The Onion is making a movie!
Drunk commies deleted
02-09-2006, 17:41
Can't wait til it's released. The Onion is one of the more consistently funny internet sites IMHO.
Everything to do with onions and the internet has been soured in my mind.
Dear god. Now their actually releasing a movie. Any idea where I can pre-order tickets?
Looks like it might be something really great. :)
The Elder Malaclypse
02-09-2006, 18:31
Directed by Tom Kuntz? (I've never been on The Onion)
02-09-2006, 18:31
Can't wait til it's released. The Onion is one of the more consistently funny internet sites IMHO.
I can beat that. Penny Arcade is starting an episodic video game set. Down with Arena Net and Guild Wars, all hail Penny Arcade.
02-09-2006, 19:17
Look at the cast. Steven Seagal as the "Cock Puncher"...
Bilad al-Malaika
02-09-2006, 19:20
Look at the cast. Steven Seagal as the "Cock Puncher"...
F' d up Delivery Guy :p
02-09-2006, 19:25
Meh, the onion has some funny stuff, but most of their humour is heavily US aligned. Some jokes I won't get, others I won't relate. I suspect the movie will be much like this, in the cast list I saw an 'upstanding black man' cameo role...
Bilad al-Malaika
02-09-2006, 19:32
Meh, the onion has some funny stuff, but most of their humour is heavily US aligned. Some jokes I won't get, others I won't relate. I suspect the movie will be much like this, in the cast list I saw an 'upstanding black man' cameo role...
Hehe, I can imagine what that role would be like.