Boy, am I in between a rock and a hard place...
Well, I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea what I am supposed to do with my life. So with that I have been praying about it, and well I get the sense I am not supposed to be here, as in the comfort zone, here in the good ol' USA... In fact, well I think God is calling to do work in the Middle East, which makes perfect sense. Thinking back, I have studied alot of social and ideological disputes in Islam and the middle east, I have come to a liking of the people, and I have become rather compassionate towards them as well. The only thing is that I know this is more or less a suicide mission. I am 99.9% I will be kidnapped and killed. Heck I don't ever know where to go, what to do, or how to speak the language and so forth, but I do feel this calling, so strongly tugging away on my heart. I just know that I need to do it. I need some help with this, I guess. I know none of you can really help me, nor really care either way what I do, but still I guess i should ask. I haven't even discussed this with my family or friends yet, because I am afraid they will ridicule or even scorn me. I am so lost with my self right now! I need help, please!
I guess no one wants to help me out :(
24-05-2006, 06:15
If you are that sure of harm why the hell go?
I mean you can hardly do good if it is a sure thing you will be taken out. (though I am pretty sure stats are not at the 99 percent mark)
Brains in Tanks
24-05-2006, 06:17
Think about what you enjoy. If you don't know what you enjoy try lots of different stuff. And learn the language before you go to the middle-east. I'm sure God's goal for you doesn't involve stepping on a landmine because you couldn't read the warning sign. Without language and cultural knowledge you aren't going to be much help to anyone. Why don't you study the language, culture and religion and then go there and work to bring people together and increase understanding? It will take effort on your part but once you have knowlege you'll be in a position to help people.
If you are that sure of harm why the hell go?
I mean you can hardly do good if it is a sure thing you will be taken out. (though I am pretty sure stats are not at the 99 percent mark)
Well I don't know why I should go. I mean the logical part of me says "hey stupid, wake up and smell the coffee".. But Lord knows I am not always logical. I guess I could describe it like what Jesus did. He knew that he would be killed, beaten and so on, but he still delievered a message of hope and of love, becuase he had a heart that was so compassionate.. I think i am kinda the same way, to a much lesser extent. Hard to say though.
Infinite Revolution
24-05-2006, 06:20
no offence or owt, but what can you hope to achieve over there. i hope you're not wanting to try and ocnvert people cuz then i really wouldn't be surprised if some fundies did something nasty.
Think about what you enjoy. If you don't know what you enjoy try lots of different stuff. And learn the language before you go to the middle-east. I'm sure God's goal for you doesn't involve stepping on a landmine because you couldn't read the warning sign. Without language and cultural knowledge you aren't going to be much help to anyone. Why don't you study the language, culture and religion and then go there and work to bring people together and increase understanding? It will take effort on your part but once you have knowlege you'll be in a position to help people.
yeah thats true..i mean i know somewhat of the culture and all..And a few years back, I bought a teach yourself arabic book and tape/cd set...never once opened it...maybe i should do so now. :)
24-05-2006, 06:25
Well I don't know why I should go. I mean the logical part of me says "hey stupid, wake up and smell the coffee".. But Lord knows I am not always logical. I guess I could describe it like what Jesus did. He knew that he would be killed, beaten and so on, but he still delievered a message of hope and of love, becuase he had a heart that was so compassionate.. I think i am kinda the same way, to a much lesser extent. Hard to say though.
There are thousands of places to live out your life helping people ... while I think it is noble to help people make sure that is your true motivation
no offence or owt, but what can you hope to achieve over there. i hope you're not wanting to try and ocnvert people cuz then i really wouldn't be surprised if some fundies did something nasty.
Well, just spreading a word of love and change. If that involves helping people convert, then I do so. I don't know what to do really, I just know I need to go.
There was a story I read one time. It was in acts I think, Phillip, i think, was asked to go out into the desert or maybe some place far away to do the worj of Christ. One would expect that with the great distance, that it would be a great job, meaning a large 'harvest'. Anyway, phillip only found one man, and he converted that one man. And the long trip was worth it, becuase one soul was saved. And I know if I go over there, and spread the Gospel, and if only one person changes their life, then it was all worth it, even if it costs my life.
There are thousands of places to live out your life helping people ... while I think it is noble to help people make sure that is your true motivation
what other motivation would there be? there are no materialistic gains, nor any fame. The only gain i get, is that I get to help people out.
24-05-2006, 06:28
I don't see the point in going.. It's unlikely that you will change anyones lives. Perhaps you might and kudos if you do. But what are the chances? Your more likely to be murdered before you make an impact.
Being alive is kinda important.
Infinite Revolution
24-05-2006, 06:30
maybe your time would be better spent and the people better served if you volunteered in ahospital over there. that'd be nice and worthwhile.
If you strongly feel you should go there, then I say go. But do it by joining the peace corps or a similar group that will train you and send you where you can do the most good. Since you want this for religious reasons, see if there's some kind of missionary effort over there that you could help with. Don't just go in blind.
I don't see the point in going.. It's unlikely that you will change anyones lives. Perhaps you might and kudos if you do. But what are the chances? Your more likely to be murdered before you make an impact.
Being alive is kinda important.
But why is life so important if all I do is sit here and take up space. I don't want to have the "what if" feeling, when I am 80 and on my death bed.
I know it seems I have my mind made up, I am still worried, i guess.
Not about death, but leaving all my family, friends and possesions. Thats the hard part, accepting death is not. I don't want to have to say good bye to anyone. Thats the hardest thing for me to do in my life.
24-05-2006, 06:33
what other motivation would there be? there are no materialistic gains, nor any fame. The only gain i get, is that I get to help people out.
Let me clarify I am not a big fan of "Missionarys" rather then something more akin to the peace corps
Going over there just to spread your religion is not something I would recomend risking your life for.
The Parkus Empire
24-05-2006, 06:33
I once thought about goning to Africa, working them into a world-power, and leadng the military. I though about all the starving over there, and what could I do about it. I thought about how, so many people have risin to power thrgouh the military, and how over there, I migh actually find a war worth fighting, what with all the genocide.
It was then...then that I remebered that I was white, and it might not be easy. It was then that I figured, trying to do that, I had about %99 chance of dying. So if you go to Africa, or the Middle-East, or where-ever, and don't mind risking your life, do something BIG. Maybe, just'll go down as the man who made the third-world countries an empire. Or maybe you'll be rembered as the doctor who saved the lives of thousands of people. Whatever you do, make it BIG, because that's the only way to do things.
24-05-2006, 06:36
But why is life so important if all I do is sit here and take up space. I don't want to have the "what if" feeling, when I am 80 and on my death bed.
I know it seems I have my mind made up, I am still worried, i guess.
Not about death, but leaving all my family, friends and possesions. Thats the hard part, accepting death is not. I don't want to have to say good bye to anyone. Thats the hardest thing for me to do in my life.
You don't have to go over there to help. I understand what you mean. So, ignore my first post and do what you feel is right.. That's whats really important heh.
I once thought about goning to Africa, working them into a world-power, and leadng the military. I though about all the starving over there, and what could I do about it. I thought about how, so many people have risin to power thrgouh the military, and how over there, I migh actually find a war worth fighting, what with all the genocide.
It was then...then that I remebered that I was white, and it might not be easy. It was then that I figured, trying to do that, I had about %99 chance of dying. So if you go to Africa, or the Middle-East, or where-ever, and don't mind risking your life, do something BIG. Maybe, just'll go down as the man who made the third-world countries an empire. Or maybe you'll be rembered as the doctor who saved the lives of thousands of people. Whatever you do, make it BIG, because that's the only way to do things.
Let me clarify I am not a big fan of "Missionarys" rather then something more akin to the peace corps
Going over there just to spread your religion is not something I would recomend risking your life for.
I never used to be a fan of missionaries either, but now everything has changed for me. I can't explain it.
Thanks for the feedback everyone :)
24-05-2006, 14:57
I strongly suggest getting involved with one of the various mission societies the Church has to offer. That way you get support, advice and all sorts of goodness to help you on your way :)
And if you don't fancy jsut mission work there's loads of organisations like YWAM and stuff that do some mission work and community building whateveryness (I realise that's about the most incompetent explanation in the history of the english language but I hope you know what I mean).
Being compassionate and caring and spreading a message of peace and love is one thing, one very good thing.
Converting people to a religion is a completely different thing.
Instead of being a Christian, be a human. Be what God made you to be and drop the gospel for a second so you can pick up some food to give to the starving, regardless of their religious preference.
Cabra West
24-05-2006, 15:11
Sounds like you have your mind set on becoming a martyr there.... well, if that's what you want to do, do it.
But you do, at the same time, realise that there are several millions on non-Christians living right on your doorstep, right? But I guess the problem with converting them would be that they are easily as unwilling to be converted as the people in the Middle East, but are unwilling to kill missionaries. So, less danger, less glory, I guess....
Well, it's your life, do what you feel you have to do.
Being compassionate and caring and spreading a message of peace and love is one thing, one very good thing.
Converting people to a religion is a completely different thing.
Instead of being a Christian, be a human. Be what God made you to be and drop the gospel for a second so you can pick up some food to give to the starving, regardless of their religious preference.
Well that is part of the job, to be human and actually help out, but at the same time I am going to do the other half as well, and I won't be prejudice against those that are not converts
IL Ruffino
24-05-2006, 15:13
If you go.. I will cry.
Sounds like you have your mind set on becoming a martyr there.... well, if that's what you want to do, do it.
But you do, at the same time, realise that there are several millions on non-Christians living right on your doorstep, right? But I guess the problem with converting them would be that they are easily as unwilling to be converted as the people in the Middle East, but are unwilling to kill missionaries. So, less danger, less glory, I guess....
Well, it's your life, do what you feel you have to do.
But the people in the western world have a chance to hear to gospel and make their mind up, where as many in the middle east cannot hear that gospel.
Well that is part of the job, to be human and actually help out, but at the same time I am going to do the other half as well, and I won't be prejudice against those that are not converts
So long as you keep a gospel in your heart, you can't give a message of humanism, but christianity. While christianity may have good effects on the humanist movement Jesus started, it isn't the same.
So you have to make the choice: Be a missionary or be a good person. This doesn't mean missionaries aren't good... they just don't have the heart of a truly good person.
Muslims account for about 1/5 of the world, yet they account for only 8 % of the mission work in the world.
Cabra West
24-05-2006, 15:16
But the people in the western world have a chance to hear to gospel and make their mind up, where as many in the middle east cannot hear that gospel.
If I remember correctly, Muslims regard Jesus as one of the great prophets. They do know about him and his message already, don't expect too many surprised faces....
IL Ruffino
24-05-2006, 15:16
If I remember correctly, Muslims regard Jesus as one of the great prophets. They do know about him and his message already, don't expect too many surprised faces....
Or donations :D
IL Ruffino
24-05-2006, 15:17
Muslims account for about 1/5 of the world, yet they account for only 8 % of the mission work in the world.
Maybe it's location..
maybe your time would be better spent and the people better served if you volunteered in ahospital over there. that'd be nice and worthwhile.
I'll associate myself with these sentiments. If you do go, do not (with severe emphasis on this point) go in the intention of being a religious ambassador; make sure you have some other reason such as being a provisor of medical assistance or some sort of skilled worker that supercedes your religious motivation.
As always, however, I question the divine powers in whether going there is the right way to deal with the Middle East on the global stage. It seems to me that natural order is pointing to our own attitudes towards the area and people as the place to start. If you wanted to lend a hand in bringing political stability to the region, the first place for you to go is not Iraq but the White House.
We in the west are suffering from an immense superiority complex, and until we take on a little humility in our international attitudes nothing is going to get accomplished. I would strongly encourage you both tackle the approach your government takes to it and analyse your own attitudes before you start swanning off to the middle east on some pseudo-spiritual tirade. Your attitude towards the Muslim messiah figure in another thread, in particular, indicates strongly that you will need a great deal more study and self-temperance in order to adopt a role as a representative of the western world to an islamic audience.
By all means, if you simply want to bring skills and assistance, then you're free to take the risks and do so. But if you don't, perhaps you should think exactly what it is you want to accomplish and consider whether dashing into the thick of things is the best way to go about it.
So long as you keep a gospel in your heart, you can't give a message of humanism, but christianity. While christianity may have good effects on the humanist movement Jesus started, it isn't the same.
So you have to make the choice: Be a missionary or be a good person. This doesn't mean missionaries aren't good... they just don't have the heart of a truly good person.
I whole heartedly disagree with you on that. Many of the modern human rights groups, feed the children progrmas and so forth are either offshoots of earlier christian variants or are christian programs.
If I remember correctly, Muslims regard Jesus as one of the great prophets. They do know about him and his message already, don't expect too many surprised faces....
They don't know the story of his voluntary death to save the world from its sins. They totally blow that off as a falsehood, and IRC they say that was just a disciple on the cross that looked like jesus.
They don't know the story of his voluntary death to save the world from its sins. They totally blow that off as a falsehood, and IRC they say that was just a disciple on the cross that looked like jesus.
See, this kind of attitude is exactly to what I refer.
On one hand, you say they don't know it.
On another, you say they reject it.
Which is it? Are you saying that if they reject it they obviously don't know what they're talking about?
24-05-2006, 15:26
They don't know the story of his voluntary death to save the world from its sins. They totally blow that off as a falsehood, and IRC they say that was just a disciple on the cross that looked like jesus.
In other words. They do know the story, but just don't believe it. Good on them I say. They have every right to believe what they want.
I whole heartedly disagree with you on that. Many of the modern human rights groups, feed the children progrmas and so forth are either offshoots of earlier christian variants or are christian programs.
They've yet to be followers of Jesus. They're all followers of the gospel and the church and the bible.
If you really want to make a difference, then be a good person. Only by finding the kindness inside yourself, not from the church, can you hope to follow in his footsteps.
Cabra West
24-05-2006, 15:30
They don't know the story of his voluntary death to save the world from its sins. They totally blow that off as a falsehood, and IRC they say that was just a disciple on the cross that looked like jesus.
Given that they don't believe in original sins and that their religion provides all forms of absolution of sin, why should they?
Good Lifes
24-05-2006, 15:36
Well, I was going to say try the Peace Corp or Non-Government Organization that is already organized in the region. But then the thread went off into missionary work.
If you want to do missionary work, go the the lost, not those who worship the same God in a different way. God rewards those that find lost sheep, but really doesn't care about sheep stealing.
A Christian should know there are only two commandments. Love God. Love everyone else. Despite what is on the news, Muslims Love God. And most Love everyone else.
May I suggest the book "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson. It shows how a Christian can help in the Muslim world. Not by Bible pounding, but by being a TRUE Christian and simply having love for the people. just as the second great commandment says.
A Christian should know there are only two commandments. Love God. Love everyone else. Despite what is on the news, Muslims Love God. And most Love everyone else.
Hear, hear. That's the kind of stuff I like to see.
Island of TerryTopia
24-05-2006, 15:52
Why would you want to go to a place where they all hate Americans.
The minds of these people are so posioned towards Americans that no matter what we do all they want to do is kill us and anyone else that does not think as they do.
Cabra West
24-05-2006, 15:53
Why would you want to go to a place where they all hate Americans.
The minds of these people are so posioned towards Americans that no matter what we do all they want to do is kill us and anyone else that does not think as they do.
And how would you know the minds of millions of people living in the Middle East?
24-05-2006, 16:01
Not about death, but leaving all my family, friends and possesions. Thats the hard part, accepting death is not.
I'd have to say, you are not really dealing with the concept of death... have you ever had a 'near-death' experience... or a moment that COULD have been death, if the chips had fallen differently?