NationStates Jolt Archive

Ahhh!!! Can't sleep!

Demented Hamsters
24-07-2006, 20:37
Ummm...Title pretty much says it all, really.

I went to bed at 12.15am LT. Read a bit then tried to sleep. After 90 minutes unsuccessfully accomplishing that, I got up.
Now it's 3.30am and I still can't sleep.

I hate this. I need to get up early tomorrow (today!) as I have a pretty busy full day sorting lots of crap out.

Any ideas as to what I could do?

Best remedy for getting to sleep (which doesn't involve alcohol - as I said, I need to get up earlish)?
24-07-2006, 20:45
Watch golf.
24-07-2006, 20:54
take a bath, a quiet, warm bath.

Oh, and change the sheets on your bed, clean body, clean sheets, you should be comfortable enough to relax and sleep.

If you can't sleep after that, start popping caffiene and get your day started.
24-07-2006, 20:58
Run around outside for about ten minutes. You'll be more than able to sleep. :p
Demented Hamsters
24-07-2006, 21:05
Run around outside for about ten minutes. You'll be more than able to sleep. :p
Two problems:
I sleep naked, so running around outside right now is prob not a good idea.

Also, at 11.30pm I did some rowing on my erg, and I think that is what has made me so wide awake.

I think my biggest hassle is that it's too damn hot here at the moment to sleep and if I leave the air con on, the noise keeps me awake. no-win situation.

Ahh..I'll try again. I've got 4 1/2 hours before my alarm goes off.
[NS]Fergi America
24-07-2006, 21:12
"Trying" to sleep is the single best way to stay up. It pwns caffiene all the way.

Trying = making effort/concentrating. Those are both directly counter to the objective of sleeping.

The best natural way I know of to sleep is to NOT TRY, and to just lay there quietly. Eventually the boredom kicks in and I fall asleep.

The clean sheets etc. Smunkee mentioned do help a lot with sleep, but for what will probably be a 3-4 hour nap (assuming you're supposed to be back up around [gag] 8AM), it may not be worth spending another hour or so to do it.

Then there's some things that may only suit your own personality. For me, I often find that turning on a light works. I'm used to sleeping in the day, so if I'm aiming to sleep at night, sometimes making it bright as day is what I need.

BUT, if I was just up all night the night before, then forget it. I won't be sleeping at night the next day! Just won't happen--the body doesn't change schedules that fast without already being exhausted. If this is your problem, expect to not sleep until *tomorrow* night when it won't be doing you a hoot of good. Might as well stay up now and wait for stuff to open.

Personally by this point I'd start thinking up excuses to skip out of at least the last half of your workday. And anything that wouldn't fire me or cause truly drastic repercussions for not showing up would just have to wait.
24-07-2006, 21:13
If it's three thirty I'd give up and wait for the day. Stay in bed so that you are at least resting.
The Aeson
24-07-2006, 21:14

The solution is to find the most boring book you can find. Then do one of two things. First, just try reading it. If that fails, since such books are generally large...

Well you get the idea.
24-07-2006, 21:50

The solution is to find the most boring book you can find. Then do one of two things. First, just try reading it. If that fails, since such books are generally large...

Well you get the idea.

...Shove it up his craphole?
24-07-2006, 22:11
...Shove it up his craphole?

LOL! THats what i was thinking too, unfortunatley.
24-07-2006, 22:15
The Basics of German Grammar (

Solved my problem frequently enough, whether I wanted it to or not :D
25-07-2006, 03:23
Ummm...Title pretty much says it all, really.

I went to bed at 12.15am LT. Read a bit then tried to sleep. After 90 minutes unsuccessfully accomplishing that, I got up.
Now it's 3.30am and I still can't sleep.

I hate this. I need to get up early tomorrow (today!) as I have a pretty busy full day sorting lots of crap out.

Any ideas as to what I could do?

Best remedy for getting to sleep (which doesn't involve alcohol - as I said, I need to get up earlish)?

THE cure for insomnia...
3 or 4 pages and ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Neo Kervoskia
25-07-2006, 03:26
OD huffing spray paint or gouge out your eyes.
WC Imperial Court
25-07-2006, 03:28
Two problems:
I sleep naked, so running around outside right now is prob not a good idea.

Also, at 11.30pm I did some rowing on my erg, and I think that is what has made me so wide awake.

I think my biggest hassle is that it's too damn hot here at the moment to sleep and if I leave the air con on, the noise keeps me awake. no-win situation.

Ahh..I'll try again. I've got 4 1/2 hours before my alarm goes off.
I hope your already asleep. If your not, heres a trick. When I am to hot to sleep, I take a quick shower, then lay a towel on top of my blanket. Don't bother to dry yourself. The heat will dry you enough, and the water will keep you cool, until you've already fallen asleep. Good luck.

(psst, whats LT?)
The Cathunters
25-07-2006, 03:38
Have you tried on studying economics by your own way while you listen to your little sister's music, loud, and your parents watch your favourite TV program?
Neo Kervoskia
25-07-2006, 03:40
Have you tried on studying economics by your own way while you listen to your little sister's music, loud, and your parents watch your favourite TV program?
You just described my life....holy shit on a string.
25-07-2006, 03:42
Read the econ, listen to sisters music and drink something. Perhaps brandy and warm milk mixed together. That's always helped me.
The Cathunters
25-07-2006, 03:45
You just described my life....holy shit on a string.

Hard days... At least I haave my preeeciouusssss... My treasssssuuureeee...
United Chicken Kleptos
25-07-2006, 03:49
Hit yourself on the head until you pass out. It's worked for me.
Demented Hamsters
25-07-2006, 05:21
I hope your already asleep. If your not, heres a trick. When I am to hot to sleep, I take a quick shower, then lay a towel on top of my blanket. Don't bother to dry yourself. The heat will dry you enough, and the water will keep you cool, until you've already fallen asleep. Good luck.

(psst, whats LT?)
Finally, we have someone with a half-decent method!
I'll try it next time I can't retire gracefully.

Finally managed to knock off around 4ish, and got up at 9.30am. Waited around all morning for someone to come pick up the sofa they've bought off me, only for them to ring 20 minutes ago to say they can't make it til this evening.

(psst, LT=Local Time)
25-07-2006, 05:47
If you have access to PBS, try watching The McNeil-Lehrer Report or Teletubbies. The former will bore you to sleep while the latter will induce a complete cessation of conscious mental activity, which is very much like sleep.