Does anyone here ever talk about anything besides politics? Please tell me you have real lives and jobs and don't just live here or for your party.
06-07-2006, 05:09
Well, we talk about sex and sports to. :cool:
And there's a topic on underwear starting right now. :cool:
Oh, and also, we bash Scientology every few days. It's good fun.
AB Again
06-07-2006, 05:12
This is a forum for a political simulation game, politics are bound to dominate the subjects. As to the rest, why does it matter to you (unless you are going to make political capital out of it?)
IL Ruffino
06-07-2006, 05:12
Are you serious?
I don't talk politics..
Vittos Ordination2
06-07-2006, 05:13
I like to talk about jerks from Minnesota.
Politics is just an interest of mine, and this is one of the few places I can debate about it.
I have a real life, job, hobbies, and etc.
Does D&D count?
06-07-2006, 05:14
And we post a lot of fluffles! Yay! :)
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
I like to talk about jerks from Minnesota.
I'm a jerk from Minnesota! I like to blind people and start fires with my laser that I built. That damn cat Fluffy next door ain't so fluffy anymore.
Yup, but it gives me something to do between when I'm busy and a chance to converse in English about non-Japanese (usually) related things.
06-07-2006, 05:38
Are you serious?
I don't talk politics..
Amen to that!
06-07-2006, 05:57
Does anyone here ever talk about anything besides politics? Please tell me you have real lives and jobs and don't just live here or for your party.
This is primarily a political forum. And besides, we have threads about other things too. Observe the Sexist man/women on NS pagents, the underwere thread (teehee), and various other non-political threads.
Just because people don't talk about their lives and jobs here on NS general doesn't mean we don't have them. People generally don't talk about that kind of thing on a forum like this filled with people they don't know. They have friends for that kind of thing.
Although I did just create a thread about my life and job woes. Because I am, apparently, pathetic.
United Chicken Kleptos
06-07-2006, 06:00
Are you serious?
I don't talk politics..
I talk spam.
The best part about setting the neighbors cat on fire with a CO2 laser is that they'll never know it was me. Because the beam is infrared it can't be seen. "Looks like another case of SFC" (Spontaneous feline combustion).
United Chicken Kleptos
06-07-2006, 06:34
The best part about setting the neighbors cat on fire with a CO2 laser is that they'll never know it was me. Because the beam is infrared it can't be seen. "Looks like another case of SFC" (Spontaneous feline combustion).
That was random.
Kinda Sensible people
06-07-2006, 06:36
We do occasionally talk about music too... as long as you can survive shouts of "Your music sucks" "No yours does!".
06-07-2006, 06:40
Now and then there's a pageant where the cutest of the cute barely even get nominated.
We do occasionally talk about music too... as long as you can survive shouts of "Your music sucks" "No yours does!".
Whatever you listen to, I'll bet it sucks!
[angry, random shouting here]
Cross-Eyed Penguins
06-07-2006, 07:33
People forgot to mention all the religion threads. Do they ever end?
Neo Undelia
06-07-2006, 07:35
People forgot to mention all the religion threads. Do they ever end?
Religion is just politics of the mind.
And we post a lot of fluffles! Yay! :)
~*Censored for the sake of the puppies*~
You just killed three pupies penis-face.
We also like to hate fluffles and flame.