If you ruled the WORLD!
The Parkus Empire
03-05-2006, 07:19
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requested a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
My grandfather always said that if he became dictator of the world, he would nuke San Francisco because of their poor road planning. This, of course, was said as he navigated his land yacht down Lombard.
Me, I wouldn't want to rule the world. I already know I'd suck at it.
I hope I don't ever live in your world.
03-05-2006, 07:44
I'd invade your world and make the men marry other men and the women marry their cousins...
Capetola XII
03-05-2006, 08:01
I'd allow:
1. Gay marriages.
2. Abortions
3. Euthenasia
4. Gun ownership
I'd ban:
1. Smoking
2. Alcohol
3. Drugs
4. Practicing Christianity in public.
I'd change:
1. Penalties to be much, much harsher for crimes. Life sentences would be replaced by death.
2. Employment of people whose full-time job is to execute the homeless.
3. What people are researching. Interplanetary travel would be priority one, followed by research into making people into superhumans, then weapons development.
4. Who gets to live and who doesnt would be strictly controlled. A certain intelligence, physical and mental normality and whatever effort you're willing to put in to the benefit of the human race would determine your right to live.
5. Listening to everyone's opinions = no. If you don't like what's happening, go screw yourself.
6. An island would be built out(mainly out of garbage) in the middle of the pacific and turned into the world's only prison. Criminals would also be used for weapons research.
Now, I may sound like a psychotic freack, but you, sir, sound to me like a sexist homophobe. Thank you.
03-05-2006, 08:04
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
Isn't that an oxymoron? :rolleyes:
03-05-2006, 08:12
1. Legalize gay marriage
2. Keep abortion legal
3. People must have a license to GIVE BIRTH. You must pass a long list of psychological tests, have good credit, and be limited to having 1 kid at a time, with a 2 year interval between children, and you must pay a 40% tax to pay for your childs education. Twins would be aborted, as well as all other mutiple births. No more "litters" of kids.
4. legalize marijuana
5. Prisons would be converted into factories and work camps. Lets put prisoners to work hard labor 18 hour days, take away their gyms and cable TV, and no visitation or conjugal rights. This defeats the whole purpose of prison. Prisoners would work until they die or work off their sentence.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt. I'd predict you'd be in power for less than a year. There's always a real dictator waiting to take over, and it's easy enough to trump up charges of corruption.
And before you know it, people'll be getting wellfare and gayily married. Oh woe..
03-05-2006, 08:41
1. Nationalisation of all major industries, runned by elected people (voters being, depending on the situation, general citizens and/or workers and/or users and/or neighbours)
2. Free housing, healthcare, education, basic food for everyone
3. Free urban area public transports
4. Free childcare, and 3-months paid parental vacation for both parents, and 2-years half-paid parental vacation for both parents too
5. Allow gay marriage and adoption, depenalize canabis
6. No death penalty or life sentence; prison limited to the most horrible cases or when the society needs to be protected
7. Ban all lethal firearms; non-lethal ones for police purpose only
8. Abolish "intellectual property", producers being rewarded by the society, according to the success of their work and the costs of doing it
I probably forgot some, and those are just basic idea, but that's the kind of stuff I would do if I were world leader - well more exactly, the kind of things I would advocate, because th "0." would be to held elections ;)
Edit: I forgot: free contraception and abortion kept legal
I’d be a dictator, but I’d be a damned-well loved dictator. Regent of Earth has a nice ring to it.
So, I’d legalize all drugs, gay marriage, prostitution and polygamy. As the world would be one country, free trade would flood my government’s coffers with revenue. Private companies would provide insurance, but those to poor too pay could opt for the government to pay it for them.
The elderly and disabled would always have enough money to live comfortably and anyone out of work could sign on to a public works project that would pay minimum wage. Extensive funds would go into education, reason based education designed to remove religious influences on the citizenry’s lives.
And let not the middle class say that I care more about the poor than them, cash prizes would be given out to middle class families randomly for a variety of reasons, be it that all their kids are pulling strait A's in school or that a family's successful, yet irreligious marriage is an example to the community.
The rich, why they would make up most government officials, as they generally know how to run things. Misuse of power would be the only capital crime. Those accused of cheating the citizenry would be tortured for a number of days dependant on their crime and then painfully executed, the manner of execution once again depending on the severity of the crime.
I would see how well communism works on a gloabl scale. If it fails, I s\would blaime the mess on Bill O'Reilly.
03-05-2006, 08:46
1. Legalize gay marriage
2. Keep abortion legal
3. People must have a license to GIVE BIRTH. You must pass a long list of psychological tests, have good credit, and be limited to having 1 kid at a time, with a 2 year interval between children, and you must pay a 40% tax to pay for your childs education. Twins would be aborted, as well as all other mutiple births. No more "litters" of kids.
4. legalize marijuana
5. Prisons would be converted into factories and work camps. Lets put prisoners to work hard labor 18 hour days, take away their gyms and cable TV, and no visitation or conjugal rights. This defeats the whole purpose of prison. Prisoners would work until they die or work off their sentence.
Wow, you're a jerk.
I'd allow:
1) Gay civil unions. They can call themselves married if they want, but on paper, they have a civil union. Why? Because marriage is our word.
2) Abortions.
3) Gun ownership, although who has what is tracked.
I'd ban:
1) Smoking, although not instantly. We'd phase it out gradually, over a span of 20-50 or so.
2) Drugs.
I'd have:
1) Penalties for serious crime increased, and petty crime decreased. Death penalty retained for stuff like high treason, war crimes and fucked up stuff (like raping a woman based on her ethnicity).
2) No unemployment for able-bodied people. If you don't have a job, we will hunt you down and give you one.
If you're interested in any other issue and what I'd do, ask.
Capetola XII
03-05-2006, 09:00
Wow, you're a jerk.
2) No unemployment for able-bodied people. If you don't have a job, we will hunt you down and give you one.
If you're interested in any other issue and what I'd do, ask.
I like the way you think. But about the whole 'marriage is our word'...what do you mean by that? You cant have a word.
03-05-2006, 09:03
I like the way you think. But about the whole 'marriage is our word'...what do you mean by that? You cant have a word.
I don't know. It's just our word. The same way "mate" is Australia's word.
Wow, you're a jerk.
Oh, you told him.:rolleyes:
03-05-2006, 09:22
Here's what I would do.
1) I would legalise all drugs. If someone is stupid enough to use them, let him. But I would tax it. ;p
2) I would allow people to smoke and/or drink in public places. If they bother you, leave the place.
3) I would make by law that anyone that has less than 2 children (and can biologically reproduce) will not get his retirement when he grows old.
Prisons would become labor camp. You work if you want food.
4) I would spend much money on space-exploration to expand my empire throught the universe.
5) Abortions will be punishable by death. Only expections would be if it threatens the life of the mother.
6) I'd also end all the freedom of speech and equality rights.
7) I'll make blacks and asians as slaves. Yes I'm an racist. ;p
8) I would have people that are mentally retarded putted out of their misery.
9) I would have Greenpeace and PETA and other craps like that illegal and it's members executed.
10) I would ban all religions to be displayed in public. And would tax their temples.
Ten easy steps to make a world a better place. (Arguably ;p)
Lunatic Goofballs
03-05-2006, 11:15
Ruling is not really my thing. It's a hassle. I mean, look around. Look at the people you'll be ruling. Do yuo really want them pestering you with their problems 24/7? Not me. :p
I'm more of the 'Almighty' sort. I was meant to be a god, not a leader. :)
03-05-2006, 11:29
Wow, you're a jerk.
Oh Yeah??? Well, youre a Jerky Jerk!!!! No... a SUPER JERK!!!!! or worse, a TOTAL JERK FACE!!!! I'm gonna tell on you!!! HA HA Nani nani naaaaaniiii!!!!!:D
Questionable Decisions
03-05-2006, 11:39
Vote notwithstanding, you may also be a nutcase.
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
Questionable Decisions
03-05-2006, 11:42
Point 8, if applied universally, would quickly decapitate this world order.
Here's what I would do.
1) I would legalise all drugs. If someone is stupid enough to use them, let him. But I would tax it. ;p
2) I would allow people to smoke and/or drink in public places. If they bother you, leave the place.
3) I would make by law that anyone that has less than 2 children (and can biologically reproduce) will not get his retirement when he grows old.
Prisons would become labor camp. You work if you want food.
4) I would spend much money on space-exploration to expand my empire throught the universe.
5) Abortions will be punishable by death. Only expections would be if it threatens the life of the mother.
6) I'd also end all the freedom of speech and equality rights.
7) I'll make blacks and asians as slaves. Yes I'm an racist. ;p
8) I would have people that are mentally retarded putted out of their misery.
9) I would have Greenpeace and PETA and other craps like that illegal and it's members executed.
10) I would ban all religions to be displayed in public. And would tax their temples.
Ten easy steps to make a world a better place. (Arguably ;p)
03-05-2006, 11:47
Here's what I would do.
1) I would legalise all drugs. If someone is stupid enough to use them, let him. But I would tax it. ;p
2) I would allow people to smoke and/or drink in public places. If they bother you, leave the place.
3) I would make by law that anyone that has less than 2 children (and can biologically reproduce) will not get his retirement when he grows old.
Prisons would become labor camp. You work if you want food.
4) I would spend much money on space-exploration to expand my empire throught the universe.
5) Abortions will be punishable by death. Only expections would be if it threatens the life of the mother.
6) I'd also end all the freedom of speech and equality rights.
7) I'll make blacks and asians as slaves. Yes I'm an racist. ;p
8) I would have people that are mentally retarded putted out of their misery.
9) I would have Greenpeace and PETA and other craps like that illegal and it's members executed.
10) I would ban all religions to be displayed in public. And would tax their temples.
Ten easy steps to make a world a better place. (Arguably ;p)
You know, if you take the term "mentally retarded" far enough, you'll eliminate most of the world's geniuses?
03-05-2006, 11:48
Mostly OP nation would be quite fine. I like it. Except the legalised guns issue. I would hate living in country where every nutcase can kill me by accident.
03-05-2006, 11:50
Here's what I would do.
1) I would legalise all drugs. If someone is stupid enough to use them, let him. But I would tax it. ;p
2) I would allow people to smoke and/or drink in public places. If they bother you, leave the place.
3) I would make by law that anyone that has less than 2 children (and can biologically reproduce) will not get his retirement when he grows old.
Prisons would become labor camp. You work if you want food.
4) I would spend much money on space-exploration to expand my empire throught the universe.
5) Abortions will be punishable by death. Only expections would be if it threatens the life of the mother.
6) I'd also end all the freedom of speech and equality rights.
7) I'll make blacks and asians as slaves. Yes I'm an racist. ;p
8) I would have people that are mentally retarded putted out of their misery.
9) I would have Greenpeace and PETA and other craps like that illegal and it's members executed.
10) I would ban all religions to be displayed in public. And would tax their temples.
Ten easy steps to make a world a better place. (Arguably ;p)
Till the point 4 you got it right ;)
Questionable Decisions
03-05-2006, 11:52
I think the suggestion is that "marriage" has a specific connotation and it would only apply to certain kinds of partnerships.
It it makes you feel any better, in my world: Marriage would be exclusively a religious designation, which could be granted by any church that wanted to. All legal functions would be based on "family incorporation" which would allow people to organize essentially any way they liked.
I like the way you think. But about the whole 'marriage is our word'...what do you mean by that? You cant have a word.
Compulsive Depression
03-05-2006, 12:02
2) No unemployment for able-bodied people. If you don't have a job, we will hunt you down and give you one.
So if someone doesn't want to work, and has saved enough that they don't have to for a while, they should be forced to? On what grounds?
How're you going to stop them sitting at work faffing on teh interweb all day, doing nothing except getting bitter?
03-05-2006, 12:09
I would ban the practise of any religion in public.
and I would nuke mecca.
if i rueled the world? i would make it unlawful for any soverign nation to close its borders to the free movement of any unarmed, law abiding civilian, in either direction accross them.
i would also be tempted to declair nul and void any soverignty created by force of arms, thus reverting soverignty to local tribal elders and the private individual.
the only useful purpose served by any government in any form reguardless of idiology, economics or belief, is to keep people from starving, freezing, or beating each other over the head, and to see to the provision of infrastucture and the environmental compatability thereof.
no government therefore, which "eleminates welfare" has any justification what so ever to continue to exist.
not, i suppose, that justification has all that much to do with their doing so, but if it were my world, then indeed such justification would be a prequalification for soverignty.
not only would no nation be allowed to maintain border patrols and immigration restrictions, but niether would they be allowed to dictate what kind of famly relationships their citizens might ingauge in nor what kinds of houses in which they may live.
each level of government would only regulate its adjacent level/layer. the ultimate authority remaining universaly with all individual persons, whome all governments may exist only to serve and not ever the other way arround, people serving governments that ruel over them.
economic enterprises would not be allowed to usurp the authority of the common will as all too often corporatocracy does in the mundane earth we know today.
there would be no 'state religeons', even defacto.
the playing field would be leveled for beliefs, as likewise for modes of transportation. environmental compatability would be THE standard for transportation, energy, and all other forms of infrastructure and tecnology.
and of course combustion would never again be used to generate energy, propell trasportation, or anything other then home heating and cooking.
all development incentives would have to favor environmental compatability as well.
Potato jack
03-05-2006, 12:12
I don't know. It's just our word. The same way "mate" is Australia's word.
Animals mate. In Britain, we say mate.
You cannot have ownership of a word. Unless you make it up and dont tell anyone about it.
If I ruled the world, you wouldn't notice it was me doing the ruling. Things would just sort of happen, and other people get blamed/hailed for whatever my rule brings.
I would probably start by getting Kilobugya voted into (public) office. There's a number of good ideas there, and it leaves me to concentrate on other things during my covert rulership.
Uncle Noel
03-05-2006, 13:30
What do you mean 'if' I ruled the world? My Illuminati friends and me are always.......
Wait, I've said too much! Nurse, the cynanide pill, quickly!
03-05-2006, 13:33
So if someone doesn't want to work, and has saved enough that they don't have to for a while, they should be forced to? On what grounds?
How're you going to stop them sitting at work faffing on teh interweb all day, doing nothing except getting bitter?
Well, I was a bit harsh about the "hunt down." But we'll telemarket them with job offers.
Three rules:
1) If it's yours, take care of it.
2) If it's not yours, don't touch it.
3) If you break it, fix it.
Failure to abide any of the following will be met with the swift sword of death.
I would kill the guy who played Napolean Dynamite then I'd retire and move to my castle in the mountains as my successor does all the hard work and I still take the credit for "Founding Father."
03-05-2006, 13:43
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
That just makes me think of that book where the children are on the island after a plane crash and they all go a teenzy bit weird....
Hence I don't think it would work since if I wanted to do drugs and be a little lawless [I don't but anyway] I would probably rather do it away from the scary people and take the risk of prison etc.
Big Jim P
03-05-2006, 13:47
I would simply name the NS Generalites (en mass) as my ruling council/government, and retire to my secret frotress to enjoy the ensuing chaos. *EVIL grin*
03-05-2006, 13:51
The NS Generalites? :confused:
I'd live in a custom-made spooky castle.
Stuff that doesn't hurt other people would be legal. E.g. you can smoke, but not in a place where non-smokers will be inhaling it unwillingly.
The government would stop legislating about marriage entirely. If necessary for administrative purposes, a similar idea could be created, but without any of the religious connotations.
All religions would be allowed, as would being non-religious. Teaching religion as science would get you thrown in jail.
There would be a minimum wage and welfare, but unless you're disabled, welfare would pay less.
Serious crimes would get you locked away for a long time (unlike in the UK).
Prisoners would be subject to solitary confinement for almost the entirety of their sentences, except for when they leave to be educated in civilised behaviour (why to be civilised as well as how). They would not be permitted to socialise with other criminals, as this would A. educate them in crime techniques, B. encourage them to think that crime was acceptable.
Big Jim P
03-05-2006, 13:53
The NS Generalites? :confused:
Regular posters to NS general.
Three rules:
1) If it's yours, take care of it.
2) If it's not yours, don't touch it.
3) If you break it, fix it.
Failure to abide any of the following will be met with the swift sword of death.It is already complicated by lending/borrowing (if you borrow, it doesn't becomes yours but you should still take care of it,a nd it may involve touching). However I certainly agree with the tenet of making law understandable to normal people again.
Out with the lawbooks, out with the laywers. Anyone who acts like an ass gets slapped with a trout.
The Gate Builders
03-05-2006, 13:56
Kill everyone else.
Enjoy the peace and quiet.
It is already complicated by lending/borrowing (if you borrow, it doesn't becomes yours but you should still take care of it,a nd it may involve touching).
No lending. Swift sword of death.
However I certainly agree with the tenet of making law understandable to normal people again.
No understanding. Swift sword of death.
Out with the lawbooks, out with the laywers. Anyone who acts like an ass gets slapped with a trout.
No trouts. Swift swort of death.
I really want to use my sword.
Abortion, gay marriage, and gay adoption would all be legal and available to all who want them.
There would be a world-wide healthcare system providing the same standards of healthcare to everyone.
Each country would have a minimum wage set at a reasonable level for the economy of that area.
Surplus food would be distributed to areas where there is a shortage, to help ensure that widespread famine becomes a thing of the past.
There would be a proper UN, with every country sending a certain number of representatives (depending on its population), working as a sort of Parliament, much in the same way as the British Parliament works. Except with a representative second chamber.
And if it all goes wrong, I would take the route of a Medieval English king and invade France to divert attention.
If that fails, I'll follow precedent and blame 'bad counsel' or something.
Compulsive Depression
03-05-2006, 14:37
Swift sword of death.
Bottle's one-step plan to world peace and an end to hunger!
I would suggest the following:
1. Ration Alcohol, drugs, tobacco and so on. You are welcome to buy these things, but you do so through a sort of token system whereby depending on income and personal circumstances, you may only buy a certain amount.
2. Add a 1 cent tax per day to everyone in the world and, once a day, to give all the money accumulated through this tax to one person selected at random. Given that, currently, the vast majority of the world's wealth belongs to a minority of the population, the chances are good that each day, one more person and all of their family and friends will be pulled out of poverty.
3. Remove the official use of the word marriage in legal documents. Gay and straight couples alike can engage in civil unions as they please with the same rights as each other and call it what they want after that.
4. Nationalise a lot of industries, but not in the sense of Government Control. Our government and its members simply happen to be the titular CEO of most corporations. As such, we make a lot of money and can cut our taxes significantly.
5. Religion and lack thereof are both free. Belief that your view is the only valid perspective is also allowed, since that cannot be denied to you, but it cannot be the basis of an associated organisation. If your religious organisation claims to hold exclusive rights to truth, it will be shut down. Atheistic organisations will be treated in the same way if they are guilty of the same offense.
6. Nuclear power and natural renewable sources will dominate energy production. Greenhouse gases will be a thing of the past. I intend to ban the use of petrol-driven combustion engines as soon as an effective electricity-based model can be fully developed. Conversion of your existing car to an electrical one will be government-funded.
7. Littering and vandalism are both 3-strikes crimes punishable by 5 and 15 hours of manditory public service respectively for each third offense. Refusing to perform these within 4 weeks of their sentencing will result in a jail sentence. Jails will not be nice places; meals will be poor and all confinement will be solitary and sound-proofed. The only connection to the outside world until your release will be through a refined and total computer interface, within which the Jail Masters (JMs. Lol.) have complete control over your projection into it.
8. Criminals found guilty of the crimes of rape, premeditated attempted or successful murder or conspiracy/attempt to seize power by force will be sentenced to personality wipe (essentially, controlled electrical shocks to the brain to disrupt certain neurological functions) followed by a year's imprisonment and a year's rehabilitation and monitoring (with a repeat of the process should any remnants of the criminal's psychological tendencies remain) before being released with options on low-skilled employment in one of the national businesses.
9. I would illegalise firearms, but strongly support and encourage the development of ranged, non-lethal personal weaponry. My defence budget will, astonishingly, be spent on researching defensive rather than offensive equipment, such as personal shielding and electric "stun" technology. Research into developing new human-machine interfaces such as direct synaptic control of machines will also receive large amounts of government funding; this will serve purposes in providing artificial limbs, creating a new generation of computer entertainment (especially in the MMORPG field) and in creating the only necessary form of defensive policing weaponry - the Mecha.
10. Interplanetary travel will not be a primary focus of research until communication standards can be improved. Rather, the improvement of the quality of the earth's water and the building of undersea colonies will be the first step in any expansion of territory beyond the planet's surface.
11. The government's headquarters on the Earth's surface will be located in a new city in the Antarctic. Because I'd like it there.
12. Elections to government will be held roughly every 2 years. You can elect anyone you wish to your constituency's office; anyone can stand for election. Everyone who runs for office, regardless of their political leaning, will be accepted as a member of my political party. This removes bipartisan bickering and allows people to debate on the stance of their people and themselves rather than basing it on the stance of their party. The party congress (those who have been successfully voted in as representatives) can then also elect its own office-bearers and cabinet if it wishes.
13. I am president for life. Tough cheese. The decision for my successor will be one where the top five candidates as voted for by the public are put to me every 5 years and I declare my favourite to be the new next in line. This doesn't have to change from term-to-term, although the public will not necessarily vote the same person in twice. I will usually be passive in the law-making process, though I am also the head of the house and a member of it and can thus choose to refuse to allow a bill to be debated as long as I can give a convincing refutation of it during parliament sessions. Beyond the initial constitution and position as the head of the house with limited Veto rights, the only law-making priviliges I posess are the same as any other member; I can submit a bill and vote on other bills.
14. Abortion will be accepted only in extreme circumstances such as evidently traumatic rape origins or where the health of the mother is at stake. Euthanasia is a decision that must be left up to the medical profession. However, all medical tribunals will be carefully monitored to prevent a systematic execution system.
15. Finally, cultural divisions are a big problem that need to be addressed. In my world, while speech is generally free, there are certain memetic ideas that will not ever be accepted and whose proponents may undergo the same treatment as the criminals mentioned earlier. These are
Gender or racial supremecy
Dehumanisation of others by any standards
Deliberate disrespect for and abuse of natural resources
Bubba smurf
03-05-2006, 15:04
I wouldnt mind you (maker of the forum) being the ruler of the world at all i agree with you on every issue except legalization of pot but because its going to get the hell taxed out of it im fine with that.
I'd welcome your dictatorship with open arms.
The Gate Builders
03-05-2006, 15:20
Two words.
Soylent Green.
New Burmesia
03-05-2006, 16:45
Two words.
Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!!!
Slaughterhouse five
03-05-2006, 16:55
if i ruled the world i would try to satisfy the middle east by getting rid of isreal and to make up for lost time i would also give them sanction in parts of europe
gay marrage is a right that should be written down as one of the basic rights. if it makes you happy you should be allowed to do it. i think there are many more gay people in the world that dont even realize that they are gay because they live in a state of fear to express themself
borders will be abolished. no one owns land. land does belong to any person or group. the only thing a border does is create war
religion will be illegal. religion only causes problems and seperates people. religion is a security blanket people need to grow out of
Deep Kimchi
03-05-2006, 17:34
I would use tailored fallout from high atmospheric detonations to completely depopulate Africa, the Middle East, and most Pacific Islands.
I would round up every religious militant of any religion, and have them shoveled into ovens.
I would institute a worldwide program of standard education, paid for by the government - I would convert or absorb all private education institutions into the new system. I would also institute universal healthcare and provide some social welfare benefits.
Of course, I would have each of these programs carefully studied and planned, so that people would have incentive to become education, and so that medical and other social welfare benefits would not be wasted (for instance, huge housing projects that concentrate the poor would be illegal).
Anyone fomenting revolution of any kind would be shot on the spot. Their immediate circle of friends and family would also be shot within 24 hours.
Otherwise, I would legalize drugs, abortion, the carry of firearms, etc.
My aim would be to eliminate the truly nasty people who love to blow things up (either they work for me or they are on the wrong end of things). The vast majority of people would be free to peacefully pursue their individual freedoms.
Compulsive Depression
03-05-2006, 17:39
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!!!
Not in the book it's not :p
The Coral Islands
03-05-2006, 17:48
Substance Banning: Tobacco, marijuana, and "hard drugs" outlawed.
Separation Of Marriage And State: For legal and census reasons, people can enter into state-sanctioned unions (Open to homosexual and heterosexual couples). If they also want to marry (In a religious service), fine, but that has no bearing on anything legal and religious groups can set whatever restrictions they like.
Penal And Legal System: Emphasis on rehabilitation where probable (In most cases), hard labour camps for outlying cases. Arbitration systems enacted rather than litigious systems (So none of this "suing for damages" gunk). A public awareness campaign reminding people that all actions have consequences, and that there will be no wriggling out of them.
Abortion: Banned. No one should have sex expecting to get out of its consequences. If one does not want one's kid, one must find someone to adopt the child.
Urban Planning: New regulations for building heights, designed to promote the construction of highrises and increase population density in cities.
Public Transportation: All personal automobiles banned within urban areas (Company vehicles and taxis would have separate licence plates), major upgrades to public transportation systems.
Pollution Control: Increase in use of green and nuclear power, phaseout of coal-operated powerplants. Ever-increaseing vehicle fuel consumption standards. Efficiency standards for appliances also tightened. Bioaccumalitive pesticides banned.
I probably wouldn't bother much with actually ruling. I'd say say "Who cares" and ignore things for the most part.
Lunatic Goofballs
03-05-2006, 18:15
Regular posters to NS general.
I want to be Secretary of Education. :)
Ethane Prime
03-05-2006, 19:05
I probably wouldn't bother much with actually ruling. I'd say say "Who cares" and ignore things for the most part.
Cool, anarchy! (maybe not officially, but still)
I would:
- Ban electoral colleges and have normal people elect their leader
- Call myself Chancellor instead of President or Prime Minister
- I and future chancellors would have a term of 3 years and a maximum of 2 terms
- Try to teach people (mildly, not to the point of propaganda) that wartime is exactly the time NOT to trust your leader
- Have a military with not very many personnel, using as much technology as possible
- Attempt to engage in peace talks/debates with rebel groups before deciding what action to take
- Not support flag-waving, but rather constructive criticism
- Crack down on whalers and poachers with the help of my navy, army and even air force (in the few operations that call for exceptional speed and mobility)
- Allow gay marriages and gay divorces
- Legalize weed while banning tobacco and nicotine
- Raise income tax to 35-40% to increase welfare and improve public services while giving people jobs that don't really need to be done
- NOT send in riot police if there is a demonstration; I would send one or two spies to watch for signs of violence. If there was violence, then the riot police would come.
- Set minimum wage to the equivalent of $20,000 per year
- Ban the use of fossil fuels gradually
- Conserve large areas of wilderness, especially sensitive wilderness
- When terraforming becomes possible, use it to fix environmental damage to the Earth, and then use it for space colonization
- Allow space programs for private industry as well
Overall my world would be liberal, democratic and socialist, but mildly capitalist.
I would have voted "AWFUL TERRIBLE" but upon reflection, you're actually more or less equal to both of the Australian major parties. That's sad.
I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. Meh.
I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances. Worse, but we might be heading there anyway.
I would legalize pot with high taxes. Better.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems). Better :p
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food. Hmm.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs. Worse.
I would legalize gun-ownership. Meh, OK.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them). The same as now.
I would cut welfare majorly. More or less the same as now.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt. The same as now. :p
The Parkus Empire
03-05-2006, 19:15
no government therefore, which "eleminates welfare" has any justification what so ever to continue to exist.
I would have welfare only for people that ABSOULUTELY needed it, and even then their familly would have to pay for it. Pensions would be quite high under my rule.
The Parkus Empire
03-05-2006, 19:19
Cool, anarchy! (maybe not officially, but still)
I would:
- Try to teach people (mildly, not to the point of propaganda) that wartime is exactly the time NOT to trust your leader
- Have a military with not very many personnel, using as much technology as possible
Who would you go to war with? MARS?!?!?!
Big Jim P
03-05-2006, 19:27
I want to be Secretary of Education. :)
Ethane Prime
03-05-2006, 20:18
Who would you go to war with? MARS?!?!?!Meh, more like the Covenant Empire or the Greenland Separatist Confederacy. A military is also useful for fighting big crime and terrorism (with the right tactics of course), as well as providing quick, efficient, organized aid in case of natural disasters.
Dogburg II
03-05-2006, 21:16
My one world government would strip down most local legislation, leaving only bare-bones laws preventing violence and coercion. Don't worry - it wouldn't be a crackpot libertarian "get off my land" sort of deal. After tearing down laws, my government would actively encourage panarchy - creating districts with certain sets of laws and open borders so that people could choose to live under whichever system they wished.
The majority of land would be essentially a law-free, tax-free drug-growing free-love utopia, but straight-edgers and people with strong politcal affiliations which didn't involve getting stoned and roaming the wilderness would be able to sign themselves up for districts with various local regulations to their liking.
Hard-nosed business types would be able to head into the city, where they could run businesses, drink martinis, snort coke and do whatever else hard-nosed business types like to do. An area like this might have super-low taxes (still higher than free-love no-man's-land), and a little more stringent social regulation so people could get on with working and earning.
Communists, syndicalists and other "share everything" groups could steer away from these places and be free to form communes and levy their own taxes and wealth-redistributions, as long as their members can opt out and do whatever they want.
Those wishing to accquire land for communes, business parks or whatever else would require government permission to ensure that not too much of no-man's-land was consumed by smaller communities, ensuring that overall people could still go to low-law no-tax areas and do their thing whenever they wanted.
As long as sub-communities did not attack other sub-communities or keep people against their will, they would be given free-reign and self-determination to form whatever system they wanted.
03-05-2006, 21:22
1. Nationalisation of all major industries, runned by elected people (voters being, depending on the situation, general citizens and/or workers and/or users and/or neighbours)
2. Free housing, healthcare, education, basic food for everyone
3. Free urban area public transports
4. Free childcare, and 3-months paid parental vacation for both parents, and 2-years half-paid parental vacation for both parents too
5. Allow gay marriage and adoption, depenalize canabis
6. No death penalty or life sentence; prison limited to the most horrible cases or when the society needs to be protected
7. Ban all lethal firearms; non-lethal ones for police purpose only
8. Abolish "intellectual property", producers being rewarded by the society, according to the success of their work and the costs of doing it
I probably forgot some, and those are just basic idea, but that's the kind of stuff I would do if I were world leader - well more exactly, the kind of things I would advocate, because th "0." would be to held elections ;)
Edit: I forgot: free contraception and abortion kept legal
only bloke i've agreed with so far
The Blue Camel
03-05-2006, 21:56
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
Hang on is your name George W Bush, cause this sounds just like America today.
Greyenivol Colony
11-06-2006, 15:03
Panarchy is great, out of everything wondering around in the politicsverse, it makes the most sense.
If I ruled the world I would instigate a system whereby:
* Nations are abolished. Global freedom of movement is guaranteed. The government shall give each person an individual ration of at least 2 return flights per year to explore somewhere in the world they have never been. All schools will teach Esperanto as an auxiliary language, so that all of my citizens will have a basic ability to talk to eachother wherever they go in a language that is politically neutral.
* Law is abolished. Law is a rigid system that is always several dozen steps behind the most depraved acts humanity can muster. Law is inherently unfair as it punishes the person with the worst lawyer. To remedy this, Law shall be abolished, and replaced with citizen trails whereby a citizen can alert a tribunal as to the activities of an individual, if the tribunal believes that an injustice is afoot a private security firm will be hired to capture the individual and have them stand before a trail of ordinary people (ordinary people being the definitive source of a society's morality). A trail will take place to ascertain whether the defendent did anything wrong, and civil punishments will be levied accordingly (ranging from anything from lowering Economic Status to Exile). No-one is exempt from this justice, the same process will be applied to rogue traders as to serial killers.
* The government shall not be a Government. The government shall have the concept of Anarchy enshrined within their ruling philosophies. As such they shall shun the traditional connotations of government. To this end there shall refer to themselves as the Provisional Governing Council, and should make sure to emphasise that their governance is a necessary evil and inpermenant.
* The 'state' shall be the sole employer. The concept of statehood is intellectually denied, but the body that takes its place will be very important. The pseudostate will in effect be a syndicate of the remaining scraps of national governments, communal representitives and powerful corporations. Corporations (as well as smaller companies) within the 'state' will have great autonomy, their duties being to create wealth within society and provide employment. The 'state' shall redistribute the wealth from its economic organs amongst all the citizens based on an 'Economic Status'. The E.S. is a number between 1 and 100 which determines how much of the state's wealth you are entitled to. A person with an ES of 1, is entitled, to stay within a hostal and basic food rations. Whereas an ES100 (a hundredaire) is theoretically entitled to receive any material good they request.
I got to go now, but I do have more ideas... maybe I'll post them later...
Neu Heidelberg
11-06-2006, 15:10
"1) Gay civil unions. They can call themselves married if they want, but on paper, they have a civil union. Why? Because marriage is our word."
potato <p'taydo, potahdo>
Bottle's one-step plan to world peace and an end to hunger!
Some call it "compassionate conservativism." I call it the swift sword of death.
Gargantua City State
11-06-2006, 15:33
If I ruled the world...
Equality for all, special treatment for none.
Euthenasia legalized.
Abortion legal for certain cases. NOT to be used as a first form of contraceptive. If you didn't wrap it, or take precautions, welcome to the world of consequences for irresponsible action, kiddies.
Stiffer penalties for serious crimes. Still no death penalty, since that obviously doesn't work as a deterrent... or for anything else that I can think of.
Get out of NAFTA, since the US doesn't honour it anyway.
Continue to allow gay marriage. Screw the religious zealots who say it's "their" word. That's one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.
Green power. Wind generators, solar stations, that sorta stuff. Get away from dirty energy, and force corperations to follow suit. They can whine and complain about having to spend money upgrading their systems, but the fact is those goods will still be needed, and there will still be demand for them... plus we'd be making jobs in an entirely new sector for these green energies.
11-06-2006, 15:43
The 1st thing I would do would be to lead a massive army to destory the state of Israel. I would then push its people into the sea.
After that I would ban all religion, penalties would be harsh for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They would go into work camps for their crimes.
Then I would allow everything that it is amoral(except pedophilia) and end censorship in all its forms. I would break down borders and allow people to travel and do as they with.
11-06-2006, 16:00
If I ruled the world
1.Gat people would have no rights at all!
2.abortion is allowed only for teens 17 or younger.
3. Relgion would be banned in all public places
4.All crimes could reslut in the death pently
5.Killing the sick....never
6.Mentory blood doning every year
7.All childern age of 6 has a chice of going to school or in the miltary
8.Cloning is allowed!
9.Miltary would declare full athortiy in all citys
10.Goverment pays for its people needs
11.Taxes rise for the rich.
12. Miltary,space,cloning,and medcine reasher is all a must.
13. I would be the only one in power
14.Anyone who spoke out about me would be killed on live tv
I RULE!:mp5:
Colbert and Others
11-06-2006, 16:15
The 1st thing I would do would be to lead a massive army to destory the state of Israel. I would then push its people into the sea.
UGGHHHH :headbang: your idea is retarded that is called genocide and that means you are basically like
hitler. (if you do that)
By the way im awesome
11-06-2006, 16:20
The 1st thing I would do would be to lead a massive army to destory the state of Israel. I would then push its people into the sea.
After that I would ban all religion, penalties would be harsh for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They would go into work camps for their crimes.
Then I would allow everything that it is amoral(except pedophilia) and end censorship in all its forms. I would break down borders and allow people to travel and do as they with.
OMG! YOU YOU.....YOUR IDEA...its.....THE BEST! You came up with perfect plan! I will support you till i die! ALL HAIL THE NEW WORLD ORDER!
The Remote Islands
11-06-2006, 16:21
I would get rid of every single grain/atom of every single drug in the world. Same thing with ciggarets.
Oh, and cars would NOT be cars. They would be monster trucks.
Bigfoot monster trucks would replace Ferraris.
Oh, and there will be one and ONLY ONE WEAPON!:http://www.world-of-smilies.com/html/images/smilies/gewalt/ultima.gif (http://www.World-of-Smilies.com)
11-06-2006, 16:21
UGGHHHH :headbang: your idea is retarded that is called genocide and that means you are basically like
hitler. (if you do that)
By the way im awesome
No, actually your not awesome n00b. But thank you for continuing the n00b tradition of using immature smilies on your 1st post.
11-06-2006, 16:30
well said to him!
RLI Returned
11-06-2006, 16:36
Abortion legal for certain cases. NOT to be used as a first form of contraceptive. If you didn't wrap it, or take precautions, welcome to the world of consequences for irresponsible action, kiddies.
While I support the idea in principle wouldn't you agree that this kind of legislation would be utterly unenforcable?
America 231
11-06-2006, 16:36
If I ruled the world I would.
1.End terrorism.
2.Legalise gay marriages.
3.Bring back battleships.
4.Increase the military.
5.Everyone gets into high school and collage no matter what.
6.Nobody will be poor.
7.Everyone gets free healthcare/insurance.
8.Create new cars that won't pollute the air.
9.Gunownership is only for trusted people with no commited crime.
10.Rebuild countries that have been damaged by war/civilwar.
11.Smoking is only allowed on fridays, anyother day people smoke will recieve a $10,000,000 fine.
12.nomore nuclear power plants, only generators, and solar power.
13.Invent new powerful military vehicles.
And thats just about it!
11-06-2006, 16:38
I'd probably just catapult technology forward as fast as possible to create a legion of robot warriors with which to conquer the galaxy.
11-06-2006, 16:46
If I ruled the world
1.Gat people would have no rights at all!
2.abortion is allowed only for teens 17 or younger.
3. Relgion would be banned in all public places
4.All crimes could reslut in the death pently
5.Killing the sick....never
6.Mentory blood doning every year
7.All childern age of 6 has a chice of going to school or in the miltary
8.Cloning is allowed!
9.Miltary would declare full athortiy in all citys
10.Goverment pays for its people needs
11.Taxes rise for the rich.
12. Miltary,space,cloning,and medcine reasher is all a must.
13. I would be the only one in power
14.Anyone who spoke out about me would be killed on live tv
I RULE!:mp5:
11-06-2006, 16:54
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
I think you pretty much hit it spot-on except for I would legalize gay marriage and abortion. And I really wouldn't care about the middle class but i would give free basic shelter, food, healthcare, and education to all who need it. I would also ban the internal combustion engine and coal power and focus on hydropower, wind and solar. I would also keep firearms legal as long as they were given out with a registration and the person took a 10 page sanity test. I do think that cannabis should be legal, but only in highly taxed small amounts. but the government would mainly concentrate on environmental and social stability and I would set up a huge program with government fundig to help turn the continent of africa around from all the poverty and civil war. Yeah and I I think that all people who commit really bad crimes will e dumped on a prison on ascension island in the middle af the atlantic ocean. And I would make Malta the capital of the world. and my palaces will be in Switzerland, Scotland, Namibia, Lanai, Monaco, and Tajkikistan
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I agree wit hthat...
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
No pot, it would harm world population.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
As I said...no drugs, and the food is OK, but I don't like socialist stuff, so I'd lean more to no with that resolution of yours...
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
Good! But other positions will be payed according to what they do, it will be 80% capitalist and 20% socialist, but remember, only POLITICAL posts, such as governor and stuff like that
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
Now no food? It's just easier to kill them...And also, Alcatraz is better than waste money on boats to drop 'em off...
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I'd ban it all, it would drop criminality.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
Yeah kinda like that...But have you thought of how they'd renew population?
I would cut welfare majorly.
I'd certainly not, I'd raise it!
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
Get you out if you get corrupt? wouldnt it be easier NOT to be corrupt?
11-06-2006, 17:58
If I ruled the world, I'd make damn sure none of you pothead-hating cocksuckers ever came to power.
Divine Imaginary Fluff
11-06-2006, 20:53
Well... Umm, err... Mwahahahaaa! HAHAHAHA... AHHAahHaAHHahHAhAHhAhAHhAhhahHAhHAHAHHAHAAA!1!!
The most radical steps:
1. Put together a team of the brightest mad scientists to run and improve society, and have them gather the best of the human gene pool from around the world.
2. Procreation would be outlawed, abortions made mandatory, and those who managed to slip by would be sterilized and have their baby killed in a reasonable humane manner.
3. The government would take over the business of producing new humans, utilizing the latest advancements in genetics, greatly improving humanity step-by-step, each generation.
4. People would, forcibly if neccessary, have their mental flaws corrected. Basically, everything that that would cause irrational behavior would be changed, or if neccessary, removed. Those that cannot be made rational would be given the choice between being brainwashed into mindless slaves or executed.
5. Gradually, the stupidity inherent in human nature would be diminished, and a new era of ice-cold logic, great technological advancements, and worldwide peace would arise. Humanity would evolve into something far greater than the laughably useless, insignificant, miserable, infinitely small speck of slimy dirt in the vastness of the universe it currently is, and avoid, or atleast greatly delay, causing its own destruction in the relatively near future.
It will be intresting to see if anyone at all will agree with the above...
The blessed Chris
11-06-2006, 21:07
The world according to The blessed Chris:
Either:- magically transmogrify the world into a techno-communist utopia
- Stop all immigration
- Disarm all nations omitting a military council headed by yours truly
- Hideously over tax all corporations not acting in the interest of the environment.
- Find and prosecute renewable enrgy sources
- Impose a one child policy globally
- Shoot all HIV positive humans.
- Supplant public healthcare with a stratified and subsidised set of private health plans.
- Interdict all welfare payments omitting unemployment benefits for those truly incapacitated, or for two months for the able bodied.
- Build a secret death base in the Himalayas with an army of autmoaton with Teutonic accents.
- Impose a population cap worldide, and in individual states, whilst returning polluted regions to their orignial state.
- Seek new fuels for use in automobiles.
- Impose the lowest possible flat tax rate.
I’d be a dictator, but I’d be a damned-well loved dictator. Regent of Earth has a nice ring to it.
So, I’d legalize all drugs, gay marriage, prostitution and polygamy. As the world would be one country, free trade would flood my government’s coffers with revenue. Private companies would provide insurance, but those to poor too pay could opt for the government to pay it for them.
The elderly and disabled would always have enough money to live comfortably and anyone out of work could sign on to a public works project that would pay minimum wage. Extensive funds would go into education, reason based education designed to remove religious influences on the citizenry’s lives.
And let not the middle class say that I care more about the poor than them, cash prizes would be given out to middle class families randomly for a variety of reasons, be it that all their kids are pulling strait A's in school or that a family's successful, yet irreligious marriage is an example to the community.
The rich, why they would make up most government officials, as they generally know how to run things. Misuse of power would be the only capital crime. Those accused of cheating the citizenry would be tortured for a number of days dependant on their crime and then painfully executed, the manner of execution once again depending on the severity of the crime.
i'd enjoy this and would be illing to vote for you as Regent Undelia
if I ruled the world, I would divide the world into seperate sections... each section would have their own provincinal leader. that leader makes the rules for his or her area. The Provincinal Leader will be duly elected by the people of their area and will have a run of 3 years. no term limit. they set the taxes and they set all the laws for their area and only for their area.
no guns nor explosives of any kind will be allowed. Fireworks ok, but no bombs or guns or any WMD... I define WMD and that Definition will be subject to change.
Provincial Leaders report directly to me. any problems in their areas that I hear of, they are held responsible for em... I hear that people are being oppressed, I investigate and if found true, then I remove the leader... permamently. I will use a network of spies to keep me informed of any problems in any area.
a tribual of impartial leaders will conviene and work out any problems between provincal areas. no wars. I hear of any battles taking place, any leader and their generals involved will be permamently removed.
Borders will be open, free trade and movement will be allowed.
there will be a One World Currency, however, the value of that currency will be defined on a Per Province Basis.
any terror acts will be delt with and anyone turning in proven terrorists will be highly rewarded.
Religions (all) will be allowed in every area, including government property. however, people have the right to not listen and no religion shall be turned away. if your religion demands human sacrifice... proper paperwork as well as an interview with the sacrifice in an isolated area to insure willingness as well as non cohersion of said sacrifice will be required.
My word will be final, and any law I put down will not be subject to interpretation by Lawyers. anyone who tries to redifine any law I put down will be removed permamently. This does not mean they cannot question or ask for clarification. just so long as they ask me.
Hacking, Virus Creation, Con Artists/scams, as well as identity theft will be dealt with as terrorists.
Forging of Official Documents will be seen as aiding terrorists. owners of forged documents will be treated as stealers of Identities, even if Said Identity doen't exsist.
any corruption in the Head Government (my government) will be handled with 10 times the severity. I need to trust my people. Anyone who betrays that trust will pay for it.
Everyone gets an education. however no one gets a free ride. if someone needs to stay in the 5th grade for 8 years, then they will stay in the 5th grade for 8 years.
There will be no Capital punnishments. anyone found guilty of a crime that calls for the death penalty will be sent to facilities for medical research. let them provide a service to help save lives.
the Less Headaches that get to me, the better.
anyone who tries to hide headaches from me will not live to regret it.
My one world government would strip down most local legislation, leaving only bare-bones laws preventing violence and coercion. Don't worry - it wouldn't be a crackpot libertarian "get off my land" sort of deal. After tearing down laws, my government would actively encourage panarchy - creating districts with certain sets of laws and open borders so that people could choose to live under whichever system they wished.
The majority of land would be essentially a law-free, tax-free drug-growing free-love utopia, but straight-edgers and people with strong politcal affiliations which didn't involve getting stoned and roaming the wilderness would be able to sign themselves up for districts with various local regulations to their liking.
Hard-nosed business types would be able to head into the city, where they could run businesses, drink martinis, snort coke and do whatever else hard-nosed business types like to do. An area like this might have super-low taxes (still higher than free-love no-man's-land), and a little more stringent social regulation so people could get on with working and earning.
Communists, syndicalists and other "share everything" groups could steer away from these places and be free to form communes and levy their own taxes and wealth-redistributions, as long as their members can opt out and do whatever they want.
Those wishing to accquire land for communes, business parks or whatever else would require government permission to ensure that not too much of no-man's-land was consumed by smaller communities, ensuring that overall people could still go to low-law no-tax areas and do their thing whenever they wanted.
As long as sub-communities did not attack other sub-communities or keep people against their will, they would be given free-reign and self-determination to form whatever system they wanted.
this sound pretty good to me too. :)
Saige Dragon
11-06-2006, 21:43
<snip>For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).<snip>
And I will be The Duke of New York!
(Cookie for whoever gets that reference...it's quite obvious)
The Parkus Empire
11-06-2006, 21:50
I agree wit hthat...
No pot, it would harm world population.
As I said...no drugs, and the food is OK, but I don't like socialist stuff, so I'd lean more to no with that resolution of yours...
Good! But other positions will be payed according to what they do, it will be 80% capitalist and 20% socialist, but remember, only POLITICAL posts, such as governor and stuff like that
Now no food? It's just easier to kill them...And also, Alcatraz is better than waste money on boats to drop 'em off...
I'd ban it all, it would drop criminality.
Yeah kinda like that...But have you thought of how they'd renew population?
I'd certainly not, I'd raise it!
Get you out if you get corrupt? wouldnt it be easier NOT to be corrupt?
First of all liquer is MUCH more harmful then pot, and if people take pot instead, so much the better. Second, drugs encourages possible criminals to move to the island. Next, the criminals would have to grow their own food. Last of all, I don't beleive I'd be corrupt, but absoulute power corrupts absoulutely, and if I had a good rule, would I want people to remember me as the good-ruler-turned-bad? Could I trust myself?
11-06-2006, 22:06
Cool, anarchy! (maybe not officially, but still)
I would:
- Ban electoral colleges and have normal people elect their leader
- Call myself Chancellor instead of President or Prime Minister
- I and future chancellors would have a term of 3 years and a maximum of 2 terms
- Try to teach people (mildly, not to the point of propaganda) that wartime is exactly the time NOT to trust your leader
- Have a military with not very many personnel, using as much technology as possible
- Attempt to engage in peace talks/debates with rebel groups before deciding what action to take
- Not support flag-waving, but rather constructive criticism
- Crack down on whalers and poachers with the help of my navy, army and even air force (in the few operations that call for exceptional speed and mobility)
- Allow gay marriages and gay divorces
- Legalize weed while banning tobacco and nicotine
- Raise income tax to 35-40% to increase welfare and improve public services while giving people jobs that don't really need to be done
- NOT send in riot police if there is a demonstration; I would send one or two spies to watch for signs of violence. If there was violence, then the riot police would come.
- Set minimum wage to the equivalent of $20,000 per year
- Ban the use of fossil fuels gradually
- Conserve large areas of wilderness, especially sensitive wilderness
- When terraforming becomes possible, use it to fix environmental damage to the Earth, and then use it for space colonization
- Allow space programs for private industry as well
Overall my world would be liberal, democratic and socialist, but mildly capitalist.
That is pretty much perfect except for all the wrong things
Greyenivol Colony
11-06-2006, 23:13
I got to go now, but I do have more ideas... maybe I'll post them later...
* As Law is abolished, drugs will be freely available to buy and sell. However, people do not like drug dealers, so they would have to remain covert and make sure not to do anything that would attract the attention of the Civil Courts.
* As a sizeable minority of people accept abortion in many situations. Abortion will be freely available so long as they had in areas where the Civil Courts are unlikely to object.
* The Military: There will be a minimal standing army, with defence instead being carried out by private squadrons of mercenaries, ranging in quality. If the government (or any other body) wishes to go to war, they must hire squadrons competitively. Bodies other than the government are permitted to enlist the service of mercenaries, however, mercenaries are permitted to deny service (all military personnel, irrelevant of what company they join, are trained by the Central Agency for the Prosperity of The Zone (ASPLPZ - 'asplapzo'), which ensures above-all that soldiers are indoctrinated with a belief in the government's ideology of Progressive Anarchism) - and if a minority group of mercenaries attempt a coup, a special tribunal will determine whether that is neccessary, and if it is not a larger mercenary force can be sent to quell the first.
* Religion: Whatever. The people may do as they please.
* Sexual Politics: Bisexuality is to be encouraged through the state media, with homosexual relations to be seen as a trendy and youthful thing, as part of a strategy to decrease youth pregnancy. However, the government will never exercise hard power over this, and marriage may be defined as an _equal_ union between any sets/number of individuals regardless of gender, infantile marriage shall be allowed as long as the child and parents/guardians are consenting, (pedophilic acts against an infant husband/wife will not be tolerated, the minimum age of consent is 14, the oldest individual permitted to engage in sexual activity with a person shall be defined by [Elder's Age (EA) / 2 + 7 = Younger's Age (YA)], and the youngest individual permitted to engage in sexuality with a person shall be defined by [YA - 7 * 2 = EA].
* Science & Technology: R&D funding shall be decided by a panel of Zonist scientists, with emphasis placed upon medicine, clean transportation and space travel.
[NS]Fergi America
12-06-2006, 01:03
If I ruled the world (some of these are US-centric, since I'm in the US and therefore US issues are in my face):
It'd be a Dictatorship.
Other than that, in no particular order:
No national borders. After all, if I've got it all, I've got it ALL!
The important thing is whether the job gets done, not how "hard" a person had to work to do it. Anyone who claims that working hard (in and of itself) is somehow more ethical than not doing so, shall be enslaved and sold to those who think mindless hard work sucks. If they were being honest about their belief that work = ethics/goodness, they should be ecstatic at the chance to do more of it. If (as I suspect) they were really just jealous pricks who can't stand that others don't have to do such hard work, then they will think it sucks, which is pretty much the point.
Those who refuse to learn...ie "I don' wanna know!"... (as opposed to truly being retarded, or otherwise unable to learn), would be similarly enslaved. If they're going to act like mindless hunks of flesh and muscle they'll be treated like it. But, they would first have the opportunity to be educated, at the Government's expense, regardless of age. If they accepted said opportunity, and applied themselves at it (rather than just mindlessly occupying a chair in a classroom) they would avoid enslavement.
Those who interfere with others' attempts to learn, for instance by disrupting classes, would be subject to the above law. What counts as disruption would not be nitpicky, it'd have to be something major like throwing books/furniture around or yelling to drown out the teacher.
No Slavery provision in my Government shall take into account anything but the person's ACTIONS. It is a punishment, not something to be born into. Race, creed, religion, etc. are irrelevant.
Anyone who argues any issue with emotion and not real, hard facts (or by picking a few factual, but exceptional, examples) shall be ignored, and lose their access to the media and the internet as well. This should cut out lots of environmentalists, animal-rights extremists, and other generally nonlogical whiners.
It shall be illegal, to publicly claim that anything the Government does is immoral, or that any law passed by the Government is immoral. Violators go to the dungeons.
There would be a lot less rewarding of narks. Almost none. I think they are evil joyless scum. Only if my government is well and truly over a barrel, would I resort to paying a nark. Personally I'd rather toss 'em all in a dungeon. But if some nutcase is going around slicing people's throats open at random or something, I may have to accept a nark's tip as the lesser evil. If someone calls the Feds because their neighbor's license plate expired, though, they will get charged under the Anti Nitpicking Act.
Anyone truly concerned about law enforcement is encouraged to actually enter the Police Department, or the official Intelligence Division, and put their money where their mouth is. But trying to direct said agencies from the sidelines will not be tolerated.
If the Government has NOT illegalized something, you are allowed to suggest that it be banned/regulated, after all, I am not omniscient and may have just missed it. But there shall be no appeals to my rulings, and attempts to harp on something I have explicitly legalized will result in you being placed somewhere I don't have to listen to you--namely, a soundproofed cell.
Laws made "for our own good" like mandatory seatbelt wearing, anti-smoking, mandatory helmets etc. would be stricken from the books! The only places smoking wouldn't be allowed by law would be in hospitals, in wildfire danger zones, and around stuff that may reasonably be expected to blow up. Arguments about "costs to society" would be rejected.
It would be legal to run a no-smoking establishment. But, it'd be just as legal to run a smoking-allowed one. Teachers' lounges in Government-run schools would be smoking areas. There used to be a STUDENT smoking area outside my high school (edit: wow, THAT dates me...). It would be reinstated. The Age of Majority for smoking would be lowered accordingly (probably to 16).
It would be ostensibly illegal to run a Rebel newspaper/website/etc. I say "ostensibly" because some of the opposition media would probably bring things to my attention that my yes-men and yes-women wouldn't dare to. This would allow me to find hotspots before they erupted into full-blown rebellion. So, useful underground media would be tolerated...just not officially (no need to *encourage* people to bitch!) But, if an underground media outlet resorted to mindless flaming, or attempts to actually overthrow me, or inciting others to do so, the law would be in place for me to close it down and execute its staff.
I'd convene a panel of people who can think creatively, and charge them with overhauling the education system (at least for the area formerly known as the United States).
Speaking of schools, out-of-school suspension would be abolished. Giving miscreants time off is like paying someone money if they robbed a bank!
It would be illegal to nitpick. Extreme cases would be punishable by death. Nitpicking means stuff like caring whether a person shows up somewhere at 9:01 rather than 9AM.
Any nitpicky laws (left over from prior governments) would be stricken from the books. I would refrain from making any laws where the deciding factor for the case's outcome comes down to something like whether you were busted with .00001 of a gram extra of cocaine.
It would be illegal for any manager (or in schools, teachers or principals) to issue conflicting orders which are meant to be in force at the same time, such that obeying one automatically means disobeying the other(s). Violation of this would be punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. Every conviction would add more time in the jail.
Aside from the above specifically mentioned managerial blight, being an overall rotten bastard manager may be punishable by imprisonment or even death, depending on severity.
Going "postal" would not automatically result in condemnation of the shooter or sympathy to the "victims." Any place that sucks bad enough to drive a person that insane probably deserves to get shot up.
It would be illegal to attach the word "innocent" or even "victims" to people shot in such situations, unless it was proven to be a randomized attack, or the person shooting did so due to delusions or the like. But admitting that some targets may actually deserve it would be de-tabooed.
As the above shows, Justifiable Homicide exceptions would be expanded!
UNjustifiable murders would result in the death penalty. As the Dictator of the Earth, I decide what's justifiable and what isn't. Killing someone just to take their stuff, for instance, wouldn't be justifiable.
No gajillion appeals on the death penalty. Those so sentenced, could appeal to me. If they convince me, they live, if not, death. There would be a backlog, but probably no worse than the current one where death row inmates spend decades appealing over and over again.
There would be no 3-strikes laws. No instances of people who do 2 fairly big crimes, but then stop that and straighten up 98%, only to go to jail for life for swiping a Snicker's bar.
Economically, it would be 90% Capitalism, but with provisions for those who truly cannot earn their own money. As for restrictions on business, there would be a set of labor laws and a minimum wage, to make sure that there is a substantive difference between slavery and employment (beyond just not getting physically whipped at places of employment). Also the anti-nitpicking, anti-bad-manager laws as mentioned elsewhere in this post would apply. And, unfortunately, business seems to need "encouragement" to not dump pollution everywhere.
Other than that, pretty much anything goes, business-wise, so long as it's not fraud. Gaining a monopoly though legitimate means would not only be specifically legalized for most industries, but recognized as the uber level of business achievement. If nobody wants to use a Netscape browser or an Apple computer, it's hard cheese for Netscape and Apple--they can't get MY courts to make it harder to distribute IE, or get me to waste billions of dollars of taxpayer money by having my Trade Commission sue over it. If not enough people are buying your shit, make it more attractive to customers!
It would be illegal to publish the notion that being successful at business is in any way bad. Violators would be flogged, and then relegated to working at McDonald's.
Anyone who espouses the notion "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" shall be put in the position where that's true: Enslavement. In keeping with their catchphrase, they shall be worked as much as they can be (from them according to their ability), while only getting basic food and shelter in return (to them according to their need).
Capitalists, on the other hand, will get business start-up grants and other things designed to help them fuel the economy for those who don't think being a slave sounds like some kind of good idea.
The poor would be offered training in the skills needed to become unpoor. If they refused such training, but were capable of learning it, no welfare.
If they are not suited to the employment environment, Government would work with them to find alternative, but legal, methods of earning money (like self-employment). Necessary associated skills like money management would also be taught.
Those who are REALLY just lazy, can mooch off of someone else. No welfare for them. No forced work! But, no welfare either.
Health care: Idiocy abounds at all financial levels of access, at least in the (former) US. Medical training would be made more rigorous. And, I've read of interns having to do 30-hour shifts and the like. This would be made illegal, and it'd be malpractice for anyone who really should be sleeping to perform a medical procedure. It'd also be malpractice to order persons known to need sleep to perform such procedures.
Drugs: Public intoxication due to any substance would be illegal. The main thing I have against drugs/alcohol is that they make people act like idiots (in which ways depends on which drug is involved). So if they keep their drug-induced idiocy to themselves, I suppose I can keep my Feds away from them. Needless to say, if I legalize any drugs I'll tax them to the max. Compared to street prices it should still be cheaper to buy at Ferg's DRUG Store.
It'd be illegal to regularly schedule any secular thing to open before 9AM. This especially applies to factories and schools. Any place which is normally open 24 hours is exempt, since they don't "open" daily.
No loud noises, such as chainsawing, lawnmowing, or roofing, may occur before noon. Call it the Webmasters' Peaceful Sleep Act.
Speaking of the Web. It shall be illegal for any Search Engine to downrank any site owned by the Leader from Position #1 in the rankings, regardless of quality of site, content, or lack thereof. Violation of the law will be punishable by death.
Abortion, allowed. But, I the Government am not going to pay for it for you, except in cases of rape, incest, threat to mother's life, etc.
I would fund enough detox/rehab centers so that anyone who wishes to dump a substance addiction can immediately get a spot.
Gay marriage. Sure. It's not for the Government to say who can marry, so long as both parties are consenting. The fundamentalists may think gays're going to Hell, but my government is not the Afterlife Security department.
Religion. Religion wouldn't be taught as science. But, it would be legal to have religious classes, so long as they were accurately described. As for things like having the 10 Commandments up in front of courthouses, it would depend on the demographics of the area. IMO it's silly to take them down from a court in a Bible-Belt town that has maybe 1 athiest in it and 9900 Baptists. On the other hand, putting them up in a diverse city is unnecessarily exclusionary.
On the other hand, science classes would have to be more accurate about how much proof is behind their theories. Currently, some of them have a big tendency to say "IT IS thus," and "we KNOW this," when in reality it should be "it's likely that..." (NSers seem to know how science works, but it's amazing how many science teachers are dogmatic about things that don't have much proof behind them yet, and will probably be revised several times in the future!)
Books: No bans on books that aren't slamming my government.
To name a few(!) things that I'd do if I took over today.
12-06-2006, 02:01
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
SOunds good.
Space marines man, think of the children.
The Parkus Empire
12-06-2006, 02:50
if I ruled the world, I would divide the world into seperate sections... each section would have their own provincinal leader. that leader makes the rules for his or her area. The Provincinal Leader will be duly elected by the people of their area and will have a run of 3 years. no term limit. they set the taxes and they set all the laws for their area and only for their area.
no guns nor explosives of any kind will be allowed. Fireworks ok, but no bombs or guns or any WMD... I define WMD and that Definition will be subject to change.
Provincial Leaders report directly to me. any problems in their areas that I hear of, they are held responsible for em... I hear that people are being oppressed, I investigate and if found true, then I remove the leader... permamently. I will use a network of spies to keep me informed of any problems in any area.
a tribual of impartial leaders will conviene and work out any problems between provincal areas. no wars. I hear of any battles taking place, any leader and their generals involved will be permamently removed.
Borders will be open, free trade and movement will be allowed.
there will be a One World Currency, however, the value of that currency will be defined on a Per Province Basis.
any terror acts will be delt with and anyone turning in proven terrorists will be highly rewarded.
Religions (all) will be allowed in every area, including government property. however, people have the right to not listen and no religion shall be turned away. if your religion demands human sacrifice... proper paperwork as well as an interview with the sacrifice in an isolated area to insure willingness as well as non cohersion of said sacrifice will be required.
My word will be final, and any law I put down will not be subject to interpretation by Lawyers. anyone who tries to redifine any law I put down will be removed permamently. This does not mean they cannot question or ask for clarification. just so long as they ask me.
Hacking, Virus Creation, Con Artists/scams, as well as identity theft will be dealt with as terrorists.
Forging of Official Documents will be seen as aiding terrorists. owners of forged documents will be treated as stealers of Identities, even if Said Identity doen't exsist.
any corruption in the Head Government (my government) will be handled with 10 times the severity. I need to trust my people. Anyone who betrays that trust will pay for it.
Everyone gets an education. however no one gets a free ride. if someone needs to stay in the 5th grade for 8 years, then they will stay in the 5th grade for 8 years.
There will be no Capital punnishments. anyone found guilty of a crime that calls for the death penalty will be sent to facilities for medical research. let them provide a service to help save lives.
the Less Headaches that get to me, the better.
anyone who tries to hide headaches from me will not live to regret it.
Except for the no-gun law, I'd love your state!
12-06-2006, 02:59
what are you talking about have you not seen my sig??
i do rule the world
12-06-2006, 03:00
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
Thats pretty impressive... you managed to take the exact opposite of all of my political views and put them into one earth.
if I ruled the world, I would divide the world into seperate sections... each section would have their own provincinal leader. that leader makes the rules for his or her area. The Provincinal Leader will be duly elected by the people of their area and will have a run of 3 years. no term limit. they set the taxes and they set all the laws for their area and only for their area.
no guns nor explosives of any kind will be allowed. Fireworks ok, but no bombs or guns or any WMD... I define WMD and that Definition will be subject to change.
Provincial Leaders report directly to me. any problems in their areas that I hear of, they are held responsible for em... I hear that people are being oppressed, I investigate and if found true, then I remove the leader... permamently. I will use a network of spies to keep me informed of any problems in any area.
a tribual of impartial leaders will conviene and work out any problems between provincal areas. no wars. I hear of any battles taking place, any leader and their generals involved will be permamently removed.
Borders will be open, free trade and movement will be allowed.
there will be a One World Currency, however, the value of that currency will be defined on a Per Province Basis.
any terror acts will be delt with and anyone turning in proven terrorists will be highly rewarded.
Religions (all) will be allowed in every area, including government property. however, people have the right to not listen and no religion shall be turned away. if your religion demands human sacrifice... proper paperwork as well as an interview with the sacrifice in an isolated area to insure willingness as well as non cohersion of said sacrifice will be required.
My word will be final, and any law I put down will not be subject to interpretation by Lawyers. anyone who tries to redifine any law I put down will be removed permamently. This does not mean they cannot question or ask for clarification. just so long as they ask me.
Hacking, Virus Creation, Con Artists/scams, as well as identity theft will be dealt with as terrorists.
Forging of Official Documents will be seen as aiding terrorists. owners of forged documents will be treated as stealers of Identities, even if Said Identity doen't exsist.
any corruption in the Head Government (my government) will be handled with 10 times the severity. I need to trust my people. Anyone who betrays that trust will pay for it.
Everyone gets an education. however no one gets a free ride. if someone needs to stay in the 5th grade for 8 years, then they will stay in the 5th grade for 8 years.
There will be no Capital punnishments. anyone found guilty of a crime that calls for the death penalty will be sent to facilities for medical research. let them provide a service to help save lives.
the Less Headaches that get to me, the better.
anyone who tries to hide headaches from me will not live to regret it.
This world on the otherhand, I would definetly live in...
The Parkus Empire
12-06-2006, 03:04
I wouldn't criticize anything, except for the fact I wouldn't be allowed to criticize anything, and I don't like that.:p You have to have a pretty big ego to not allow criticizsm. Me, myself, I couln't care less.
Oh, yes, and I do have some qualms about these: Fergi America']
Abortion, allowed. But, I the Government am not going to pay for it for you, except in cases of rape, incest, threat to mother's life, etc.
Gay marriage. Sure. It's not for the Government to say who can marry, so long as both parties are consenting. The fundamentalists may think gays're going to Hell, but my government is not the Afterlife Security department.
The Parkus Empire
12-06-2006, 03:06
Thats pretty impressive... you managed to take the exact opposite of all of my political views and put them into one earth.
This world on the otherhand, I would definetly live in...
Funny, I would love both goverments.
New Zero Seven
12-06-2006, 03:07
That is one FUCKED up world you have there.
12-06-2006, 03:16
Tell me, if YOU ruled the world, what inprovements/downgrades would YOU make? I would get rid of this stupid political correctness stuff. I would ban abortion except in unusual circumstances.
I would legalize pot with high taxes.
For anyone who wanted, I would take 'em to a lawless, free food-'n-drugs-droped-regularly island (it WOULD solve a lot of problems).
No person (INCLUDING ME) in a political position would get payed, they would just simply get modest lodgings, and simple food.
All people guilty of SERIOUS crimes would get dumped on an lawless island (kinda like the Brits did with Aulstralia) WITHOUT the free-food-and-drugs.
I would legalize gun-ownership.
I would NOT allow gay-marrige (unless, they requisted a nation of their own, with their own laws, which I would give them).
I would cut welfare majorly.
I rule as a benevolent dictator, allowing the people to take away my power if I got corrupt.
So input on my ideas and your own.
I would get rid of political correctness....so I agree with that
I would legalize gay marriage
Abortion would be only allowed during the first trimester except for life and death and circumstance beyond control
I wouln't have the death penalty...i dont like the whole idea of killing ...but i kinda like your idea of the island..so thats 2
I would give welfare to people who only truely needed it and if they could they would still be working
I would legalize prostitution but they would have to have tests for stds every month...this would be to lower the AIDs and HIV rate....i think there are countries that have done it and it is working...if i remember correctly but I could be wrong.
12-06-2006, 06:41
Inmates would work for their stay, one way or the other, period.
Elementary School(through Middle, if it applies) would focus on arithmetic, reading, writing, comprehension and physical activities.
High School would focus on teaching students their rights, basic law, tades & skills, exercise, nutrition, money management, credit & investing. Sex ed, and CPR would be available to all, in after school classes voluntarily.
History, advanced maths, literature, sciences, advanced law and Medicine etc would all be higher learning. They would have to pay, or be on a strict academic scholarship and be accepted to college. Ofcourse high school students who are going into these certain fields of work/study would begin by taking beginner course electives, and summer courses in high school.
As for sports in school .. booted. There would be local sport activities.
That's what popped into my head for this fantasy thread. Don't even feel like delving deeper.
[NS]Fergi America
12-06-2006, 12:20
I wouldn't criticize anything, except for the fact I wouldn't be allowed to criticize anything, and I don't like that.:p You have to have a pretty big ego to not allow criticizsm.
Oh, yes, and I do have some qualms about these:
[abortion and gay marriage in the Fergi American world]
You have to have a pretty big ego to think of being ruler of the entire world at all. Might as well go all the way!
Plus I hate the self-righteous types who try to paint everything and everyone they disagree with in terms of morality...specifically when they claim that the opposing side is immoral, when it's really just a matter of disagreement (or at least should be). So yes, I would have a special deep dark dungeon just for them.
As for criticism in general, without that finger-wagging pseudomorality attached to it:
It would be ostensibly illegal to run a Rebel newspaper/website/etc. I say "ostensibly" because some of the opposition media would probably bring things to my attention that my yes-men and yes-women wouldn't dare to. This would allow me to find hotspots before they erupted into full-blown rebellion. So, useful underground media would be tolerated...just not officially (no need to *encourage* people to bitch!) But, if an underground media outlet resorted to mindless flaming, or attempts to actually overthrow me, or inciting others to do so, the law would be in place for me to close it down and execute its staff.
People will bitch about the government; it's ingrained in the culture of several areas. But darned if I'd let it turn into some overblown, hand-wringing, media circus like it often does in the US now. That just drives me nuts! It's like the media goes looking for stuff to complain about. If there's nothing big, they expand some little thing into a capital-I Issue. So, as Dictator of the Earth, I'll exercise my ability to stanch the endless barrage of media-fuelled complaining.
As for abortion and gay marriage, even though it'd be legal everywhere, the actual prevalency would vary by location, like it does now. Just choose a community that has a makeup which matches your values.
12-06-2006, 12:27
If I ruled over the world, I would make the world a liberal place, where everybody can open his mind like he wants to - except of situations, where other people get injured. So no pedophile parties etc....
Of course, I would need strong troops, if radicalists plan to rule the world instead of me.
Oh, yeah, my title would be:
"Only one great fantastic Leader of the liberal world"! :p
12-06-2006, 13:39
1. Proportional representation
2. Death penalty banned
3. Universal healthcare
4. Vastly reduced penalties for nonviolent drug offenders. <Solves prison overcrowding right there
5. Fully funded public education. And it'll teach reality too.
6. Tight pollution control
7. Legalize gay marriage
8. Legalize abortion for first and second trimester, third in case of danger to the mother etc etc
9. Welfare stays, but more for working families
10. Effective gun control, particularly on rifles and assault weapons. (Who hunts with an uzi?!?)
11. Abstinance-plus, none of the rediculous backwards stuff that has given the Bible Belt the highest rates of teen pregnancy, STDs, and abortion in the U.S.
12. Voting age to 14, lower with a test
13. Minimum wage up, with inflation adjustment.
14. Anyone can participate in legislative debates and/or speak in local, state, and federal government.
12-06-2006, 14:00
In a fantastic country like yours, I would like to be a prime minister. Then I could prime all explosives sent to our enemies.
Two rules:
1) Anything that does more harm then good is illegal UNLESS
all parties harmed have consented to the harm.
2) Anything that the first rule does not make illegal is legal.
Europa Maxima
13-06-2006, 03:53
With one or two amendments, I actually agree with that. I'd transform it into something a little more minarchist.