Did The Holocaust Occur?
Deep Kimchi
03-08-2006, 18:26
Let's start with a definition:
The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews and nearly that number again of Socialists, Communists, mental patients, handicapped people, Catholics, Russian and Ukranian prisoners, prostitutes, Jehovah's Witnesses and homosexuals by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.
Not that the list of the types of people killed is complete in this definition.
Further, based on the notes of the Wannsee Conference, the intent was to eliminate the Jewish race from the European continent, and that people would be killed or sterilized in order to make this happen, and that killings and sterilizations on an industrial scale occurred.
Vote now in the poll.
03-08-2006, 18:28
Yes it absolutely occured as supported by tonnes of evidence.
Only anti-semites and the massively ignorant believe it didn't occur.
Big Jim P
03-08-2006, 18:29
It happened in the 1930s and 40s. It is now 2006. Time for people to get over it dontcha think?
Donkey Kongo
03-08-2006, 18:29
Poll isn't specific enough. The Holocaust definately happened, whether it happened exactly as history says, as all things are, is up for debate.
03-08-2006, 18:30
It always amazes me when people can delude themselves into thinking that it never happened.
Deep Kimchi
03-08-2006, 18:31
It always amazes me when people can delude themselves into thinking that it never happened.
I just wanted to see how many deluded people are on this forum. I'll be counting.
03-08-2006, 18:31
It happened in the 1930s and 40s. It is now 2006. Time for people to get over it dontcha think?
Ahhh, i hate it when people say that about the jews though. "why can't teh jews get over it".
90% of the Jews have got over it and never talk about it. The idea that they havn't is just neo nazi propagander.
Only anti-semites and the massively ignorant believe it didn't occur.
But the Iranian President said it was made up. It must be true!!! He wouldn't lie. And besides, The SR said that Ahmedinejad sin't an anti-semite.
03-08-2006, 18:34
I will be amazed if anyone votes for "No".
Or if they do, it'll be over who exactly was targetted or something equally irrelevant.
It happened in the 1930s and 40s. It is now 2006. Time for people to get over it dontcha think?
You forget the one law of history: it repeats itself. If we continue to try to prevent another Holocaust, it won't happen. Simple as that.
03-08-2006, 18:34
Do we really need a thread for this -and with a poll like that, to boot? :rolleyes:
Deep Kimchi
03-08-2006, 18:35
Do we really need a thread for this -and with a poll like that, to boot? :rolleyes:
Yes, because I'm convinced that apologists for Ahmanijhad believe as he do - that the Jews made it all up as a myth.
Tactical Grace
03-08-2006, 18:41
I just wanted to see how many deluded people are on this forum. I'll be counting.
Evidently, you also wanted to know the identities of the "deluded", and broadcast their names to the forum in easy to read collated form. Why else make the poll public? In view of what you just said, I do not believe this to be an innocent statistics gathering exercise.
Poll Abuse: Polls created with the intent to troll, flame, flamebait or otherwise commit forum offences as outlined here. This includes abuse of public polls to single out voting blocks for subsequent attacks or ridicule.
If you really want to know how many people hold unpopular opinions, try to do so without compiling a single list and attacking them on the same page.