15-09-2006, 10:42
Captain Planet(to a kid): The power iss.......<.< >.> Oh dear lord. What the hell have you been doing all this time? The Middle East is worse. How the hell could it possibly get worse? It was already shitty to begin with. Oh my god. What the hell have you done to the rain forests? Why would you even try to destroy them? Don't we have enough people? Shouldn't have all these wars solved our overpopulation by now? Damn, it's worse. Oh...my...god. You people are monsters. All of you.
Screw you. This power isn't yours. It's just not. Until you can draw a picture of something that looks remotely like a gun without shooting someone by accident, you don't get the key to the world's fate. You don't get the power to destroy it because you probably would. The Middle East and Africa are hell holes. The environment is about as clean as LA's air. so many species are going extinct that I think you all hate plants and animals. I'm not superman. Until world peace is secure and the environment is fixed, don't talk to me, you little monsters. I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear about you. I don't want to exist in the same reality as you so either you die or I do because I just don't like you. Good. Go cry to mommy and daddy. What are they going to do? I've gained a bullet proofness and immunity to pain over the years. I don't think he could possibly hurt me.
Screw you. This power isn't yours. It's just not. Until you can draw a picture of something that looks remotely like a gun without shooting someone by accident, you don't get the key to the world's fate. You don't get the power to destroy it because you probably would. The Middle East and Africa are hell holes. The environment is about as clean as LA's air. so many species are going extinct that I think you all hate plants and animals. I'm not superman. Until world peace is secure and the environment is fixed, don't talk to me, you little monsters. I don't want to see you. I don't want to hear about you. I don't want to exist in the same reality as you so either you die or I do because I just don't like you. Good. Go cry to mommy and daddy. What are they going to do? I've gained a bullet proofness and immunity to pain over the years. I don't think he could possibly hurt me.