18-04-2006, 18:43
Has our species become too focused on increasing our numbers? Not too many centuries ago, our population was kept in check by a relatively high death rate. It was either hump alot or go extinct. Things were relatively "bad", but you could still find the silver lining.
Now, we are focused on all, but eliminating death, but we are still pretty much sex-driven. In many cultures, especially those in North America and Western Europe, sex isn't just something to keep us from dying out, it is a way of life. It has become a bragging right or a rite of passage. There's nothing wrong with a little pleasure here and there and a few kids, but abstinence and virginity are virtues. Those displays of self-control and dedication should be bragging rights. It's saying "I have control over my dick/vagina, not the other way around."
It's too bad we, in this age of std's and AIDS, are too caught up in a single form of pleasure to realize that we just might become a too large a population. We're too caught up in getting rid of death to lower our birth rate as a means of keeping our population from exceeding our supplies. Condoms can break. Pills can fail. Abortian can get banned. Safe sex can turn into the opposite quite easily. The only was to truly prevent std's is to practice the "outdated" and "obsolete" practices of abstinence and virginity. I didn't say AIDS because that can be spread via contaminated needles.
Let's face it. If we don't lower our poulation icrease rate, then first world countries could be eliminated through overpopulation. Our supplies are finite and fragile. We've become all, but expendable. Just bricks in the wall.
comments? positive feedback and constructive criticism only please.
Now, we are focused on all, but eliminating death, but we are still pretty much sex-driven. In many cultures, especially those in North America and Western Europe, sex isn't just something to keep us from dying out, it is a way of life. It has become a bragging right or a rite of passage. There's nothing wrong with a little pleasure here and there and a few kids, but abstinence and virginity are virtues. Those displays of self-control and dedication should be bragging rights. It's saying "I have control over my dick/vagina, not the other way around."
It's too bad we, in this age of std's and AIDS, are too caught up in a single form of pleasure to realize that we just might become a too large a population. We're too caught up in getting rid of death to lower our birth rate as a means of keeping our population from exceeding our supplies. Condoms can break. Pills can fail. Abortian can get banned. Safe sex can turn into the opposite quite easily. The only was to truly prevent std's is to practice the "outdated" and "obsolete" practices of abstinence and virginity. I didn't say AIDS because that can be spread via contaminated needles.
Let's face it. If we don't lower our poulation icrease rate, then first world countries could be eliminated through overpopulation. Our supplies are finite and fragile. We've become all, but expendable. Just bricks in the wall.
comments? positive feedback and constructive criticism only please.