Good Friday: Did you eat meat today?
Thomish Kingdom
15-04-2006, 00:23
Its good friday and you are not supose to eat meat if your are Catholic or any other christian. So if you are christian, Did you eat meat?
15-04-2006, 00:23
Sure did.
Fuck those rules!
IL Ruffino
15-04-2006, 00:27
Nah, im not catholic, but my family is so i didnt eat meat.. had pizza and stale cake! If only i could eat that every day.
15-04-2006, 00:27
It's a mortal sin.
Call to power
15-04-2006, 00:28
does chicken count?
The Black Forrest
15-04-2006, 00:28
Vatican II realigned the rules on that.....
Cabra West
15-04-2006, 00:29
Same as any other day...
15-04-2006, 00:30
Vatican II realigned the rules on that.....
Cabra West
15-04-2006, 00:30
does chicken count?
If I remember correctly, you can't eat chicken. But you can eat beavers or otters, because according to the fasting rules of the Catholic church, they're fish
Crap...I did....maybe that is why I can stop running to the bathroom. GOD IS PISSED!
15-04-2006, 00:32
Its good friday and you are not supose to eat meat if your are Catholic or any other christian. So if you are christian, Did you eat meat?
I ate meat today, I don't see how not eating meat is supposed to get be closer to Jesus
15-04-2006, 00:33
Meat Rules OK.
The Half-Hidden
15-04-2006, 00:34
Its good friday and you are not supose to eat meat if your are Catholic or any other christian. So if you are christian, Did you eat meat?
You're fucking right I ate chicken and lots of it. As an athiest carnivore, nothing can satisfy my lust for blood. :sniper:
IL Ruffino
15-04-2006, 00:35
Meat Rules OK.
15-04-2006, 00:35
Needless Big Text.
I ate meat today, I don't see how not eating meat is supposed to get be closer to Jesus
On good Friday Jesus was sacrificed. So we repay him with a sacrifice of not eating meat for one day. It use to be every Friday in lent.(A lot of people still follow the old rules.)
Nope. Then again I rarely eat red meat, and somebody said something which has had me eating very little Chicken.
What about Christians that didn't celebrate it today?
15-04-2006, 00:38
That's me.
If I remember correctly, you can't eat chicken. But you can eat beavers or otters, because according to the fasting rules of the Catholic church, they're fish
So I can eat beaver on Good Friday cause it's similar to fish?
What about Christians that didn't celebrate it today?
Thats a good question. What are u some type of eastern church?
Thats a good question. What are u some type of eastern church?
Nominally. Baptized Romanian Orthodox.
Haven't been to church in 15 years or so. I have never taken full mass, and I have never confessed.
15-04-2006, 00:41
On good Friday Jesus was sacrificed. So we repay him with a sacrifice of not eating meat for one day. It use to be every Friday in lent.(A lot of people still follow the old rules.)
At least for Roman Catholics, it is still every Friday during Lent.
I do know some old schoolers though, that don't eat meat on any Friday.
15-04-2006, 00:43
does chicken count?
Yes, Chicken is meat.
The way is was explained to me was that fish was exempted because of the loaves & the fishes, but also because fish are cold blooded.
Presumably, snake would also be acceptable. And rattlesnake does taste like chicken. :)
Cabra West
15-04-2006, 00:44
So I can eat beaver on Good Friday cause it's similar to fish?
Used to be the rules... I don't know if they saw how ridiculous they were and changed them or not. It wasn't regarded as similar to fish, it was regarded as fish. On account of living in the water. I can't seem to find much online about it though...
Cheese penguins
15-04-2006, 00:46
I ate tuna fish, i was baptised a christion or catholic or whatever but i don't believe in any lord, i am my own ruler nuts to teh rest of them. A day wouldn't be complete without some meat.
I ate tuna fish, i was baptised a christion or catholic or whatever but i don't believe in any lord, i am my own ruler nuts to teh rest of them. A day wouldn't be complete without some meat.
You can eat fish during Lent and on Good Friday...
Cabra West
15-04-2006, 00:51
You can eat fish during Lent and on Good Friday...
But tuna fish contains dolphins, and they're mamals... :eek:
But tuna fish contains dolphins, and they're mamals... :eek:
Maybe it was Dolphin Safe Tuna...:eek:
Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’”
Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’ For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean’; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.’”
—Matthew 15:10-20, NIV
Repent, oh meat-eating infidel! The christ child died for you!
15-04-2006, 00:54
If I remember correctly, you can't eat chicken. But you can eat beavers or otters, because according to the fasting rules of the Catholic church, they're fish
ewwww id rather eat tofu!
not that i didnt eat meat, i dont see the sense of obeying minor rules when i dont obey the big ones.
15-04-2006, 00:54
Big fat juicy pork roast brimming with crackling....mmmmmmmm
Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen and understand. What goes into a man’s mouth does not make him ‘unclean,’ but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him ‘unclean.’”
Then the disciples came to him and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?”
He replied, “Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.”
“Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’ For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean’; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.’”
—Matthew 15:10-20, NIV
The moral of which is: don't wash your hands.
...but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.’”
—Matthew 15:10-20, NIV
But still, Jesus advised washing your hands - especially after going to the bathroom.
But still, Jesus advised washing your hands - especially after going to the bathroom.
But only for kaka. Pipi is ok.
The moral of which is: don't wash your hands.
No you ding-bat!
The moral is don't put your hands in your mouth.
15-04-2006, 01:27
Yeah, I ate meat. Fast food.
And I'm definitely not any kind of christian.
AB Again
15-04-2006, 01:31
I am not Christian but I did not eat meat today, by chance. It happened that a colleague of my wife got a load of shrimps cheap, so we ate those (or rather they did and I ate some fish as I am allergic to crustacea).
Good friday - who cares?
Claret Rose
15-04-2006, 01:32
Of course. It is Friday. Hotdog. With bun.
The Black Forrest
15-04-2006, 01:32
Repent, oh meat-eating infidel! The christ child died for you!
Christ is soylent green? :eek:
15-04-2006, 01:32
Its good friday and you are not supose to eat meat if your are Catholic or any other christian. So if you are christian, Did you eat meat?
Absolutely, positively, and unequivocally without guilt or remorse, which is a state i'm not often in.
15-04-2006, 01:33
Christ is soylent green? :eek:
Roachy Returned
15-04-2006, 02:02
For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man ‘unclean’; but eating with unwashed hands does not make him ‘unclean.’”
—Matthew 15:10-20, NIV
I'm pretty sure that some of the things I do with my hands (or at least one hand) make me unclean, so I think I'll wash them before I eat just to be on the safe side.
Oh, and I'd love to be eating some beaver today, but I'm afraid that that is not a very likely prospect.
I'm an athiest vegetarian, man. Don't even mention both religion and meat in the same paragraph.
15-04-2006, 02:05
Of course. It is Friday. Hotdog. With bun.
Same. That was one good hotdog. It IS junkfood friday after all. :D
15-04-2006, 02:06
I'd've had a hamburger, but there was only one left, and I didn't want to be selfish. I had shrimp instead.
Of course, there's still time to eat half of said hamburger, but if I don't, it's not like it matters.
15-04-2006, 02:50
Same. That was one good hotdog. It IS junkfood friday after all. :D
I had TWO hotdogs on a double wide bun! ^____^
15-04-2006, 02:50
I'd've had a hamburger, but there was only one left, and I didn't want to be selfish. I had shrimp instead.
Of course, there's still time to eat half of said hamburger, but if I don't, it's not like it matters.
hehehe...Not Selfish...Shrimp...*snicker*
15-04-2006, 02:54
Even God itself would have enjoyed the bacon and cheese sandwich I had for breakast, the beef vindaloo I ate for lunch, and the gyros on a pita I just polished off for dinner.
Despite being semi-aquatic rodents, capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), is consumed during Lent in parts of Venezuela. "Its dried and salted meat," according to Emilio Herrera (biologist and capybara expert at Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas), "is highly appreciated and is a traditional Lenten dish."
"Capybara meat is white and has qualities and properties (such as high emulsification) that might allow it to compete with pork and other meats in the food industry. Spanish-style sausages, Italian-style mortadellas, frankfurters, and German-style smoked chops have been produced experimentally. However, at present, the meat is mainly consumed only in the dried and salted form. It is particularly popular in Venezuela, where more than 400 tons are sold every year, especially during Easter festivities."
Well I ate a chicken sandwich for lunch and some chicken soup later...
And I'm a Catholic...woops...:eek:
Grainne Ni Malley
15-04-2006, 03:44
12 years of Catholic school wasn't enough to beat into me the Good Friday rule. I had three pieces of fried chicken for lunch. Oh well. And I'm not going to church on Sunday either, god dammit!
(I'm waiting for the lightning bolt!)
15-04-2006, 03:49
22 once bloody Porterhouse.
15-04-2006, 04:29
I am Christian (although I am protestant) and we don't have the 'no meat on Good friday' rule. I am not quite sure where that came from or the point of it, but I had some bacon bits on my baked potato for dinner (it also had cheese, so I didn't even eat Kosher, not that those rules apply to me, but just so you know)
anyway, I ate a baked potato, 1 serving of chips and a rice cake (not in that order) and that was all I ate today...... no wonder I am hungry, oh well, no food after 10pm... gotta wait until tomorrow.
*dreams about rice cake for breakfast*
I don’t ever eat meat, so no.
Thanks for reminding me that I unintentionally honored a Catholic tradition. Now I’m going to be fucking nauseas.
15-04-2006, 04:48
Now I’m going to be fucking nauseas.
*points and laughs*
I'm not Christian...and....I had...chicken. Twice. Lunch and dinner.
15-04-2006, 05:13
No, I didn't eat any meat, but that was more due to my unsocial waking hour and a friend who was generous with his pastries and pies than any for any religious reason.
What did piss me off though was that the pubs were all closed. Damn remnants of the theocracy hanging around.
Roachy Returned
15-04-2006, 05:19
22 once bloody Porterhouse.
If it weren't for your name, I'd probably ask you to marry me. It's just as well, I suppose, I think my girlfriend might have had a problem with it.
15-04-2006, 09:24
I'd actually completely forgotton about this rule, being a non-practising catholic (I got good enough) for 15 years, coincidentally though I had a tuna sandwich for lunch and Fish+Chips for dinner so I actually followed the rule without my knowledge.
Now I'm going to do the traditional atheistic activity on easter sunday, eat so much chocolate I feel ill, thats what it's all about.
Cheese penguins
15-04-2006, 10:08
Maybe it was Dolphin Safe Tuna...:eek:
No it wasn't... hey it adds extra flavour ;) I also had some sausages just after reading this thread last night... lol i couldn't resist.
As a matter of fact I had three cheese burgers today. This is strange because I usually don't eat that much meat. *inhales more Chinese food*
Yep. And Christian. Oh wait Good Friday... not Saturday ummm I don't remember.... wait... no. I didn't have meat yesterday but not for any reason except that I didn't feel like it yesterday...
15-04-2006, 10:25
Seeing as to how it was Saturday when this was posted, and early in the morning, no, I haven't eaten meat. Turkey is apparently not meat. I had it with breakfast.
Yesterday, I had lamb. Which is licking the thin line between actual meat and meat-like edibles, like poultry and fish, due to its blood being used to protect the Hebrews on Passover.
Dang traditions, always making no sense at all.
15-04-2006, 11:59
Nope, not a Christian. I had eight or so (maybe more) beers & a couple of pies at the footy. Jesus was going to parachute in at half time, but he cancelled at the last minute.
Potato jack
15-04-2006, 12:13
I didn't eat meat, but that was unintentional-I just couldn't be bothered to make any lunch.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 12:21
of course i ate meat, it tastes so good.
that and i don't understand why we shouldn't eat meat on the day of some guys' death, considering he respawns in three days.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 12:25
Nope, not a Christian. I had eight or so (maybe more) beers & a couple of pies at the footy. Jesus was going to parachute in at half time, but he cancelled at the last minute.
only 8 beers? you filthy sober git. how can you watch footy like that? boony would be pissed at you, if he wasn't so pissed.
15-04-2006, 12:25
of course i ate meat, it tastes so good.
that and i don't understand why we shouldn't eat meat on the day of some guys' death, considering he respawns in three days.
Mental image of Jesus in an online deathmatch.
Cool :p
Soviet Haaregrad
15-04-2006, 12:27
of course i ate meat, it tastes so good.
that and i don't understand why we shouldn't eat meat on the day of some guys' death, considering he respawns in three days.
Waiting to respawn for 3 days is torture.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 12:29
Mental image of Jesus in an online deathmatch.
Cool :p
the worrying thing is that people say i look like him. this is a bad thing. if people think i am him, they won't worry so much about killing me, as i'll probably respawn in 3 days
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 12:30
Waiting to respawn for 3 days is torture.
especially when some people are in the habit of doing rather unpleasant things to corpses :p
Mr Gigglesworth
15-04-2006, 12:38
Arrgh i attacked a Spanish Merchantman carrying a large supply of Pork and Sugar but i restrained myself and got on thew Rum instead.
15-04-2006, 12:58
only 8 beers? you filthy sober git. how can you watch footy like that? boony would be pissed at you, if he wasn't so pissed.
Yes, I failed. However, I did have a good time. :)
15-04-2006, 13:02
Well actually me and my dad went up to the Army Meuseum at Waiouru and on the way we stopped at Bulls for a feed.
We stopped at the Bull Eye Cafe and ordered Scrambled Eggs and Salmon, they said it would be fifteen minutes...
It was actually 30 and instead of Salmon we got Bacon.:eek:
They said "Is this alright?"
I said no and killed the bitch.
Bloody Rurals, ya can't trust em.
Imagine if we had been Jewish or Muslim!
The place would have been Fire bombed within the hour.
Lucky for them.
I ate my Scrambled eggs and toast.
So no, i ate no meat on Good Friday.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:03
Yes, I failed. However, I did have a good time. :)
as long as you did, otherwise i'd have to travel far too long to teach you the error of your ways.
then again, i don't know what boony thinks about drinking spirits
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:05
Imagine if we had been Jewish or Muslim!
The place would have been Fire bombed within the hour.
actually, though i'm jewish, i wouldn't have firebombed them. unless i was bored...
Well, haven't eaten meat yet today... And probably not eating meat today, but that's not really because it's good friday...
The Nuke Testgrounds
15-04-2006, 13:25
as long as you did, otherwise i'd have to travel far too long to teach you the error of your ways.
then again, i don't know what boony thinks about drinking spirits
Drinking any substance is commendable. Except for water. It makes you sober.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:31
Drinking any substance is commendable. Except for water. It makes you sober.
water is filthy disgusting stuff. all those bacteria floating around in it haveing sex. how can people drink that stuff? i know i don't.
15-04-2006, 13:35
It's not as though this is the actual day as which Good Friday was originally designated. If you take into account different time-zones around the world, it just makes such a rule pointless.
I apologise if somebody has already stated the obvious.
15-04-2006, 13:39
actually, though i'm jewish, i wouldn't have firebombed them. unless i was bored...
So you would have called up the Simon Westhinthal centre and said they were Nazis?
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:41
So you would have called up the Simon Westhinthal centre and said they were Nazis?
no, whether they are or not, i'm most likely too lazy to go to that level of effort, unless absolutely necessary.
15-04-2006, 13:46
no, whether they are or not, i'm most likely too lazy to go to that level of effort, unless absolutely necessary.
How much effort?
*raises eyebrow*
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:50
How much effort?
*raises eyebrow*
damn, you called my bluff. i have no idea who you were talking about.
generally speaking i'm a pretty lazy person, which is why i seem non-violent to most people
water is filthy disgusting stuff. all those bacteria floating around in it haveing sex. how can people drink that stuff? i know i don't.
Fish fucks in it too.
Alpha Aura
15-04-2006, 13:55
Damnit. Had I realized this, I would have made a point of eating meat. Oh well.
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 13:59
Fish fucks in it too.
if you would call what they do f***ing. it seems far less interesting than what we do
if you would call what they do f***ing. it seems far less interesting than what we do
Narrow minded specist!
15-04-2006, 14:05
damn, you called my bluff. i have no idea who you were talking about.
generally speaking i'm a pretty lazy person, which is why i seem non-violent to most people
I think your name gave it away.
*Doesn't reveal sources*
15-04-2006, 14:05
I utterly forgot about food as it happens, had some supernoodles and that was it. goddamn it.
15-04-2006, 14:06
I utterly forgot about food as it happens, had some supernoodles and that was it. goddamn it.
Did it have flavouring?
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 14:07
Narrow minded specist!
i don't find the idea of releasing my gametes into the water to let them mix with others as entertaining as releasing them into someone, even if it's into a condom, rather than them directly
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 14:10
I think your name gave it away.
*Doesn't reveal sources*
my name reflects the fact that there was an option to have an armed republic, and my effort at trying to find a name for a ntion of that form
anyway, these sources shall come forth... ...bah, too lazy to be intimidating
15-04-2006, 14:11
my name reflects the fact that there was an option to have an armed republic, and my effort at trying to find a name for a ntion of that form
anyway, these sources shall come forth... ...bah, too lazy to be intimidating
Too lazy or aware you shalt be Smote?;)
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 14:16
Too lazy or aware you shalt be Smote?;)
too lazy. as i pointed out earlier in this thread, people believe that if i was smitten, i'd just respawn in3 days, which would be rather inconvenient, considering i have some programming work to do and hitchikers guide to the galaxy radioplay to listen to
15-04-2006, 14:20
too lazy. as i pointed out earlier in this thread, people believe that if i was smitten, i'd just respawn in3 days, which would be rather inconvenient, considering i have some programming work to do and hitchikers guide to the galaxy radioplay to listen to
People only believe eh?
Will perhaps we shall put this to the test, maybe you shall be reborn as an Agar dish who knows?
Murderous maniacs
15-04-2006, 14:25
People only believe eh?
Will perhaps we shall put this to the test, maybe you shall be reborn as an Agar dish who knows?
maybe, but i doubt we'll find out soon, despite what i have been known to do to myself, i have not died yet and i won't die in the next few hours, unless someone tries to kill me in my sleep.
in other words: if you want to try to kill me in my sleep then you'll have an opportunity in 20 minutes
15-04-2006, 14:30
maybe, but i doubt we'll find out soon, despite what i have been known to do to myself, i have not died yet and i won't die in the next few hours, unless someone tries to kill me in my sleep.
in other words: if you want to try to kill me in my sleep then you'll have an opportunity in 20 minutes
Interesting, sleep you say
*strokes stuble*
Are you immune to the Powers of Freddie Kruger?
Infinite Revolution
15-04-2006, 14:35
i didn't even know you weren't supposed to eat meat on good friday when i was a christian. i had sausages for my dinner. they were yummy.
Little India
15-04-2006, 14:42
Not a Christian, but had fish instead of meat.
Are you sure that fish is banned??? I thought it was only the meat of animals, ie sheep, pigs and cows - or any other animal that you may wish to eat.
I haven't had meat, but I haven't eaten much yet. I did get up damn late, I've only been awake for about 2 hours. Might have some chicken for dinner, or a burger. Yum.
Oh wait, good friday was yesterday. Ooops.
15-04-2006, 22:52
Thomish Kingdom - you're wrong. There is no biblical authority for not eating meat on Good Friday; there may be a Catholic tradition not to eat meat, but that doesn't affect those Christians who don't follow the Catholic tradition.
The Jovian Moons
15-04-2006, 23:37
mmmm... peporoni.....
I'm going to hell! :D