Let's make a new "Which NSer Are You" quiz! - Page 2
The Atlantian islands
02-07-2006, 17:55
Oh I SO need to take more vaction time! Hey TBD, if I buy the plane tickets will you meet meon Grand Bahama Island?
*Cough*...go to Nassau *Cough*
Originally Posted by Bumboat
Oh I SO need to take more vaction time! Hey TBD, if I buy the plane tickets will you meet me on Grand Bahama Island?
Quote bt TAI
*Cough*...go to Nassau *Cough*
Or maybe Nassau?
The Atlantian islands
02-07-2006, 18:02
Originally Posted by Bumboat
Oh I SO need to take more vaction time! Hey TBD, if I buy the plane tickets will you meet me on Grand Bahama Island?
Quote bt TAI
*Cough*...go to Nassau *Cough*
Or maybe Nassau?
There ya go. If you have the dinero, might I suggest Atlantis..its only THE best hotel/resort in the world.
02-07-2006, 18:03
Off-topic blatherers, go away. I actually took the time to craft a question for Ilie's thread, while you're stinking up the place chattering about trips abroad. Go chatter someplace else.
The Atlantian islands
02-07-2006, 18:07
Off-topic blatherers, go away. I actually took the time to craft a question for Ilie's thread, while you're stinking up the place chattering about trips abroad. Go chatter someplace else.
*Seriously considers this*:rolleyes:
The Atlantian islands
02-07-2006, 18:13
Oh I SO need to take more vaction time! Hey TBD, if I buy the plane tickets will you meet meon Grand Bahama Island?
I would also like to state, for the record..that I did all of that, UNDER AGE!...yes...illegally, I know...I'm such a bad ass mother fucker.:p
02-07-2006, 18:16
I'll just take this opportunity to mention to Ilie in passing that there is a substantive post responding to your idea of formulating quiz questions on the preceding page.
Never mind the selfishness of the orally-flatulent gits who've decided hijackery is in order on this thread.
The Atlantian islands
02-07-2006, 18:17
I'll just take this opportunity to mention to Ilie in passing that there is a substantive post responding to your idea of formulating quiz questions on the preceding page.
Never mind the selfishness of the orally-flatulent gits who've decided hijackery is in order on this thread.
Thanks for the shoutout, Dobbs!
The Tribes Of Longton
02-07-2006, 21:39
Pffffft. I'm not talking about Tink and Co.'s royalty thing... I'm talking about the real stuff. The moments at the pub you live for. The people whose very presence summons life into the room in which they stand. The sapphire veins and hearts of burning ice. The Royalty with a capital R, the Pwnz0rz of Noobs. (That means you, if you didn't guess.)
I'm about this <---> close to eHumping you, and I can't quite decide why. Possibly to silence you.
Yeah, we'll go with the silencing thing.
I'm about this <---> close to eHumping you, and I can't quite decide why. Possibly to silence you.
Yeah, we'll go with the silencing thing.
Do it on Wednesday. Then you can say its because Wed is hump day.
The Tribes Of Longton
02-07-2006, 21:45
Do it on Wednesday. Then you can say its because Wed is hump day.
Really? Wow, the local students' union has really missed a trick there.
Really? Wow, the local students' union has really missed a trick there.
:D Sounds like a great slogan to me! :cool:
Quiz question:
If confronted with a particulalry well-phrased and thought-out post, of considerable length and depth that runs contrary to your already publicly-stated position, in a thread wherein you have been a notable, substantial contributor, do you:
a) Take the time to construct a comprehensive rebuttal, complete with legitimate links to back up your arguments, inset photos or pie charts to illustrate key points,
b) Respond to each and every utterance in a line-for-line, word-for-word rebuttal, focusing not so much on the larger issue-at-hand, but instead on the minutiae presented - as well as trifling matters such as grammar, puctuation and vocabulary,
c) Quote and rebut one small sentence or phrase, with glib witticisms thrown in - thereby acknowledging the post but neatly side-stepping an actual response,
d) Pointedly ignore the post and choose instead to engage in multipage, off-topic blather & fluffles with other NSers of your political stripe,
e) Or complain exhaustively in Moderation that some innocous word, phrase or descriptor used in the post is actually secretly intended to personally denigrate you or whatever group of people you claim affiliation with, in a brazen attempt to have the other poster banned from the forums.
Other) Type "TLDR"
03-07-2006, 09:39
Just 'cause the majority is always right, eh?
When faced with my greatness the folk of NSG are overwhelmed and instead turn to vote for more earthly candidates such as yourself is how I explain not being made a deity as well.
You expected to be made a deity????:eek: :eek: :eek:
Isn't that aiming a bit low?:p
03-07-2006, 09:52
Well, Fass is more like Straughn's grown-up, bitter, evil twin.Are you actually discerning EVIL as the difference? :p
And Straughn isn't really sarcastic, come to think of it, so maybe there's not that much in common at all.I don't tend to swat people so often and expect them to like me for it, i think.
But the wit and incomprehensibilty are definitely shared by both. The latter even more wiht Straughn, though.Some of us like sound bites, some of us like symphonies.
03-07-2006, 09:54
Straughn is just a reference whore :p
I'm the guy on the corner with the first free fix.
03-07-2006, 09:55
Okay, so, Straughn and Fass in same category, or no?
Far out.
03-07-2006, 09:56
Far out.
Naw, too weird. You're funnier than the late Fass.
03-07-2006, 09:58
:headbang: I'm totally missing the point of this - but that's probably because i've only had one coffee so far today
03-07-2006, 09:59
Do I have enough of a personality? I try so freaking hard...
Nom for one of best debators EVER. Proof-in-da-pudding'r.
03-07-2006, 09:59
:headbang: I'm totally missing the point of this - but that's probably because i've only had one coffee so far today
I've had... none yet!
03-07-2006, 10:00
Naw, too weird. You're funnier than the late Fass.
Thank you! *bows*
You know, there's still time for the new, reborn Fass to make mettleworth.
03-07-2006, 10:07
Quiz question:
If confronted with a particulalry well-phrased and thought-out post, of considerable length and depth that runs contrary to your already publicly-stated position, in a thread wherein you have been a notable, substantial contributor, do you:
a) Take the time to construct a comprehensive rebuttal, complete with legitimate links to back up your arguments, inset photos or pie charts to illustrate key points,
b) Respond to each and every utterance in a line-for-line, word-for-word rebuttal, focusing not so much on the larger issue-at-hand, but instead on the minutiae presented - as well as trifling matters such as grammar, puctuation and vocabulary,
c) Quote and rebut one small sentence or phrase, with glib witticisms thrown in - thereby acknowledging the post but neatly side-stepping an actual response,
d) Pointedly ignore the post and choose instead to engage in multipage, off-topic blather & fluffles with other NSers of your political stripe,
e) Or complain exhaustively in Moderation that some innocous word, phrase or descriptor used in the post is actually secretly intended to personally denigrate you or whatever group of people you claim affiliation with, in a brazen attempt to have the other poster banned from the forums.Ooh! Good post!
Quiz question:
If confronted with a particulalry well-phrased and thought-out post, of considerable length and depth that runs contrary to your already publicly-stated position, in a thread wherein you have been a notable, substantial contributor, do you:
a) Take the time to construct a comprehensive rebuttal, complete with legitimate links to back up your arguments, inset photos or pie charts to illustrate key points,
b) Respond to each and every utterance in a line-for-line, word-for-word rebuttal, focusing not so much on the larger issue-at-hand, but instead on the minutiae presented - as well as trifling matters such as grammar, puctuation and vocabulary,
c) Quote and rebut one small sentence or phrase, with glib witticisms thrown in - thereby acknowledging the post but neatly side-stepping an actual response,
d) Pointedly ignore the post and choose instead to engage in multipage, off-topic blather & fluffles with other NSers of your political stripe,
e) Or complain exhaustively in Moderation that some innocous word, phrase or descriptor used in the post is actually secretly intended to personally denigrate you or whatever group of people you claim affiliation with, in a brazen attempt to have the other poster banned from the forums.
Wow, this is great! Thank you!
Quiz question.
Are you a founding member of an NS General political party?
Hm, who is on our "possibles" list?
04-07-2006, 03:20
Wow, this is great! Thank you!
Well, I tried. I had some time to kill, so what the Hell, thought I.
Well, I tried. I had some time to kill, so what the Hell, thought I.
I can tell that you're taking this very seriously, UNLIKE OTHER PEOPLE HERE, and we appreciate it. Would you mind if we used some of it and adapted it with other things, or does it have to be all or nothing to use your question? Either is fine, just let me know. <3
04-07-2006, 03:26
I can tell that you're taking this very seriously, UNLIKE OTHER PEOPLE HERE, and we appreciate it. Would you mind if we used some of it and adapted it with other things, or does it have to be all or nothing to use your question? Either is fine, just let me know. <3
Well, there's a spelling error that glares at me every time I re-read the post - but I'd just as soon you didn't muck about with it too much, though - other than to format it to suit your quiz properly, of course.
I'll just take this opportunity to mention to Ilie in passing that there is a substantive post responding to your idea of formulating quiz questions on the preceding page.
Never mind the selfishness of the orally-flatulent gits who've decided hijackery is in order on this thread.
It's the same page if you're at 40 posts a page. :p
The Atlantian islands
04-07-2006, 03:35
Quiz question:
If confronted with a particulalry well-phrased and thought-out post, of considerable length and depth that runs contrary to your already publicly-stated position, in a thread wherein you have been a notable, substantial contributor, do you:
a) Take the time to construct a comprehensive rebuttal, complete with legitimate links to back up your arguments, inset photos or pie charts to illustrate key points,
b) Respond to each and every utterance in a line-for-line, word-for-word rebuttal, focusing not so much on the larger issue-at-hand, but instead on the minutiae presented - as well as trifling matters such as grammar, puctuation and vocabulary,
c) Quote and rebut one small sentence or phrase, with glib witticisms thrown in - thereby acknowledging the post but neatly side-stepping an actual response,
d) Pointedly ignore the post and choose instead to engage in multipage, off-topic blather & fluffles with other NSers of your political stripe,
e) Or complain exhaustively in Moderation that some innocous word, phrase or descriptor used in the post is actually secretly intended to personally denigrate you or whatever group of people you claim affiliation with, in a brazen attempt to have the other poster banned from the forums.
You know, I really dont like you, but this was pretty good.
04-07-2006, 04:24
You know, I really dont like you, but this was pretty good.
Gee, thanks. I guess.
I'll try my unpractised hand at a quiz question:
When you pick up a paper ballot to vote in a national election, your first impulse is to:
a) Vote for the candidate you were planning to vote for anyway;
b) Vote for the candidate who isn't George W. Bush;
c) Wonder aloud why 'Myrth' isn't an option;
d) Complain loudly to the moderators that your preferred candidate isn't on there;
e) Vote for the candidate who makes the fewest grammatical and pronunciation errors in his or her speech;
f) Go off and smoke pot;
g) Vote? You mean we can vote? I thought we ate the papers!
Koon Proxy
04-07-2006, 04:40
I'll try my unpractised hand at a quiz question:
When you pick up a paper ballot to vote in a national election, your first impulse is to:
a) Vote for the candidate you were planning to vote for anyway;
b) Vote for the candidate who isn't George W. Bush;
c) Wonder aloud why 'Myrth' isn't an option;
d) Complain loudly to the moderators that your preferred candidate isn't on there;
e) Vote for the candidate who makes the fewest grammatical and pronunciation errors in his or her speech;
f) Go off and smoke pot;
g) Vote? You mean we can vote? I thought we ate the papers!
I like this one. :p
Shouldn't there be a person on the quiz to stand for the "newb who actually tries to be intelligent but nobody's actually noticed yet" or something? Although newb seems to equal <2000 posts around here, so meh.
I like this one. :p
Shouldn't there be a person on the quiz to stand for the "newb who actually tries to be intelligent but nobody's actually noticed yet" or something? Although newb seems to equal <2000 posts around here, so meh.
In my practice a newb is anyone from after I joined (June 2004) or later. Thus, Tribes is a newb, for instance.
Besides, I think that award will already go to one guy who's a relative newb, with 200 something posts, joined sometime in '04, and participated in one of my roleplays -- I think -- but I still can't remember his name. :p That's the problem with people like that.
AB Again
04-07-2006, 04:52
Another quiz question
To which of the following threads are you most likely to contribute?
1. "So how was your day? fluffle fest."
2. "Bush is teh bozo/greatest."
3. "Post your latest picture/art/music/poetry"
4. "Do moral judgements depend upon free will?"
5. All of the above
6. Complain about one of these threads in moderation.
I'll try my unpractised hand at a quiz question:
When you pick up a paper ballot to vote in a national election, your first impulse is to:
a) Vote for the candidate you were planning to vote for anyway;
b) Vote for the candidate who isn't George W. Bush;
c) Wonder aloud why 'Myrth' isn't an option;
d) Complain loudly to the moderators that your preferred candidate isn't on there;
e) Vote for the candidate who makes the fewest grammatical and pronunciation errors in his or her speech;
f) Go off and smoke pot;
g) Vote? You mean we can vote? I thought we ate the papers!could you change E to - (Make a paper airplane and attempt to break the "Longest Flight with a paper airplane record.") need something for the LG choice.
and possibly change F to (load it up with Weed, roll it up and enjoy a political Bong)
04-07-2006, 17:35
If you were to meet G.W. Bush you would:
A. shake his hand and say thank you.
B. Punch him
C. try to lick his nipples to see if they taste like chocolate or freedom.
I wants to be a result. I'll um...jump up and down for attention if i'm not.
Thank you! *bows*
You know, there's still time for the new, reborn Fass to make mettleworth.
I prefer not to think of him as new and reborn but instead as TAFKAF.
The artist formerly known as Fass
04-07-2006, 18:52
It may be a bit late, but might I nominate myself as a result? Of course, if it doesn't work (or you just don't want to), leave me out.
This quiz looks entertaining.
04-07-2006, 19:18
...sorry, no
how come?
05-07-2006, 01:53
I prefer not to think of him as new and reborn but instead as TAFKAF.
The artist formerly known as Fass
"TAFKAF" does have a certain ring to it ... *nods*
I should probably just refer to him as "Modsparkle"
how come?
I dont know you :P
The results list is finalized but we are welcoming possible questions. I love all the great ones that have been proposed so far. Keep them coming!
The Atlantian islands
08-07-2006, 02:43
Sorry, but where exactly IS the results list?
Did you put me and Ny Nordland on there as a result?
Sorry for nagging, but I cant seem to find the results on my own.:p
Nobel Hobos
08-07-2006, 02:57
I think I'm more or less the rabid defender of tobacco smokers 'round these parts. So, at least, I know I am me. No point adding it to the quiz. No one else is me. ;)
Hey, I'm me too!
We are "defenders of the indefensible" aka "devil's advocates"
IL Ruffino
08-07-2006, 03:05
Sorry, but where exactly IS the results list
In a TG I suppose.
The Atlantian islands
08-07-2006, 03:31
In a TG I suppose.
*Feels left out cuz for not receving one*:(
Did you get one?
IL Ruffino
08-07-2006, 22:52
*Feels left out cuz for not receving one*:(
Did you get one?
*feels left out also*
Naw, I think it's only for the peeps who B createizlin it.
The Parkus Empire
08-07-2006, 23:08
Hmmm, typical NSer should be in there somewhere. Hates Bush, extremely Liberal, and won't give-up an argument easily.