Questions. Someone PLEASE help.
The Snoo
18-05-2006, 17:44
I'm surrently working on a debate team project and I'm having quite a bit of trouble finding the answers I need.
The country we've been given is the United Kigndom.
The issues we need help with are our thoughts on:
The Nuclearization of Iran and Welfare of POW's in War.
We already got the AIDS information we need and only require the previously stated. Thanks for any help anyone is able to offer.
Pure Metal
18-05-2006, 17:48
what does the nuclearisation of Iran have to do with the UK? unless its the UK's involvement therein, or the UK's reaction to this.... care to be more specific? is a good place to go for british views on things, as is
though, i'm not totally sure if it counts here, but... anyway.
also... ;) :p
18-05-2006, 17:48
what, specifically, do you want to know. I'd love to help.
The Snoo
18-05-2006, 17:50
We're supposed to be researching how the United Kingdom would act on these situations/ how they view them.
18-05-2006, 17:51
try or these are the two most respected national newspapers. The Times is establishment and right of centre, telegraph (aka Torygraph) is right wing and guardian is left wing
The Snoo
18-05-2006, 17:53
I'll check into it. Thanks muchly. ^__^
18-05-2006, 17:53
On Iran Tony Blair's natural instinct is to support President Bush but the invasion of Iraq was very unpopular and he doesn't have the political streanght for another war as he is coming to the end of his term. British opinion is very much against direct invention in Iran - unless it does something really stupid like nuke Israel.
18-05-2006, 17:55
On the treatment of POWs Britain is a signatory to the Geneva convention. Prisoners might be treated a little roughly on capture but after that would be treated well.
The Snoo
18-05-2006, 17:58
Thank you VERY much. I wasn't having any luck on those sites... I'm not much good with researching I suppose... but the answers you've supplied are much appreciated.
Tactical Grace
18-05-2006, 18:02 is the most widely read and respected British newspaper, and has been European Newspaper of the Year for most of the last ten years.
Now go Google some stuff and remember that homework help threads are banned in these forums. :p