Pure Metal
13-09-2006, 19:17
>> new party now recruiting members! democratic party open to members' suggestions... if interested please reply below :) thank you :)
Summary: This party believes in equality of opportunity and a socialised capitalist economy. Socially libertarian on most issues, we support nationalised health, schools, and other key industries central to a stable quality of life. To achieve meritocracy and equality of opportunity, we believe in banning (nationalising) private schools, centralising school curriculi, and banning inheritance. This will ensure no child may have less opportunity to succeed than any other, and society has a fair basis from which to operate.
This party believes in equality of opportunity over other concerns. This surpasses ‘equality of outcome’ as per communist models; our policies, however, may still be argued to be socialist. What this means is to ensure true fairness, the government should not dictate what people earn in an attempt to reach some form of arbitrary equality (of outcome), but rather citizens should be given the same starting point in life and thus ensure a just and fair outcome by allowing people to use their skills and talents to their advantage, to further themselves and society. People are not to be left behind however as a welfare system (including nationalised health and schooling), funded by a progressive tax system, is a must to ensure a minimum quality of life for all citizens, for those whom life has not indeed been fair, who have yet to realise their potential, or whom have been handed in the grand lottery of life a poor hand of talents or gifts. To discriminate against these people for not having the gifts necessary to thrive would be as unjust as discriminating against those who have ‘made it’; morally more-so (hence justification for a progressive tax system).
Please read our manifesto of policies below, and even if you don’t agree with all of them I invite you to join the party – we are a new party and need your support! Thank you.
1. Opportunity
1.1: This party recognises that birth is a lottery (referred to as the ‘grand lottery’) whereby we have no say or decision as to where - which country or neighbourhood - we are born in, nor do we have any choice to whom we are born – whether our parents will be rich or poor, lower or upper class, married or divorced, supportive or abusive – and as such for one to take advantage of their positioning in the grand lottery to the detriment of others would be unjust.
1.2: This however does not negate the fact that people are born different, with different talents and abilities. To play down these and work only to the tune of the lowest common denominator would be unfair to those with demanded skills or talents, who are capable of achieving more for themselves, just because they happened to be born with greater intelligence or an aptitude or talent for something in demand in society.
1.3: As such this party believes that to discriminate against people’s inherent natural talents and abilities would be unjust – imposing artificial restraints on natural differences. To work to better one’s self is currently a natural drive, and restraining this with forced equality of outcome (whereby all people earn the same regardless of their job) is also unjust while money is seen as a key determinant of worth and/or success.
1.4: Thusly, in a capitalist system, this party believes allowing people to better themselves and make use of their natural talents is just. This will result in inequality of outcome. However, this inequality will also be just if a true meritocracy is established.
1.5: A meritocracy is often believed to be what is inherent in capitalism, today. However looking back to point 1.1 of this manifesto, it is evident this is not true. As such the capitalist system in which we live today is inherently unjust – not necessarily in the inequality of society (though current levels of inequality may be argued to be too great), but how we arrived here.
The way to achieve a meritocracy is to eliminate the arbitrary societal factors in the grand lottery, as per point 1.1 above, that cause some to be unfairly born with a better chance of making use of their natural abilities than others. This will be looked at in section 2 below:
2. Fairness
2.1: Achieving and maintaining a true meritocracy is the primary goal of this party (to ensure equality of opportunity), and is the only way to set up a fair society. The government will play a key role in this.
However, a just starting point does not always a fair outcome make - to 'set up' society and then let it run without the guiding hand of government, to ensure citizens' positive rights to a minimum quality of life are upheld (as discussed later) and to correct market failures, would be negligent. The government must also ensure society then runs in a just way using laws to regulate the conduct of business to reduce unjust aquisitions of wealth or power. This will all be discussed later in this manifesto.
2.2: A fair, meritocratic society will be 'set up' by literally ensuring equality of opportunity in schools:
All schools will be run by the government – all private schools and universities will be nationalised.
A national standard curriculum will be established to ensure all students cover the same ground.
There will be no tiers of schooling - whereby a class goes ‘faster’ through the syllabus and can cover more ground – though more able classes can cover the same topics in more depth as per their ability.
A larger ‘core’ set of subjects will be taught to all students to the age of 18, including maths, science(s), philosophy and critical thinking.
Schooling will be free and compulsory to the age of 21. Higher education between the ages of 18 and 21 may be completed at university or more practical/vocational environments.
There is to be more parental involvement in the schooling process. Education is not just about acquiring facts and knowledge, but life skills including social skills and an outlook on life. The home is the primary arena for the formation of the latter, and as such parents themselves will have greater responsibility and support for teaching their children important life lessons, as well as responsibility for encouraging and supporting schoolwork.
Education is to be of primary importance in the government budget.
2.3: Equality of opportunity will also be achieved by the tax system
Inheritance will be abolished (inheritance tax effective at 100%).
2.4: This party believes in positive rights as a basic reasoning behind a welfare system ensuring a minimum quality of life for all citizens (see #4.6 below)
3. Rights
3.1: The following rights are endowed to citizens by this party:
The right to private property
The right to personal privacy
The right to freedom of speech and expression of religion
The right to a basic quality of life; the right to clean drinking water, shelter, adequate food and nourishment, clothing, warmth (and fuel for this purpose), the freedom to travel and free movement within national borders and abroad, the ability to communicate effectively (the internet, post, etc); the right to an adequate infrastructure to achieve these rights.
The right to education
Other rights as per the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
4. Other key policies
4.1: Social libertarianism is to be the byword for social policies of this party. Citizens shall be granted freedom from the state to do what they wish on their private property, so long as it harms no-one and is not to the detriment of another's health, property, or well-being.
4.2: Abortion is to be legal until the 19th week of pregnancy, following which the foetus is self-aware and conscious.
4.3: This party believes in a republic. No man or woman is born better than another, nor with any rightful claim to power which has not been earned.
4.4: This party believes in internationalism, supporting the UN and (if applicable) closer ties and integration with the EU.
4.5: A National Health Service to be well funded. Private operators are allowed.
4.6: Welfare state supported.
4.7: Key industries for the running of the country are to be nationalised with emphasis on providing consumers with good service over profit: Gas supply to consumers, electricity grid, broadband and internet supply, waste management, transport and rail, water.
4.8: Military funding to be kept to a minimum for defensive purposes only
4.9: Churches are not to be exempt from taxation
4.10: Nepotism is to be illegal
4.11: This party believes religion has no place in the government.
Members List:
Pure Metal
>> new party now recruiting members! democratic party open to members' suggestions... if interested please reply below :) thank you :)
Summary: This party believes in equality of opportunity and a socialised capitalist economy. Socially libertarian on most issues, we support nationalised health, schools, and other key industries central to a stable quality of life. To achieve meritocracy and equality of opportunity, we believe in banning (nationalising) private schools, centralising school curriculi, and banning inheritance. This will ensure no child may have less opportunity to succeed than any other, and society has a fair basis from which to operate.
This party believes in equality of opportunity over other concerns. This surpasses ‘equality of outcome’ as per communist models; our policies, however, may still be argued to be socialist. What this means is to ensure true fairness, the government should not dictate what people earn in an attempt to reach some form of arbitrary equality (of outcome), but rather citizens should be given the same starting point in life and thus ensure a just and fair outcome by allowing people to use their skills and talents to their advantage, to further themselves and society. People are not to be left behind however as a welfare system (including nationalised health and schooling), funded by a progressive tax system, is a must to ensure a minimum quality of life for all citizens, for those whom life has not indeed been fair, who have yet to realise their potential, or whom have been handed in the grand lottery of life a poor hand of talents or gifts. To discriminate against these people for not having the gifts necessary to thrive would be as unjust as discriminating against those who have ‘made it’; morally more-so (hence justification for a progressive tax system).
Please read our manifesto of policies below, and even if you don’t agree with all of them I invite you to join the party – we are a new party and need your support! Thank you.
1. Opportunity
1.1: This party recognises that birth is a lottery (referred to as the ‘grand lottery’) whereby we have no say or decision as to where - which country or neighbourhood - we are born in, nor do we have any choice to whom we are born – whether our parents will be rich or poor, lower or upper class, married or divorced, supportive or abusive – and as such for one to take advantage of their positioning in the grand lottery to the detriment of others would be unjust.
1.2: This however does not negate the fact that people are born different, with different talents and abilities. To play down these and work only to the tune of the lowest common denominator would be unfair to those with demanded skills or talents, who are capable of achieving more for themselves, just because they happened to be born with greater intelligence or an aptitude or talent for something in demand in society.
1.3: As such this party believes that to discriminate against people’s inherent natural talents and abilities would be unjust – imposing artificial restraints on natural differences. To work to better one’s self is currently a natural drive, and restraining this with forced equality of outcome (whereby all people earn the same regardless of their job) is also unjust while money is seen as a key determinant of worth and/or success.
1.4: Thusly, in a capitalist system, this party believes allowing people to better themselves and make use of their natural talents is just. This will result in inequality of outcome. However, this inequality will also be just if a true meritocracy is established.
1.5: A meritocracy is often believed to be what is inherent in capitalism, today. However looking back to point 1.1 of this manifesto, it is evident this is not true. As such the capitalist system in which we live today is inherently unjust – not necessarily in the inequality of society (though current levels of inequality may be argued to be too great), but how we arrived here.
The way to achieve a meritocracy is to eliminate the arbitrary societal factors in the grand lottery, as per point 1.1 above, that cause some to be unfairly born with a better chance of making use of their natural abilities than others. This will be looked at in section 2 below:
2. Fairness
2.1: Achieving and maintaining a true meritocracy is the primary goal of this party (to ensure equality of opportunity), and is the only way to set up a fair society. The government will play a key role in this.
However, a just starting point does not always a fair outcome make - to 'set up' society and then let it run without the guiding hand of government, to ensure citizens' positive rights to a minimum quality of life are upheld (as discussed later) and to correct market failures, would be negligent. The government must also ensure society then runs in a just way using laws to regulate the conduct of business to reduce unjust aquisitions of wealth or power. This will all be discussed later in this manifesto.
2.2: A fair, meritocratic society will be 'set up' by literally ensuring equality of opportunity in schools:
All schools will be run by the government – all private schools and universities will be nationalised.
A national standard curriculum will be established to ensure all students cover the same ground.
There will be no tiers of schooling - whereby a class goes ‘faster’ through the syllabus and can cover more ground – though more able classes can cover the same topics in more depth as per their ability.
A larger ‘core’ set of subjects will be taught to all students to the age of 18, including maths, science(s), philosophy and critical thinking.
Schooling will be free and compulsory to the age of 21. Higher education between the ages of 18 and 21 may be completed at university or more practical/vocational environments.
There is to be more parental involvement in the schooling process. Education is not just about acquiring facts and knowledge, but life skills including social skills and an outlook on life. The home is the primary arena for the formation of the latter, and as such parents themselves will have greater responsibility and support for teaching their children important life lessons, as well as responsibility for encouraging and supporting schoolwork.
Education is to be of primary importance in the government budget.
2.3: Equality of opportunity will also be achieved by the tax system
Inheritance will be abolished (inheritance tax effective at 100%).
2.4: This party believes in positive rights as a basic reasoning behind a welfare system ensuring a minimum quality of life for all citizens (see #4.6 below)
3. Rights
3.1: The following rights are endowed to citizens by this party:
The right to private property
The right to personal privacy
The right to freedom of speech and expression of religion
The right to a basic quality of life; the right to clean drinking water, shelter, adequate food and nourishment, clothing, warmth (and fuel for this purpose), the freedom to travel and free movement within national borders and abroad, the ability to communicate effectively (the internet, post, etc); the right to an adequate infrastructure to achieve these rights.
The right to education
Other rights as per the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
4. Other key policies
4.1: Social libertarianism is to be the byword for social policies of this party. Citizens shall be granted freedom from the state to do what they wish on their private property, so long as it harms no-one and is not to the detriment of another's health, property, or well-being.
4.2: Abortion is to be legal until the 19th week of pregnancy, following which the foetus is self-aware and conscious.
4.3: This party believes in a republic. No man or woman is born better than another, nor with any rightful claim to power which has not been earned.
4.4: This party believes in internationalism, supporting the UN and (if applicable) closer ties and integration with the EU.
4.5: A National Health Service to be well funded. Private operators are allowed.
4.6: Welfare state supported.
4.7: Key industries for the running of the country are to be nationalised with emphasis on providing consumers with good service over profit: Gas supply to consumers, electricity grid, broadband and internet supply, waste management, transport and rail, water.
4.8: Military funding to be kept to a minimum for defensive purposes only
4.9: Churches are not to be exempt from taxation
4.10: Nepotism is to be illegal
4.11: This party believes religion has no place in the government.
Members List:
Pure Metal