NationStates Jolt Archive

Attn: German WWII reenactors!!!

19-07-2006, 00:20
Who here is attending the Mega-Grundausbildung in August?

I definately plan on attending.
Neu Leonstein
19-07-2006, 00:37
Silly Americans...
Neo Undelia
19-07-2006, 00:41
The World Soviet Party
19-07-2006, 00:49
Nice, I dont live in the US though.
19-07-2006, 01:27
even though i dont like in the states have question was wondering would all thoose folks that Reenact the KGL be welcome
Neu Leonstein
19-07-2006, 01:32
I like the "Mega-Grundausbildung", by the way. It's like the Japanese, when they use random English words to make stuff sound cool.
19-07-2006, 01:42
are they going to re-enact a fight with themselves or something?

or are some Soviets lying around there too?
19-07-2006, 02:01
are they going to re-enact a fight with themselves or something?

or are some Soviets lying around there too?

Quite a few people do multiple impressions and have been asked to bring Soviet gear w/ them.
19-07-2006, 02:13
It seems boring to re-enact WWII when we seem hell-bent on enacting WWIII.
New Foxxinnia
19-07-2006, 02:52
This thread really calls out to the forum's large German WWII reenactors cliche.