Best coffee (or tea..)
IL Ruffino
18-04-2006, 22:24
I just went to Dunkin Donuts and since they aren't selling my beloved blueberry coffee any more I thought I'd try something new.. oh my fluffling god.. I have found the best coffee ever! Chocolate coffee. I loveloveluvluvluvlove this coffee!
Well.. yeah.. there's starbucks, timmy hos, dunkin donuts, cinnibon, ect..
What's the best place to go for a great cup of coffee, or tea?
Call to power
18-04-2006, 22:28
starbucks for the frapichinos(sp?) I really couldn't give a damn how many south Americans have to die if I don't get my Frapichino I will show you real suffering!
I V Stalin
18-04-2006, 22:29
My house, for a damn good cup of tea. Cheap, quick, and easy.
I have Orange Pekoe (leaf), Darjeeling (leaf), Earl Grey (leaf) (I don't know why, I can't stand the stuff), Ayurvedic (bag) (can't stand that either), Oolong (leaf), Twining's English Breakfast (bag) and, uh, PG Tips (pyramid bags).
18-04-2006, 22:30
If you want tea... tesco's extra value. Same stuff, but massively cheaper than 'twinings'. Although it doesn't have Stephen Fry:(
I don't really go out specifically to get coffee or tea. I have a large selection of both tea and coffee at home, and at work I drink Java City coffee (that's what the office gets). My current favourite at home is Moose Munch coffee from Harry & David.
Sumamba Buwhan
18-04-2006, 22:39
I love mint tea
I V Stalin
18-04-2006, 22:40
Liasia']If you want tea... tesco's extra value. Same stuff, but massively cheaper than 'twinings'. Although it doesn't have Stephen Fry:(
Doesn't taste anywhere near as good as the stuff I drink. And believe me, I've tried it.
18-04-2006, 22:41
Doesn't taste anywhere near as good as the stuff I drink. And believe me, I've tried it.
Meh. I think its another of those snobbery things. Like people who won't eat ready meals or insist on having tons of spices in their kitchen. like they ever use them.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
18-04-2006, 22:42
What's Tim Hortons?
It is a vast Canadian conspiracy to take over the world, cleverly disguised as a chain of benign Doughnut and Coffee shops.
IL Ruffino
18-04-2006, 22:44
What's Tim Hortons?
Canada's Starbucks
German Nightmare
18-04-2006, 22:46
Coffee-flavored coffee!
Celebratorean Villages
18-04-2006, 22:48
Liasia']Meh. I think its another of those snobbery things. Like people who won't eat ready meals or insist on having tons of spices in their kitchen. like they ever use them.
I do !
I do have quite a number of spices in my kitchen and I *DO* use them.
Btw: I prefer tea over coffee at any time.
Lapsang Souchon (sp ?) is one of my favs together with Lady Grey.
I do have quite a number of spices in my kitchen and I *DO* use them.
I have a lot of different herbs and spices in my kitchen as well, and use them all on a regular basis.
Starbucks for coffee, my own tea for best tea. I love Assam and Darjeeling, although Earl Grey and Mint Green Tea are also good in the summer.
18-04-2006, 23:05
Mushroom tea FTW!!!!1111111!!!!11!!
Potato jack
18-04-2006, 23:10
My house for a cup of Twinings everyday .
Or Yorkshire Tea
18-04-2006, 23:57
What's Tim Hortons?
Tim Hortons is the Holy Mecca that all Canadians make daily pilgrimages too. It's damn good stuff.... too good...
Tim Hortons is the Holy Mecca that all Canadians make daily pilgrimages too. It's damn good stuff.... too good...
Oh. Along the lines of a Starbucks or Peet's then?
Anti-Social Darwinism
19-04-2006, 04:53
AKA Coffee Roasters for the amaretto coffee
Starbucks for the peppermint mocha
Seattle's Best Henry's Blend for straight coffee.
Twinings Irish Breakfast, English Breakfast and Darjeeling teas
Bigelow's Constant Comment and Plantation Mint teas
Good Earth Original tea.
I can't really choose between coffee and tea - it depends on the time and my mood.
None of this decaf nonsense.
19-04-2006, 04:57
It is a vast Canadian conspiracy to take over the world, cleverly disguised as a chain of benign Doughnut and Coffee shops.
:eek: You Americans aren't supposed to know about it! Now are you going to go spreading our secret? *draws out katana*
19-04-2006, 05:00
I would have to say "other" because as far as I'm concerned, the best coffee variety in the world is Celebes Kalossi and I have yet to find a coffee shop that carries it. The only place I can get it from around here is the Portland Roasting Company, and they are more like a wholesaler than a retail store.
Curious Inquiry
19-04-2006, 05:01
Best coffee? A friend (since passed) would mix'n'match whole beans and grind 'em up fresh. Dunno what the mix was, but YUM!
Best tea? They're all the best (it's a zen thing ;) ). Some of my faves:
Celestial seasonings "Morning Thunder"
Green tea
Any REAL tea (i.e. from GB)
Current coffehouse fave? Chai :cool:
Jello Biafra
19-04-2006, 05:03
Schneider's Diet Iced Tea.
Coffee? Tea? Awful stuff. I'll just drink hot chocolate to warm myself up. :)
19-04-2006, 05:05
Tim Hortons is the Holy Mecca that all Canadians make daily pilgrimages too. It's damn good stuff.... too good...
Many Michiganders make the same obesiances to the Canadian coffee god. Every morning its a large coffee and 2 cheese croissants. In fact, when they see me pull in they have my stuff ready before I even get to the counter.
Other than Tims I really miss Jakobs from Germany. I make do with Chibo, but it's not quite the same.
Curious Inquiry
19-04-2006, 05:06
Coffee? Tea? Awful stuff. I'll just drink hot chocolate to warm myself up. :)
During the winter months, there's no beating hot chocolate! *nods*
Theoretical Physicists
19-04-2006, 05:08
I don't like coffee and I brew my own tea from bags or loose tea leaves.
The Black Forrest
19-04-2006, 05:08
Oh. Along the lines of a Starbucks or Peet's then?
Starbucks = Peet's.
They took them out a couple years ago.
I wonder if Tim Hortons is owned by them?
19-04-2006, 05:08
Starbucks. [/partial because he works there] ;)
19-04-2006, 05:12
Starbucks = Peet's.
They took them out a couple years ago.
I wonder if Tim Hortons is owned by them?
Wendys owns Tim Hortons.
Honestly, I'd rather go without coffee than pay the ludicrous prices that Starbucks charges.
Desperate Measures
19-04-2006, 05:14
Jamaica Blue Mountain is considered to be the best available. I only had it once and remembered remarking that it tasted surprisingly like coffee. It's around 40 dollars a pound.
There is also a coffee shop in my hometown that has it's own coffee roaster. They definitely have the best coffee I ever had.
Anti-Social Darwinism
19-04-2006, 05:50
Jamaica Blue Mountain is considered to be the best available. I only had it once and remembered remarking that it tasted surprisingly like coffee. It's around 40 dollars a pound.
There is also a coffee shop in my hometown that has it's own coffee roaster. They definitely have the best coffee I ever had.
I had Jamaica Blue Mountain once. It's good, but hardly $40.00/lb worth of good.
Kona coffee is quite good. A Hawaiian friend brought some over and treated the whole office - that's the only time I drank "office" coffee.
19-04-2006, 06:38
I just went to Dunkin Donuts and since they aren't selling my beloved blueberry coffee any more I thought I'd try something new.. oh my fluffling god.. I have found the best coffee ever! Chocolate coffee. I loveloveluvluvluvlove this coffee!
Well.. yeah.. there's starbucks, timmy hos, dunkin donuts, cinnibon, ect..
What's the best place to go for a great cup of coffee, or tea?
I hate to do this to you, but ... don't drink flavored coffee. Not even chocolate or cinnamon -- unless you watch them (with your very own eyes) put actual cocoa or actual cinnamon into actual plain coffee per your order. Flavored coffees are made by soaking coffee beans in flavored oils, most of which are artificial because natural flavors cost too much. I had a co-worker who kept Dunkin Donuts hazelnut coffee in the office -- ugh! The smell was like walking past a scented candle store. Blech. I'd watch her drink it and imagine the tumors growing inside her.
Me, I'll take good old Columbian every day of the week, three to five (or six or seven...) times a day. Dark roast. Espresso grind. Drip brew. Whole milk. Half a teaspoon of sugar. That's my usual at home and out.
I also go for the occasional cappucino and the occasional shot of espresso, straight up. Best coffee I ever had was in Naples, Italy. I don't know what kind of beans they use there, but they say Naples serves the best coffee in Italy, and I have to say I don't see how that could not be true because it was frigging fantastic everywhere I went.
I also enjoy black and green tea for my health and to relax. I love iced green tea in the summer time.
Dissonant Cognition
19-04-2006, 07:11
For the best Doppio ( (coffee, and hold the everything else):
1. Diedrich Coffee (
2. Starbucks (
3. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (
999. The "Mom and Pop" place across the street.
Diedrich takes first because their baristas consistently deliver my coffee to me without placing a lid on the cup. The sense of smell has a powerful influence on taste and as such the only purpose for that little plastic lid is to make the coffee not taste as good. I would rank Diedrich and Starbucks at the same level, but the Starbucks barista has always delivered my coffee to me with a lid on it. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf seems to believe that the "strong" in "strong coffee" means "acid," sort of how the makers of "Tabasco" think that "hot" means "vinegar." The Coffee Bean always deliver their cups with those taste destroying plastic disks as well. And the "mom and pop" type store nearby easily delivers the worst product possible. Drinkable only in emergencies where the caffene is needed to maintain conciousness, otherwise avoid at all cost. The huge global chains threaten to put the "mom and pop" store out of business? Good riddance, says I.
19-04-2006, 08:51
Blue mountain, I suppose: if coffee is your bag.
Magaret's hope first flush for tea. (Yah, I know it's not the 'best', but I like it).
Pure Metal
19-04-2006, 12:38
I just went to Dunkin Donuts and since they aren't selling my beloved blueberry coffee any more I thought I'd try something new.. oh my fluffling god.. I have found the best coffee ever! Chocolate coffee. I loveloveluvluvluvlove this coffee!
oooooh chocolate coffee? i might even like that... cos usually i hate coffee.
more of a tea man myself. nowhere does really good tea unless you buy your own loose leaf stuff and blend your own at home. loving a simple blend of half darjeeling and ceylon at the mo :)
19-04-2006, 13:03
I had Jamaica Blue Mountain once. It's good, but hardly $40.00/lb worth of good.
Kona coffee is quite good. A Hawaiian friend brought some over and treated the whole office - that's the only time I drank "office" coffee.
If you want expensive buy some Kopi Luwak coffee. Never had any myself but would love to try.
19-04-2006, 14:07
Many Michiganders make the same obesiances to the Canadian coffee god. Every morning its a large coffee and 2 cheese croissants. In fact, when they see me pull in they have my stuff ready before I even get to the counter.
Other than Tims I really miss Jakobs from Germany. I make do with Chibo, but it's not quite the same.
Ah Michigan! The most Canadian of American States!
Back in my 'moving' days, I was in and out of Michigan on a regular basis, around the same time that all the Tim Hortons/Wendy combo's were popping up.
I was in for a few suprises in my pilgrimage.
First of all, in Canada, when you ask for your coffee 'regular', it means one cream, one sugar. In the states, it means black, (as opposed to decaf.) Confused the hell out of me when they gave me a black coffee.
Secondly, at that time all of the coffee cups were manufactured in Canada, but the American sizes were all one size larger. So, if I went to Timmie's in Michigan, I had to remember that when I ordered a large coffee, they would hand it to me in an extra-large cup.
So my large regular coffee would turn into an extra-large black coffee. Even Michigan remained strangely alien. At least they were airing hockey on a regular basis...
19-04-2006, 14:09
Wendys owns Tim Hortons.
Honestly, I'd rather go without coffee than pay the ludicrous prices that Starbucks charges.
I concur. And Starbucks reminds me of Battlestar Galactica. Probably tastes similar to their 'space-fuel'.
Infinite Revolution
19-04-2006, 14:23
we've got these old police boxes in edinburgh (like dr. who has only smaller and red) that are little coffee shops - they do the best coffee i've had apart from what i make myself. they use coffee from the california coffee company or something like that. there's also the Aroma Cafe which uses an italian (i think) brand of coffee which is pretty good.