I dont like Sean Hannity, but im glad he works this psycobitch
Im a ninja
02-05-2006, 05:38
This lady is evil
Basically, she and her crazy cult go to soldiers funerals and protests them with things like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "Thank God for 9/11"
WTF? First of all, God did not create 9/11 or any of that crap. How does she blame God for all of this? She is just abusing religion, and that is extremely wrong.
And even if you dont agree with the Iraq war, you still have to hate this.
Also, how the hell can she do this at funereals? These are the dead soldiers friend and familes. She has no sense of decency or respect at all.
Soviet Haaregrad
02-05-2006, 05:41
They started doing it at gay people's funerals, I guess they figured soldiers would get them more coverage?
Rojo Cubano
02-05-2006, 05:53
Forget Hannity. Colmes was the one really tearing into her.
Which is really surprising. Hannity is usually the one who yells, and after watching that video, I wouldn't have been surprised had Colmes popped a blood vessel and/or slapped the taste out of that America-hating inbreeding bitch's mouth.
Good Lifes
02-05-2006, 19:31
This isn't going to gain me any friends.
One of the things the soldiers died for is the first amendment. It protects even the most ......looking for a word......rude among us. It's much better to say a soldier died for freedom, than to say s/he died for the flag.
02-05-2006, 19:35
This lady is evil
Basically, she and her crazy cult go to soldiers funerals and protests them with things like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "Thank God for 9/11"
WTF? First of all, God did not create 9/11 or any of that crap. How does she blame God for all of this? She is just abusing religion, and that is extremely wrong.
And even if you dont agree with the Iraq war, you still have to hate this.
Also, how the hell can she do this at funereals? These are the dead soldiers friend and familes. She has no sense of decency or respect at all.
The link is dead :) What is she, one of those godhatesfags people?
Wonder if there's a godhatesbigotedscumbags.com ou there?
See, I think people take freedom of speech to mean something alot broader than it actually means. The purpose of free speech was basically the governments ability to gain feedback from its citizens. Free speech protects speaking against or criticizing the government. Its not about saying this stupid shit, although I do believe these people are allowed to say such nonsense. However, they cant complain when the family members of a dead soldier kicks their asses at the funeral.
Komo Kulshan
02-05-2006, 19:58
See, I think people take freedom of speech to mean something alot broader than it actually means. The purpose of free speech was basically the governments ability to gain feedback from its citizens. Free speech protects speaking against or criticizing the government. Its not about saying this stupid shit, although I do believe these people are allowed to say such nonsense. However, they cant complain when the family members of a dead soldier kicks their asses at the funeral.
I agree entirely. If these folks want to go down to the courthouse and mock the military, so be it. But a funeral is a private event and this sort of behavior is harrassment.
Ironically, speech codes that the Left (supposed protectors of free speech)established as part of the PC culture open these clowns up to "hate speech" prosecution. I know that there were several cases after troops went into Afganistan where prosecutions were made against people who taunted uniformed members of the military. There was one case of a female national guard soldier entering a convenience store, in NJ, I think. I wonder if the charges stuck?
And if the relatives at these funerals ever decided to dole out an ass-kicking, and I was sitting on the jury, they would walk away clean :)