NationStates Jolt Archive

Well, is the Truth Out At truthout?

Deep Kimchi
13-06-2006, 19:14
Well, was just looking at their website, and reading along, and saw this:

Seems they didn't get the news, or are not willing to admit that reality has squashed their fantasy.
New Granada
13-06-2006, 19:20
Is this like a liberal 'frontpagemag' or something?
13-06-2006, 19:24
Looks like a liberal version of THE DRUDGE REPORT.

Never let facts get in the way.
The Nazz
13-06-2006, 19:27
Well, was just looking at their website, and reading along, and saw this:

Seems they didn't get the news, or are not willing to admit that reality has squashed their fantasy.I was always iffy about that story--seemed too good to be true, and it looks like it was. But--and I made this point in the other thread about the larger story today--the only person to say that Rove has been cleared is his defense attorney, and he didn't release the letter Fitzgerald is supposed to have sent them. That letter may well say "you're in the clear as long as you cooperate." We don't know, but it seems logical to me that if the letter completely cleared Rove, then Luskin would be on every tv show around waving it and sending copies to every news outlet he could.
Daistallia 2104
13-06-2006, 19:52
Is this like a liberal 'frontpagemag' or something?

Looks like a liberal version of THE DRUDGE REPORT.

Never let facts get in the way.

Now I might excuse a relative newb like Khadgar for not being familiar with, but New Granada, you've been around longf enough to remember TRA, haven't you. That site and democracynow where his major cut and paste sorces (IIRC).

Any how, yeah, I run through there for a particular bent on the news, much like I do w/ drudge... (and I have to say Drudge seems to have a wider array of news... He does major social events and natural phenoms in addition to just "many blood suckers").
13-06-2006, 20:06
A newb? You amuse me.
13-06-2006, 20:34
It's the state. We're all newbs in Indiana. We also all have corn shucks growing out from behind our ears.

13-06-2006, 20:52
I have noticed more corn than usual this year.
Daistallia 2104
14-06-2006, 04:39
A newb? You amuse me.

Well, you are a newb as far as posting goes....
Im a ninja
14-06-2006, 04:41
Haha, given the title, i thought this was a thread about the begning of the Colber Repor.
14-06-2006, 09:07
We also all have corn shucks growing out from behind our ears.

Well, that kinda depends on who ya go camping with.