are we DOOOOOOOOMED!!! ?
26-07-2006, 09:04
with all the global badness happening in the world today, (i.e. global warming, ozone depletion, oil depletion, the entire middle east, the entire contienent of africa, most of south america, megacorporations, idiot national leaders [i did not say WHICH nation, don't flame me.], the rise of religion over science, the rise of religion over the political system, the rise of religion over sex ed, the rise of religion over brains, and EVERY OTHER F&$KING THING!!!)...
sorry about that, went a little nutty... please don't flame me...
how doomed are we?
scale of 1-10 folks,
1 = cinnamon buns pose more threat to my well being. (those ARE easy to choke on...)
10 = "attention citizens of earth, the apocalypse is upon you, please evacuate the planet in an orderly fashion"
The South Islands
26-07-2006, 09:16
We've been doomed for a while now.
I'll make sure you get a copy of the memo.
Dryks Legacy
26-07-2006, 09:18
Humanity was doomed ever since the monekys got greedy (the problem) and decided that they wanted more than just the trees... they wanted EVERYTHING. I say don't worry about it, sit back, maybe spam a little and let was has to happen happen.
26-07-2006, 09:22
And the biggest arrogance of all: "save the planet". Folks, the planet has been around a long time before we got here. Been through ice ages, earthquakes, massive volcanoes, comet strikes...the planet is fine.
We're fucked.
The chiliasts and millenarians are all excited about conflict in Israel. Some have even said they hope the violence continues in order to hasten the end times. Some people are really weird.
Fascist Dominion
26-07-2006, 09:24
We've been doomed for a while now.
I'll make sure you get a copy of the memo.
We've been doomed since before we had a word for the notion. Look at any period in history and you can see a slough of people claiming the world was ending.
26-07-2006, 09:29
with all the global badness happening in the world today, (i.e. global warming, ozone depletion, oil depletion, the entire middle east, the entire contienent of africa, most of south america, megacorporations, idiot national leaders [i did not say WHICH nation, don't flame me.], the rise of religion over science, the rise of religion over the political system, the rise of religion over sex ed, the rise of religion over brains, and EVERY OTHER F&$KING THING!!!)...
sorry about that, went a little nutty... please don't flame me...
how doomed are we?
scale of 1-10 folks,
1 = cinnamon buns pose more threat to my well being. (those ARE easy to choke on...)
10 = "attention citizens of earth, the apocalypse is upon you, please evacuate the planet in an orderly fashion"
Your name reminds me of this KILLER short they had on MTV back before the millenial flip-flop.
If so, good taste. *bows*
We're not that doomed at the moment. Through out history there has always been an air of doomedness about the place. It just has increased as technology develops. I say give everyone in the Middle East a few beers, they can work out their problems. Shoot all religious leaders from a cannon into space.....turn on air conditions to really cold cos that will end global warming and lets all have a giant bbq while were at it?
Crimson Vaal
26-07-2006, 12:02
Its scary, as I was reading the first post, I choked on a cinnamon bun :eek:
Anyway, the world isn't doomed. We're just likely to kill ourselves and everything else. And the evolution process starts all over again, this time in the depth of nuclear winter and radiation rad level of 1872.
Of course we're doomed. We're doomed eventually, it's just a matter of what kind of doom, and when and where it'll come from. I say one of those super nova majiggers will be pretty dooming for us.
26-07-2006, 12:34
I'm not, but everyone who posts in this thread after me is.
Dishonorable Scum
26-07-2006, 13:08
Everyone is "doomed", if by "doomed" you mean we're all going to come to an end.
1. Everybody dies. There's no way around this. The laws of thermodynamics insist upon it.
2. Sooner or later, the species homo sapiens will become extinct. Mammalian species last, on the average, 5 million years before they die out. A lucky few are able to evolve into a new species.
3. The sun has roughly 5 billion years left on the main sequence. Even before then, though, life on Earth will become impossible, because main sequence stars grow hotter as they age. The oceans will evaporate in 3 to 4 billion years, and that's it for any complex life on this planet. We'd better think about relocating.
4. Eventually the universe will die, either through the Big Crunch or through increasing entropy. Cosmologists are divided over which end is more likely, but they generally agree that one of these two things will happen. The days are numbered - it's a very big number, but finite nonetheless.
So we're all "doomed". Probably won't happen this week, though. :p
Call to power
26-07-2006, 13:36
I wouldn't say were doomed we've got far too much time for that I would be far more worried about the evils of cinnamon coated buns and fuzzy jumpers
26-07-2006, 14:55
We are toast. Perhaps the planet will struggle on, but for humanity this is the final call. We're all going to die when civilzation collapses as nations and people suddenly reach for whatever they can take, from the middle east to south america to asia, everywhere. Corporations and Nations will gleefully sell the weapons everyone needs to destroy the world.
No hope left, ya'll.
United Chicken Kleptos
26-07-2006, 15:00
I like cinnamin buns
Our universe is doomed! DOOMED! [/Benders]
Meh, nothing special about this time particularly in terms of apocalypticness. It will probably be a messier few decades than most, but no big deal in the long run.
26-07-2006, 15:07
how doomed are we?
scale of 1-10 folks,
1 = cinnamon buns pose more threat to my well being. (those ARE easy to choke on...)
10 = "attention citizens of earth, the apocalypse is upon you, please evacuate the planet in an orderly fashion"
We're just as doomed as we've ever been, and no more doomed that we will continue to be, so I voted 5. :p