Greyenivol Colony
29-04-2006, 17:03
Recognising that the Iranian people have been shown by surveys to be amongst the most pro-Western people of that region, and recognising that any economic sanctions or military stand-offs with the Islamic Republic are likely to ruin this support. I propose this incentive-intensive solution to the Iran problem.
Firstly, the plan will primarily involve the hand-over of portions of currently occupied land in Iraq and Afganistan, as illustrated in this map:
In these ceded areas, nuclear power plants will be set up by Western agents, on the agreement that Iran abandons its home nuclear program, these plants will be co-run by Western and Iranian technicians. The facilities will be under joint sovereignty of Iran and Western authorities, with the agreement that full control will be handed to Iran in the future.
The generous portion of Outer Afganistan will be handed to Iran partly as compensation for the loss of Kurdistan, which shall become independent, as it has been promised for nearly 100 years, democratic and likely an ally against Radical Islamism. And partly so that Iran may address the problems of lawlessness, insurgency and narcotics production/trade in that area, as Iran can only be more successful that Western occupiers and the Afgan authorities in that area.
However, this is not just bribing Iran, although the deal is highly beneficial to them. There shall be strings attached to the transfer of these lands, namely that Iran grants a greater deal of US-style federacy in its constutition vis a vis these areas. For example, it must be insisted that Iraqi and Afgan Iranian provinces have the right to add more civil rights to the Iranian Bill of Rights in their area, that each province may independently decide whether or not to use the death penalty, and so on...
I believe that this solution would fatally undermine the position of the current Iranian government which it seems is only able to maintain power through convincing the people that the West works not in their interests, and that this plan will ultimately create a prosperous and more liberal Iran that will be better for the region and the world.
Questions? Opinions?
Firstly, the plan will primarily involve the hand-over of portions of currently occupied land in Iraq and Afganistan, as illustrated in this map:
In these ceded areas, nuclear power plants will be set up by Western agents, on the agreement that Iran abandons its home nuclear program, these plants will be co-run by Western and Iranian technicians. The facilities will be under joint sovereignty of Iran and Western authorities, with the agreement that full control will be handed to Iran in the future.
The generous portion of Outer Afganistan will be handed to Iran partly as compensation for the loss of Kurdistan, which shall become independent, as it has been promised for nearly 100 years, democratic and likely an ally against Radical Islamism. And partly so that Iran may address the problems of lawlessness, insurgency and narcotics production/trade in that area, as Iran can only be more successful that Western occupiers and the Afgan authorities in that area.
However, this is not just bribing Iran, although the deal is highly beneficial to them. There shall be strings attached to the transfer of these lands, namely that Iran grants a greater deal of US-style federacy in its constutition vis a vis these areas. For example, it must be insisted that Iraqi and Afgan Iranian provinces have the right to add more civil rights to the Iranian Bill of Rights in their area, that each province may independently decide whether or not to use the death penalty, and so on...
I believe that this solution would fatally undermine the position of the current Iranian government which it seems is only able to maintain power through convincing the people that the West works not in their interests, and that this plan will ultimately create a prosperous and more liberal Iran that will be better for the region and the world.
Questions? Opinions?