EU May Have More Than 125 Million Muslims by 2025 - Page 2
Ny Nordland
30-06-2006, 23:58
Lightyears? Hmmm... rights are measured in distance? Meanwhile, if we measure it in time, it would be more like 0 to 100 years depending on which rights. That's plenty of time for them to get their act together (assuming we buy your argument) before white people go extinct (assuming our brains pop out and we forget that's not actually remotely likely).
Have you heard of figurative speech? :rolleyes: I was hoping your comeback to my threads would be with much much more intelligent posts. I'm disappointed.
About muslim world and human rights, you are only speculating that things are going better there.
Hahaha. Come on. You must be kidding. What does the German populace of today have to do with Nazis. However, when you use as an argument, a letter that contains this "a tribe of 1000 thick-lipped, knappy-headed Africans, there would be a link to the BBC discussion forum and many links to pro-ugaboogaahh foundations", well... let's just say you have more in common with racists and nazis than Germans do simply by be descendents of them.
Before we move on, let's quote a couple of other things from a source you argued for, "Non-White immigration into White nations coupled with pro-racemixing propaganda from the Jewvision", "guilt mongering Jews and Marxists an opportunity to import tens of millions of third worlders to breed us out". Yep, why are people persecuting you with no evidence? You poor, poor child. If only they'd react to what you say and not, well... hmmm... I guess people are reacting to what you say.
Ha. Or they could live anywhere they like, because being Muslim doesn't make you inferior.
Gotta love a poster that quotes his own debunked claims.
I love that this is such an important question to someone who is constantly arguing they are not a xenophobe.
I'm having at you on the other thread, but you sure as hell make good points in this one.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:15
What do I think? I think, it's just not happening. I think, Catholicism will resurge, and I think Europe is gonna get itself a backbone and start defining itself once more. So happy that Turkey has botched it up so badly on the Cyprus issue. ^^
About muslim world and human rights, you are only speculating that things are going better there.
Ah, so it's speculation when it doesn't follow your madness, I mean, opinion, but it's fact when it does?
I state as a fact that Ny Nordland had sex with his 3-year old sister. It's speculation to say otherwise.
Free Puppets
01-07-2006, 00:18
So up to 30-40 million muslims by 2025. Plus:
EU has started accession negotiations with Turkey. The proccess will be complete within 10-15 years. Turkey has 70 million population now and growing rapidly. Plus there is Bosnia and then Albania who'll probably be EU members by 2025.
That makes EU muslim population by 2025 more than 125 million.
Doesnt all this remind you of Rome. Rome fell when it was invaded by inferior cultures. Same is happening to Europe now. I call Islamic culture inferior because of the way they treat women and homosexuals and other shitty stuff. Even in Turkey, which is regarded as an example Muslim country, 90% of women are subjected to violence by their husbands or boyfriends.
(page 10)
What do you think? Diskuss....
Edit: Fall of Rome: Barbarians are the primary reason in many theories and they are important reason, if not primary, in many others...
Source: Wiki
Islam is stupid and all Muslim people will burn in hell for worshipping a false god. I hope they blow themselves all up before they take over Europe. :upyours:
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:20
Ah, so it's speculation when it doesn't follow your madness, I mean, opinion, but it's fact when it does?
I state as a fact that Ny Nordland had sex with his 3-year old sister. It's speculation to say otherwise.
I'm not surprised that this disgusting comments come from you....Your calibré is clear....
Islam is stupid and all Muslim people will burn in hell for worshipping a false god. I hope they blow themselves all up before they take over Europe. :upyours:
Why, hello, troll. I'm not a muslim, but since you're all about spreading good wishes, I decided to tear you a new one. Want me to let you in on a secret, dear? The muslim god is the same as the christian one. That's right, do some reading of the Quran and you might find that out.
If you could read, of course.
I'm not surprised that this disgusting comments come from you....Your calibré is clear....
Wow, I'm getting morality lessons from the neonazi? Fine by me, but not only I'll pointedly ignore them, you are also too ignorant a buffoon to know what "calibré" means. Or how it's spelled.
Islam is stupid and all Muslim people will burn in hell for worshipping a false god. I hope they blow themselves all up before they take over Europe. :upyours:
I'm honestly curious as to what people are thinking when they make this kind of post. Do they really think they are helping their cause? Do they honestly think they are doing anything other than serving as yet another embarassment to their side of the discussion?
I'm honestly curious as to what people are thinking when they make this kind of post. Do they really think they are helping their cause? Do they honestly think they are doing anything other than serving as yet another embarassment to their side of the discussion?
They're stupid enough that the answer is yes, Bottle.
Free Puppets
01-07-2006, 00:26
Why, hello, troll. I'm not a muslim, but since you're all about spreading good wishes, I decided to tear you a new one. Want me to let you in on a secret, dear? The muslim god is the same as the christian one. That's right, do some reading of the Quran and you might find that out.
If you could read, of course.
My god does not tell me to oppress women. He doesn't tell me that anybody not born into one race would end up in hell no matter what. He doesn't tell me to violently kill people for the purpose of "cleansing the world".
Free Puppets
01-07-2006, 00:26
I'm honestly curious as to what people are thinking when they make this kind of post. Do they really think they are helping their cause? Do they honestly think they are doing anything other than serving as yet another embarassment to their side of the discussion?
Your point is?:rolleyes:
My god does not tell me to oppress women. He doesn't tell me that anybody not born into one race would end up in hell no matter what. He doesn't tell me to violently kill people for the purpose of "cleansing the world".
Then you have a lot in common with my Muslim coworker, because his God doesn't tell him any of those things either. You guys should get together and go bowling some time. :)
I'm not surprised that this disgusting comments come from you....Your calibré is clear....
You use the word "calibre" too much. Makes it seem like you have an unhealthy obsession with thickness and gun barrels. ;)
Your point is?:rolleyes:
I'm sorry, do you need me to clarify one of the questions I asked?
My god does not tell me to oppress women. He doesn't tell me that anybody not born into one race would end up in hell no matter what. He doesn't tell me to violently kill people for the purpose of "cleansing the world".
Actually, that not only is PRECISELY what the Christian interpretation of God preaches, it's the OPPOSITE of what the Islamic one does. Now go away, bug.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:30
Actually, that not only is PRECISELY what the Christian interpretation of God preaches, it's the OPPOSITE of what the Islamic one does. Now go away, bug.
The Old Testament God, yes. It depends on which Christian interpretation you are referring to. A lot see the OT as separate from the NT. As Islam is in some ways founded upon the OT, it does refer to the same deity.
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:32
Wow, I'm getting morality lessons from the neonazi? Fine by me, but not only I'll pointedly ignore them, you are also too ignorant a buffoon to know what "calibré" means. Or how it's spelled.
Please ignore me, it'd clean some of the post pollution that posters like you are creating. I've yet to hear anything intelligent you said.
And as usual, it's only amusing when you call me ignorant. Afterall, it's just you:
One entry found for caliber.
Main Entry: cal·i·ber
Variant(s): or cal·i·bre /'ka-l&-b&r, British also k&-'lE-/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French calibre, from Old Italian calibro, from Arabic qAlib shoemaker's last
1 a : degree of mental capacity or moral quality b : degree of excellence or importance
2 a : the diameter of a bullet or other projectile b : the diameter of a bore of a gun usually expressed in hundredths or thousandths of an inch and typically written as a decimal fraction <.32 caliber>
3 : the diameter of a round body; especially : the internal diameter of a hollow cylinder
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:33
You use the word "calibre" too much. Makes it seem like you have an unhealthy obsession with thickness and gun barrels. ;)
See what I mean, when I say you and Heikoku are of same calibre...
The Old Testament God, yes. It depends on which Christian interpretation you are referring to. A lot see the OT as separate from the NT. As Islam is in some ways founded upon the OT, it does refer to the same deity.
Maybe so, but still the islamic interpretation is about acts - which is why many imams say that men like Ghandi, a non-muslim, were rewarded by God.
Please ignore me, it'd clean some of the post pollution that posters like you are creating. I've yet to hear anything intelligent you said.
And as usual, it's only amusing when you call me ignorant. Afterall, it's just you:
Which is why you used the word as "calibrÉ", is it, blabbering idiot?
Also, I pointed out lots of things you ignored simply because it doesn't fit your bigoted point of view. Ignorance should be made of sterner stuff, don't you think, Himmler? And I have yet to read anything even coherent, let alone intelligent that you said.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:37
Maybe so, but still the islamic interpretation is about acts - which is why many imams say that men like Ghandi, a non-muslim, were rewarded by God.
Different people, different interpretations. Christianity in its pure form is as laissez-faire as Buddhism, even though it does attempt to indoctrinate its members with a sort of moral concern for their fellow citizens. Usually the darker versions of Christianity come from cherry picking statements from the Old Testament. Islam has a similar problem now; too many faithful for it to remain true to one version.
Different people, different interpretations. Christianity in its pure form is as laissez-faire as Buddhism, even though it does attempt to indoctrinate its members with a sort of moral concern for their fellow citizens. Usually the darker versions of Christianity come from cherry picking statements from the Old Testament. Islam has a similar problem now; too many faithful for it to remain true to one version.
Well, yes, but still I made the point because Puppet (adequate name) was going on about how "his God" didn't do this and that and the Islamic one "does", and on he barks...
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:41
Well, yes, but still I made the point because Puppet (adequate name) was going on about how "his God" didn't do this and that and the Islamic one "does", and on he barks...
I am just clarifying here to avoid giving some anti-Christian trolls the fuel they need to hi-jack the topic.
See what I mean, when I say you and Heikoku are of same calibre...
Oh, so you think Heikoku and I have the same mental capacity?
Well, I'll have you know I'm black, and Heikoku sounds Asian to me. Since you've posted numerous links to studies that show how much more intelligent Asians (or whites) compared to blacks, I think you are now disagreeing mostly with yourself, mein herr. Clearly Heikoku's got far more mental capacity than me. ;)
I am just clarifying here to avoid giving some anti-Christian trolls the fuel they need to hi-jack the topic.
As long as you agree that "Ghandi went to Hell" Christians are as stupid as it gets, I'm with you here.
People without names
01-07-2006, 00:43
muslims are like mexicans. they have 13 children like most families would in a place where only 5 of the 13 survive. but they move to place were 99% of children survive and they still have all 13 children.
the chinese have it right. limit two children per family and only one female.
let the people who take me seriously start flamming away
Refused Party Program
01-07-2006, 00:43
Oh, so you think Heikoku and I have the same mental capacity?
Well, I'll have you know I'm black, and Heikoku sounds Asian to me. Since you've posted numerous links to studies that show how much more intelligent Asians (or whites) compared to blacks, I think you are now disagreeing mostly with yourself, mein herr. Clearly Heikoku's got far more mental capacity than me. ;)
I'm getting a strong sense of deja vu here.
Oh, so you think Heikoku and I have the same mental capacity?
Well, I'll have you know I'm black, and Heikoku sounds Asian to me. Since you've posted numerous links to studies that show how much more intelligent Asians (or whites) compared to blacks, I think you are now disagreeing mostly with yourself, mein herr. Clearly Heikoku's got far more mental capacity than me. ;)
Ore wa Burajirujin desu...
Translation, I'm Brazilian. And not even from Asian descent, but I like the culture. :)
And compared to Ny Nordland, a retarded onion would have more mental capacity.
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:45
Which is why you used the word as "calibrÉ", is it, blabbering idiot?
Also, I pointed out lots of things you ignored simply because it doesn't fit your bigoted point of view. Ignorance should be made of sterner stuff, don't you think, Himmler? And I have yet to read anything even coherent, let alone intelligent that you said.
e and é? That was what you meant when you said:
Wow, I'm getting morality lessons from the neonazi? Fine by me, but not only I'll pointedly ignore them, you are also too ignorant a buffoon to know what "calibré" means. Or how it's spelled.
As you can see I know what it means. You were just being As for the spelling, é sounds cooler than e.
Ore wa Burajirujin desu...
Translation, I'm Brazilian. And not even from Asian descent, but I like the culture. :)
Well, crap. Because NN's study only referred to Blacks, Whites and Asians. There are no Hispanics, or any other races/ethnicities. Therefore you don't exist?
I dunno, just trying to look at things from the daring and brave new worldview NN has. ;)
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:46
And compared to Ny Nordland, a retarded onion would have more mental capacity.
Hah, that's a little harsh.
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:47
Oh, so you think Heikoku and I have the same mental capacity?
Well, I'll have you know I'm black, and Heikoku sounds Asian to me. Since you've posted numerous links to studies that show how much more intelligent Asians (or whites) compared to blacks, I think you are now disagreeing mostly with yourself, mein herr. Clearly Heikoku's got far more mental capacity than me. ;)
Oh you are black huh? Why did you claim to be white in previous threads?
e and é? That was what you meant when you said:
As you can see I know what it means. You were just being As for the spelling, é sounds cooler than e.
Wow. Watch out, everyone, as "coolness" becomes Nordland's criteria in linguistics.
And overusing a word just for the sake of style is not stylish. I should know, I am stylish.
Furthermore, you could choose not to turn this into a spelling bee and start answering my points as if you were an intelligent person...
If you were an intelligent person.
Heck, if you were a person.
Oh you are black huh? Why did you claim to be white in previous threads?
I dunno, why do you keep claiming not to be a bigoted xenophobe?
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:49
Hah, that's a little harsh.
LOL. Please...did you really think that I'd be offended by him? Him? :D
Well, crap. Because NN's study only referred to Blacks, Whites and Asians. There are no Hispanics, or any other races/ethnicities. Therefore you don't exist?
I dunno, just trying to look at things from the daring and brave new worldview NN has. ;)
Uhm, I'm not hispanic either... I'm a descendant of Czechs and other nationalities, including, but not limited to, some African.
LOL. Please...did you really think that I'd be offended by him? Him? :D
You would, if you could read. Now sit down, and let the adults do the talking.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:51
LOL. Please...did you really think that I'd be offended by him? Him? :D
Alors, s'amuse bien. :)
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:52
I dunno, why do you keep claiming not to be a bigoted xenophobe?
So you confirm? That puts so much into perspective...
Uhm, I'm not hispanic either... I'm a descendant of Czechs and other nationalities, including, but not limited to, some African.
I guess that's what I get for trying to determine peoples ethnic background over a computer. Right Ny Nordland?
All you had to do was to write "islamic law, women" in google and voilla...Back to good old wiki:
So islamic law lets a man to divorce a women when he says "I divorce you". You find this not opressive? You find it simply quick?
Sure it's opressive, but not to the degree that for example you could see in the United Kingdom, where the rape of a woman by her husband was not penalised. That law has been changed, luckily. But I would not label an entire culture as inferior because the family law was biased towards men if the other laws in general was not discriminatory - and remember also that non-muslim women are not tried in islamic courts.
Ok. Would you rather have me say something PCish like "they got lots of room for improvement" instead of what I really think?
No, I think I want you to change the way you think. And to at least be more precise.
And this is from 2006. Notice the bolded areas. You were saying Malaysia is improving???????
Yes, this was mentioned on the State Departments page.
And yes, despite this setback Malaysia seems to be improving.
Yes, nowhere is perfect. Neither is Italy. But as I said, West is light years ahead than muslim world when it comes to human/women rights....
It's just not that black and white. Of course, it is easier for you to say it since the "West" as you've defined it earlier is consisting of the EU and the USA.
Notice, by the way, how you're comparing industrialised countries to developing countries without mentioning any other factor than religion...
So you confirm? That puts so much into perspective...
So you confirm too?
Are we reaching your famous point of honesty?
I guess that's what I get for trying to determine peoples ethnic background over a computer. Right Ny Nordland?
Hey, you guessed it wrong out of well-intentioned lack of a specific knowledge. Nordland does it as a way to see how much each person is worth.
Y'know, out of bigotry.
01-07-2006, 00:55
I'm so happy I don't live there.
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:56
Alors, s'amuse bien. :)
Je fais déjà ainsi :D
I'm so happy I don't live there.
There in Norway, in Brazil, in Malaysia, in Burkina Faso or in NationStates?
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 00:57
I'm so happy I don't live there.
Heh, how very reassuring for those of us who do. :p
I'm so happy I don't live there.
So are the europeans, I bet :p
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 00:58
So you confirm too?
Are we reaching your famous point of honesty?
No, I dont confirm :D
01-07-2006, 01:00
Can we just have a sub-forum for racist topics? So they don't get mixed in with the rest. (Though perhaps we'd end up with a sub-forum for non-racist topics):rolleyes:
No, I dont confirm :D
That's a pity.
Well, for the record, "I dunno" is not confirmation either. ;)
01-07-2006, 01:04
To join Europe, these countries will have to comply with our Human Rights Laws. That includes doing more to protect women in their society and certain universal practises, though obviously their traditions won't be forced to change if they don't conflict with laws etc. So despite Turkey's track record, they will have to do better if they wish to REMAIN in Europe.
Personally I'm not too bothered about Muslims coming into Europe, so long as they don't force their traditions/religion on others. The same goes for other Religions. There are MILLIONS of Christians in Europe now, and many of them still hold views of the family and women that are considered by others to be wrong or outdated, but you don't hear public outcry if THEIR numbers rise, do you?
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 01:05
To join Europe, these countries will have to comply with our Human Rights Laws. That includes doing more to protect women in their society and certain universal practises, though obviously their traditions won't be forced to change if they don't conflict with laws etc. So despite Turkey's track record, they will have to do better if they wish to REMAIN in Europe.
Turkey isn't even in yet. :p
Ny Nordland
01-07-2006, 01:13
Sure it's opressive, but not to the degree that for example you could see in the United Kingdom, where the rape of a woman by her husband was not penalised. That law has been changed, luckily. But I would not label an entire culture as inferior because the family law was biased towards men if the other laws in general was not discriminatory - and remember also that non-muslim women are not tried in islamic courts.
Consider the number of arranged marriages in Islamic countries. In this case, Malaysia. Arent their husbands raping those women as well? The situation is still much worse than UK, even if the law hasnt been changed.
No, I think I want you to change the way you think. And to at least be more precise.
I wish you could let yourself imagine how would our lives change if muslims get to be a majority in Europe.
Yes, this was mentioned on the State Departments page.
And yes, despite this setback Malaysia seems to be improving.
Please explain, what is improving?
It's just not that black and white. Of course, it is easier for you to say it since the "West" as you've defined it earlier is consisting of the EU and the USA.
Notice, by the way, how you're comparing industrialised countries to developing countries without mentioning any other factor than religion...
What is not black and white? The fact there are differences between Western countries when it come to human rights? Of course. But all of the west is still light years ahead than muslim world.
About west, it is EU, USA, Canada, Aus&NZ, I think.
About comparing West and Muslim countries, isnt UAE a developed country? And besides, arent muslim countries worse than most, maybe all other developing countries as well when it comes to women?
01-07-2006, 01:17
Turkey isn't even in yet. :p
I should have been clearer - I was referring to the scenario of if Turkey managed to get in.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 01:21
I should have been clearer - I was referring to the scenario of if Turkey managed to get in.
A major if at the moment. I am not so sure the EU would kick Turkey out of it though if it failed to live up to what was demanded of it. Letting a country in is one thing - ridding of it is something entirely different.
When have I said anything that suggested Germans today have anything in common with Nazis?
Hmmm.. you talked about Nazis liking immigration and you linked to a post about modern-day Germany as evidence.
I quoted an article which said those. I said, in my OP, I didnt agree with all those. Just like your stupid mod post, this one is showing your clear bias or amnesia.
You said you didn't agree with it being a Jew conspiracy. People who aren't supporting racism don't post articles like that and say they have a 'good point'. Yes, I have amnesia because I remember how you defended her repeatedly until it got too hot and you went back and changed the OP.
Debunked? What are you on? Those are links fromm BBC, telling the profiles of criminals responsible for London bombings. :rolleyes:
You linked to your posts, not the BBC. Every link you've ever posted was either proven to be seriously flawed or did not support your claim.
You may believe as you please
I follow the evidence. When someone spends the majority of their time dismissing people's opinions because they're not from the right place, talking about the inferiority of various races and cultures, promoting seperation by skin color, eye color and hair color, trying to keep people who are not like them out of their country, attacking Muslims, Muslim countries, Muslim culture, etc, it's not hard to guess what they're motives are.
17 of 21 threads you've started in General were about race, culture or religion and in every one you were arguing that something was wrong with a particular race, culture or religion or complaining that these races, cultures or religions were committing genocide or whatnot. 17 or 21. You tell me, how do you interpret it when someone is obsessed with proving that 'others' are either inferior or out to destroy you.
Psychotic Mongooses
01-07-2006, 01:35
About comparing West and Muslim countries, isnt UAE a developed country?
Yes. And the UAE has some fused a working system of government that combines Islam and democracy. Women there are on a par with the West.
Ever been? My uncle worked there as a teacher for several years.
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 01:37
Yes. And the UAE has some fused a working system of government that combines Islam and democracy. Women there are on a par with the West.
Ever been? My uncle worked there as a teacher for several years.
I don't think he was trying to diminish it...seems more like he was trying to exclude it from the other Arab countries. An exclusion that is merited. It's the only country in the Middle East I'd actually consider visiting for an extended holiday.
Psychotic Mongooses
01-07-2006, 01:41
I don't think he was trying to diminish it...seems more like he was trying to exclude it from the other Arab countries. An exclusion that is merited. It's the only country in the Middle East I'd actually consider visiting for an extended holiday.
Yes, but if a country with a majority that is Muslims is 'doomed', then using the UAE doesn't really back up his point.....
Europa Maxima
01-07-2006, 01:46
Yes, but if a country with a majority that is Muslims is 'doomed', then using the UAE doesn't really back up his point.....
Depending on the majority of course...were it to be a pro-Sharia majority, the minority would have it pretty bad. It should be remembered the UAE is not a democracy, and therefore it can even keep radical majorities in check. The same does not go for most of Europe.
Tactical Grace
01-07-2006, 12:44
With the thread owner on a week-long forum ban for getting people worked up in this thread and others, and then complaining about the responses, it makes sense to end it. Perhaps he will learn to obtain satisfaction from NS General debate in less annoying ways.
In future, anything of this sort will get locked considerably earlier. A certain latitude was granted, and misused. No longer.