Does anyone feel like analyzing my dream?
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:14
Ok, I had a dream last night that I remember pretty clearly. It begins with me being told I have to fly a new experimental plane to Australia. The plane looks like some kind of futuristic sports car, but has a riding lawn mower cutting deck underneath it. Apparently it's a multi-purpose vehicle.
Now I can't begin flying it because I have to take a whiz and it's a long way to Australia, so I have to find a toilet first. I end up in a huge department store asking people if there's a public toilet nearby. People give me directions to several, but the directions lead me nowhere. Finally I meet up with two of my friends and they tell me I should just go home and use the toilet there. This makes sense to me and I immediately wake up and go to the bathroom.
03-07-2006, 16:18
On the surface it looks like you are/where worried about a problem, and you could not find the answer which lies with those you trust, what the bog bit is about *shrug* I donno.
Hehe now does anybody want to have a bash at one of mine?
The Zombie Alliance
03-07-2006, 16:19
The plane part means you have an adventurous spirit.
The toilet part means you needed to pee at the time.
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:20
]The plane part means you have an adventurous spirit.
The toilet part means you needed to pee at the time.On the surface it looks like you are/where worried about a problem, and you could not find the answer which lies with those you trust, what the bog bit is about *shrug* I donno.
Hehe now does anybody want to have a bash at one of mine?
Yes, an adventurous spirit for mowing lawns.
Post away. People's dreams are often surreal and interesting.
03-07-2006, 16:20
It means you need to lay off the booze.
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:22
It means you need to lay off the booze.
I'm no quitter. I'm a practicing alcoholic and I'm going to keep practicing until I get it right.
03-07-2006, 16:23
I'm no quitter. I'm a practicing alcoholic and I'm going to keep practicing until I get it right.
You are my hero! YAY!
03-07-2006, 16:25
I think you just had to pee, although, I am no expert. I have a friend whose job is to analyze dreams and he tells me that all dreams are about you....and your feelings, even sex dreams aren't about sex, they are about your subconcious mind trying to figure stuff out. I don't know if I believe him though.
Lunatic Goofballs
03-07-2006, 16:25
Ok, I had a dream last night that I remember pretty clearly. It begins with me being told I have to fly a new experimental plane to Australia. The plane looks like some kind of futuristic sports car, but has a riding lawn mower cutting deck underneath it. Apparently it's a multi-purpose vehicle.
Now I can't begin flying it because I have to take a whiz and it's a long way to Australia, so I have to find a toilet first. I end up in a huge department store asking people if there's a public toilet nearby. People give me directions to several, but the directions lead me nowhere. Finally I meet up with two of my friends and they tell me I should just go home and use the toilet there. This makes sense to me and I immediately wake up and go to the bathroom.
I suppose that it could mean that you are frustrated wih the trivialities of life interfering with your plans for greater things.
But it's much more likely that it means you will accidentally go to work naked tomorrow. :)
03-07-2006, 16:28
But it's much more likely that it means you will accidentally go to work naked tomorrow. :)
Accidentally ....... mmhmm ... riiiight ....
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:32
I suppose that it could mean that you are frustrated wih the trivialities of life interfering with your plans for greater things.
But it's much more likely that it means you will accidentally go to work naked tomorrow. :)
That would be really weird. Tomorrow is Independence day. I may not bother to dress, but I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near work.
New Domici
03-07-2006, 16:33
Ok, I had a dream last night that I remember pretty clearly. It begins with me being told I have to fly a new experimental plane to Australia. The plane looks like some kind of futuristic sports car, but has a riding lawn mower cutting deck underneath it. Apparently it's a multi-purpose vehicle.
Now I can't begin flying it because I have to take a whiz and it's a long way to Australia, so I have to find a toilet first. I end up in a huge department store asking people if there's a public toilet nearby. People give me directions to several, but the directions lead me nowhere. Finally I meet up with two of my friends and they tell me I should just go home and use the toilet there. This makes sense to me and I immediately wake up and go to the bathroom.
I don't normally tend towards the Freudian, but "experimental airplane" that has to fly Down Under and resembles a sports car, but has a woefully insufficient engine just screams anxiety about sexual inadequacy.
Any big moments in a romantic relationship on the horizon? Starting to get bored with a longterm relationship? If nothing else, having to pee certainly had your big head on your little one.
Sadly, this time I'm really not trying to be funny.
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:36
I don't normally tend towards the Freudian, but "experimental airplane" that has to fly Down Under and resembles a sports car, but has a woefully insufficient engine just screams anxiety about sexual inadequacy.
Any big moments in a romantic relationship on the horizon? Starting to get bored with a longterm relationship? If nothing else, having to pee certainly had your big head on your little one.
Sadly, this time I'm really not trying to be funny.
No, the engine was fine. It just had the cutting deck and blades of a lawnmower underneath.
Deep Kimchi
03-07-2006, 16:36
I don't normally tend towards the Freudian, but "experimental airplane" that has to fly Down Under and resembles a sports car, but has a woefully insufficient engine just screams anxiety about sexual inadequacy.
Any big moments in a romantic relationship on the horizon? Starting to get bored with a longterm relationship? If nothing else, having to pee certainly had your big head on your little one.
Sadly, this time I'm really not trying to be funny.
Flying and falling are dreams about sex.
Are you dating a good looking woman who is very practical and adventurous, but not as hot in bed as you hoped?
Lunatic Goofballs
03-07-2006, 16:38
That would be really weird. Tomorrow is Independence day. I may not bother to dress, but I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near work.
Oh, yeah. Silly me. Well, it'll happen soon.
Have a good naked holiday tomorrow. :)
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:38
Flying and falling are dreams about sex.
Are you dating a good looking woman who is very practical and adventurous, but not as hot in bed as you hoped?
No, I'm not dating anyone at this time. I'm in a slump.
03-07-2006, 16:38
I think you just had to pee, although, I am no expert. I have a friend whose job is to analyze dreams and he tells me that all dreams are about you....and your feelings, even sex dreams aren't about sex, they are about your subconcious mind trying to figure stuff out. I don't know if I believe him though.
That's bascily true, you either dream of things that you have see during(in the real word, or on TV, or even computer games you have played) the day, or
things that have been on your mind during the day. Mostly it's just your brain doing its nightly upkeep whilst you kip.
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:39
Oh, yeah. Silly me. Well, it'll happen soon.
Have a good naked holiday tomorrow. :)
Thanks. I wonder which cook out will react worse to my unexpected nudity, the family one or the friends one?
Lunatic Goofballs
03-07-2006, 16:42
Thanks. I wonder which cook out will react worse to my unexpected nudity, the family one or the friends one?
Just don't operate the grill.
Nothing good comes from trying to cook in the buff. *nod*
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:45
Just don't operate the grill.
Nothing good comes from trying to cook in the buff. *nod*
I learned that from trying to fry bacon in the buff. Grease splatters sting.
Demented Hamsters
03-07-2006, 16:46
Hmmm...since we are discussing interpreting dreams and subconscious meanings:
Do you know that your thread on the left-hand side bar in the says, "Does anyone feel like anal"?
Well, back to your dream. The toilet bit is easy. I have ones like that occassionally. I'll be in the middle of a strange dream and suddenly I desperately need to go the the toilet. I find one and unburden myself of my bladder's contents. This will just keep going and going, never-ending. It acts as a catlyst to wake myself up. A couple of times I've been pretty close to wetting the bed, which at my age would have been acutely embarassing.
One dream I clearly remember, I was on a paddle steamer heading down the missisippi late 19th Century. Very cool dream. Suddenly the captain announced we had to make landfall. On land there was nothing but a public toilet which I rushed to. As I got there the captain then announced they were going to leave. I ran in and starting pissing desperately wanting to finish before the steamer left without me. The feeling of desperation woke me up.
It's really strange the more one thinks about it. Basically there's several parts to your brain, what I call your mind and your brain.
Your mind is the one having the dream. Your brain is doing all the background stuff: regulating the body, keeping the heart beating, breathing, etc etc. It then gets a signal from the bladder telling it's full and needs to be emptied.
So (and this is where it gets weird if you think about it) it sends a msg to your mind warning you of the forthcoming warm trickle down your leg. Your brain then alters your dream and uses searching for a toilet as a cue to your mind that it needs to wake up asap.
But the question remains: How?
How can you, asleep, with no conscious control over your state or your dreams, can you do this?
And why?
Why can't you just wake up? Why does your brain have to warn you through your dream? What part of your brain is responsible for doing this?
Also, why do you have to wake up? Why can't your body just relax the bladder and let you piss the bed?
Presumably it's because we've been so conditioned into accepting that it's not socially acceptable. That in itself raises some interesting points as to how much influence our surroundings and upbringing have on ingraining brain development.
Things like this make me wish I had gone on and done a Masters in Pysch.
This is happening at a subconscious level which implies that early childhood rearing has really deep impact on our brain's development.
British Stereotypes
03-07-2006, 16:47
I had a dream last night. I remembered it really clearly when I woke up and I was thinking about what it could mean. I want to see what you lot thnk of it.
I was in this place at first where I lived with loads of other people, and I was always being watched by some kids. There was this guy as well and we wanted to be alone together so we decided to escape. We swam around for a while but these kids were always mysteriously appearing on these islands. Then we saw another island and we new if we got there no one could follow us, I don't know why. We got separated though and I was swimming for ages round and round, it was like I was in a map and I couldn't go past the edges even though I could see islands farther away. Eventually I realised this was a magical barrier and somehow I got pulled past into another place where loads of people lived in one big building. It was full of monsters and really creepy.
Then I woke up.
Drunk commies deleted
03-07-2006, 16:53
I had a dream last night. I remembered it really clearly when I woke up and I was thinking about what it could mean. I want to see what you lot thnk of it.
I was in this place at first where I lived with loads of other people, and I was always being watched by some kids. There was this guy as well and we wanted to be alone together so we decided to escape. We swam around for a while but these kids were always mysteriously appearing on these islands. Then we saw another island and we new if we got there no one could follow us, I don't know why. We got separated though and I was swimming for ages round and round, it was like I was in a map and I couldn't go past the edges even though I could see islands farther away. Eventually I realised this was a magical barrier and somehow I got pulled past into another place where loads of people lived in one big building. It was full of monsters and really creepy.
Then I woke up.
Well, you wanted to be alone with some guy, but kids kept showing up. If you're female, maybe you're anxious about accidental pregnancy.
Demented Hamsters
03-07-2006, 16:53
Flying and falling are dreams about sex.
Are you dating a good looking woman who is very practical and adventurous, but not as hot in bed as you hoped?
From what I understand flying implies you are feeling trapped somehow and are wanting to find a way out of it. Not necessarily mean you're going to or want to travel/move.
It could just mean you feel you're in a rut or feel a bit stale in some aspect of your life and are re-evaluating things.
Of course with interpreting it this way, you'll always be correct.
eg: For Drunk Commies, the rut's obviously his lack of success on finding a g/f.
The sports car is a symbol of how much he wants to have a girl and the lawnmower bit shows he'd prefer her to have a Brazilian wax job.
Barbaric Tribes
03-07-2006, 16:56
I know exactly what it means,
You have an intense underlying fear of being sexually molested or raped, repetativley, by numerous males in one setting.
IL Ruffino
03-07-2006, 17:05
You dream was telling you to trim your pubic hair while you were in the bathroom pissing...?
Deep Kimchi
03-07-2006, 17:11
The sports car is a symbol of how much he wants to have a girl and the lawnmower bit shows he'd prefer her to have a Brazilian wax job.
I thought the Down Under part was the wax job. The lawnmower part shows that she has a practical, utilitarian aspect - if they live together, he won't have to do the yard work anymore.
This reminds me of the other day, when my wife and I were out weeding the flower beds in front of the house. I was taking a break, drinking some iced tea, and my wife was getting the last bit done, and the man next door called out to me and said, "you have her well-trained!"
I thought this was a particularly stupid thing to say, and so did my wife, but we just answered with silence. I think he got the hint.
My wife isn't "trained" - she is what she calls a "yard elf". Whenever she feels the least bit anxious about anything, she goes out and works in the yard to relieve the stress.
Maybe DC wants a yard elf, also.
Ok, I had a dream last night that I remember pretty clearly. It begins with me being told I have to fly a new experimental plane to Australia. The plane looks like some kind of futuristic sports car, but has a riding lawn mower cutting deck underneath it. Apparently it's a multi-purpose vehicle.
Now I can't begin flying it because I have to take a whiz and it's a long way to Australia, so I have to find a toilet first. I end up in a huge department store asking people if there's a public toilet nearby. People give me directions to several, but the directions lead me nowhere. Finally I meet up with two of my friends and they tell me I should just go home and use the toilet there. This makes sense to me and I immediately wake up and go to the bathroom.
hmm... well, perhaps the plane shows a need for change, to get away, get some sense of adventure. the sports car bit could be the attraction you have for the unknown or at the prospect of change/getting away but the lawn mower could show that on your way to change you might feel that other parts of your life may be neglected or damaged. you may feel people are leading you astray and that only you can come to a conclusion. i suppose the needing to pee could represent the release of something old....
Cheese penguins
03-07-2006, 17:43
I reckon the lawnmower blades indicate you have a fear of long grass. The new type of plane shows a vivid imagination and i believe you will come up with a multipurpose tool of some kind. :)