The Pentagon on bisexuality
Teh Coolioness
24-06-2006, 06:23 the Pentagin lists homosexuality as a "disorder"...
what about bisexuality?
it just wouldn't make sense to not list that as a "disorder" too...
what do you all think?
this is what i would like to do:
(pentagon):gundge: <--me
or possibly
(pentagon):sniper: :upyours:
Conscience and Truth
24-06-2006, 06:38 the Pentagin lists homosexuality as a "disorder"...
what about bisexuality?
it just wouldn't make sense to not list that as a "disorder" too...
what do you all think?
this is what i would like to do:
(pentagon):gundge: <--me
or possibly
(pentagon):sniper: :upyours:
Coolness, my public school teachers taught me the same thing about gays. My parents didn't agree, but my teachers are unionized professionals that know a lot more about science.
I remember learning that gays were perfectly normal way back in 1st grade when we had a full day lecture on it. The Pentagon is stupid and racist.
24-06-2006, 06:47
not just the pentagon. many Americans, espescially those in the bible belt, are racist pigs.
24-06-2006, 06:49
The Pentagon is stupid and racist.
You do know racism has nothing to do with sexual orientation, right?
Isn't the Pentagon the Defense Department? Why is the Department of Defense redefining homosexuality?
24-06-2006, 06:56
Isn't the Pentagon the Defense Department? Why is the Department of Defense redefining homosexuality?
Well, there are some old, antiquated dinosaurs taking decisions in that building. Looks like those backwards military know-it-all think they're more qualified than pretty much all the thousands of serious psychologists of the world to decided whether liking boys instead of girls makes a guy unfit for service.
We all know better.
Conscience and Truth
24-06-2006, 06:57
Well, there are some old, antiquated dinosaurs taking decisions in that building. Looks like those backwards military know-it-all think they're more qualified than pretty much all the thousands of serious psychologists of the world to decided whether liking boys instead of girls makes a guy unfit for service.
We all know better.
Why is the Pentagon attacking homosexuality? It has been accepted as perfectly normal for at least 5 years now.
24-06-2006, 07:00
not just the pentagon. many Americans, espescially those in the bible belt, are racist pigs.
Stop being so intolerant. must tolerate people..tolerance is good....:fluffle:
24-06-2006, 07:01
So the American Dream - I don't think it exists at all. I think it's propaganda.
24-06-2006, 07:02
Why is the Pentagon attacking homosexuality? It has been accepted as perfectly normal for at least 5 years now.
It has been accepted as normal by a lot of people, but not everyone. What bothers me is not that some folks think it's abnormal, but that they treat people they regard as abnormal in an unnecessary and inappropriate manner.
24-06-2006, 07:03
Why is the Pentagon attacking homosexuality? It has been accepted as perfectly normal for at least 5 years now.
You're obviously not living on the same planet as the rest of us. Even here in Canada, where gay marriage has been legal for a while, and laws protect gays and lesbians from hate crimes just like members of other minorities, there is still some road up ahead. Mentalities change slowly. Older generations are still prejudiced.
And that's Canada. What I hear from the USA is sometimes downright scary. Let's not forget Matthew Sheppard got fucking beat up and left to die on a fence just because he liked guys... and that was only a handful of years ago. Then, some nutjobs showed up at his funeral for no other reason than tell the grieving family he was burning in hell and deserved to die.
That's far from "being accepted as a perfectly normal for at least 5 years", isn't it?
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:04
Why is the Pentagon attacking homosexuality? It has been accepted as perfectly normal for at least 5 years now.
That's why every show on television used it for shock factor about a year back. :rolleyes: It's not normal per se, but it is as normal as using a contraceptive IMHO. I say, let them live how they choose, it ain't hurting me...
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:05
So the American Dream - I don't think it exists at all. I think it's propaganda.
Nothing good exists, good is a false fabrication of the state.
24-06-2006, 07:06
Stop being so intolerant. must tolerate people..tolerance is good....:fluffle:
No we don't. People always get surprised when I advocate being as downright rude, insulting, and intolerant of bigots as they are to their selected minorities to hate.
Nothing like a little taste of your own medicine. Kinda ironic, too, that an agnostic such as I often end up going "an eye for an eye" on religious fundamentalists.
Gosh, me love irony.
24-06-2006, 07:07
No we don't. People always get surprised when I advocate being as downright rude, insulting, and intolerant of bigots as they are to their selected minorities to hate.
Nothing like a little taste of your own medicine. Kinda ironic, too, that an agnostic such as I often end up going "an eye for an eye" on religious fundamentalists.
Gosh, me love irony.
Liberty has turned into licentiousness, and tolerance for dissenters has become little more than rank relativism and nihilism. All perspectives are equally valid, which means no perspective is truly valid.
The Squeaky Rat
24-06-2006, 07:11
Stop being so intolerant. must tolerate people..tolerance is good....:fluffle:
I disagree. In my opinion respect and tolerance for other peoples beliefs, actions and viewpoints should end when those actions, beliefs and viewpoints cause harm to others without good reason.
24-06-2006, 07:15
"Looks like those backwards military know-it-all think they're more qualified than pretty much all the thousands of serious psychologists of the world to decided whether liking boys instead of girls makes a guy unfit for service."
I get why gays would be singled out from the military.
The same way men and women are seperated, gays would have to be seperated out too, which would involve too many costs etc for construction of new barracks, etc. (hetrosexual-men / hetrosexual-women / homosexual-men / homosexual-women)
But I agree with the above.. why should an inteligence organisation be the ones deciding what is and isnt a mental illness? But hey, the USA does things in weird ways
24-06-2006, 07:16
Liberty has turned into licentiousness, and tolerance for dissenters has become little more than rank relativism and nihilism. All perspectives are equally valid, which means no perspective is truly valid.
Well, call me old fashionned, but I'm of the opinion that myperspective is valid.
Of course, I'm also trying my very best to have a nation categorised in "enlighetened dictatorship", so that's pretty much just a part of my character.
24-06-2006, 07:20
I get why gays would be singled out from the military.
The same way men and women are seperated, gays would have to be seperated out too, which would involve too many costs etc for construction of new barracks, etc. (hetrosexual-men / hetrosexual-women / homosexual-men / homosexual-women)
Not even. There is no need to separate gays from straights in the army. Here's why: many countries do not separate them, and there is no negative impact on the armed forces. Gays serve openly in Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium, etc...
It's even questionable whether separating men from women is really needed, in my opinion. Remember that starship trooper movie? Well, the male and female soldiers all took their showers at the same place. I'm guessing in the future, we might hopefully get to a point where the camaraderie and trust between members of the same squads/platoons/regiments is more important than the presence of balls or boobies.
But that's just me.
Stuffed Shirts
24-06-2006, 07:26
I am your President and I have a story to tell you.
Its about a little boy who grew up to be president.
The little boy wanted to be just like his daddy because he didn't like girls. He was reeducated to be a fan of the bearded clam. But he still prefers hanging around with the big boys with oily hair.
Being gay is not only abnormal but it is morally reprehensible. Why should two people love each other when they could be, nay, should be, helping me blow up the world?
Don't you know that you're a good person if you make it your life mission to kill innocent people in the name of national security and anti-terrorism? Don't you know that gay people have green skin and forty eyes and they are invading our country on giant rainbow spaceships?
God hates gays, God Bless the Stuffed Shirts
President Bush Whacker
P.S. My advisor from the Pentagon has just told me that I am a dumb-arse hick that should read my breifings before I make speeches. And not to repeat what he said. Okay, so I'm not supposed to tell you that the real reason why gays aren't allowed in the military is because they are aliens and this would undermine national security.
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:27
Not even. There is no need to separate gays from straights in the army. Here's why: many countries do not separate them, and there is no negative impact on the armed forces. Gays serve openly in Canada, Great Britain, Sweden, Belgium, etc...
Scenario, one gay man looks at another gay man, gay man number 2 is freaked out and sues the army. That is what they are afraid of, and yes frivolous lawsuits are that bad in this country.
24-06-2006, 07:30
Scenario, one gay man looks at another gay man, gay man number 2 is freaked out and sues the army. That is what they are afraid of, and yes frivolous lawsuits are that bad in this country.
Then fix the lawsuit problem, don't create another problem by trying to keep gays out of serving their country.
And, dude, what the fuck? It would seem reasonable that a gay man could/would actually enjoy being looked at by another gay man.
The Alma Mater
24-06-2006, 07:32
Scenario, one gay man looks at another gay man, gay man number 2 is freaked out and sues the army. That is what they are afraid of, and yes frivolous lawsuits are that bad in this country.
... Sue the army for what exactly ?
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:35
Then fix the lawsuit problem, don't create another problem by trying to keep gays out of serving their country.
And, dude, what the fuck? It would seem reasonable that a gay man could/would actually enjoy being looked at by another gay man.
Not when he can make a buck. *No I am not implying the gay people are any more immoral/greedy/what have you the straight/bi people are, as far as I can tell humans in general are money/power grubbing bas****s* Also, would you say that a hetro woman should be happy to get male attention? Or would you yell sexual harrasment at the top of your lungs?
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:37
... Sue the army for what exactly ?
Not preventing a hostile enviroment or something. People drag on crap that shouldn't stand up for years, the problem isn't if they will win, its the public opinion and the court costs.
The Alma Mater
24-06-2006, 07:38
Not when he can make a buck. *No I am not implying the gay people are any more immoral/greedy/what have you the straight/bi people are, as far as I can tell humans in general are money/power grubbing bas****s* Also, would you say that a hetro woman should be happy to get male attention? Or would you yell sexual harrasment at the top of your lungs?
That depends on what the attention entails exactly.
24-06-2006, 07:41
Not when he can make a buck. *No I am not implying the gay people are any more immoral/greedy/what have you the straight/bi people are, as far as I can tell humans in general are money/power grubbing bas****s* Also, would you say that a hetro woman should be happy to get male attention? Or would you yell sexual harrasment at the top of your lungs?
An admiring look does not constitute a rude, long, leer. Neither does it involve touching, or cupping a feel. Neither is it rape.
Sexual harrasment involves harrassment. If a man/woman looks at you and you don't like it, tell them to stop looking. If they don't, then you can call it sexual harrassment. If they do, you don,t have a leg to stand on. If you don't tell them to stop looking in the first place and yell sexual harrassment anyway, then you're a fucktard.
Sums it up for ya? We Canadians aren't very much into whacky lawsuits. Nowhere near as much as you neighbours are, anyway.
Free shepmagans
24-06-2006, 07:51
Sums it up for ya? We Canadians aren't very much into whacky lawsuits. Nowhere near as much as you neighbours are, anyway.
I don't agree with it either, I'm just telling it like I see it.
The Pentagon need to grow the fuck up, the UK has allowed gays for a few years now as they realised that just because a person is gay/lesbian doent mean there gonna be any less capable or run from a firefight ect.Yes from what iv heard gays do get a bit of abuse from a minority but nothing more than what they would get off joe chav, and im sure most gay men/lesbians have learnt to deal with that.
Angry Fruit Salad
24-06-2006, 13:05
Stop being so intolerant. must tolerate people..tolerance is good....:fluffle:
Tolerate PEOPLE, not militant ignorance. (The militantly ignorant can go fuck themselves.)
British Stereotypes
24-06-2006, 13:12
Tolerate PEOPLE, not militant ignorance. (The militantly ignorant can go fuck themselves.)
Yes but they can't fuck each other, remember homosexuality is a "disorder"...
Angry Fruit Salad
24-06-2006, 13:15
Yes but they can't fuck each other, remember homosexuality is a "disorder"...
I was waiting for that. -_-
24-06-2006, 13:16
Stop being so intolerant. must tolerate people..tolerance is good....:fluffle:
say that to the pentagon.
After all, i'm only being intolerant of their ignorance.
British Stereotypes
24-06-2006, 13:16
I was waiting for that. -_-
You set that up? Oh well...*High-fives* :D
24-06-2006, 13:18
not only do i find homophobia in any form disgusting, but there's a historical precendet as to why the homophobia expressed by the pentagon is ridiculous;
in many of the ancient greek societies, the most elite units contained only gay men, or men who at least had 'a lover' in the unit; the idea being you'd fight harder for thsoe you loved. now these units (mainly spartan) were nigh on invincible and we already know how militarised sparta why can't you apply the priniciple to a modern military?
happy people of their own sexuality + elite fighting units
....everyone's happy
The Aeson
24-06-2006, 13:22
You know, I was just going to mention that...
I was thinking Alexander, but the Spartans are probably the right ones.
24-06-2006, 13:25
You know, I was just going to mention that...
I was thinking Alexander, but the Spartans are probably the right ones.
you'd be correct also, the spartans used the same principle, alexander was famously bisexual, supposedly fighting for the interest of his lover over the dominerance of his mother or concubines.. there's also the warriors of the thebain blue band...
Greyenivol Colony
24-06-2006, 13:30
I believe there should be one and just one condition for joining the army:
'Do you have the physical and psychological ability to kill a man with your bare hands?'
The majority of the people this applies to will be heterosexual males, statistically, but there are some women and gay men who would no doubt be capable. War is War, soldiers need to know that their comrades are of equal ability to them, and once enlisted, camaradarie and equality should be all that goes through a soldier's mind.
As for bisexuality: its totally natural and, (in my opinion), a desirable trait.
24-06-2006, 13:31
As for bisexuality: its totally natural and, (in my opinion), a desirable trait.
i find myself agreeing with you once again... I see it as just the appreciation of beauty wherever i find it...
...wheras you've got the other slurs of 'greed' and the ability to go and pick up anyone from a club....
Greyenivol Colony
25-06-2006, 00:16
i find myself agreeing with you once again... I see it as just the appreciation of beauty wherever i find it...
...wheras you've got the other slurs of 'greed' and the ability to go and pick up anyone from a club....
That reminds me of a comic I drew this one time... basically it was charting the history of the gay-bisexual hostilities and the punchline involved dinosaurs or something...
But yeah, the bi-haters need to learn that just because we double our input of who we'll consider, doesn't mean that our output doubles... they have no need to be jealous :-P
25-06-2006, 00:38
If I were in the military, I sure as hell would not want any gays around. Those men have to spend alot of time around each other, and it doesnt help that one of them could be making eyes at them or coming on to them.
And dont give me that bullshit about the gays already having a lover or whatnot. If they are away from their lover for 2 years and are surrounded by a bunch of physically fit men, they would get temptations. Just like any straight guy in a huge group of women would.
Most gays are ulta-feminine anyway, they couldnt fight worth shit.(Think Jack from Will and Grace)
25-06-2006, 00:41
Most gays are ulta-feminine anyway, they couldnt fight worth shit.(Think Jack from Will and Grace)
You're stereotyping. Not all gays are ultra-feminine.
Most gays are ulta-feminine anyway, they couldnt fight worth shit.(Think Jack from Will and Grace)
They are not the majority of gay men. The majority of gay men act like a male and are not immediately identifiable as gay unless they told you.
25-06-2006, 01:06
Isn't the Pentagon the Defense Department? Why is the Department of Defense redefining homosexuality?
in many of the ancient greek societies, the most elite units contained only gay men, or men who at least had 'a lover' in the unit; the idea being you'd fight harder for thsoe you loved. now these units (mainly spartan) were nigh on invincible and we already know how militarised sparta why can't you apply the priniciple to a modern military?
happy people of their own sexuality + elite fighting units
Therein lies the rub. Obviously our government does not want us to be 1. Happy. and 2. Ultimately successful in the wars.
After all the more of our troops that are killed, the less money that has to be paied out. Like lawsuits, it's cheaper to pay a onetime death compensation fee, than to keep paying for all the added expensives of a servicemen. Not to mention, it gives them a reason to give a dishonorable discharge or a reason to not even compensate the family members. It all boils down to money.
We Americans have only ourselves to blame for letting the government become so powerful. :headbang: We the People are supposed to control the government, not them us. :mp5:
25-06-2006, 01:23
Why is the Pentagon attacking homosexuality? It has been accepted as perfectly normal for at least 5 years now.
gays + army = not cool
for the same reason that (women + men)same unit = not cool