IA teacher accused of being drunk during class and fondling a 13 yr old girl.....
24-05-2006, 16:49
....among other things.
WTF was this guy thinking??? And all he gets is a double misdemeanor?????
Give it 6 months and I bet he'll be working again....:rolleyes:
Teacher accused of drunken behavior at school
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- A middle school teacher was arrested after police said he showed up at school drunk, asked one of his students to fetch cognac, then fondled a student and made a sexual remark to another.
The teacher, Sterling Johnson, was charged with misdemeanor assault and a misdemeanor count of disturbing the peace.
The school system will seek to have him fired, said Creg Williams, superintendent of public schools in St. Louis.
Johnson, 55, is an industrial arts teacher at the Pruitt Military Academy, a magnet school in the district.
After arriving at school Monday morning, police said Johnson asked a student to retrieve a bag containing a bottle of cognac from his car. Police then said Johnson rubbed the buttocks and thigh of a 13-year-old girl and directed a sexual remark at another 13-year-old girl.
The principal ordered the teacher, who has been teaching for 22 years, to leave after becoming aware of his behavior, police said. Johnson complied but returned a short time later and was arrested.
Williams said a hidden bottle of liquor was found in Johnson's classroom.
Sounds like he's a child molester and an alcoholic to me.
24-05-2006, 16:54
Sounds like he's a child molester and an alcoholic to me.
yeah. im pretty pissed that he's gettin off easy though.
Demented Hamsters
24-05-2006, 16:57
I found this disturbing:
The school system will seek to have him fired, said Creg Williams, superintendent of public schools in St. Louis.
Why the hell do they need to "seek to have him fired"? If the above is true, he should be out on his arse immediately.
Incidently, what's a "a magnet school", as well as an "industrial arts teacher"?
Industrial arts is a fancy way of saying Shop Class.
24-05-2006, 17:02
I found this disturbing:
Why the hell do they need to "seek to have him fired"? If the above is true, he should be out on his arse immediately.
yeah should have been no question or hesitation.
Incidently, what's a "a magnet school", as well as an "industrial arts teacher"?
a magnet school is basically when a few schools (HS, MS, and Elem. usually public school) set up enrollment so that if a student gets push through (i mean graduate) and they don't get into any other school, the other school in teh magnet system will automatically accept them. the philadelphia public school system is all about it, and i went through it.
industrial arts? dont remember what that means probably something like liberal arts though.
24-05-2006, 17:03
Ah, this brings back memories.
Confederation Helvetia
24-05-2006, 17:07
Why the hell do they need to "seek to have him fired"? If the above is true, he should be out on his arse immediately.
Because of the these species known as Lawyers and also Human Resources. Fear of wrongful termanation suits. Most teachers are in unions with contracts that often include tenure (yes, even all the way down to the elementary school level, once they are in, good luck getting a bad teacher out unless they do something really stupid).
So, the school district will have to take it nice and slow and make sure every T is crossed and every I is dotted, even when it seems like an obvious case for immediate termination.
24-05-2006, 17:11
They will "seek to have him fired" because at 22 years, he's surely tenured. Which means the process to fire him is a long one. This is not some scheme devised by the NEA to protect asshole molesters like Sterling Johnson (which is a porno name if I ever heard one), but it rather protects teachers from spurious, baseless and malicious false accusations designed to remove teachers that are not liked by litigious students and parents.
Rest assured, this man will never teach again, at least not anywhere where they do even a passing background check. The process is long, but once completed, its thoroughness assures that only well-concealed deception and perjury will allow the teacher to practice again. The process has to be long and drawn out because it needs must be thorough.
As far as the misdemeanor counts, that's the crime he committed. It's worse because he's a teacher, but if anyone else were to grab a 13-year-old's ass and have charges brought against him, the same charges would apply. Now, if this bloke has a history of any kind, the misdemeanors can compound -- the article makes no mention of Johnson's past. However, the hidden booze suggests that at least the drinking had been going on for at least a little while.
I'm not saying the guy deserves sympathy or leniency, but we don't know his past or his circumstances. Some awful shit must have been happening for a 20-year veteran, who must know the consequences, to throw his career away.
And before anyone laments the state of teachers, may I please remind you that when a rash of these stories happen, it becomes an "epidemic" of reporting, not of incidence. Like when we started seeing that "rash" of female teachers seducing male students a month ago. One or two get caught, attention is paid, and sensationlism blows it up into a systemic problem. It simply isn't.
24-05-2006, 17:15
Because of the these species known as Lawyers and also Human Resources. Fear of wrongful termanation suits. Most teachers are in unions with contracts that often include tenure (yes, even all the way down to the elementary school level, once they are in, good luck getting a bad teacher out unless they do something really stupid).
So, the school district will have to take it nice and slow and make sure every T is crossed and every I is dotted, even when it seems like an obvious case for immediate termination.
In the meantime, he'll either be on administrative leave or suspension, likely the latter, while the investigation proceeds. This is a recent event, which means it will go faster because there's not a lot of past to dig up and people to track down and depose.
Fear of wrongful termination is a legitimate fear. And wouldn't you want to be sure every detail was solidified before effectively ending someone's career? That's the US justice system -- innocent until proven guilty, no matter what CNN says. Is it infuriating in open/shut cases like this? Yes. But how often is any case truly open/shut? Especially when witness/victim testimony is the only evidence you have? Now if there'd been some kind of surveillance, you'd get closer to open/shut.
24-05-2006, 17:26
industrial arts? dont remember what that means probably something like liberal arts though.
Wrong. Industrial Arts is ( was in most schools ) a class where you learned some skills with tools. Lamp-making, iron-bending, sanding and the like. Probably too practical for most video-kids today.
24-05-2006, 17:30
Wrong. Industrial Arts is ( was in most schools ) a class where you learned some skills with tools. Lamp-making, iron-bending, sanding and the like. Probably too practical for most video-kids today.
oh that was called shop in my schools.
24-05-2006, 17:35
oh that was called shop in my schools.
I'll bet it showed up on a transcript as Industrial Arts, but it's the same thing -- wood shop, auto shop, metal shop were all wonderful diversions from academics. You're one of the lucky ones that had it. Schools around this part of Georgia are abandoning it.
Carnivorous Lickers
24-05-2006, 17:39
Perhaps under circumstances such as these, upon conviction, someone in his position should expect to lose any and all benefits that he would have enjoyed had he retired under favorable circumstances. this would be in addition to any time served in jail, which if he is guilty, I feel he should serve some time.
As a teacher,just being intoxicated in school should carry a severe penalty and then abuse of students even more serious.
I know if it were my daughter he fondled, I would be eager to get to "fondle" him, preferably in his industrial arts classroom, where I'd have handy access to vises and power tools. I wouldnt be surprised to hear if the victim's father got to him at some point
Saint Rynald
24-05-2006, 18:16
yeah. im pretty pissed that he's gettin off easy though.
Yeah. People like this are great examples why flogging should be legal... actually, for child molesters, how about crucifiction? ;)
24-05-2006, 18:32
I'll bet it showed up on a transcript as Industrial Arts, but it's the same thing -- wood shop, auto shop, metal shop were all wonderful diversions from academics. You're one of the lucky ones that had it. Schools around this part of Georgia are abandoning it.
didnt go to school in GA. went to school in philadelphia. they have it all over up there (dunno about anymore since they got strict with everything)
24-05-2006, 18:39
I didn't know Czardas was a shop teacher. :p
24-05-2006, 19:56
See, now I thought "Magnet" school meant it was attractive.
24-05-2006, 20:02
I didn't know Czardas was a shop teacher. :p
thats his day job, his afternoon job is sitting in a white van by schools and day care centers with a bag of candy and a mouth full of lies.
24-05-2006, 21:09
I'm left wondering what those girls were doing in shop class.
No wonder its so hard to find a good meal anymore, no one is teaching our young women how to stay in the kitchen.
Industrial arts is a fancy way of saying Shop Class.
25-05-2006, 15:29
half my shop class were girls in HS
25-05-2006, 15:54
thats his day job, his afternoon job is sitting in a white van by schools and day care centers with a bag of candy and a mouth full of lies.
I hear he's got a swing set in the back of that van, too.
25-05-2006, 15:58
I hear he's got a swing set in the back of that van, too.
and a couple of pearl necklaces
25-05-2006, 16:12
Yeah. People like this are great examples why flogging should be legal... actually, for child molesters, how about crucifiction? ;)
I'm awfully partial to removal of the limbs and burrial in ants...
25-05-2006, 16:13
and a couple of pearl necklaces
That he made himself while fantasizing about Bratz dolls.
How long before Czardas pokes his head in this thread and posts a big "WTF"? lol
25-05-2006, 16:14
Yeah. People like this are great examples why flogging should be legal... actually, for child molesters, how about crucifiction? ;)
they should bring back crucifixions, put them on PPV. like george carlins idea.
25-05-2006, 16:18
That he made himself while fantasizing about Bratz dolls.
How long before Czardas pokes his head in this thread and posts a big "WTF"? lol
lol he especially like the bratz doll with the "brown eye".
...oh and hopefully he doesnt post a big wtf soon, i still got more material
IL Ruffino
25-05-2006, 16:18
You couldn't choose to take it or not in my school.. everyone took it.
25-05-2006, 16:23
lol he especially like the bratz doll with the "brown eye".
Just the one, though.
25-05-2006, 16:24
Just the one, though.
were going to hell arent we? well as long as i get to bring beer.
Carnivorous Lickers
25-05-2006, 16:28
lol he especially like the bratz doll with the "brown eye".
...oh and hopefully he doesnt post a big wtf soon, i still got more material
you're using all my euphemisms beforeI can !! - "pearl necklace", "brown eye"-
how about- " a map of hawaii"- instead of pearl necklace. ?
or "Balloon knot" instead of brown eye ?
25-05-2006, 16:30
you're using all my euphemisms beforeI can !! - "pearl necklace", "brown eye"-
or "Balloon knot" instead of brown eye ?
or the "magic pink button"
25-05-2006, 16:48
Don't forget the chocolate starfish.
25-05-2006, 16:57
Don't forget the chocolate starfish.
or the czardas chili dog special.....
25-05-2006, 16:58
or the czardas chili dog special.....
Is there a Czardas steamer as well?
25-05-2006, 16:59
Is there a Czardas steamer as well?
that one comes with the filthy sanchez
25-05-2006, 17:03
that one comes with the filthy sanchez
I would've thought it came with a teabag.
25-05-2006, 17:06
I would've thought it came with a teabag.
czardas also known for his hasselhoff style rusty trombone.
said to have learned it from david himself
Confederation Helvetia
25-05-2006, 18:49
Fear of wrongful termination is a legitimate fear. And wouldn't you want to be sure every detail was solidified before effectively ending someone's career? That's the US justice system -- innocent until proven guilty, no matter what CNN says. Is it infuriating in open/shut cases like this? Yes. But how often is any case truly open/shut? Especially when witness/victim testimony is the only evidence you have? Now if there'd been some kind of surveillance, you'd get closer to open/shut.
It is a legitimate fear, and one that is experienced in all fields. Including those where one does not have the protection of tenure. I do not find it infuriating in this case, because I know that this case is one that is so over-the-top that he will never teach again, no matter how long it takes to get the actual termination.
If tenure's sole existance is to offset spurious charges, then in order to abtain it one should have to waive there rights to ever file a wrongful termination suit. Does one really need both?
My bigger concern is the teachers or administrators that just get shuffled around from school to school within a district because the district feels that they cannot get rid of them, but no one wants them in their school because they are poor teachers, or have some other problem.
25-05-2006, 19:19
czardas also known for his hasselhoff style rusty trombone.
said to have learned it from david himself
Hasselhoff? I got your Hasselhoff right here!
25-05-2006, 19:24
Hasselhoff? I got your Hasselhoff right here!
czardas has that hanging over his bed
25-05-2006, 19:56
....among other things.
WTF was this guy thinking??? And all he gets is a double misdemeanor?????
Give it 6 months and I bet he'll be working again....:rolleyes:
Teacher accused of drunken behavior at school
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (AP) -- A middle school teacher was arrested after police said he showed up at school drunk, asked one of his students to fetch cognac, then fondled a student and made a sexual remark to another.
The teacher, Sterling Johnson, was charged with misdemeanor assault and a misdemeanor count of disturbing the peace.
The school system will seek to have him fired, said Creg Williams, superintendent of public schools in St. Louis.
Johnson, 55, is an industrial arts teacher at the Pruitt Military Academy, a magnet school in the district.
After arriving at school Monday morning, police said Johnson asked a student to retrieve a bag containing a bottle of cognac from his car. Police then said Johnson rubbed the buttocks and thigh of a 13-year-old girl and directed a sexual remark at another 13-year-old girl.
The principal ordered the teacher, who has been teaching for 22 years, to leave after becoming aware of his behavior, police said. Johnson complied but returned a short time later and was arrested.
Williams said a hidden bottle of liquor was found in Johnson's classroom.
Throw him in prison for a long time.
25-05-2006, 20:25
Throw him in prison for a long time.
i agree, but im not counting on that happening.
25-05-2006, 20:33
czardas has that hanging over his bed
And how, praytell, do you know that? Did he lure you into his van with promises of tasty lollies?
25-05-2006, 20:34
And how, praytell, do you know that? Did he lure you into his van with promises of tasty lollies?
czardas famous' roofies are how i found out. luckily i escaped just when he strapped on the.....
25-05-2006, 20:50
czardas famous' roofies are how i found out. luckily i escaped just when he strapped on the.....
Odd, I'd heard he prefers those large, double-ended numbers...
25-05-2006, 21:23
If tenure's sole existance is to offset spurious charges, then in order to abtain it one should have to waive their right to ever file a wrongful termination suit. Does one really need both?
My bigger concern is the teachers or administrators that just get shuffled around from school to school within a district because the district feels that they cannot get rid of them, but no one wants them in their school because they are poor teachers, or have some other problem.
The right to file a wrongful termination suit is still necessary in case due process is in any way abrogated. Just because the process is set up to be very thorough doesn't mean those doing the investigating will themselves be thorough.
Tenure's sole existence is not to offset spurious charges, either (when did I say "sole"?). Tenure is also designed to ensure teachers' positions so that they might do things like plan more than one year in advance, both personally and curricularly.
In any school district conscious of the litigious nature of modern parents (which is likely all school districts, if they've got lawyers of any quality), any teacher who has been shown to be a liability because of past behaviors will not be shuffled, but simply not re-hired (mandating a long-term sub). Tenure makes that more arduous, but not impossible. No administrator would re-post a teacher who exhibits even the slightest pattern of actianable behavior because they'd get sued for it if they screwed up in their new post. Trust me, it's far easier now than it ever was to get rid of even tenured teachers, given the climate of legalism.
26-05-2006, 12:55
Stop trying to make this thread not about Czardas. :p