Why don't I have any women?
Desperate Measures
22-07-2006, 20:57
You do not know any magic tricks and you have hairy palms. This is why there are no women for you.
You do not know any magic tricks and you have hairy palms. This is why there are no women for you.
22-07-2006, 20:58
feed us information
so we may digest it
and feed it back to you
22-07-2006, 20:58
Tell me why
LOL! You did it! :)
Perhaps you're not doing a very good job of becoming all you can become? If you do this, I can virtually guarantee that women who like what you have become will flock to you. Plus, they'll most likely be the sort of women you will like too.
Also, perhaps you're looking for the wrong sort of woman for you? Or your standards are unreasonably high? Or any of a thousand other things?
feed us information
so we may digest it
and feed it back to you
actually I am not going to lie..this is just a sham thread..:p
22-07-2006, 21:00
actually I am not going to lie..this is just a sham thread..:p
You probably get no women because you like spam so much
Meath Street
22-07-2006, 21:07
Tell me why
Because you don't live in a decent land where women are herded and cattle raped.
22-07-2006, 21:07
Eutrusca took them all. :D
Desperate Measures
22-07-2006, 21:08
You know that I'm right. Also, Eutrusca took them all.
Tell me whyWell, it's not option A. I'm on NS all day and... um... no, actually... er...
I think you probably have an issue with how bold you're allowed to be around girls and what you can get away with before you get slapped. It's a difficult border to avoid crossing because for one, it's invisible, and secondly, it's usually different from woman to woman.
22-07-2006, 21:24
Eutrusca took them all. :D
LMAO! Uh huh. Riiiight! :p
Because you don't live in a decent land where women are herded and cattle raped.
makes me wanna be there when it's milking time.
Probably because you're not very funny.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
22-07-2006, 22:06
Because you are too good for them. (note: meant neither seriously, nor sarcastically)
Why bother at all? You won't exactly drop dead without them. Relationships are only a temporary source of joy anyway. Not only that, but they often come at a severe price. If you are lucky, your life might improve somewhat, likely in the relatively short term; if you aren't, your life might get ruined. It's up to you to decide if the risk is worth it. (if you take it, and it all blows up in your face, note that it is your sole responsibility for getting involved. just like it would be, were you to willingly step into a minefield) My advice would be to get yourself porn of whatever kind you find most... stimulating, develop your imagination further, and you should do by yourself. Your whole life. I will.
LOL! You did it! :)
Perhaps you're not doing a very good job of becoming all you can become? If you do this, I can virtually guarantee that women who like what you have become will flock to you. Plus, they'll most likely be the sort of women you will like too.
Also, perhaps you're looking for the wrong sort of woman for you? Or your standards are unreasonably high? Or any of a thousand other things?
Where do you live in North Carolina Eutrusca? I live in the triad, but I'm going to school at WCU, I never noticed you were from here before.
Meath Street
22-07-2006, 22:18
Probably because you're not very funny.
Girls' tastes are rather predictable, aren't they?
Girls' tastes are rather predictable, aren't they?
What girl doesn't like a funny guy?
Meath Street
22-07-2006, 22:31
What girl doesn't like a funny guy?
Yes, that's what I mean.
22-07-2006, 22:39
You want womEn??
Try to take on ONE for a start. That'll cure you. :D
22-07-2006, 23:07
Tell me why
"Because you touch yourself at night!"
Seeing as the girls here go 'Ga Ga' for you, do you have a lisp or hairy palms?
It is hairy palms isn't it?
22-07-2006, 23:11
Aggh i see hairy plams has already been said.
Stupid Jolt!