What would you fight for?
The UN abassadorship
12-04-2006, 07:24
What do you think the best/ most important thing to fight for? Poll and discuss if you wish/
My right to party...of course.
12-04-2006, 07:26
I would fight for oxygen, food, water, and shelter.
I would fight to the death to ensure a cut in the capital gains tax.
I would fight should another Hitler appear. Hopefully that will never happen. Then I suppose if our freedoms disappear at home I would fight the arrogant U.S. government who decided to take my rights. Assuming I'm brave enough. Hope I never have to find out! :D
An added reason to hope terrorists never hit us again. The reactions of the government would be probably so stupid and overreacting that our rights would suffer dearly.
12-04-2006, 07:41
I'd fight to end all this fighting .....
12-04-2006, 07:45
For the honor of Elisha Cuthbert.
Atheists...fighting atheists? :confused:
"No, we believe in God less than you!"
"You fools! We deny God more than you!"
"To arms!"
"To arms!"
Or...atheists fighting theists?
"Religion is a failure since religions end up fighting each other over their beliefs."
"EAAAACK *BOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!*"
I'm smiling waaaaaay too much by typing this...:D
Since I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, I am reluctant to fight, as I could really hurt someone, but I would be content to fight if it was to protect my family, my friends or myself.
I'd fight for a new computer, or some pie. :)
Terror Incognitia
12-04-2006, 08:06
I would fight - for any of those if truly necessary.
Apart from that.
Elisha, of course, how could I forget...
The UN abassadorship
12-04-2006, 08:08
For the honor of Elisha Cuthbert.
of course. Thats a given, I think we all would
of course. Thats a given, I think we all would
i'd fight myself to the death for her honor.
12-04-2006, 08:52
i'd fight myself to the death for her honor.
Wouldnt we all
Cannot think of a name
12-04-2006, 09:15
"There is nothing so absurd about risking your life for your country," [Nately] declared.
"Isn't there?" asked the old man. "What is a country? A country is a piece of land surrounded on all sides by boundaries, usually unnatural. Englishmen are dying for England. Americans are dying for America. Germans are dying for Germany. Russians are dying for Russia. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war. Sure so many countries can't all be worth dying for."
"Anything worth living for," Nately said, "is worth dying for."
"And anything worth dying for," answered the sacrilegious old man, "is certainly worth living for."
"Why don't you use some sense and try to be more like me? You might live to be a hundred and seven too."
"Because it's better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees. I guess you're heard that saying before."
"Yes I certainly have," mused the treacherous old man, smiling again. "But I'm afraid you have it backward. It is better to live on one's feet than die on one's knees. That is the way the saying goes.
"Are you sure?" Nately asked with sober confusion. "It seems to make more sense my way."
"No, it makes more sense my way..."
Catch-22-Joseph Heller.
I V Stalin
12-04-2006, 09:16
For the honor of Elisha Cuthbert.
Does she have any? She's mid-20s, blonde, and is an actress. You all know what that means...
I'd fight for my girlfriend. Maybe myself. That's about it.
I V Stalin
12-04-2006, 09:18
Catch-22-Joseph Heller.
And that is why I love that book.
Cannot think of a name
12-04-2006, 09:24
And that is why I love that book.
That old man is one of my favorite parts.
12-04-2006, 09:41
What's most worth fighting for me is my ideals: a society free from exploitation, misery, domination and needless sufferings; a society of cooperation, solidarity and mutual helping.
I would also fight to protect loved ones, be it family or not.
That say, I use "fight" in a general, non violent way. I'm against violence in most cases, only in exceptional situations (like against a dictatorship using massive violence) would I resort to it.
Evil little girls
12-04-2006, 09:50
What happened to a better world
What happened to political convictions?
Evil little girls
12-04-2006, 09:52
What's most worth fighting for me is my ideals: a society free from exploitation, misery, domination and needless sufferings; a society of cooperation, solidarity and mutual helping.
I would also fight to protect loved ones, be it family or not.
That say, I use "fight" in a general, non violent way. I'm against violence in most cases, only in exceptional situations (like against a dictatorship using massive violence) would I resort to it.
I agree with you
Zero Six Three
12-04-2006, 09:55
Chocolate. I'd fight for chocolate.
Secret aj man
12-04-2006, 09:59
For the honor of Elisha Cuthbert.
i got your back..plus the capital gains tax thing.
Secret aj man
12-04-2006, 10:04
What's most worth fighting for me is my ideals: a society free from exploitation, misery, domination and needless sufferings; a society of cooperation, solidarity and mutual helping.
I would also fight to protect loved ones, be it family or not.
That say, I use "fight" in a general, non violent way. I'm against violence in most cases, only in exceptional situations (like against a dictatorship using massive violence) would I resort to it.
can i be the devils advocate here....fighting..period is the devils(republicans) work.
anytime you fight,and win,you defeat another...no?
so by defeating another you are the victor...and that automatically puts you in the position of power,and that means you have control...that makes you a dick...but your good cause is better then mine...and round and round we go.with competition or violence,there is always the victor and the vanquished...how can that be reconciled?
either you eliminate competition and conquest,or...?
spelling is horrendous...sorry.
but i hope you get my gist,life is funny that way,it is competition,but we all abhor it,yet we fight over the pretty girl,money etc...and want a fair world,confuses the shit outta me.
it is possible to have the love of your life with no drama,but chances are,some other guy/girl is going to want what you have...and then competition starts,and can easily degenerate to violence.
so where do we go from here?
cant defy human nature,so that brings all sorts of other issues into question,does it not?
Neu Leonstein
12-04-2006, 10:05
I'll find out when it happens.
I'd fight for my mates-to defend myself, my home and my familly. nothiung else is worth it.
I might fight for freedom though.
Just remember that it's a subjective definition.
I'd fight physically to defend those I love.
I'd fight verbally to defend my rights and those of others - but if it came to it, I'd consider anything up to guerilla tactics to be legitimate in defending freedom. I would never join the military.
Evil little girls
12-04-2006, 10:11
can i be the devils advocate here....fighting..period is the devils(republicans) work.
anytime you fight,and win,you defeat another...no?
so by defeating another you are the victor...and that automatically puts you in the position of power,and that means you have control...that makes you a dick...but your good cause is better then mine...and round and round we go.with comprtition oer violence,there is always the victor and thwe vanquished...how can that be reconciled?
either you eliminate competition and conquest,or...?
This from the guy who wanted to build a wall to keep out foreigners.
12-04-2006, 10:12
Does she have any? She's mid-20s, blonde, and is an actress. You all know what that means...
I'd fight for my girlfriend. Maybe myself. That's about it.
Good Sir, you would do well to remember that is one of my future wives you are speaking about! She is not lazy in the sack!
I V Stalin
12-04-2006, 10:14
Chocolate. I'd fight for chocolate.
I'll fight you for the chocolate.
I V Stalin
12-04-2006, 10:16
Good Sir, you would do well to remember that is one of my future wives you are speaking about! She is not lazy in the sack!
Heh...when I first read that, I thought you were talking about my girlfriend...and I was going to reply with :upyours:
One of your future wives? Do you mean you're going to divorce someone at some point, or are you intending on practicing polygamy?
Secret aj man
12-04-2006, 10:18
This from the guy who wanted to build a wall to keep out foreigners.
just for entertainment value...a wall would eliminate competition and or violence...no victim/prey....no problem.
Compulsive Depression
12-04-2006, 10:19
What happened to a better world
What happened to political convictions?
Sold, to the guy in the Armani suit.
I'd fight to defend my friends or myself, or possibly out of sheer bloody-mindedness.
I do agree with the old guy in Catch-22.
Secret aj man
12-04-2006, 10:20
This from the guy who wanted to build a wall to keep out foreigners
ok,if i come and tresspass on your property,take a steaming shit on your lawn,in front of your kids,you will make me tea...damn i love you allready.
12-04-2006, 10:22
I'm not a violent man by any stretch of the imagination. I don't see myself fighting for anything. Causes are fleeting, beauty fades, spouses come and go, nationalism is a special olympic event, no magical sky fairy needs me to fight their battles, and no material possession or amount of money is worth the fight.
So ... *shrug* ... I dunno. Oh ... pie ... yes ... someone mentioned pie ... I'd fight for pie ... and a taco.
12-04-2006, 10:27
For the honor of Elisha Cuthbert.
Who's she?
12-04-2006, 10:29
Who's she?
Neu Leonstein
12-04-2006, 10:30
Who's she?
Not "who"..."what"! And the answer is "pretty". :)
12-04-2006, 10:31
can i be the devils advocate here....fighting..period is the devils(republicans) work.
anytime you fight,and win,you defeat another...no?
Well, yes. But if you don't struggle, there is no way to change the society. And don't forget that capitalism creates a class struggle, that's inherent to it. If the workers don't struggle, it won't prevent the capitalists from struggling against them. In fact, that's what we see in nowadays Europe. Unions are weaker, struggle less, and rights that were conquered after WW2 are being disbanded one by one.
so by defeating another you are the victor...and that automatically puts you in the position of power,and that means you have control...
Not necceserly. If you take power by the strength of guns, sure, you have control and power. If your struggle is with a massive protest, a general strike, a landslide election victory, you don't have more control. You may even have less if you give back power to the people, as we want to do.
that makes you a dick...but your good cause is better then mine...and round and round we go.with competition or violence,there is always the victor and the vanquished...how can that be reconciled?
By eliminating the fundations of the struggle, which is the economical structure of capitalism. That's the only yo stop having victor and vanquished. That's the only way "unite the human race" as the Internationale claims. That's our goal. But if we don't struggle for it, if we don't fight (in a non-violent way, unless in exceptional situations) for it, it'll never happen, and there will always be vanquished, misery, suffering, competition, me-or-you.
but i hope you get my gist,life is funny that way,it is competition,but we all abhor it,yet we fight over the pretty girl,money etc...and want a fair world,confuses the shit outta me.
Yes, I understand your point. But the goal of the communist struggle is not to replace a domination with another one, it's change the structure of the society to eliminate the struggle itself. "So comrades, come rally, and the last fight let us face, the Internationale ideal unites the human race."
Of course, we have to be very careful to not use a victory to just change who wield the power, as it was done in 1917. That's a lesson humanity learnt in a very painful way, and you can be sure I won't support doing the same dramatic mistakes once again.
it is possible to have the love of your life with no drama,but chances are,some other guy/girl is going to want what you have...and then competition starts,and can easily degenerate to violence.
The love compeititon is probably one that cannot be totally avoided, but with education and a more human, more compassionate society, we can lower the amount of violence in it. Because I was raised with the values of compassion, solidarity, helping each other, I would not fall to violent jealousy. It wouldn't cross my mind to harm someone because the girl I love like him... quite the opposite, if the girl I love like him, to please her, I'll be nice with him. Because that's what love is about: pleasing the other one, making him/her happy. And because I don't wish harm to any human being.
cant defy human nature,so that brings all sorts of other issues into question,does it not?
Human nature is much more a consequence of the society than anything else.
12-04-2006, 10:34
What do you think the best/ most important thing to fight for? Poll and discuss if you wish/
Someone I love. I chose "family" on the poll, but that includes people I love who are not related to me.
12-04-2006, 10:36
That second Catch 22 quote was pretty cool. Liked that one.
I would fight for my family. My friends. Freedom and stuff. Just the usual.
Evil little girls
12-04-2006, 10:37
This from the guy who wanted to build a wall to keep out foreigners
ok,if i come and tresspass on your property,take a steaming shit on your lawn,in front of your kids,you will make me tea...damn i love you allready.
wow, from one end to another.
No, I wouldn't of course, but if you were chased by a group of angry people and you came to my house, I would let hyou in and try to see what's the problem and try to reason with your attackers.
Of course, if you were a fascist my hospitality would be gone.
And if you were looking for a place to sleep, I'd let you in too.
12-04-2006, 10:37
12-04-2006, 10:44
Fuck, she's hot. I didn't quite click as to who she was.
Yea, I would fight for that too.
Mainly? Protection of my loved ones from harm, and perhaps, if I truly felt it was necessary, for my country. But fact is, I'm a lover and a scientist more than I'd ever be a real fighter, and as such I try to avoid any fighting unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
Infinite Revolution
12-04-2006, 12:45
Zero Six Three
12-04-2006, 13:32
I'll fight you for the chocolate.
Bring it, Foo!
12-04-2006, 13:42
I'd fight to keep what's mine. That incorporates a lot, including my family and myself, but also my country. I don't see myself as a nationalist in the slightest, but if someone invaded then I would push them out in any manner I would see fit. In my opinion, if someone invades then anything goes (other than nukes or biological weapons, obviously).
I'd fight for not having to fight..
Atheist Heathens
12-04-2006, 13:53
I'd fight for myself. I'm more important than everything else.
Gargantua City State
12-04-2006, 14:01
I was expecting an option for "Pie" or "Cookies" or something.
Since those weren't there, I suppose I'd fight for my country... but only if it was being invaded. But since Canada doesn't really have any enemies (although I think we're probably making a couple in Afghanistan), the very idea of Canada being invaded seems silly. If that happens, much bigger and more important countries than us will have already fallen, so fighting might be a bit pointless, anyway.
Unless the US invades. Then I'll fight tooth and nail! ;)
12-04-2006, 14:36
I was expecting an option for "Pie" or "Cookies" or something.
Since those weren't there, I suppose I'd fight for my country... but only if it was being invaded. But since Canada doesn't really have any enemies (although I think we're probably making a couple in Afghanistan), the very idea of Canada being invaded seems silly. If that happens, much bigger and more important countries than us will have already fallen, so fighting might be a bit pointless, anyway.
Unless the US invades. Then I'll fight tooth and nail! ;)
Set your bears on them!
Terror Incognitia
12-04-2006, 14:51
Been a lot here about the need to avoid conflict.
Meh. You can't avoid it; you can, however, channel it into better, more constructive paths. And yes, conflict can be constructive; competition can improve both sides. Obviously bombing each other kind of conflict is not good, if sometimes necessary, but more low-grade stuff can be good for you.
Cabra West
12-04-2006, 15:02
What do you think the best/ most important thing to fight for? Poll and discuss if you wish/
Nothing and nobody!
Oh, I love those easy questions...
Jello Biafra
12-04-2006, 15:07
It depends. Fighting in the violent sense - only for something that I could get otherwise. Fighting doesn't necessarily mean violence, though, "fighting to end the war" might simply mean civil disobedience.