England has one more thing to be proud of.
Drunk commies deleted
01-07-2006, 19:05
Germany is known worldwide for it's beers and brewing industry, but it seems German production can't keep up with English consumption. The English are drinking Germany dry! Congratulations limeys, and keep up the great work in the field of recreational alcoholism.
01-07-2006, 19:08
Well, Germany might win the Football World Cup, but England might win the alcoholic world cup. Us Australians are pretty good too.
The White Hats
01-07-2006, 19:10
I hope they know how much more we drink when we've just lost .....
01-07-2006, 19:11
I hope they know how much more we drink when we've just lost .....
People in England will make up any reason to drink, and for that matter Australians too.
Hockey Canada
01-07-2006, 19:15
People in England will make up any reason to drink, and for that matter Australians too.
"Why are you drinking?"
"Oy! It's a 'pecial day today"
"What day is that?"
New Zero Seven
01-07-2006, 19:49
Yum, delicious beer.
The Tribes Of Longton
01-07-2006, 19:55
Bah, who says we're a country of brawling binge drinkers. No, really, who FUCKING SAID IT! COME ON! I'LL 'AVE YOU!
*breaks bottle over own head*
01-07-2006, 20:20
People in England will make up any reason to drink, and for that matter Australians too.
This American of Irish decent will drink to that. :p
01-07-2006, 20:21
Well, Germany might win the Football World Cup, but England might win the alcoholic world cup. Us Australians are pretty good too.
We're not far behind either.
Barbaric Tribes
01-07-2006, 20:48
Of course they're drunk as hell, they're still getting over all that stress of dealing with the Irish and the scottish, shit I dont blame em', Id be too.....
Bah, who says we're a country of brawling binge drinkers. No, really, who FUCKING SAID IT! COME ON! I'LL 'AVE YOU!
*breaks bottle over own head*
Get amongst me then!!!!!
01-07-2006, 20:52
People in England will make up any reason to drink, and for that matter Australians too.
Australians are English from a different, larger island with more interesting wildlife. They're also a bit friendlier, since they've gone about a half dozen gernerations or so without being rained on all the time.