85% turnout in Italian polls - the only good thing Berlusconi ever did for Italy?
The Infinite Dunes
11-04-2006, 01:52
Wow... 85% that's unheard of... except in places with mandatory voting, but they don't count. Silly Belgians.
Apparently it's really right as well. 90% of the votes counted and Berlusconi only leads by 0.9%, and this doesn't include the votes of Italians living abroad which has the power to tip the scales, despite only deciding 6 of the 315 seats in the senate.
I'd really hate to be one of a party member in Italy right now. I'm not sure if I#d have any nails left.
There are even allegations of vote-rigging. This is much more interesting than the American elections, where Kerry might as well have openly declared than he enjoyed BDSM whilst in a dog fursuit for all the good it would have done his popularity.
The Jovian Moons
11-04-2006, 02:28
Those crazy Itallians... What are they up to now? Don't they have about 10 main parties so who ever wins still has most of the country mad at him?
11-04-2006, 02:36
Such is the power of proportional representation. Which is a shame, as it's theoretically the most democratic system of voting.
The Infinite Dunes
11-04-2006, 02:48
I think it's even worse for Prodi, Berlusconi's main opposition. I don't think he even has a party, he's just the presidential candidate for a coalition of parties, which he isn't the leader of any.
11-04-2006, 11:18
Such is the power of proportional representation. Which is a shame, as it's theoretically the most democratic system of voting.
I think that 'First Past the Post' is much more pleasant :).
No no, we have 2 main parties: Democratic Socialists (led by Prodi) and Forza Italia (Berlusconi) getting about 30% votes each, then a few secondary ones getting 10% or less (commies and fascists :fluffle: ), and then even smaller ones who have a say but aren't really shakers..
No nails left btw :p
Congratulations to Romano Prodi. :)
The Infinite Dunes
12-04-2006, 00:49
No no, we have 2 main parties: Democratic Socialists (led by Prodi) and Forza Italia (Berlusconi) getting about 30% votes each, then a few secondary ones getting 10% or less (commies and fascists :fluffle: ), and then even smaller ones who have a say but aren't really shakers..
No nails left btw :pIt seems like Prodi has taken control of both houses, but only just. He has a majority of just 2 in the senate. That seems so unworkable. If even just one senator rebels against the coalition line and the independent senator votes against the government then the legislation would fail. I feel Italy maybe be forced to go back to the polls in a couple of months. Stil pretty amazing for Prodi though. To leave Italian politics to become Commission President and then to return to Italian politics AND win an election. Very impressive.
12-04-2006, 02:47
It seems like Prodi has taken control of both houses, but only just. He has a majority of just 2 in the senate. That seems so unworkable. If even just one senator rebels against the coalition line and the independent senator votes against the government then the legislation would fail. I feel Italy maybe be forced to go back to the polls in a couple of months. Stil pretty amazing for Prodi though. To leave Italian politics to become Commission President and then to return to Italian politics AND win an election. Very impressive.
Like you say though, it's going to be very difficult to govern with such a small majority.
Sua Emitenzaaa
12-04-2006, 03:04
Wow... 85% that's unheard of... except in places with mandatory voting, but they don't count. Silly Belgians.
Eeuh, silly you with you're poor democracy. Hup Hup Belgians with your best beers and democracy in wich you're sure that everyone has a vote!!!