NationStates Jolt Archive's a secret!

30-08-2006, 19:18
so, I saw a thred on here a while back about "confess a secret" it was all fun and whatever, but I was thinking, we probably wouldn't share things that we really wanted to keep secret around here.........

anyway, people tend to tell me secrets a LOT, I know some about some of you (don't worry, I ain't telling)

what's the best secret you have heard recently? (no names, and not about anyone around here......)

what's your deepest secret? (yeah right like you are going to tell me)

what do you think about secrets?

what type of things to do you keep secret?
30-08-2006, 19:21
I keep secret things a secret!

Oh I have heard some of the best secrets recently but alas I cannot say what they are. I'm generally good at keeping secrets thou some are just too juicey to keep to yourself! ;)
Drunk commies deleted
30-08-2006, 19:22
I have secret wallpaper. Don't tell anyone.
30-08-2006, 19:23
so, I saw a thred on here a while back about "confess a secret" it was all fun and whatever, but I was thinking, we probably wouldn't share things that we really wanted to keep secret around here.........

anyway, people tend to tell me secrets a LOT, I know some about some of you (don't worry, I ain't telling) Hm...

what's the best secret you have heard recently? (no names, and not about anyone around here......) Ones that concern me.

what's your deepest secret? (yeah right like you are going to tell me) That's right ;)

what do you think about secrets? I hate it when people use things that I had thought were confidential between us as gossip material. I've had real problems with that in the past.

what type of things to do you keep secret?Things like the reason why I was wearing three different shirts during my stay in Baltimore...
30-08-2006, 19:43
I'm an expert doublethinker. Secrets are safe with me because I make myself forget I know them. Thus, I can't actually tell you any of the secrets I've been told, since they're secret even from me.

My deepest, darkest secret is the answer to the question "Who Am I". I locked it away from myself some time ago and have been trying to unearth it ever since; since, as per the first point, I am very good at keeping secrets, this has been a most difficult task.

Other than that, I don't know much about secrets. I would rather people aired their grievances with me so I could meet and confront my personal downfalls, but I don't really care much for other kinds of secrets concerning me other people might have.
30-08-2006, 19:47
I made out with a friend's mom. Alot.
