Is Christianity another form (similar) to Catholcism? - Page 2
Ghost Nations
29-05-2006, 17:34
What...the going in this thread?A perfectly normal Religous debate, otherwise known of as an argument.
They always end with those of good hearts calming down and deciding to just recognise that there are things that not everyone will agree with, and so it closes with an amicable parting based of of that truth.
Druids and Dragons
29-05-2006, 17:39
Actually...the early church existed before the Catholic Church.
But Catholicism was still the first major and widespread organized religion. The early church was split up in just about as many ways as the Protestants are, today... Compared to the Catholic church, even the largest Protestant churches are incredibly small, and usually isolated to the US, and sometimes Canada.
The Catholics are generally recognized as being the first, because they are the longest-lived organized religion that has extended its reach and influence throughout most of the world today. No other church has achieved so many advancements as they have...
It doesn't mean that the early faiths never existed...but they were consumed, in a manner of speaking, to create the Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. So, in a way, the beliefs that made up the Catholic church were rooted in the early the statement that the Catholics were first isn't wholly wrong.
It's just not entirely right, either.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 17:41
Well speaking as a young person in the UK from what I've seen it seems pretty accurate.
But regardless, I'm not saying this to undermine your faith my friend, I'm merely pointing out that nothing lasts forever and that at some point in the future Christians will be a minority again (assuming humanity doesn't find a new and interesting way to wipe itself out before then).
For myself, I can't fucking wait. I wouldn't mind throwing a few fundementalists to the lions....
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 17:44
The rapture hasn't happened yet Randomlittleisland for God hasn't yet defended Israel with fire from the sky against the enemy from the North.
God is going to nuke Syria? Cool!
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 17:46
Then I suggest you read Ezekial chapters 38 and 39 I believe for God has yet to defend Israel.
He's been awfully damn busy building that wall along the west bank. Give Him a break!
29-05-2006, 17:48
God is going to nuke Syria? Cool!
Who said anything about nuking her enemies?
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 17:49
thats not the sign of the rapture. the sign is that and i quote... the meaning, dont know it word for word: the false christ (antichrist) will convince the world he is christ and command all nations and tongues. somewhere along the lines of that. then we have 3.5 years till he shows his true self, then 3.5 years till its over, or begins... cant remember damit :eek:
Well now his ratings are down to under 30%. I think his reign is about over. But will he nuke Syria in time? God only knows. LOL
29-05-2006, 17:50
Well now his ratings are down to under 30%. I think his reign is about over. But will he nuke Syria in time? God only knows. LOL
This isn't even close to being funny.
29-05-2006, 17:52
That is, of course, the best way to look at it, IMO. Jesus died for our sins, so wouldn't his death be in vain if we could still go to hell for being good, kind and loving Buddhists, to pick something at random?
Of course, I see the validity of the argument that, should we throw it in Jesus' face and wallow in our own sins without acknowledging them as evil or trying in some small way to overcome them, then we deny Jesus' sacrifice...though I see that being true only to the "deadliest" of sins...those sins which, directly or indirectly, hurt others, spiritually, emotionally, or physically.
Again, I probably am coming off as a hypocrite, based on the behavior I've been showing until very recently, but I am better than I used to be, believe it or not...
<_< I used to quote a little-used line in the Scriptures that claim that one man has as much chance to get into Heaven as he gives to others, to make the claim that all fundies were going to Hell, for their arrogance... I no longer make that claim, nor do I believe it... Not even in the heat of anger. So, hey, I'm getting better, right?
was it "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who tresspass against us"?
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 17:52
Does anybody feel like responding to my post? It's so simple I don't see what you are all getting at. Look up the definition of who a " Christian" is. Catholics and protestants all fit into it. Am I missing somthing? Why cant you all just look at the simple definition?
Once you start a thread, you cannot hope to control it. If you are charming enough, you might be able to steer it, but whining is not charm.
Ghost Nations
29-05-2006, 17:55
Well now his ratings are down to under 30%. I think his reign is about over. But will he nuke Syria in time? God only knows. LOL
Typical Democrat. The Anti-Christ will come out and people will belive he IS the Christ. Do you think Doubleya is Christ?
Then you're just blankly labeling him with insults because your side couldn't come up with a person that the majority of the American populus would AGREE with.
But take that issue somewhere else. We're talking religion, not applied arrogance.
29-05-2006, 17:55
Typical Democrat. The Anti-Christ will come out and people will belive he IS the Christ. Do you think Doubleya is Christ?
Then you're just blankly labeling him with insults because your side couldn't come up with a person that the majority of the American populus would AGREE with.
But take that issue somewhere else. We're talking religion, not applied arrogance.
Well said Ghost Nations.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:00
the only one i can think of that teached evil is Stanism, but that goes in to the "true questions of life." good and evil are just opinions. and if you look at this way, you'de see that with out evil there is no good
That Damn Stan!
Ghost Nations
29-05-2006, 18:01
Well said Ghost Nations.
Thank you, thank you...
Like so many things in my life, I'm not simply one political doctrine of another. I view a non-athiestic Comunism as a Utopian society, but I recognise that human corruption makes that society impossible. The only society that realy WORKS is Capitalism. So I'm a psudo-Libertarian, free to vote for whatever side I'd like.
And for the record, I didn't want Doublya in office. But the Democrats have yet to field a canidate that speaks truly to the populus. And their reaction, that this is because people in middle america are to 'Ignorant' to accept their viewpoints... Well, that just proves even more that they realy don't understand things.
But that's all I'll say to defend myself from both sides, because it's time to get back to God Chat.
29-05-2006, 18:04
Thank you, thank you...
Like so many things in my life, I'm not simply one political doctrine of another. I view a non-athiestic Comunism as a Utopian society, but I recognise that human corruption makes that society impossible. The only society that realy WORKS is Capitalism. So I'm a psudo-Libertarian, free to vote for whatever side I'd like.
And for the record, I didn't want Doublya in office. But the Democrats have yet to field a canidate that speaks truly to the populus. And their reaction, that this is because people in middle america are to 'Ignorant' to accept their viewpoints... Well, that just proves even more that they realy don't understand things.
But that's all I'll say to defend myself from both sides, because it's time to get back to God Chat.
Yep. Lets get back to God for God is a great God.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:08
The 2 fundamental tenets of Christianity were defined by Jesus himself
You must Love God with your whole heart, soul and mind.
You must Love your neighbor as yourself.
Like trying to shove a Theocracy down the throats of your neighbors is the greatest love of all, huh? (google: Christian Dominionist Movement in USA).
29-05-2006, 18:09
Like trying to shove a Theocracy down the throats of your neighbors is the greatest love of all, huh? (google: Christian Dominionist Movement in USA).
Like those guys will actually win.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:10
:p hasn't it been said enough that we were done? i was just trying to vent some frustration from class. but i guess we can go on about the teaching of Christianity. who know, we might convert 1 or 2 people :p
Not sure you get to decide when we are done. =D
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:17
Uhmm you may not personnally be familiar with the practice, just be thankful and leave it at that. As it was already stated above not all catholics practice or believe the same thing.
LOL. You opened your mouth and blurted out a blantant mis-statement and now you can't back it up. LOL Grow up FFS. You don't know everything. LOL
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:20
Like Alienware brutally oppressing Microsoft.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:41
Do not wait to long to Accept Jesus for he will be returning.
Seriously, is there a way to block some users? Mindless fundementalist drivel is so draining to me. If I could just block these people, I think I would have a much nicer experience on NS. Any ideas?
Big Jim P
29-05-2006, 18:42
Christianity: Following or worshipping Christ. Catholism: Worships Christ. Therefore Catholics are christian. So are Mormons for that matter.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:42
Hard for Him to return when He hasn't left. He's alive as long as there are Christians.
Even more reason to rebuild the Lion's Dens.....
Big Jim P
29-05-2006, 18:44
Even more reason to rebuild the Lion's Dens.....
Please: be merciful to the poor lions.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:47
And mine come from Zeus. What's the difference?
Dude! That so rocks! And while we are on the subject, isn't the name Jesus a bastardization of the name Zeusus? Interesting, huh? Both son of God(s)?
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:50
those are people who cant even be bothered to check into a religion. they just go with whatever slander they hear from the pulpit.
well that's because education is un-christian.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:53
Yeah, and when he does, asswipes like you will stick him right back up on that cross AGAIN.
You fundies have been symbolically doing it over and over again for almost two millennia, now, and I despise your kind for it. You give all Christianity a bad name.
Jesus comes and points out that the main sects of Juddaism in his day were corrupt and using their position to gain in power and wealth, and were denying God's love from people who deserved it. He tried to teach love and faith, and even most (or all) of his own Disciples failed to grasp that message. Within the bounds of the Gospels that Christians hold most dear, there are hundreds of verbal assaults, made by one disciple against another...each Gospel's namesake is crowned as Jesus' closest disciple, and all the others just couldn't grasp his teachings.
Jesus says that we should love and respect each other, and reserve judgement...but Pauline scriptures say "you will know a man by his fruits", and you fundies choose to take that line and hold it dearer than Christ's own teachings. You judge everyone to be unworthy, if they don't believe exactly as you do.
Your kind quietly or openly promotes and supports the people who protested at the funerals of gay soldiers, and harassed their grieving families. Your kind scream and deride the girls who, already uncertain and unhappy, have made the choice to enter abortion clinics. Your kind screams that you know what is right, because you have the "One True Word", that somehow EVERYONE, including the Catholics who came before you, seem to have missed. You somehow, magically, came up with the "truth" a couple of thousand years after your same "truths" nailed Jesus to a fucking piece of wood.
And this is my own downfall as well... I am a hypocrite, for I judge and despise you and your kind for crucifying Jesus, for putting words in his mouth, and for defiling everything he worked for. My sin is pride, for I know that I am spiritually better than you.
The fact of the matter is that you're not waiting for Jesus to return... You're waiting for Paul, and his messages of hate.
You make Baby Jesus cry.
Thank you. Thank you for saying this. Five Stars.
29-05-2006, 18:55
Seriously, is there a way to block some users? Mindless fundemnatist drivel is so draining to me. If I could just block these people, I think I would have a much nicer experience on NS. Any ideas?
of course you can.
see up above where there is a big NATIONSTATES banner? right under the N is "profile". click on it and it will allow you to ignore anyone you like. i recommend you copy/paste the name so as to be sure you get the right person.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 18:58
Do not judge me. I am most definitely waiting for the Lord Savior Jesus Christ to come back in all his glory. I hold His Word close to my heart.
The reality is that unless Jesus comes back exactly as you have him imagined in your fundie little brain, you won't recognise him. Why would he come back as a brown haired caucasian hippie when he has so many other choices? And if he did come back as a jew, the son of a real estate magnet perhaps, how the fuck would you recognise that? You wouldn't! And what if, <giggle> he comes back as a woman? A chinese guy? A homosexual? The possibilities are endless....
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 19:05
Ah, typical fundamentalist behavior. First cry and whine about how you're being oppressed, then act in smugness and self-superiority as you lick your wounds.
The words and teachings you hold highest are those of Paul, not Jesus. I know where my faith lies, I know what I believe, and for the record, even if I were wrong, I would refuse to bow to such callous and overbearing "divinity".
It was people like you who nailed Jesus to the cross in the first place, for being a heretic and pointing out that people had forgotten love in place of dogma. I recall stories from the Bible that detail how angry he became over things like this. I remember his anger at the pharasies (or however you spell it; I can't remember and don't care right now), for misleading the Jewish populace, for denying the love of God to the "unclean" (whose only "sins" were that they had acne or some physical disease), and for abusing their power and authority.
I don't claim to be Jesus, but I do recognize when history repeats itself. You have forgotten the love that Jesus teaches, in place of dogmatic foolishness.
I don't know what god you worship, traitor, but mine is loving and forgiving, and I am more than comfortable with my relationship with both Creator and Messiah.
And if I were wrong and you were right, I would gladly descend into Hell, rather than conform to such a hateful way of thinking. Such is my love for true love, such is my conviction to Creator, and such is the reason for my anger with such elitist and anti-Christ teachings as yours.
I couldn't agree more. Fundementalist christians closely resembled the Pharisees in the mindset and group behavior as the favorite thing to do is to condemn others while applauding each other. If Jesus does return, literally, in a body, ya-da ya-da, I want a front row seat to this little interaction with a big tub of popcorn and junior mints! LOL
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 19:13
Typical Democrat. The Anti-Christ will come out and people will belive he IS the Christ. Do you think Doubleya is Christ?
Then you're just blankly labeling him with insults because your side couldn't come up with a person that the majority of the American populus would AGREE with.
But take that issue somewhere else. We're talking religion, not applied arrogance.
Oh no, I am pretty fucking sure that GW fits the mold.
Unrestrained Merrymaki
29-05-2006, 19:19
of course you can.
see up above where there is a big NATIONSTATES banner? right under the N is "profile". click on it and it will allow you to ignore anyone you like. i recommend you copy/paste the name so as to be sure you get the right person.
Sweet relief =)
29-05-2006, 19:40
Sweet relief =)
its the next best thing to learning to ignore trolls.
The Rafe System
29-05-2006, 19:40
Catholicism is a form of Christianity but not the other way around. Christians are those who are very spiritual and religious about their beliefs. Catholicism have ways and values that must be followed. Humans made their decision on this one. So Catholics are Christians, though Christians are those who believe in spirituality.
Sorry P.O.L., but I am Pagan, and believe in spirituality. Its a religion thing, not a x-ian thing.
Though, you got some of it right when you said: "Catholicism is a form of Christianity but not the other way around".
Dankon kaj Gxis Revido,
Senjoro Rafe,
La Rafe Sistemon
The Rafe System
Wow. I must say that I am definitely amazed by what is brought forth in these forums.
"Is Christianity another form of Catholicism?"
Well, technically, no. Catholicism is another form of Christianity. This is problems we suddenly run into once the government stops allowing all religion taught in schools. We become ignorant and lose all sense of faith in the world and in superior beings. How sad...
"Faith can save you from anything."
-The Holy Republic of Niganor
29-05-2006, 19:59
The rapture hasn't happened yet Randomlittleisland for God hasn't yet defended Israel with fire from the sky against the enemy from the North.
Hmmm, I must make a mental note to look out for that happening...
29-05-2006, 20:01
Why do people doubt the Prophecy of God's deleverance of Israel from her enemies to the North?
the government stops allowing all religion taught in schools.
can I ask why? They can educate people about religion surely, without promoting a particlar one? Pretty much what happened at my school. We learnt what differetn religions believed, and none of them were presented as the "right" one.
Why do people doubt the Prophecy of God's deleverance of Israel from her enemies to the North?
Cause the whole end of the world thing is a load of bollocks.
29-05-2006, 20:03
Cause the whole end of the world thing is a load of bollocks.
and you know this how?
The Rafe System
29-05-2006, 20:07
Hard for Him to return when He hasn't left. He's alive as long as there are Christians.
Even more reason to rebuild the Lion's Dens..... you man!!! *blush*hug*blush!!!*
0.o :fluffle:
Dankon kaj Gxis Revido,
Senjoro Rafe
La Rafe Sistemon
The Rafe System