So HIV is finally linked to Chimps
The Black Forrest
25-05-2006, 23:37
There have always been theories about the link. Especially, when they have their own version called SIV.
One theory I had heard was that it was acquired through the practice of bushmeat.
Having the orgin is a good start towards a vaccine.
26-05-2006, 01:33
Well, I do find this interesting...
"Somewhere in all that spread, the virus became more deadly to people than it is to chimps, who seldom are bothered much by SIV."
26-05-2006, 01:42
Hmmm I thought it was always well known. I've been telling people that for yonks..
The Black Forrest
26-05-2006, 01:49
Hmmm I thought it was always well known. I've been telling people that for yonks..
Only theories. Never any "real" evidence.
The Black Forrest
26-05-2006, 01:51
Well, I do find this interesting...
"Somewhere in all that spread, the virus became more deadly to people than it is to chimps, who seldom are bothered much by SIV."
The beauty and the danger of mutations.....
26-05-2006, 02:03
If eating Bushmeat transmitted AIDS, you'd think over half of NS General and the red states would be testing positive by now :D