Age of Empires:Rise of Rome
23-07-2006, 13:52
I was addicted to this fantastic game for about a year (2004-2005). There wasn't a day that went without me playing a game. I first played it in about '99 or '00. I was pretty crap until about '03 when I started to get pretty good. I become friends with the best archer, legion and cho players. I also had some good Reg DM friends who taught me lots. I really miss it now :(
So did anyone else play RoR on
23-07-2006, 14:18
Shucks not even one person?
:( :( :(
The Mindset
23-07-2006, 14:21
I don't play it on zone anymore (I still occasionally play AOEII:AOC on zone), but I do love the first two AOE games. Far superior to their latest counterparts.
23-07-2006, 14:25
I don't play it on zone anymore (I still occasionally play AOEII:AOC on zone), but I do love the first two AOE games. Far superior to their latest counterparts.
I think you'll find that you can't play any CDrom games on Zone anymore.
I have AOC aswell but never really played it online. I wasn't too bad at just normal AoE either. Only Cho/NS though.
Yeah, I used to play it. Mostly AOE minus the expansion, though. But then around that time I was mostly into Dark Reign and then Starcraft.
23-07-2006, 14:27
Yeah, I used to play it. Mostly AOE minus the expansion, though. But then around that time I was mostly into Dark Reign and then Starcraft.
What game type did you play? Can you remember?
What game type did you play? Can you remember?
Usually normal (non-dm) random maps, 2v2. I usually played as greeks, I think.
23-07-2006, 14:42
Usually normal (non-dm) random maps, 2v2. I usually played as greeks, I think.
Ahh, ok. I sucked at RM.. Was still cool to play though.
The Mindset
23-07-2006, 15:00
I think you'll find that you can't play any CDrom games on Zone anymore.
I have AOC aswell but never really played it online. I wasn't too bad at just normal AoE either. Only Cho/NS though.
Seriously? Well, that's shit.
Ahh, ok. I sucked at RM.. Was still cool to play though.
AOE was nowhere near as much fun to play as Starcraft, IMO.
Pity SC went to shit later. Impossible to play nowadays because of all of the cheaters and such. :mad:
Greater Alemannia
23-07-2006, 15:08
Nah, my choice of online game is Wolfenstein: ET.
24-07-2006, 01:52
AOE was nowhere near as much fun to play as Starcraft, IMO.
Pity SC went to shit later. Impossible to play nowadays because of all of the cheaters and such. :mad:
Yea my friend also prefered SC over AoE. I've never played it myself though.
I'm more of an Age of Mythology player myself, or when I'm in more of a historical mood I go for Age of Kings..
24-07-2006, 02:11
Medieval total war 2 looks great. Can't wait for it.
The Mindset
24-07-2006, 02:16
Yea my friend also prefered SC over AoE. I've never played it myself though.
I HONESTLY cannot see why someone would prefer StarCraft. It has three races. Three! How many strategies can you formulate with that?
I HONESTLY cannot see why someone would prefer StarCraft. It has three races. Three! How many strategies can you formulate with that?
Have you played it? The three races in SC are very, very different from eachother, as opposed to the civilizations in AOE, which are merely deviations of the same overall framework.
i played AOE:AOK for I while. I was pretty good with the Persians and the Byzantines. Then I got the expantion, and came to love the Spanish.
24-07-2006, 10:09
i played AOE:AOK for I while. I was pretty good with the Persians and the Byzantines. Then I got the expantion, and came to love the Spanish.
Persians are pretty good in RoR aswell. I was always a fan of Yamato as I was an archer player. But Choson were awesome too.
We should organise an NS game (RoR v1.0) . Anyone up for it? :D
24-07-2006, 10:16
We should organise an NS game (RoR v1.0) . Anyone up for it? :D
I don't even have RoR anymore. Give it a month and I'll buy the game and play!
I don't even have RoR anymore. Give it a month and I'll buy the game and play!
Well, after noticing the thread last night, I decided I wanted to play it again, and took the liberty of attaining it by another means. *nods*
24-07-2006, 10:26
Well, after noticing the thread last night, I decided I wanted to play it again, and took the liberty of attaining it by another means. *nods*
Oh, well I could do the same I think. ;)
I'll let you know though.
Oh, well I could do the same I think. ;)
I'll let you know though.
I wonder if we should do a general multiplayer game thread where people on here shout out some old games they'd like to play MP on again. That'd be fun.
I wonder if we should do a general multiplayer game thread where people on here shout out some old games they'd like to play MP on again. That'd be fun.Like Heroes of Might and Magic II? :p
Like Heroes of Might and Magic II? :p
I'd have to find a way to acquire it. ;)
I have HoMM3, though...
I'd have to find a way to acquire it. ;)
I have HoMM3, though...Heroes III isn't as old school as Heroes II. If you do look for it, make sure you get your hands on the Price of Loyalty expansion too.
Heroes III isn't as old school as Heroes II. If you do look for it, make sure you get your hands on the Price of Loyalty expansion too.
I know. I remember back when it was popular. I was still playing Master of Magic at the time. ;)
27-07-2006, 13:37
Shucks not even one person?
:( :( :(
I've got the game got it for Christmas of '02 might have been '01 played it once before going on holiday to Auckland, was the Romans and had my arse handed to me on the first scenario!
After that i stuck to Age of Empires II the expansion pack and i still suck at that but i can win!
I have this massive dislike for my men dieing!
It gets to the point where i restart the level if i lose to many 'original' units!
Fuck i hate it so much!
Why must you die Soldier?
The Mindset
27-07-2006, 13:46
Anyone fancy a game of AOEII sometime? :)
Anyone fancy a game of AOEII sometime? :)
I'd be up for that. Do you have the expansion?
The Mindset
27-07-2006, 13:54
I'd be up for that. Do you have the expansion?
Yeah, but I can't say I've played it as extensively as the non-expanded version.
Yeah, but I can't say I've played it as extensively as the non-expanded version.
Me neither, really. But I can't live without the farm queueing. :p
27-07-2006, 13:54
I'd be up for that. Do you have the expansion?
he he he...
he he he...
[austin powers]Does that make you horny?[/austin powers]
27-07-2006, 13:58
[austin powers]Does that make you horny?[/austin powers]
Has it but also has ze dialup.
Ha ha ha...
Has it but also has ze dialup.
Ha ha ha...
The Mindset
27-07-2006, 14:04
Oh dear. I just discovered that my expansion CD is scratched to hell. Gonna attempt to install it now.
27-07-2006, 14:05
Funny the first time i played it normally it was fine second time no music!
Ha ha
*Computer sucks also*
The Mindset
27-07-2006, 14:23
Hurrah! It works!
Hurrah! It works!
If you install the conquerors, leave it as version 1.0. I'm uh...incapable of updating mine. :p
The Mindset
27-07-2006, 14:27
If you install the conquerors, leave it as version 1.0. I'm uh...incapable of updating mine. :p
Poo, I just updated. :(
28-07-2006, 02:25
Are we talking about AoC here? I have that too :)
28-07-2006, 02:26
Anyone fancy a game of AOEII sometime? :)
I would be keen. I've got the expansion too.
I'll have a look around to see if I can find the CD and be in touch ;)
28-07-2006, 03:14
Rise of Rome is great... When you have the right players.
I found it ever so annoying on the Zone when 80% of the players would use the Hittites. Yeah, because the Armored Elephant/Catapult combo was like the most inventive strategy ever [/sarcasm]. But when an eight player game had the right people, there was nothing better. 2v2v2v2 Rise of Rome games are still some of the most fun you're likely to play.
I liked to rush a lot, so I used the Romans pretty often. Axemen rushing is fine, sure, but with the Romans, you send about two or three to harrass enemy villagers early on, rather than wreck towns. What you go for is the early Bronze Age rush so you can get Short Swordsmen (since the Romans have a 1.5x attack speed bonus for swordsmen). It's a good strategy to use (I won a few games with it), but if an enemy is Egypt or Assyria and they decide to attack you with a Chariot rush when you use this strategy, you're flat-out screwed.
The best thing to do is wait until the last second to choose your civilisation, and base your choice on what your enemies and team mates are using. A cavalry civilisation against an archer civilisation will have an easy time if the cavalry player is competent. Said player will have a very easy time if a team mate uses an economic civilisation, like the Sumerians or the Shang (tribute is one of the biggest parts of a good multiplayer game).
Then there's the elephant civs, which are a buttload of trouble. The only real counters for elephants, especially the armored ones, are Centurions. But, in 2v2v2v2 games, there will be wildcards (which is the number one reason to play them in the first place), so you can never be totally rounded off in terms of bonuses and strategic options.
Okay guys, I could go on for days about the strategies involved in this game, so I'm just gonna end it here. :p
28-07-2006, 03:44
So did anyone else play RoR on
No, but I played AOK on zone almost everyday for years. Such a good time. I miss it dearly.
28-07-2006, 13:48
Are we talking about AoC here? I have that too :)
AOK perhaps?
AOK perhaps?
Age of Conquerors, the expansion pack.
29-07-2006, 00:14
Age of Conquerors, the expansion pack.
I really should have checked the box seeing as it is next to me...
Age of Empires II is THE AGE OF KINGS
The expansion pack is THE CONQUERORS Expansion.
29-07-2006, 19:06
Okay people, listen up.
The Age of Empires games that were playable on the MSN Gaming Zone are on Gamespy Arcade, which is where virtually all of the Zone players have gone. We still have a place to play them without having to do direct-connect sessions.
New Stalinberg
29-07-2006, 19:10
I HONESTLY cannot see why someone would prefer StarCraft. It has three races. Three! How many strategies can you formulate with that?
My God...
Starcraft is timeless, I've been playing it since I was 8 (I'm 16 now). HALF MY LIFE! I've been playing it for half my life and I'm still learning new tricks!! It's so open ended, anyone can play it, there are always better people to play against, it can be hard, easy, and fun. It's practically a sport in Korea; one in three Koreans has a copy of Starcraft. Think about that, 33% of all Koreans owns Starcraft. I can assure you, Age of Empires will never EVER even bask in the glory of Starcraft.
29-07-2006, 19:33
My God...
Starcraft is timeless, I've been playing it since I was 8 (I'm 16 now). HALF MY LIFE! I've been playing it for half my life and I'm still learning new tricks!! It's so open ended, anyone can play it, there are always better people to play against, it can be hard, easy, and fun. It's practically a sport in Korea; one in three Koreans has a copy of Starcraft. Think about that, 33% of all Koreans owns Starcraft. I can assure you, Age of Empires will never EVER even bask in the glory of Starcraft.
and yet...Its still not "Total Anihilation", a game that is many years old and still considered ahead of the genre. literally hundreds of units, production queues of hundreds, closed gathering AND the community was encouraged to make new units, and they did.... :D
My friend lost my copy of AOE Gold :(. However I do have AOEII:AOC.
and yet...Its still not "Total Anihilation", a game that is many years old and still considered ahead of the genre. literally hundreds of units, production queues of hundreds, closed gathering AND the community was encouraged to make new units, and they did.... :D
TA was overrated, IMO. It's not a bad game by any means, but the resource system was too limited to distinguish it from a permanent-tank-rush game. The coolest part at the time was the graphics. Carpet bombing never looked so awesome or satisfying.
(oh, and the D-gun was lame. I remember the first time I lost my Krogoth to it. That bastard took almost an hour to build and it was gone in a single hit. Grr.)
30-07-2006, 09:24
My God...
Starcraft is timeless, I've been playing it since I was 8 (I'm 16 now). HALF MY LIFE! I've been playing it for half my life and I'm still learning new tricks!! It's so open ended, anyone can play it, there are always better people to play against, it can be hard, easy, and fun. It's practically a sport in Korea; one in three Koreans has a copy of Starcraft. Think about that, 33% of all Koreans owns Starcraft. I can assure you, Age of Empires will never EVER even bask in the glory of Starcraft.
Only because Legions weren't exclusive to the Romans!:(
The Mindset
30-07-2006, 09:36
My God...
Starcraft is timeless, I've been playing it since I was 8 (I'm 16 now). HALF MY LIFE! I've been playing it for half my life and I'm still learning new tricks!! It's so open ended, anyone can play it, there are always better people to play against, it can be hard, easy, and fun. It's practically a sport in Korea; one in three Koreans has a copy of Starcraft. Think about that, 33% of all Koreans owns Starcraft. I can assure you, Age of Empires will never EVER even bask in the glory of Starcraft.
Y'know, there's a special term for this: ad populum, or, for the Latin impaired, "appeal to popularity." Just because Starcraft is popular doesn't mean it's good. In fact, I've played it, and I think it's terribly boring. :)
Y'know, there's a special term for this: ad populum, or, for the Latin impaired, "appeal to popularity." Just because Starcraft is popular doesn't mean it's good.
That's correct.
In fact, I've played it, and I think it's terribly boring. :)
But I disagree nonetheless :p
30-07-2006, 09:49
If Age of Empires had Elite Units!!!
30-07-2006, 09:53
TA is great BECAUSE of the simplistic resource system.
It puts strategy to work as opposed to mass resource gathering. In the end the RTS games are war games, as that is the most effective way for victory, so is it better to spend time building an economy that's massive for an hour and then decide to build an army, or should you spend about 10 mins every game for resources and then look at other aspects, every now and then coming back to make a neccesary tweak for your resources?
First GREAT game I ever played was AoK, and I got AoC expansion too. Never really liked the original as it seemed so very bad with the controls and such as compared to AoK or TA (AoE = One unit in qeue at a time [not sure if that was changed in expansion as I never got it])
I consider RTS as the best form of game, just my opinion, closely followed by FPS. RoN (Rise of Nations) is my current favourite.
I don't like the new RoN game, RoL (Rise of Legends), which enters a world of magic and such.
Don't like AoE3 either, with all that new world crap. Nice concepts, doesn't come through great.
Have AoM, nice concepts there too, just not great.
I dislike the new campaigns in the 'AoE' series which atm are just one long campaign involving a made up event.
Wouldn't mind some historical things mixed in as well, as they were great in AoK. (Also, in AoE if you set down a wall, opposing forces and yours cant go through it, even though it has yet to be built.)
Am currently most excited about 'Supreme Commander', which is a bit like TA as it is being developed by the guy who did TA and I like the concepts.
And that be all I say.
30-07-2006, 09:54
I got really good at AoK, but then kind of just stopped playing as my friends got disinterested.
Same could happen with RoN.
TA is great BECAUSE of the simplistic resource system.
It puts strategy to work as opposed to mass resource gathering. In the end the RTS games are war games, as that is the most effective way for victory, so is it better to spend time building an economy that's massive for an hour and then decide to build an army, or should you spend about 10 mins every game for resources and then look at other aspects, every now and then coming back to make a neccesary tweak for your resources?
What strategy is there, other than deciding how much to build and where to throw it? Battling over resources and finding a way to manage in spite of shortages is strategy. (and why I prefer grand-scale games such as hearts of iron over traditional RTS games, but anyway.) Blowing the crap out of things and attempting to avoid the same happening to you is fun, but it's tactics, not strategy.
30-07-2006, 10:11
Okay people, listen up.
The Age of Empires games that were playable on the MSN Gaming Zone are on Gamespy Arcade, which is where virtually all of the Zone players have gone. We still have a place to play them without having to do direct-connect sessions.
I hate Gamespy so much. It fucking sucks compared to the Zone.
I have AoC btw, the expansion.
30-07-2006, 10:12
What strategy is there, other than deciding how much to build and where to throw it? Battling over resources and finding a way to manage in spite of shortages is strategy. (and why I prefer grand-scale games such as hearts of iron over traditional RTS games, but anyway.) Blowing the crap out of things and attempting to avoid the same happening to you is fun, but it's tactics, not strategy.
I agree i even wish i could control Armies down to squads all in one game.
30-07-2006, 10:20
RoR is the best multiplayer game ever made. End of story.
30-07-2006, 10:30
Conquerer's Expansion is better!
30-07-2006, 10:32
Conquerer's Expansion is better!
Nah. Not quite. ;)
30-07-2006, 14:36
Nah. Not quite. ;)
yes even!
30-07-2006, 21:02
I hate Gamespy so much. It fucking sucks compared to the Zone.
I have AoC btw, the expansion.
I had many more problems with the Zone's lag issues than with Gamespy Arcade. It was also really frustrating to create new accounts, or even log on.
Arcade's interface is a bit much, but once you get used to it, it's way better than the Zone.
The Mindset
30-07-2006, 21:05
I had many more problems with the Zone's lag issues than with Gamespy Arcade. It was also really frustrating to create new accounts, or even log on.
Arcade's interface is a bit much, but once you get used to it, it's way better than the Zone.
I tried logging into it. Seems a bit emptier than I remember the Zone being :(
30-07-2006, 21:08
I tried logging into it. Seems a bit emptier than I remember the Zone being :(
Well, most of the players on the Zone were dimwitted asshats anyway. If all of us can schedule a game, then that's better than any random Zone dorks would be.
The Mindset
30-07-2006, 21:18
Well, most of the players on the Zone were dimwitted asshats anyway. If all of us can schedule a game, then that's better than any random Zone dorks would be.
Well, would you rather play AoC or AoK? What versions are you on?
30-07-2006, 21:18
I HONESTLY cannot see why someone would prefer StarCraft. It has three races. Three! How many strategies can you formulate with that?
Ok, I have to reply to this, it offends me greatly. AoE is a great game, yes, but all the races are essentially the same. In SC, even though it has 3 races, they are NOTHING alike at all, allowing for several different strategies per race depending on who you're fighting, what map, etc. SC is one of the best games ever made, along with Warcraft III. (Don't get me wrong, AoE is damn good too, it just gets repetitive fast). Anyways, WCIII is where I played a version of Rise of Rome, funny how game types like that branch out among different RTS games, eh? The WCIII version was pretty kick-ass, I wish I could see the AoE one, I have no idea where my AoE disc is. Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
Oh, and SC is not fucking boring, and believe me, it's hardly popular anymore so don't give me that shit about ad populum. Blizzard is the greatest gaming company ever, yes, better than Bungie.
30-07-2006, 21:19
how do u play on the I had an account and i would play AoE but now i forget
The Mindset
30-07-2006, 21:20
Novice']Oh, and SC is not fucking boring, and believe me, it's hardly popular anymore so don't give me that shit about ad populum. Blizzard is the greatest gaming company ever, yes, better than Bungie.
Bungie is shit too.
30-07-2006, 21:21
Well, would you rather play AoC or AoK? What versions are you on?
I'd have to install Age of Empires Gold Edition and Age of Kings with The Conquerors expansion again. I'll do it when I get DSL, which will be in a week or two. With this 56k, I won't be able to patch...
Oh, and I'm a Byzantines/Turks (though mostly Byzantines) player on AoK:TC. :D
Oh, and I'm a Byzantines/Turks (though mostly Byzantines) player on AoK:TC. :D
I was always Turks/Spanish. Gunpowder units can bash through defensive civs no problem, and the Spanish trade bonus is great for scenarios and late games (maps made with no gold or relics can be brutal).
31-07-2006, 07:58
I'd have to install Age of Empires Gold Edition and Age of Kings with The Conquerors expansion again. I'll do it when I get DSL, which will be in a week or two. With this 56k, I won't be able to patch...
Oh, and I'm a Byzantines/Turks (though mostly Byzantines) player on AoK:TC. :D
Ok. In a few weeks I'll make another thread where we can sort out versions/when/where/how etc etc.
I'm getting excited :D
As for the Zone I had no problems with the lag really. I played with a pretty select group of people and we had good connections. I miss those Archer days :(