20-09-2006, 21:28
Ok, so, I've been seeying Myrth in this forum's polls as an alternate option for quite a while. Now, what is myrth? I have no idea what it means, and google doesn't want to tell me.
Enlighten me.
20-09-2006, 21:29
You're not at a high enough level to receive that information yet.
Free shepmagans
20-09-2006, 21:29
She/he (I think she) is a mod. It's a joke responce.
20-09-2006, 21:29
He's an NS oldtimer who became very popular. Not quite sure why they put him on polls though.
20-09-2006, 21:30
She/he (I think she) is a mod. It's a joke responce.
Hah. I heard that before, but I still wasn't sure about how that would mean anything.
So, basically, it's the same as putting pie or pancakes, no?
20-09-2006, 21:31
You just wouldn't understand. I wouldn't dig deeper if I were if you do want anything bad to happen to you. just some advice.
20-09-2006, 21:33
His nation is still alive. I saw it earlier, he's number one in Today's United Nations Report.
Free shepmagans
20-09-2006, 21:36
His nation is still alive. I saw it earlier, he's number one in Today's United Nations Report.
Vacuumhead! *Tackles* *Promptly shot for violating restraining order*
The Emperor Fenix
20-09-2006, 21:43
So it is written that every poll should contain, as its last option, "Myrth". Failure to perform this action of defferece will result in things so unspeakable that i shall refrain from listing them.
Hah. I heard that before, but I still wasn't sure about how that would mean anything.
So, basically, it's the same as putting pie or pancakes, no?
After voting on many polls and seeing the responses of others in the thread I have come to the conclusion that people mentally shut down and simply cannot function unless they are given a pointless "other" option whether the poll calls for one or not. People are indecisive bastards so they need an out. Can't just take a position or if they don't care about the issue simply ignore the thread.
Then again some on NSG seem to be addicted to voting on polls. It brings a rush I guess. :D
20-09-2006, 21:57
After voting on many polls and seeing the responses of others in the thread I have come to the conclusion that people mentally shut down and simply cannot function unless they are given a pointless "other" option whether the poll calls for one or not. People are indecisive bastards so they need an out. Can't just take a position or if they don't care about the issue simply ignore the thread.
Then again some on NSG seem to be addicted to voting on polls. It brings a rush I guess. :D
Well, I'm nothing but a poll addicted lurker, but I rarely vote on the "other" options.