04-04-2006, 12:38
How come the vast majority of homosexuals are leftwing? Is that even a fact?
The Emperor Fenix
04-04-2006, 12:40
It's because Yuri controls our minds !
No seriouly, it's because when you tend to be more left wing when you find yourself on the sharp end...
Plus Yuri wants your brains.
How come the vast majority of homosexuals are leftwing? Is that even a fact?In the US, perhaps. Pim Forteyn (sp?) is a good example of a right-wing homosexual politician though.
04-04-2006, 12:42
When you say leftwing, do you mean communist types? As I understood it, former communist nations were not hugely sympathetic to homosexuality, any more than Fascist regimes.
I would have thought being liberal is more the way to go...
04-04-2006, 12:42
In the US, perhaps. Pim Forteyn (sp?) is a good example of a right-wing homosexual politician though.
Don't you notice that the guy who posted this thread was NOT american.
Loco Land
04-04-2006, 12:44
I would say because the left wing is generally far more tolerant of homosexuals. Especially because conservatives are usually considered right-wing.
Don't you notice that the guy who posted this thread was NOT american.Really? I'm just saying that there's plenty of non-left wing homosexual politicians in Europe, as opposed to the US, where there are probably not very many (open) homosexuals in the Republican party, or Iran, which probably has even less.
Pure Metal
04-04-2006, 12:47
It's because Yuri controls our minds !
No seriouly, it's because when you tend to be more left wing when you find yourself on the sharp end...
Plus Yuri wants your brains.
yuri was so blatantly gay... or at least closet.
camp faux-russian accent? check.
only hung around with other dudes? check
hated that babe Tanya? check.
wears women's underwear? check...
control/neat-freak? check.
loves phallic-shaped objects? check. (the tesla coil! come on!)
bald with cute little goatee? check.
leftwing? uh-uh! <---- that's the clincher, right there *nods*
(as for the OP i have no idea - perhaps there are some stats out there to prove your point rather than vague generalisations or observations? me, i'm just having a little fun...)
edit: i suppose when the "moral" right, especially in america composed of religious types, denounces what you are as immoral, while the other side, the left, tends to embrace difference like that (pro gay rights/gay marriage/whatever), i would guess gays are left with little choice...
The Emperor Fenix
04-04-2006, 12:49
So i take it you'll be joining us in conquering the despicable capitalist US, we have some agendas which we hope will destroy the US from its very foundations up.
04-04-2006, 12:49
Personally because I was brought up as a leftwinger then turned out to be gay... coincidence. That or more right-wingers just make the effort at staying closeted.
San haiti
04-04-2006, 12:50
When you say leftwing, do you mean communist types? As I understood it, former communist nations were not hugely sympathetic to homosexuality, any more than Fascist regimes.
I would have thought being liberal is more the way to go...
Please tell me where in the world you are that being left wing is equated to communism because last I checked, that didnt happen in England.
leftwing? uh-uh! <---- that's the clincher, right there *nods*So the Soviet Union wasn't left wing? :p
Jester III
04-04-2006, 12:51
The acceptance of homosexuality among lefties and liberals is greater, thus those gays are more likely to come out. Thats the whole deal. There are gay nazis, just recently saw an excellent feature about it and i can attest for an ex-boss of mine being rather conservative and homosexual.
The Alma Mater
04-04-2006, 12:51
How come the vast majority of homosexuals are leftwing? Is that even a fact?
Maybe. The opposite, left wing = gay (or gayfriendly) definately isn't though; just look at Fidel Castro.
Pure Metal
04-04-2006, 12:52
So the Soviet Union wasn't left wing? :p
no, just really, really camp :D
04-04-2006, 12:52
OK, I was being a bit ummm literal, but I understood that on the political scale of left to right, far left = communism and far right = faschism and Liberal = middle ground and thus more ummmm liberal
The Empire Never Ended
04-04-2006, 13:31
Actually status quo is middle ground, conservative is right, liberal is left and like you say, communism and socialism is far left, and faschism and tolitarism is far right. Anarchy though is usually considered side-less and is pictured by pointing arrows going so far out to either side and then circling around to point to each other in the middle since by that time sides don't make much difference.
But that's besides the point. The reason most gays are considered left wing in the US (at least) is because we all saw Vice-president Cheney's lesbian daughter virtually disapeer from the public eye when Bush was running for reelection and Cheney is Tarkin and the reincarnation of everything that is evil.
And now I'm gonna go on a very long vacation so I won't be home when any quail 'accidently' flys over my house...
04-04-2006, 13:35
All of my gay friends have espoused pretty centrist views when we've spoken about political issues, apart from my best friend who is proud to be a diehard Tory (he's gay and he now lives in Scotland, so this seems quite unusual!). So from my experience it isn't true ;)
Overall, I suspect that an individual's world view is more likely to influence their politics, rather than their sexuality. That may have an indirect bearing on things, but I would be pretty sure that it's incidental to things - I mean, being straight doesn't directly cause me to have a certain politics, why should being gay do so?
Actually status quo is middle ground, conservative is right, liberal is left and like you say, communism and socialism is far left, and faschism and tolitarism is far right. Anarchy though is usually considered side-less and is pictured by pointing arrows going so far out to either side and then circling around to point to each other in the middle since by that time sides don't make much difference.
But that's besides the point. The reason most gays are considered left wing in the US (at least) is because we all saw Vice-president Cheney's lesbian daughter virtually disapeer from the public eye when Bush was running for reelection and Cheney is Tarkin and the reincarnation of everything that is evil.
And now I'm gonna go on a very long vacation so I won't be home when any quail 'accidently' flys over my house...Incorrect. Liberal is usually around center, more likely on the right due to economic issues.
Jello Biafra
04-04-2006, 13:38
I would say that gays tend to be socially left-wing, but unfortunately most of the ones I've seen are economically right-wing.
Incorrect. Liberal is usually around center, more likely on the right due to economic issues.The American definition is liberal is left-wing.
04-04-2006, 13:38
Not in the UK; social liberalism is left-wing (think who tries to block things like civil unions for homosexuals), economic liberalism is by definition right-wing.
Overall, I suspect that an individual's world view is more likely to influence their politics, rather than their sexuality. That may have an indirect bearing on things, but I would be pretty sure that it's incidental to things - I mean, being straight doesn't directly cause me to have a certain politics, why should being gay do so?Right now, because there is a certain political direction that espouses the repression of homosexuality. I'd prefer a world in which we don't judge people for their sexual preferences and judge them on whether they're idiots or not instead.
04-04-2006, 13:41
Right now, because there is a certain political direction that espouses the repression of homosexuality. I'd prefer a world in which we don't judge people for their sexual preferences and judge them on whether they're idiots or not instead.
Too many people are idiots for that to ever work....
The American definition is liberal is left-wing.That is mainly because the Democrats cover anything left of center right. That doesn't make centrism or liberalism "left-wing".
04-04-2006, 13:43
Last time I saw a fairly decent poll on the voting habits of homosexuals, it didn't show much difference between gays and the general population. Just that the bellcurve was a bit flatter, ( less moderates, more extremists on both wings ), but definetely no shift to the left.
Too many people are idiots for that to ever work....Depends. We just have to reduce the amount so much that such opinions no longer carry enough weight. There are still plenty of people that think that skin color is more important than actions, but we've managed to reduce them to an insignificant minority in most countries.
Jello Biafra
04-04-2006, 13:44
That is mainly because the Democrats cover anything left of center right. That doesn't make centrism or liberalism "left-wing".
True, but liberalism isn't reserved just for the Democrats.
04-04-2006, 13:46
Depends. We just have to reduce the amount so much that such opinions no longer carry enough weight. There are still plenty of people that think that skin color is more important than actions, but we've managed to reduce them to an insignificant minority in most countries.
Yes, but they run the others... and the majority are for the particular form of idiocy of discrimination based on sexual preference.
04-04-2006, 13:46
Incorrect. Liberal is usually around center, more likely on the right due to economic issues. Certainly, my understanding was that liberalism represented private business and individual rights and choices. I think Americans use the term differently.
Right now, because there is a certain political direction that espouses the repression of homosexuality. I'd prefer a world in which we don't judge people for their sexual preferences and judge them on whether they're idiots or not instead.I agree with that, but I think we're moving closer towards that world. The introduction of gay marriage here in the UK, for example, passed without the fuss from the religious folks that we expected (some still did it, but not to the mad extent we thought). I don't know if such an example really means anything, but I hope it's indicative of a new trend of approval of, or at least indifference to, homosexuality.
04-04-2006, 13:48
Kaz, didn't the majority of the ("socially progressive") Tories vote against it in both Houses?
04-04-2006, 13:49
Certainly, my understanding was that liberalism represented private business and individual rights and choices. I think Americans use the term differently.
I agree with that, but I think we're moving closer towards that world. The introduction of gay marriage here in the UK, for example, passed without the fuss from the religious folks that we expected (some still did it, but not to the mad extent we thought). I don't know if such an example really means anything, but I hope it's indicative of a new trend of approval of, or at least indifference to, homosexuality.
That's probably because the religious folks ( at least the christians in the UK ) - despite many claims to the contrary - also pretty much have the same political leanings as the general population. Of course, might be related to the fact that the vasm majority of the Britons still are perfectly safe members of churches like the Church of England. ( :P )
The Empire Never Ended
04-04-2006, 13:51
I forgot libertarians- they're middle to far left.
04-04-2006, 13:51
Kaz, didn't the majority of the ("socially progressive") Tories vote against it in both Houses?OK, fair point. I don't really expect the Tories to like it given the harping on of some of their members on the importance of the nuclear family, but should they ever get back into government, they wouldn't dare repeal it...it would be political suicide. And the more we're stuck with it, hopefully the more normal it will seem to everyone.
04-04-2006, 13:51
Define members. They attend but many attend while not really believing...
And that's the reason I love CofE, its so limp wristed (so appropriate a phrase....) on matters like homosexuality.
Kaz, they harp, but then look at John Major... had an affair even while espousing family values. Go Tory hypocrisy, I hope it keeps them out of government for a long time to come.
04-04-2006, 13:56
OK, fair point. I don't really expect the Tories to like it given the harping on of some of their members on the importance of the nuclear family, but should they ever get back into government, they wouldn't dare repeal it...it would be political suicide. And the more we're stuck with it, hopefully the more normal it will seem to everyone.
Fair point. Stare decisis is just conventional wisdom. Laissez faire, laissez passer and all that.
Another point, though.
Why do we, the middle, have accept something as common?
People like me are perfectly fine with the argument that your private bedroom is your own concern. Most folks don't care to be busy-bodies, and we don't care to have busy-bodies all over the place either.
But that's what... certain folks.. are doing. Insisting that we consider something as approvable rather than going with the sensible view that it is someone elses business, and we don't care what you do in your own bedroom one way or the other.
Yes, but they run the others... and the majority are for the particular form of idiocy of discrimination based on sexual preference.It wasn't always so that you weren't discriminated against for skin color. We've moved away from that. I have the same hopes for the issue of sexual preference.
04-04-2006, 14:02
It wasn't always so that you weren't discriminated against for skin color. We've moved away from that. I have the same hopes for the issue of sexual preference.
Yes, but they are only hopes, depressingly...
BM, you are being asked to allow the same rights to a homosexual couple as a heterosexual couple. Its keeping your nose out of the bedroom, and also out of the relationship, really.
Blood has been shed
04-04-2006, 14:06
Incorrect. Liberal is usually around center, more likely on the right due to economic issues.
Liberal is anything but center. Ideologically speaking classic liberal is "right" - Modern Liberal is left (welfarism, keynes, developmental individualism)
Libetarian takes a bit of the left and right (but not center) and neo-liberalism is just modern day classical liberalism.
Liberal in American terms pretty much means the Modern liberal ideology thus left wing by most axis.
The Empire Never Ended
04-04-2006, 14:20
The way we're taught in the US liberalism stands for change, while conservatism stands for things stayig the same or going back to the past for political idealogies. If this is true in other countries than no wonder we differ as to where certain things are placed on a right wing-left wing scale- each of our countries have different pasts regarding the same issues.
In the US:
some things conservatism generally stands for are pro- death penalty, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti- 'morning after pill' being available without a prescription
Some things liberalism generally stands for anti- death penalty, pro- abortion, pro- gay marriage, pro- morning after pill being available without a prescription
That's not to say that someone who calls themselves conservative can't have some liberal idealogies or vice-versa, but the issues above are the ones that we come into contact with most often as high schoolers and the labels above are what we are taught in our classrooms.
Some things liberalism generally stands for anti- death penalty, pro- abortion, pro- gay marriage, pro- morning after pill being available without a prescription.That's incorrect. Most of the Democrats I know are pro-choice, not pro-abortion.
04-04-2006, 14:24
Difference being?
The Empire Never Ended
04-04-2006, 14:25
that's what I meant...but I thought terms like "pro-choice" or "pro-life" might not make sense to members of other countries. I should have said "pro- abortion being legal" or somethng instead.
04-04-2006, 14:28
My first (and last) post on this forum:
Just caught my eye -
many of you are using two different word to mean the same thing: "liberal" can mean econominc liberalism and social liberalism. In US for instance the democratic party is liberal for its social aspects, in many European countries liberals mean the right wing parties for their liberal economic politics. That's why you guys disagree..
And that's why easily homosexuals might be lefties - many left wing parties in modern world are liberal on social issues making life for homosexuals somewhat easier.
uhm.. pilkunviilaaja :(
Difference being?If you're pro-abortion, you're in favor of people having abortions. If you're pro-choice, you're in favor of people having the right to have an abortion. It's a minor difference, but someone that's pro-choice isn't necessarily pro-abortion.
that's what I meant...but I thought terms like "pro-choice" or "pro-life" might not make sense to members of other countries. I should have said "pro- abortion being legal" or somethng instead.We've chewed these topics through so often here that most non-Americans know the term ;)
04-04-2006, 14:42
If you're pro-abortion, you're in favor of people having abortions. If you're pro-choice, you're in favor of people having the right to have an abortion. It's a minor difference, but someone that's pro-choice isn't necessarily pro-abortion.
Pollannaism, I refer to Liberal as Liberal socially, because I don't think either isconservative economically (how conservative is public ownership of the production methods, eh?)
Skidway lake
04-04-2006, 14:48
It's clear, because homosexuals have larger brains and genitalia.
Some day we'll all be left....and gay.....and well hung. It's called evolution.
The Empire Never Ended
04-04-2006, 20:18
It's clear, because homosexuals have larger brains and genitalia.
Some day we'll all be left....and gay.....and well hung. It's called evolution.
Lol...this reminds me of my friend who thinks gay people are God's method of population control. You may very well be right
(except the larger genitalia part cause for better or worse I like my vagina the size it is)
Well, it's generally contrary to the interests of someone who is gay to be conservative, since that means condemning themselves. As such, it would make sense for practical reasons to lean to the left, since it also means fighting for their rights.
04-04-2006, 21:47
Really? I'm just saying that there's plenty of non-left wing homosexual politicians in Europe, as opposed to the US, where there are probably not very many (open) homosexuals in the Republican party, or Iran, which probably has even less.
The only homosexual men I can think of in British politics are Tories (right wing party) or Lib Dem (centre).
...and all the 'straight' men with make lovers are right wing.
I had not thought about it before.
The Half-Hidden
04-04-2006, 22:47
Actually status quo is middle ground, conservative is right
The status quo, is by definition, conservative.
Chaotic Doomatic
12-04-2006, 12:34
Round them up and shoot them
Who you're having sex with doesn't change your political leanings. I grew up in a very rural area, as such I'm quite conservative. That said, it'll be a cold day in hell when I vote for a republican that wants to tell me I'm going to hell for who I love.
Conservative democrat, we do exist.
Infinite Revolution
12-04-2006, 12:40
How come the vast majority of homosexuals are leftwing? Is that even a fact?
nope, but most are probably liberal. one of my best friends would regard himself as homosexual and he's a conservative, which strikes me as lunacy but hey, watcha gunna do? :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:
Citta Nuova
12-04-2006, 13:41
Honestly, I have recently concluded that gays are actually much more likely than heteros to be LibDems... In my opinion, the reason for this is that it combines the best of both worlds: Social, personal freedoms (and gay marriage) with liberal (aka right) economic policies (which tend to benefit the rich more than the poor. And gays tend to be significantly wealthier than heteros).
In the offsite forum of the region of Gay, we recently found out that nearly all the politically interested/active members belonged to the LibDems (or their counterparts in other countries, such as D66 in the Netherlands).
In the US, however, because it is much more rightwing, generally speaking, the LibDems could pretty much be equated with the Democrats...
Well, that is what I think anyway.