Parents need to start parenting-Lego football video
08-07-2006, 23:18
Parents need to stop blaming everything else and, oh screw it, this is just an excuse to post this video (does lego nudity require a warning?)
and some comments from it...
Children see these videos
07-07-2006by iamchadlusk
The nude lego figure was offensive and appalling. What about children who watch this video, LEGOs after all a children's toy. I have reported the content of this video, and its creator, to the local branch of the FBI, hopefully they will deal with this sex pervert as soon as possible.
My son was caught running around naked
07-07-2006by ablackmanspeaks
My son was just expelled from high school for taking off his pants and running down a soccer field. When I asked him why he would do such a thing he said he learned it from this video. I hope you're happy yahoo, you've corrupted a young mind.
I agree, this video corrupted my daughter too.
07-07-2006by zachdel155
My daughter and I watched this video and she asked me what the funny thing on that one lego man was. I was forced to have a conversation with her about sex long before either one of us was ready. Anyone who thinks this video is fine and innocent clearly thinks its ok for a 16 year old girl to be viewing sexual images and talking to her parents about sexuality, and is thus a child molestor and belongs in prison.
Good to see there are some good parents.
07-07-2006by familyvaluemom
People concerned about the effect this video and it's lack of morals and decent Christian values may have on impressionable children. It is our job as parents to keep children away from the temptations of satan, and makes it hard to do this by featuring such filth on it's front page. The appropriate age for a girl to learn about male body parts is 21, when she is old enough to be responsible enough to drink she is old enough to be responsible enough to know about sex. Zachdel I commend you for your strong parenting, the rest of you I just pity and hope that Jesus shows you
the way, before it's too late.
Holy Paradise
08-07-2006, 23:20
But, lego people don't have they?
I love the guy complaining about having to give his daughter "the talk" she's fucking 16, she shoudl already know that stuff. Only in the U.S., I swear.
08-07-2006, 23:24
Whoa.... there's a parent who thinks that it's NOT right to have a talk about sexuality with their 16 year old? :eek: What kind of fucking world do we live in?
El Scotto
08-07-2006, 23:24
Maybe the one in this video does?
Sane Outcasts
08-07-2006, 23:25
I don't know what made my Stupidity Meter(tm) go off, but it was either the parent that believed his/her high-schooler ran around naked because of the half-second of nude Lego footage, or the parent that was worried about giving the "talk" to his/her 16 year-old girl. Then, that last bit about the previous commentators being strong parents caused an ironic overload and shorted the damn thing out.
08-07-2006, 23:29
Stupid people
theres a difference between what you see in the internet and real life
Holy Paradise
08-07-2006, 23:33
Maybe the one in this video does?
Could make a movie with Legos.
Warning, rated R for Lego dong.
08-07-2006, 23:36
hehe. ronaldihno looks like a shark.
but really, reporting a damn video with two or three seconds tops of a fake funstick to the FBI is just plain dumb.
because its obvious the creators of the video are child molestors, burning nature onto childrens brains! how very unamerican.
honestly, i thought it was funny. streaking is a part of football.
i wish i had the patience/right legos/movie making skills to do that, sans putting a man salad on the streaker. too much detail.
08-07-2006, 23:42
those are like parody comments right? right?!
gah, either way people are idiots....
Phyrexia Secundus
08-07-2006, 23:54
"The appropriate age for a girl to learn about male body parts is 21"
Soviet Haaregrad
09-07-2006, 00:10
I hope those are sarcastic, otherwise a certain genepool needs some bleach and how.
09-07-2006, 00:14
09-07-2006, 00:16
Maybe the one in this video does?
Actually, it does.
09-07-2006, 00:19
Actually, it does.
Would "size" jokes be terribly inappropriate here? :p
Isla Stada
09-07-2006, 00:21
Oh, please, PLEASE tell me those are joke comments, or I'm going to cry.
09-07-2006, 00:25
Reading those idiotic comments makes me want to get a 2x4 and start cracking skulls. Sadly though, based on the average intelligence reflected in the comments, I wouldn't really do any damage to 'em that their warped religious/moral system hasn't already done.:p
Call to power
09-07-2006, 00:30
wait! you can report people to local FBI branches for this? but first things first can report people to the FBI
my English lungs can only say one word to this "HS!"
oh and any father who won't risk exposing a 16 year old to sexuality of any form clearly doesn’t realise she’s probably banging every guy on the block (or at least I hope she is out of spite hell she can give me a call if she wants though I am 16 of course <.< >.>)
09-07-2006, 01:05
Those comments had to be jokes, probably posted by teenagers/ college students who thought they were being funny. No one could be that stupid. I hope.
09-07-2006, 01:14
let me state for the record, I LOVE wondershowzen.:fluffle:
Sel Appa
02-08-2006, 04:06
Erm sorry to bump this up, but the video is gone. Anyone kneo another copy of it because I wanted to show it to someone...
JOKE COMMENTS. If you fell for them, go slap yourself.
JOKE COMMENTS. If you fell for them, go slap yourself.
"Sorry! This video is no longer available on Yahoo! Video."
Feck! Looks like the FBI got 'im :eek:
02-08-2006, 04:43
Come on and use your common sense those comments were obviously trolling
02-08-2006, 04:57
What Was It Anyways?????
AB Again
02-08-2006, 05:54
I think this may be it.
02-08-2006, 06:03
I think this may be it.
Well it did have a wang, but unless you freezed it you couldn't really tell.
Sel Appa
03-08-2006, 10:45
I think this may be it.
That's it. I cant figure out which LEGO piece makes the guys ding, it appears to gave been edited in and not a piece.
03-08-2006, 10:55
A mixture of overprotective American parents and Christianity: is there anything worse?
And I can't think whats worse. A parent not willing to give the talk about sex to a 16 year old or a 16 year old who doesn't know what it is.
Good heavens... some of these comments...
Children see these videos
07-07-2006by iamchadlusk
The nude lego figure was offensive and appalling. What about children who watch this video, LEGOs after all a children's toy. I have reported the content of this video, and its creator, to the local branch of the FBI, hopefully they will deal with this sex pervert as soon as possible.It's LEGOS!!! How explicit can you get with square shaped, yellow, painted figures?!
My son was caught running around naked
07-07-2006by ablackmanspeaks
My son was just expelled from high school for taking off his pants and running down a soccer field. When I asked him why he would do such a thing he said he learned it from this video. I hope you're happy yahoo, you've corrupted a young mind.If your son was so open to suggestion that a video made him do that, maybe you shouldn't be placing the blame on that video but insead on the people that brought him up.
I agree, this video corrupted my daughter too.
07-07-2006by zachdel155
My daughter and I watched this video and she asked me what the funny thing on that one lego man was. I was forced to have a conversation with her about sex long before either one of us was ready. Anyone who thinks this video is fine and innocent clearly thinks its ok for a 16 year old girl to be viewing sexual images and talking to her parents about sexuality, and is thus a child molestor and belongs in prison.I suggest that this person never come to Germany. 14 is the legal age for sexual activity and 16 is the legal age for watching sexually implicit content. Also, if your child is 16, she is no longer legally a child in Germany, she's a youth as of 14.
That girl is about twice as old as she should be for that kind of talk.
Good to see there are some good parents.
07-07-2006by familyvaluemom
People concerned about the effect this video and it's lack of morals and decent Christian values may have on impressionable children. It is our job as parents to keep children away from the temptations of satan, and makes it hard to do this by featuring such filth on it's front page. The appropriate age for a girl to learn about male body parts is 21, when she is old enough to be responsible enough to drink she is old enough to be responsible enough to know about sex. Zachdel I commend you for your strong parenting, the rest of you I just pity and hope that Jesus shows you
the way, before it's too late.Only in America...
03-08-2006, 11:31
My son was caught running around naked
07-07-2006by ablackmanspeaks
My son was just expelled from high school for taking off his pants and running down a soccer field. When I asked him why he would do such a thing he said he learned it from this video. I hope you're happy yahoo, you've corrupted a young mind.
Heh, I like this one. Either the kids a retard, or he really knows how to manipulate his parents to get out of trouble. :p
03-08-2006, 11:33
this is just your excuse to link to yahoo. google is better.