Which dystopia would you want to live in?
EDIT: Call the second Fahrenheit 451 Jennifer Government.
A dystopia is a fictional society that is usually seen as the antithesis of a utopia. Which would you live in? Now the poll (coming) only reflects the dystopian stories I can remember off the top of my head.
20-04-2006, 23:15
Because I can sit back in America and laugh at those silly Brits and their silly Bushisms.
Free Mercantile States
20-04-2006, 23:16
You mentioned Fahrenheit 451 twice.
Drunk commies deleted
20-04-2006, 23:17
Farenheit 451 is up there twice. I'll pick Brave New World for the drugs.
EDIT: Fuck! I forgot about all the drugs in Clockwork Orange. And the ultra-violence. Too bad we can't change our votes.
20-04-2006, 23:17
A Clockwork Orange, probably.
You mentioned Fahrenheit 451 twice.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
20-04-2006, 23:18
Do I want to live in "Farenheit 451" or "Farenheit 451"? On the one hand, both of them are exactly the same, on the other hand I'm just mentioning this to be a pedantic asshole.
Bah, I'll go Brave New World, because then I can just act up and get sent to the Island (the Utopia in the middle of the Dystopia).
20-04-2006, 23:20
Have some soma instead.
Do I want to live in "Farenheit 451" or "Farenheit 451"? On the one hand, both of them are exactly the same, on the other hand I'm just mentioning this to be a pedantic asshole.
Bah, I'll go Brave New World, because then I can just act up and get sent to the Island (the Utopia in the middle of the Dystopia).
See the first post again.
1984, as I know I'd be an inner party member.
20-04-2006, 23:22
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
20-04-2006, 23:26
See the first post again.
Yeah, apparently I'm currently living in a dystopia where you think of thisegreat way to be an asshole, but then the two people who came along immediatley before you decided to be blunt about the error you've noticed, thus ruining your punchline.
I V Stalin
20-04-2006, 23:27
Hmmm...I've only read 1984, Animal Farm, A Clockwork Orange, and V For Vendetta.
From those, I'd probably pick A Clockwork Orange, with 1984 second.
Edit: Duh...I've read JG as well. Probably that then.
Yeah, apparently I'm currently living in a dystopia where you think of thisegreat way to be an asshole, but then the two people who came along immediatley before you decided to be blunt about the error you've noticed, thus ruining your punchline.
Thiseplace is not a dystopia.
Clockwork Orange.
I could go around with a skinhead, dressed in black, taking heroin and beating people up.
Wait, that's what I do now.
I would pick Brave New World. I would be brainwashed intobeing happy, and further brainwashed into thinking thatis great. Although, Brave New World did lack the torture act that made Nineteen Eighty-Four so awesome.
20-04-2006, 23:43
I would pick Brave New World. I would be brainwashed intobeing happy, and further brainwashed into thinking thatis great. Although, Brave New World did lack the torture act that made Nineteen Eighty-Four so awesome.
Unless you were the victim.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
20-04-2006, 23:44
Clockwork Orange.
I could go around with a skinhead, dressed in black, taking heroin and beating people up.
Wait, that's what I do now.
Yeah, but you could do it in style with those fake eye lashes and an elegant cane.
Brains in Tanks
20-04-2006, 23:46
I could go around with a skinhead, dressed in black, taking heroin and beating people up.
No no no. First you beat people up THEN you take heroin. Combining the two doesn't work well.
Europa Maxima
20-04-2006, 23:47
Brave New World pour moi.
I would live in a USA country because there is no tax. :p
Either that or Gibson's world of the Neuromancer, or almost any post-nuclear/biological holocaust movie-world scenerio. :eek:
If faced with no other choice or possibility to organise an effective revolt, I'd use whatever device available for shaving or nail-clipping and end my miserable existence.
Michaelic France
21-04-2006, 00:04
I'd live in Animal Farm as a horse, step on Napoleon, and then implement Marxism-Leninism like Snowball would have.
Europa Maxima
21-04-2006, 00:07
I'd live in Animal Farm as a horse, step on Napoleon, and then implement Marxism-Leninism like Snowball would have.
Now that would be a dystopia in its truest sense.
Now that would be a dystopia in its truest sense.
Not exactly. Jennifer Government is a dystopia. Marxism is a utopia. Give Friedman a rest for a change.
Michaelic France
21-04-2006, 00:12
Hey, everyone loved Snowball, and everyone was happy. Communism could have worked in Animal Farm.
Europa Maxima
21-04-2006, 00:13
Not exactly. Jennifer Government is a dystopia. Marxism is a utopia. Give Friedman a rest for a change.
Marxism, perhaps. Leninism? Not a chance in hell. I'd prefer Jennifer Government to it.
Michaelic France
21-04-2006, 00:17
Depends on how you interpret Leninism. In the modern, democratic sense, Leninism is a more practical form of communism. But if you want, we could call my Animal Farm paradise pure Marxism. There isn't much of a difference, Lenin just added to Marx's views.
Europa Maxima
21-04-2006, 00:19
Depends on how you interpret Leninism. In the modern, democratic sense, Leninism is a more practical form of communism. But if you want, we could call my Animal Farm paradise pure Marxism. There isn't much of a difference, Lenin just added to Marx's views.
A more devastating form as well, to which I prefer minarchism.
Michaelic France
21-04-2006, 00:20
well, Leninism the theory and Leninism the application are extremely far apart. Leninism as to Lenin's policies were more like capitalist dictatorship, a necessary step to promoting the communist ideals throughout Russia.
Otarias Cabal
21-04-2006, 00:21
I'll pick Clockwork Orange cause the world didnt seem THAT bad.
Europa Maxima
21-04-2006, 00:24
well, Leninism the theory and Leninism the application are extremely far apart. Leninism as to Lenin's policies were more like capitalist dictatorship, a necessary step to promoting the communist ideals throughout Russia.
And a bloody disaster. Perfect dystopia.
The Philosophe Move
21-04-2006, 00:27
Pass the Soma, and I'll take Brave New World.
Marxism, perhaps. Leninism? Not a chance in hell. I'd prefer Jennifer Government to it.
I'd prefer any foreseeable problem of Leninism than to be bar-coded and treated as an asset.
Unless you were the victim.
Why would I be the victim, that is just stupid.:p
Seriously, wasn't Act Three the best part of Nineteen Eighty-Four?
Europa Maxima
21-04-2006, 00:36
I'd prefer any foreseeable problem of Leninism than to be bar-coded and treated as an asset.
That sounds kind of kinky.
1984 is a masterpiece. But honestly I can't remember what happens specifically in act three.
If I had my way
21-04-2006, 00:55
America 2014: An Orwellian tale. :)
Ever heard of the book published in 2004?
I'd live in Animal Farm as a horse, step on Napoleon, and then implement Marxism-Leninism like Snowball would have.
Actually, if you were following Snowball then it'd be classed as bolshevik-leninism.
21-04-2006, 01:10
EDIT: Call the second Fahrenheit 451 Jennifer Government.
A dystopia is a fictional society that is usually seen as the antithesis of a utopia. Which would you live in? Now the poll (coming) only reflects the dystopian stories I can remember off the top of my head.
Brazil. For the aesthetics. And the music.
And, no, i don't mean the Latin American country...
The Anglophone Peoples
21-04-2006, 01:14
Pass the soma.
I'll take Brave New World.
V for Vendetta. It's the only one I know.
21-04-2006, 01:34
I chose "A Brave New World" mostly because we're not far off. We all have our class cultures already, sex is becoming more of a casual interaction, and designer babies are on their way. Soon reproduction will be the government's job and our jobs will all be fun and fulfilling because we were bred for them. "I'm so awfully glad I'm a B...As work SO hard!"
21-04-2006, 01:42
The world of Fallout, of course. The entire world's more or less collapsed, psychotic tech religions try to manipulate tribals into doing their dirty work, the Chinese took over San Fransisco and are locked into a near permanent civil war between two opposing martial arts schools, giant ants, scorpions, and missile launcher packing mutants are everywhere killing stuff...
Oh, did I mention humanly fireable laser chain guns?
Barring that, the world in the original Deus Ex, because it's like the real one except with nanotechs and libs being proven patsies.
21-04-2006, 02:27
Our world isn't so different from what's described in Clockwork Orange. The only difference is the lack of Russian slang. That's why I picked it. Though I agree that Fallout would be pretty cool, mostly because you wouldn't actually live for very long in it (remember how many times you had to reload a saved game).
I chose the Giver just because thats the only book I've read! On that list of course...
Barring that, the world in the original Deus Ex, because it's like the real one except with nanotechs and libs being proven patsies.
Oh snap! I forgot about that!
21-04-2006, 02:39
Probably Brave New World, simply because it is so very close to the world we have now, only I'd be trained to think of casual sex and drug abuse as the definition of happy.
Beat you to it! :p
Otarias Cabal
21-04-2006, 03:05
Actually, if you were following Snowball then it'd be classed as bolshevik-leninism.
I actually believe the character Snowball was modeled after Trotsky, and as such, his viwes were Trostskyists.
But correct me if i'm wrong, I just thought that the whole book was Orwells metaphor for Soviet Russia. Napoleon, a metaphor for Stalin. Snowball, a metaphor for Trotsky, etc. At least thats what I was told by my English teacher.
21-04-2006, 03:07
Brave New World is the easy choice. It's 'perfect' symmetry, mandatory drugs and group sex, plus complete contentment for one's lot in life while scary is in its implementation, is not all that scary as a result. (espescially in comparison to 1984, a superior book, but not a world I'd want to live in.)
As much as I dispise Woody Allen... how about "Sleepers"
THX1138 is good too....:eek:
We kind of already live in Fahrenheit 451, all we’re missing is the book burnings. I’m comfortable.
We kind of already live in Fahrenheit 451, all we’re missing is the book burnings. I’m comfortable.
In Fahrenheit 451 the government let people run over people for fun and the firemen killed stray animals for fun.
In Fahrenheit 451 the government let people run over people for fun and the firemen killed stray animals for fun.
It never said that the government let people run over pedestrians, just that those kids didn’t see it as wrong. I’m pretty sure murder was still illegal.
Brave New World.
Hopefully they'd see how tall I would turn out with their technology and think I was Alpha quality. I wouldn't mind belonging to everyone and getting to party all night.
Nerd Rome
21-04-2006, 04:49
I actually believe the character Snowball was modeled after Trotsky, and as such, his viwes were Trostskyists.
But correct me if i'm wrong, I just thought that the whole book was Orwells metaphor for Soviet Russia. Napoleon, a metaphor for Stalin. Snowball, a metaphor for Trotsky, etc. At least thats what I was told by my English teacher.
you are correct, of course. But Trotsky(Snowball) was more interested in staying the course set by Lenin(Old Major).
Actually, I think Lenin's ideas(and ideals) would have worked pretty well. He set up the NEP, after all. Too bad Stalin tore it down.
21-04-2006, 05:06
Beat you to it! :p
have a cookie
21-04-2006, 05:13
The world of Fallout, of course. The entire world's more or less collapsed, psychotic tech religions try to manipulate tribals into doing their dirty work, the Chinese took over San Fransisco and are locked into a near permanent civil war between two opposing martial arts schools, giant ants, scorpions, and missile launcher packing mutants are everywhere killing stuff...
Oh, did I mention humanly fireable laser chain guns?
Barring that, the world in the original Deus Ex, because it's like the real one except with nanotechs and libs being proven patsies.
What!? You're telling me that Deus Ex isn't based on true events?
26-04-2006, 18:51
Oh snap! I forgot about that!
That's ok. A lot of people who played the game somehow never caught onto it. But you can boil the storyline of Deus Ex down to the statement "This is what might happen if America stays in the UN" and you have to admit, it's a terrifying message.
26-04-2006, 18:58
What!? You're telling me that Deus Ex isn't based on true events?
When drinking at a public fountain that runs off of an internal water supply and scarfing candy bars plugs bullet holes in me due to swarms of itsy bitsy robots in my blood while psychotic AI's contact me after I end up killing a bunch of my former coworkers and waking up in a cell underneath my old office, then it'll be based on true events.
26-04-2006, 19:01
Animal Farm -- I'd be Snowball. lol
26-04-2006, 19:01
I would like to live in Minority Report and be one of the agents that gets to do what Tom Cruise did...that looks cool.
The only other Dystopian about crime is A clockwork Orange in which i would be a Drog.
BNW would also be great cause with Soma you never can feel down on yourself. And plus you have own private Helocopter to fly in...WEEEEEEEE!
The Coral Islands
26-04-2006, 19:02
Isn't the whole idea of a dystopia that one would not want to live there?
Santa Barbara
26-04-2006, 19:02
Clockwork Orange. The only thing dystopian about it seems to be the fact that it was filmed in the 70's.
Drunk commies deleted
26-04-2006, 19:05
Why wasn't Hell Comes to Frogtown listed? It was set in a dystopia.
26-04-2006, 19:25
Has anybody ever doubted whether Huxley did not actually mean to write a dystopia when creating his "Brave New World"?
26-04-2006, 20:22
Hmm... neither Asimov's "Caves Of Steel" nor the ultra-clean San Angeles from "Demolition Man" were in the poll... and at least Asimov said he didn't mean his world as a dystopia.
Dystopian genitals
26-04-2006, 20:38
Only one dystopia for me. MY dystopia.
Lunatic Goofballs
26-04-2006, 20:41
I voted other because I am more than capable of creating my own action-packed fun filled dystopia.
A dystopia full of mud and groin kicks and tacos.
Who wants to join me? :D
I'm not familiar with all the choices so I'll choose the real world, which is pretty dystopian to me.
26-04-2006, 20:52
Probably already been said, but what makes BNW a dystopia, free sex and drugs, whenever you want it. Sign me up:)
The Nutiphiles
26-04-2006, 20:55
I vote 1984... Just because Orwell is God.
26-04-2006, 21:10
this may scare you, but the world is slowly turning into the dystopia from 1984 (http://www.londonclasswar.org/newswire_carmonitoring.php).
Anyway, I would chose the one thats easiest to escape from.
26-04-2006, 21:14
Which dystopia offers me the best chance in a resistance movement?