NationStates Jolt Archive

The future looks

The Black Forrest
07-04-2006, 08:17
Good, bad, whocares?

The way of things seems to be changing in ways we did not think possible.

A coworker told me today he never thought about the future before GWB and now he wonders.

Add in the stagnation of Iraq for the US.

The rise of China and India.

The quasi-theocracy that seems to be happening in the US.

A possible new order seems to be in the make.
07-04-2006, 08:18
Ehh... Why must General stagnate like this?

The future, eh? Well, I really have no clue. I'm hoping for the best, but the best doesn't always happen.
07-04-2006, 08:20
Signs point to yes.
Reply hazy, try again.
Without a doubt.
My sources say no.
As I see it, yes.
You may rely on it.
Concentrate and ask again.
Outlook not so good.
It is decidedly so.
Better not tell you now.
Very doubtful.
Yes - definitely.
It is certain.
Cannot predict now.
Most likely.
Ask again later.
My reply is no.
Outlook good.
Don't count on it.
07-04-2006, 08:23
Signs point to yes.
Reply hazy, try again.
Without a doubt.
My sources say no.
As I see it, yes.
You may rely on it.
Concentrate and ask again.
Outlook not so good.
It is decidedly so.
Better not tell you now.
Very doubtful.
Yes - definitely.
It is certain.
Cannot predict now.
Most likely.
Ask again later.
My reply is no.
Outlook good.
Don't count on it.
I've got a friend who gave me some "decision dice" a holiday or two ago and i've been meh about using them. This just reminded me about it.
Ah, good poll results, btw.
07-04-2006, 08:28
The world always gets worse in some ways. Its how life works, if it didn't life would be a boring hippie-fest. :cool:
Cabra West
07-04-2006, 08:39
In the big picture, nothing much will change, I think.
07-04-2006, 08:42
'bout the same.
Texoma Land
07-04-2006, 08:45
Better and worse are relative terms. It depends on your values and what's important to you. The only thing for sure is that it will be different. And for every "gain" there seems to be a "loss."
07-04-2006, 08:48
A possible new order seems to be in the make.
I say it's a fit time for the release of
Operation Mindcrime II.
Robot Lovers
07-04-2006, 08:50

And regardless of what happens, it will be non-existent in about 5 billion years. Woohoo for the sun dying.
07-04-2006, 09:05
And regardless of what happens, it will be non-existent in about 5 billion years. Woohoo for the sun dying.
Nah, the future will still exist after that. It'll get very interesting for about 8 billion years more, maybe less, and then really, really, really boring.
Robot Lovers
07-04-2006, 09:35
I'm sure that the future will exist in 5 billion. Human life sure as hell won't though.
Egg and chips
07-04-2006, 12:41
While humans exist, the future will always be bad.
07-04-2006, 12:43
I used to be optimistic about the future... I'm convinced that we'll see the end of modern civilization within our lifetimes.

Hope everyone here is a fan of feudalism!!!
Jello Biafra
07-04-2006, 12:46
Hard to say. There will be a time where things get worse, but after people are fed up with getting screwed over by capitalism (mercantilism), we'll see a return to the golden years of the late 1960s, or perhaps something even better, like a bunch of anarchist communes.
07-04-2006, 12:48
My futures so bright, I have to wear shades :cool:
07-04-2006, 12:58
The future's bright, the future's...


(Oh come on. Someone was going to say it.

*Awaits lynch mob*)
Murderous maniacs
07-04-2006, 13:29
the future looks more realistic than we ever imagined, cars don't look like they'll float in the air any time soon.
methinks i've watched great teacher onizuka too much if i can remember a line from the second intro :eek:
07-04-2006, 13:38
The future's bright, the future's...


(Oh come on. Someone was going to say it.

*Awaits lynch mob*)

Curses! I was gonna say that!
07-04-2006, 13:41
Looks exciting at least. I mean, look at the pace technology is developing. In anotherr hundred years we could be anywhere.
Call to power
07-04-2006, 13:55
if history has shown us anything its that whatever we think will happen won't
07-04-2006, 14:16
My futures so bright, I have to wear shades :cool:

07-04-2006, 14:21
My futures so bright, I have to wear shades :cool:
Your future is throwing light on my future... and I liked it better when it was all in shadows. Make it stop!