The Hate Thread
25-08-2006, 10:13
Just go overboard here! Tell everyone everything that you hate or hate most and why! Spread the hatred! *foams at the mouth*
Virtus Immortalis
25-08-2006, 10:31
Picture wont load, but i have before me a piece of paper covered in manic doodles, nooses hanging with peoples names, various quotes and HUMAN BLOOD.
25-08-2006, 11:05
I hate Carlton & Essendon.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
25-08-2006, 11:11
Morons. Particularly anyone who makes irrational decisions that affect others. They should be made to go though a throughout... debugging, and if significant flaws persist, they should be rendered incapable of making decisions, either by completely crushing their will and turning them into mindless slaves, or by killing them.
25-08-2006, 11:24
Rednecks. Inbreeding isn't killing them fast enough for me!
25-08-2006, 12:24
my neighbors, why in the heck they find it neccessary to get drunk (on a week night no less) and try to burn the rubber off their tires outside of my daughter's window at 2 am is beyond me.
They are the most vile and idiotic people I have ever met and I feel sorry for their children and mostly I hate them because in their idiocy they have almost killed my family once and nearly caught my house on fire 3 times.
Oh, yeah, and their dog is mean and if I see it out of it's yard again, I might call it into my yard and shoot it before it eats me.
Call to power
25-08-2006, 12:28
I secretly have a searing hate for celery
25-08-2006, 12:34
people who dont relise i am superior to all mankind. ha ha.
New Lofeta
25-08-2006, 12:41
Yo Mama...
Seriously... biggest waste of 50 dollars ever...
Rubiconic Crossings
25-08-2006, 12:58
Sweet potato
25-08-2006, 13:01
Psychotic Mongooses
25-08-2006, 13:01
I really do.
25-08-2006, 13:02
I really do.
Ha ha i posted after you and my post is ahead!
W00T i finally did it!
I finally did it!