name, but the moment an innocent person dies because of your movement, that public will turn on you.

Really? When has that happened before?
03-10-2006, 02:49
That is such a ridiculous mischaracterization of the legislation that it isn't even worth refuting.

The day you take up arms against MY country is the day I take up arms against YOU.

Stick to your comic book fantasies, boy, and leave serious matters to the grown-ups.

Ah, at last a Bushevik comes forth to completely and totally ignore the fact that this is speculation so he can yell at me.

As I said before, it's just speculation. I seriously doubt that in any real police state situation rebellion would be possible from the inside anyway.
03-10-2006, 02:50
This thread crosses a dangerous boundary....
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 02:51
Really? When has that happened before?
After Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, the riots and rise of Black militants turned many Whites off to the programs that would have been and still are necessary to make Blacks fully equal.
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 02:52
This thread crosses a dangerous boundary....
What boundary? People should be able to discuss anything they wish, no matter how idiotic.
03-10-2006, 02:55
What boundary? People should be able to discuss anything they wish, no matter how idiotic.

Indeed. That's the whole point to free speech, ya know. One of those things I'd always fight to protect.
03-10-2006, 02:56
What boundary? People should be able to discuss anything they wish, no matter how idiotic.

I know that, but frankly, I feel the Patriot act is a violation of the entire constitution (Normally I'd be all over this thread in support, but lately....i've been semi-worried)
Neo Undelia
03-10-2006, 02:58
I know that, but frankly, I feel the Patriot act is a violation of the entire constitution (Normally I'd be all over this thread in support, but lately....i've been semi-worried)
As long as you're not of Arab descent or black you don't have anything to worry about, for the time being.
03-10-2006, 03:00
As long as you're not of Arab descent or black you don't have anything to worry about, for the time being.

Where's that "I said nothing" list when you need it...
03-10-2006, 03:14
I know that, but frankly, I feel the Patriot act is a violation of the entire constitution (Normally I'd be all over this thread in support, but lately....i've been semi-worried)

Ya... thing is, I figure I'm already screwed as it is. Seeing as how I've looked up atomic bombs on the internet, downloaded America's Army onto my computer, and I live in America(which by the way, I love, it's just the government that I wonder about sometimes). So, hey they're already watching my every move, why not give them one more reason to be afraid? It's not like any of it is plausible anyways. The government's paranoid, they'll misinterpret you for posting on this thread at all. Might as well live out loud and have fun with it. Heh heh, I should start a terrorist recruitment thread to see how long it would take before men in little black cars show up to my house to take me away. :rolleyes:
Not bad
03-10-2006, 03:29
The first and best place to plot a revolution here , and the most likely way to actually improve things is by getting involved in the grass roots politics and then by offering enough ethical candidates that they might make a course correction. The place is set up to accept this method of change and not tolerant of others. We mostly get the government we deserve by getting out of it about what we put into it.
Magus Anton LaVey
03-10-2006, 05:18
I'd love to see the American people stand united in an effort to rise up against and overthrow the liars & hypocrites presently in power! Unfortunately, it'll never happen because the American people are afraid of the government! We've all become paranoid sissies who would rather be ruled and spoonfed shit then fight for our civil liberties, true democracy, and the things that made America great and worth being proud of...once! Everyone is quite content with being the puppet; no one has any interest in being the puppet master!!! Just my opinion!
03-10-2006, 06:05
I sense a conspiracy. He has our IP and is tracking us down as we speak. This way, if any of us are suspected of revolutionary actions in the future, 'Big Brother' will know just where to look.

I'm suprised there's no public poll...

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Not Bad: That is, in fact, what I personally endevour to do. If we switch parties around and dump the Republicans out of Congress--at least to the point of minority status--then methinks we can reverse any possible downhill slide into Police State America.
03-10-2006, 06:27
If I were going to overthrow America, I would use one of those kickass James Bond style orbital lasers from Diamonds Are Forever or Die Another Day with control centers in Cuba. Since I wouldn't be fighting the British, no super slick secret agents will foil my plot! Muahahahaha!

Seriously though, the United States will not become a police state. Bush will be a bad memory after 2008, the nation will be thouroughly disgusted with the GOP and everything will be set right. At least that's what I keep telling myself. =P
04-10-2006, 01:27
It isn't that bad yet. My barometer will be the critics of the government. If they start disappearing, I'm out of here.
04-10-2006, 01:46
The 2 party system dosen't open for a lot of democracy. The US is to large to be governd effectivly. If you choose to take down your goverment, (regarless how) do the world two favours. Keep it to yourself (dont spred the civil war if it becomes one), make it once again a nation where dreems are born.

If not; get your war criminals out of executive power. It hurts you more then you know!
04-10-2006, 08:18
Here's how it will go down. Canada will ask the US for use of its military so we can peacekeep. Oil money will be promised in return. Then Canada will use the US military to invade DC and Texas with orders of complete eradication. Problem solved.
Greater Trostia
04-10-2006, 08:22
I'd definitely learn from the last time.

Thick wool socks for everyone if we spend any time in a northeastcoast winter!
[NS]Liberty EKB
04-10-2006, 08:55
our best bet, in the event of a police state, is to simply move. the military would likely side with the govt. since many of the officers share the same sentiment as the bush admn... switzerland is kind of nice. rebels could base their operations there. its a traditionally neutral country and is said to be the most libertarian country in the world. perhaps freedom-loving rebels could find sympathetic support amongst the population.

perhaps rebellous americans could move to swizterland in mass and gain political influence there....turn switzerland into and american refugee country kind of like slaves did with liberia in africa.

***lets start a thread like this in 6 months, if we are still alive. if in 6 months time we can still start a thread like this we can stay here a little longer if not that is how you know to get out.
[NS]Liberty EKB
04-10-2006, 08:58
i nominate myself as the new leader after the rebellion.
04-10-2006, 09:41
Here's how it will go down. Canada will ask the US for use of its military so we can peacekeep. Oil money will be promised in return. Then Canada will use the US military to invade DC and Texas with orders of complete eradication. Problem solved.


Wooh. Most hilarious thing I've read all day.

Nyreg: If there ever was an actual civil war, I don't think we'd let it spread to other nations. No, other nations would probably intercede for their own interests. I can easily see China, Russia, and probably half the EU interceding in one way or another.
04-10-2006, 09:45

Wooh. Most hilarious thing I've read all day.

Nyreg: If there ever was an actual civil war, I don't think we'd let it spread to other nations. No, other nations would probably intercede for their own interests. I can easily see China, Russia, and probably half the EU interceding in one way or another.

Forst post of my day too.
04-10-2006, 14:27
Easy. At my local JSA meetings! No one would suspect a thing....
Free shepmagans
04-10-2006, 15:44
I live close to a large ecological wonder... with alligators and snakes in it, and shacks and even moonshine stills.



Drunk commies deleted
04-10-2006, 15:45
Im definetely not touching this one, i'd rather not go to gitmo.

Why not? They've aparently installed an all you can eat buffet now.
04-10-2006, 16:21
Why bother? If it gets really bad, I'll just play my ancestry card and become a Swiss citizen. My family's got the immigration documents and everything to prove it, so I'd be fast tracked into the country. I know German,
Eris Rising
04-10-2006, 17:09
I am certainly not going to discuss any plans I may or may not have ON THE INTERNET WHERE THEY CAN BE READ BY THE FBI.

